You guys really know how to play in the second dimension

647 I’m Kato Hao, what are you doing?

The fact that he mistakenly recognized his blind date at a formal banquet was not a big deal or a small matter, but it was definitely very embarrassing.

Especially when Kato Megumi and Yukino came together, Ito Kenji was not blind, both of them could see it, but he greeted Kato Megumi first. Does that mean that he likes Kato Megumi more than Yukino? If this is the case, telling him that he admitted the wrong person will cause great embarrassment and even embarrassment to both parties present.

Japanese society is a scene that pays great attention to face and etiquette. Generally speaking, even if the two parties have conflicts with each other, they will not openly fight in formal occasions. Even if they are roundabout, there will be very little ridicule. They are not high school students, nor are they A boss treats a subordinate, so it is already a very serious social mistake just to embarrass people and make them unable to step down.

Even Kato Megumi found this situation a little tricky.

She originally thought that since Ito Kenji was Yukino's blind date, he at least knew him after seeing the photo, and there was nothing wrong with her being by Yukino's side as Yukino's friend. Love in colleges and universities is like this. A boy hands a love letter to a girl's shoe cabinet. After the girl receives it, she invites her two or three friends to meet the boy. Regardless of whether she accepts or rejects, someone will accompany her. This is Japan. Traditionally, it is also due to safety considerations. Like in anime, it is very rare for girls to meet boys alone unless they have no friends.

Therefore, Kato Megumi felt that his actions were completely fine.

But she never expected that Kenji Ito didn't know Yukino.

How could you not know him?

Why don't you recognize me?

At this moment, Kato Megumi's little mind immediately started running at high speed.

At the same time, both parties involved in the meeting were still in an awkward state of silence. Yukino, her parents and relatives accompanying Ito Kenji all stared at each other, a little anxious, especially the two relatives of Ito Kenji. They had seen Yukino’s photos, and each Everyone was quite satisfied, so they agreed to the invitation to this party. But now that something like this happened, the mistake was on their side. No matter what the reason was, it was always because things were not done well and the problem was huge.


At this moment, Yangno, who was wearing a white dress, came out from the side and tried to smooth things over with a smile. But as soon as she opened her mouth, the girl's silver bell-like laughter suddenly rang in everyone's ears.

"Haha, I won, Yukino." Megumi Kato changed his usual calm image, hugged Yukino's shoulders very lively, and said with a smile, "We agreed to give Mr. Ito a surprise, and it really worked. .”

"Eh?" Xueno was still stunned and didn't understand at all.

Megumi Kato had already let go of Yukino's shoulders, first glanced at Harano, then bowed deeply to Kenji Ito, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Mr. Ito, Yukino and I had a little fun earlier because of a whim. In the game, we exchanged each other's dresses and didn't tell you before. I'm really sorry and ask for your forgiveness."

"That's why Yukino rarely wears a kimono." Harano walked over and looked at Kato Megumi's dress, smiling like a spring breeze, "Yukino personally selected this dress. I thought she would use it." At today's banquet, I secretly sent a photo of this dress to Ito-san during the day, so he accidentally recognized the wrong person... I'm sorry, Ito-san, I was also deceived by the two of them."

Finally, Yangno put his hand to his mouth and smiled playfully at Kenji Ito.

Kenji Ito was obviously not an idiot. He immediately laughed along with this routine, scratched his head and said, "So that's it. This game is very interesting. It really surprised me. Miss Haruno and this lady don't need to apologize. They have to apologize." It’s because I didn’t pay attention and was only looking at the dress, I’m sorry, Miss Yukinoshita.”

With that said, Ito Kenji also bowed to Yukino and apologized.

Yukino quickly saluted back, saying that he was overplaying his game and caused everyone to misunderstand.

This kind of case of misidentifying someone because of their dress has not happened before in social circles. Although there is something wrong with the game, if it is an adult, you have to blame a few words, but the parties involved are only two female high school students, and they are still children. Occasionally Playing a small game is also a harmless problem, and the attitude of acknowledging the mistake and apologizing afterwards is very good, so there is no need to blame.

Thus, an embarrassing incident of mistaken identity was resolved peacefully and smoothly, and both the host and the guest breathed a sigh of relief.

"Not bad, Kato." When the people around him weren't paying attention, Yuno gently patted Kato Megumi's shoulder, winked and smiled. Before, she only thought that Yukino's friend was kind and easy-going, but she didn't expect that there was someone else. This kind of quick wit, this ability to reduce big things into small things, is not something that everyone can possess, and even oneself has been tricked.

Kato Megumi let out a breath and said modestly, "It's nothing. I'm still far behind Miss Harano."

"They all say just call her Yangno."

"Sorry, I forgot again, but Miss Haruno is an elder after all."

"Well, if Yukino was half as capable as you, I probably wouldn't have had this kind of trouble today." Yangno sighed secretly. Yukino was excellent in all aspects, but in terms of personality, her tact and adaptability when getting along with others were worse than Megumi Kato is several levels behind.

Megumi Kato shook her head and said with a smile: "I don't think I am any better than Yukino. She has things she is good at, and I have things I am good at. She just hasn't reached the right stage yet."

"The stage...where can there be a stage for her?" Yangno murmured.

"It will appear soon. Today's game is not over yet." Megumi Kato looked at Yukino, who was being dragged by her parents to chat with Kenji Ito not far away, narrowed her eyes and smiled slightly, "Besides, I think Mr. Ito We should also be looking forward to the situation changing.”

"Huh?" Yang Nai glanced at her, as if she didn't understand.

Although Yukino's parents forced their daughter to talk to Kenji Ito, their expressions were a little disappointed, because Yukino still looked cold and indifferent as before. Although there was nothing rude, it still made people unhappy. Kenji Ito was. He has a friendly attitude and a smile on his face, but he only uses business-like social rhetoric. I can't feel how much enthusiasm he has for Yukino. Perhaps since he recognized the wrong person just now, it means that there is no possibility for these two people.

But Yukino's parents still don't want to give up. They actually know something about Ito Kenji. Although his ability as the heir to the consortium is somewhat lacking, he has a good personality and does not have a chaotic private life. He is a good match.

Although he and Yukino seem to be a bit out of touch, things like relationships are slowly accumulated by getting along day and night. As time goes by, maybe things will get better gradually?

Many marriages are born like this, love at first sight? Destined for three lives? There is not so much romantic love in this world. In the final analysis, love is just a product of life.

Yukino's parents saw clearly and still wanted to bring the two people together.

At this moment, an attendant suddenly ran into the banquet hall in a hurry. Seeing him running towards him, Yukino's father apologized and stepped forward to greet him. Then his face suddenly changed, "What did you say?" ?Mitsuo Suzuki?!"

Yukino's father blurted out subconsciously, and in an instant, the entire banquet hall fell silent.

The name Suzuki Mitsuo was like a bomb, making everyone speechless. Even the two members of the Ito family looked surprised, not expecting to hear this name here.

"Yukishita-san, the Suzuki Mitsuo you just mentioned..."

"Yes, Ito-san, that's Mr. Suzuki Mitsuo. He seems to have come to our banquet."

"How is that possible? He is..."

"Whether it's true or not, Ito-san, let's go out and greet him."

"Yes, yes, Yukinoshita-san is right, we can't lose our etiquette."

While talking, everyone, led by Yukino's father and the Ito family, immediately walked outside, and as soon as they reached the door of the banquet, an old man appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone stopped immediately, their faces full of surprise.

This old man looks to be over sixty years old, with half of his hair white, but he appears to be full of energy. His closed mouth gives off an air of calmness and self-reliance, and his eyes are like an eagle.

Is it really Mr. Suzuki?

No, didn't it mean that Suzuki Mitsuo was seriously ill and was recuperating at home?

I heard people say that he even needs a cane to walk.

Why do you look so energetic? It can't be fake, right?

Everyone looked at each other, but in the end they didn't voice these questions out loud.

"You are..." Xueno's father stepped forward.

Suzuki Mitsuo glanced at him, but quickly passed by. The Yukinoshita family was a famous family in Chiba, but to him, it was just an insignificant role, not enough for him to know. His eyes quickly fell on the Ito family. One of them said with a smile, "Sanji Ito, I recognize you. The affairs of Jingsheng Bank were done well back then."

It’s really Suzuki Mitsuo!

Ito Sanji's body was shaken, and he no longer had any doubts. He quickly bowed and said: "Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Suzuki!"

Sanji Ito, a middle-aged man in his forties, looked like a flattered child at this moment.

This is also a matter of course. Although Ito and Suzuki are both conglomerate families, consortiums and consortiums are also different in size. In terms of assets, ten Itos may be comparable to one Suzuki, but in terms of influence, a hundred Itos It is not as good as a Suzuki, and the name Suzuki Mitsuo has long been an indelible symbol in Japan. Even many consortium heads have been mentored by Suzuki Mitsuo.

But why is he here?

Suzuki Mitsuo's identity was confirmed by Ito Sanji. There is no doubt about it, but this makes people feel even more strange. With Suzuki Mitsuo's status, how could he attend such a small local banquet?

It's not that Yukino's father has low self-esteem, but he really feels that a banquet of this level cannot accommodate the dragon of Suzuki Mitsuo.

"Don't be nervous, I just came here today for a casual walk." Just when everyone was suppressed by Suzuki Mitsuo's momentum, he smiled lightly, "I'm accompanying a friend to meet his girlfriend... Kato-kun .”

A man in a suit walked out from behind Mitsuo Suzuki and smiled at everyone, "Hello everyone, my name is Kato Hao."

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