"Kato-kun is a very talented young man and a lifelong friend of mine. After my invitations, Kato-kun has agreed to serve as the executive consultant of the Suzuki Foundation. This time he came to Chiba and accompanied Kato-kun." Banquet Hall In the middle, Mitsuo Suzuki pointed at Tang Hao and introduced him to everyone with a smile.

Ito and others listened and began to take a serious look at Kato Hao. They did not see the talent or anything, but they all understood Suzuki Mitsuo's importance to this young man.

With Suzuki Mitsuo's transcendent status, even the Prime Minister of Japan has to bow to him as a junior when he meets him. There are only a handful of people he can call his friends, and then he invites him in various ways, and he is an executive consultant. Even a fool can understand this. , this young man named Kato Hao has a very high status in Suzuki Mitsuo's heart.

Moreover, Suzuki Mitsuo also emphasized the word "accompanying". Who can accompany him? Emperor? No, the emperor is not qualified either. Probably the only president of the United States in the world has this qualification.

Of course, they would never connect Tang Hao with the President of the United States no matter what, but they already understood the importance of Tang Hao, so they all came forward to greet him... Judging from Suzuki Mitsuo's attitude, this Kato Hao will be in the future He is probably the important talker of the Suzuki Consortium. Although most of the people here are not qualified to do business with the Suzuki Consortium, it is always right to establish a good relationship in advance.

On the other side, Yukino was dumbfounded.

She never expected to see Tang Hao here, or coming with Suzuki Mitsuo. What's going on? Could it be that Tang Hao has decided to abandon martial arts and engage in business and develop in the Japanese business world?

No, with Tang Hao's ability, even if he really wants to do business, there is no need to go to a small place like Japan. Going to the United States or Europe is no better than Japan. Moreover, does he really have the talent to do business?

It's not that Yukino underestimated Tang Hao. In terms of force value, even if all the countries on this planet were added together, they wouldn't be enough to fight Tang Hao alone. However, doing business and fighting are two different things. If it were a legitimate business competition, even the Suzuki Consortium would probably be defeated. Let him be ruined. This kind of thing is only suitable for him to lie down and collect money.

Since it's not business, then...

Yukino suddenly remembered the private conversation she had with Kato Megumi under the quilt the night before yesterday. Could it be that it was for her?

"By the way, Kato-kun, just now Mr. Suzuki said he was accompanying you to see his girlfriend, so your girlfriend is..."

Suddenly, Ito Sanji's question rang out in the venue, and everyone pricked up their ears to listen. In fact, many of the people who participated in this party brought their female relatives. They were not female prostitutes like Kato Eyuki, but mostly young women like Haruno. They were brought out to see the world and pave the way for future development. If Kato Hao's If your girlfriend is at the venue, she might be your daughter or niece. If that's the case, you can rely on the Suzuki Consortium and become a successful person in the future, which is just around the corner!

Then, in the expectant eyes of everyone, Tang Hao smiled slightly and stood out.

In an instant, Yukino's hand holding the bag tightened a little.

Because Tang Hao was walking straight towards her.

At the same time, Yukino's parents, Harano, and several people in the Ito family all had their eyes widened, right?

Finally, Tang Hao walked up to Xueno and held her hand, "Sorry, I'm late."

For a moment, everyone in the banquet hall held their breath, especially the young women, all of whom had bright eyes and nervous expressions.

Although the blind date between Yukinoshita Yukino and Ito Kenji was not officially announced at the banquet, everyone who cared about it knew that the most important purpose of the Yukinoshita family holding this banquet was. And now, Kato Hao has taken advantage of the power of the Suzuki Foundation and descended from the sky. What do you think? It all smells like snatching a bride. The plot in the novel and movie actually appeared in reality. It’s really... so exciting!

The young women present here have not been tainted by the interests of the mall yet, and they still have a hint of romantic feelings. Seeing this scene, they are inevitably excited and wish they could replace Yukino with themselves.

After all, this bride-stealer is from the Suzuki Consortium and is highly valued by the Suzuki Mitsuo. Regardless of whether he is talented or not, even if he is a piece of shit, he is still shit living in the golden palace.

Moreover, this Kato Hao can kill a lot of idol boy groups just by his appearance, and his temperament is even more outstanding. There is no way he is shit. Even without the support of the Suzuki Foundation, he still meets the mate selection standards of most women.


Not far away, the sip of red wine Yangono had just taken into her mouth spurted out. She didn't expect that Kato Hao's girlfriend would be her sister. After all, she was Yukino. Although she was excellent in all aspects, she was cold. It's terrible, and her personality is like that of a hedgehog, pricking people when she sees her. How could she have a boyfriend?

The most important thing is, Yukino has a boyfriend, why don’t she know it at all?

This unscientific!


She didn't pay attention to the gazes around her. At this moment, Yukino was also in a very excited mood. She was not stupid. By now, she basically understood what was going on, but how to deal with it left her a little confused. At a loss.

While she was hesitating, Tang Hao suddenly stretched out a finger, put it on Xueno's mouth, and smiled softly, "Don't say anything, leave it all to me."

Acting requires a complete set. Although this is just a trivial matter for Tang Hao, it is related to Xueno's future. Now that he has decided to make a career, he must do his best and all responsibilities are his own. Taking responsibility can also avoid Yukino's embarrassment.

As for whether he can afford it, Mitsuo Suzuki is here anyway.

Of course, Tang Hao didn't know that his simple movements were so arousing to the women around him that his electric eyes and soft sweet words were just like...

"Okay... Asasi..."

In an instant, the young women around him were all drunk. Their hearts were beating wildly and at the same time they were screaming. Why, why was such a good-looking and gentle man not her boyfriend?

I'm actually not that bad either.

thump! thump! thump……

Yukino was also aroused. She felt that her heartbeat was accelerating rapidly. Even if she couldn't see it, she knew that her face must have turned red. Looking at Tang Hao's gentle smile, she had never thought that this person There is such a side, if this is true, but...

This is fake!

It's acting!

Moreover, he already has a wife!

Yukino clutched her bag tightly, reminding herself over and over again in her heart not to think wildly.

Then, when Tang Hao's fingers left her lips, she felt a slight sense of loss for no reason.

"Everyone, in fact, Yukino and I have been dating for more than two months. Due to some reasons, we have never mentioned it. Just taking advantage of this banquet, I want to announce to everyone that Yukino is my girlfriend. If this causes some unnecessary It’s a misunderstanding, and I hope everyone can understand.”

Tang Hao unleashed his charm and explained as softly as possible. Of course, the main targets of explanation were actually Yukino's parents and the Ito family.

The scene was temporarily silent, and only a few seconds later sparse applause broke out.

Then, Kenji Ito came over.

Seeing him, some people were already on tenterhooks. After all, strictly speaking, he had been raped, so he would start a fight, right?

However, Ito Kenji still smiled as always. He walked up to Tang Hao and Yukino and stretched out his hand, "Hello, my name is Ito Kenji. Congratulations to you, Kato-san, Miss Yukinoshita, I wish you happiness."

Tang Hao glanced at him twice, then stretched out his hand to shake his hand and said with a smile: "Thank you."

With Tang Hao's current ability, it is not difficult to judge whether a person is sincere or fake. In his opinion, Ito Kenji is not the kind of person who is inconsistent with his appearance. In addition to his sincere blessings, there is also A bit of relief, probably, he himself didn't want to participate in this kind of blind date party.

Generally speaking, this is a good man. It gives Tang Hao no chance to show off and slap him in the face, but it is good to end this incident peacefully.

Even Ito Kenji sent his blessings, and it was even less likely that others would have any opinions. Soon, Tang Hao and Yukino were surrounded by everyone, while Ito Kenji silently retreated to the sidelines and stood with Kato Megumi. .

"Hello, Miss Kato."

"Hello, Mr. Ito." Kato Megumi smiled slightly, looked at Kenji Ito for a few times, and suddenly said, "I have a question to ask you, is it okay?"

"Please say."

"Just now, did Mr. Ito admit the wrong person on purpose?"

Kenji Ito was stunned, "Why do you say that?"

"Because of the way you called Miss Haruno, although Miss Haruno came to the rescue at my suggestion, judging from the way you called her, you are not unfamiliar with her. Since you know that she is from the Yukinoshita family Eldest daughter, even if you have never met Yukino, it should be impossible for you to admit your mistake to me and her sister."

"So the flaw is here..." Ito Kenji smiled casually, but there was a bit of bitterness in his smile, "You are right, I admitted my mistake on purpose. In fact, I want to be a musician, but my family does not Allow me, I can only give up my ideal, but at least I hope that my marriage can be chosen by myself."

"That's why you mistakenly identified me as Yukino. It also indirectly expressed that you are not interested in Yukino."

"She's actually very good, but she's not my type. If I hadn't been worried about my family's business, I probably wouldn't have attended today. But I didn't expect you to use that method to resolve the situation. I was ready to apologize. Compensation is prepared.”

"Then Mr. Ito may be satisfied with the current ending."

"I'm indeed very satisfied, at least...compared to before, I don't regret attending today's banquet." Kenji Ito nodded, then turned around, looked at Megumi Kato with clear eyes, and plucked up the courage to say, "Ms. Kato , I like women who are considerate, I am very happy to see you here, if..."

"Sorry, Mr. Ito."


Megumi Kato pointed to the banquet center and said, "My brother is calling me."

"Your brother?"

"Kato Hao is my brother. He announced his girlfriend in public. As a sister, I also have to express my gratitude. Please forgive me for leaving first. I'm sorry."

"Yes, yes...please do it."

Kenji Ito smiled softly, and looked at Megumi Kato's leaving figure. His smile gradually faded away, looking very disappointed.

got rejected.

Although he didn't have time to say his confession, he knew that Kato Megumi understood it and rejected him in a way that didn't hurt him. She was really a very considerate girl.

It's a pity that such a girl does not belong to me.

So sad.

Kenji Ito closed his eyes silently.

Is this what it feels like to be out of love?

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