"Get rid of it, not catch up, phew"

In a certain alleyway in the darkness, Aozaki Orange and the two rituals stopped running and made sure that there was no pursuit behind them. Then they breathed a sigh of relief. The two rituals leaned directly against the wall, looking like they were about to fall down at any time. look like.

Although the battle with Berserker only lasted a short time, not even half a minute, the pressure I felt during the battle was unprecedented, like facing a tsunami hurricane, like dancing on the tip of a knife, She must concentrate 100% of her attention at all times. If she is not careful, she will die.

"That guy... is a real monster!" Liang Riyan closed her eyes and sighed. If she could, she definitely didn't want to fight a monster like that a second time.

"Can't you kill him even if you die?" Aozaki Orange asked.

Liang Li shook his head, "I can see his death line. If I can hit his death line... But the gap in combat power between the two sides is too big. If I want to cross his attack and defense and hit his death line, it will take a hundred battles." There’s probably only one chance to win.”

In other words, if the two fight each other a hundred times, the two rituals may have a chance to kill berserker once, and the remaining ninety-nine times they will spend the remaining ninety-nine times learning how to write the word "death".

Aozaki Orange frowned. Now he couldn't even find Aoko's shadow. He encountered such a terrifying and powerful enemy. He was defeated twice in a row. The plan to capture Kuonji Yuju may have to be postponed.

"By the way, what happened before? What did you do to me?" Suddenly, Liang Si asked.

Orange replied: "Rune runes."


Orange stretched out his finger and drew a rune in mid-air. It was crooked and didn't look like Japanese or English. Anyway, the two rituals couldn't recognize it.

Orange quickly erased the runes and explained, "I have always been interested in completing incomplete things. I once had a conflict with my grandfather because of this. After entering the Magic Association Clock Tower, I became interested in the almost lost knowledge. The runes were reviewed and studied, and the twenty-four characters of the runes were magically regenerated."

"The runes we used on you before have the direct effect of increasing your physical activity and strengthening your physique, giving you the possibility to surpass human limits in a short period of time."

"That's it. No wonder I avoided the monster's attack then." Liang Lili suddenly realized, and then blinked. If Chengzi continued to use runes on her, she might have a greater chance of defeating the monster.

Chengzi seemed to know what she was thinking, and said: "The runes I reviewed are not the original runes after all. There are certain deficiencies in technology, and the amount of improvement is limited. At least it will definitely not be able to strengthen your body to the level from where it was before. At the level of a magician... rather, it is impossible for modern magicians to do it, unless they are magicians from the Gods."

Then he looked at Liang Li's legs and said, "Besides, there are also certain side effects. You should be able to feel it now."

Liang Xi touched his legs. Indeed, they were more sore than usual, as if he had been running for more than 10,000 meters non-stop, and his muscles were in a state of exhaustion.

"You should be able to recover, right?"

"Of course."

The two men breathed a sigh of relief.

Orange continued, "Rune Rune is not a magic that can be used externally, because I have sold its patent to the Clock Tower at a high price."

"Sold?" The two of them were stunned. She also knew that there was such a transfer transaction between magicians. "In other words, you no longer have the qualifications to teach to others, including the right to use it? Then what did you just do? Use it on me?"

Cheng Zi thought for a moment and shook his head, "What the hell!"

Although she once studied in the Clock Tower, she no longer has a good impression of her because the Clock Tower gave her a restraining seal designation that no magician could bear to forgive.

So she left the Clock Tower in a rage, and is currently in a hostile relationship with the Clock Tower.

Of course, out of basic moral integrity, she would no longer transfer runes to outsiders, but she was too lazy to care about the rest.

"Then you are really a nasty guy." Liang Li did not know the inside story and expressed his own opinion.

Orange didn't bother to explain. To her, that wasn't something worth talking about.

Holding his head and sitting down on the ground, Liang Li raised his head and said, "Then what are you going to do next? If you want to continue fighting that monster, I will never be able to do it now."

"Don't you hate me?"

"Well, I hate it, but at least we can be together." Liang Li said lightly. Her feelings for people are actually very animalistic and have nothing to do with likes and dislikes. First of all, they are divided into those who can be together and those who don't want to be together. People, if they are the former, they will stay with them even if they hate them.

"So, I'll just continue to be used by you."


Aozaki Orange was stunned. Did this guy know that he was using her from the beginning?

It turns out he’s not an idiot.

"Since you know I'm using you, why are you still willing to join forces with me?"

"It's nothing." Liang Lili looked indifferent and tilted his head, "At least in this strange place, I only know you. Anyway, I was working for you, and... if I don't go back, then Guys would probably be bothered.”

As she spoke, the figure of Mikiya Kurogiri could not help but appear in her mind. She had traveled through time for about four years. If he knew that she was gone, that guy Kurogiri would go crazy looking for her.

But having said that, if I return to Guanbuzi City now, I wonder if I can see myself in this timeline... Will it cause a time paradox?

The two rituals were thought with slight interest.

Listening to her words and watching her actions, Aozaki Orange gradually understood what kind of person the girl in front of her was. She nodded and said: "Okay, since our goals are the same, it's not about using or not, but for now , both the monster and the original plan have to be abandoned, and we must do another thing."

"What's up?"

"Holy Grail War."

"...a game of grabbing cups?" Liang Li blinked, "The girl seemed to have mentioned it before."

"Probably... almost." Aozaki Orange didn't want to explain too much, so he just said, "In short, the Holy Grail War is an activity carried out by magicians in order to reach the root. They use opportunistic methods to combine heroes from the past era with The identity of the servant is summoned to the present world, just like the monster we encountered before, it may be the great hero of some mythical story."

"No wonder it's so strong. So, we have to summon monsters like that too?"

Aozaki Orange put his hand to his mouth, his eyes flickering, "As far as I know, the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City was jointly organized by Tohsaka, Matou and Einzbern, with a total of seven magicians. I don't know what's going on now. At which stage it has reached, but they do not exclude foreign magicians, so I am also qualified to participate in the Holy Grail War... Although I have no interest in the Holy Grail, I can give it a try."

"The Yusan family? Could it be that the girl we met before belongs to this family?" Liang Li asked.

This sentence seemed to wake up Aozaki Orange, and his eyes flashed, "Illyasviel... Einzbern. I see, no wonder he has such an extreme magic circuit."

"you know?"

Aozaki Yuko's expression was natural, "It's hard not to recognize them. The Einzbern clan is also inherited from magicians. Fuyuki's Holy Grail War was presented through the incomplete third method... Forget it, let's talk about this later. , let’s find a way to summon the followers first, hoping it’s not too late.”

After a while, the two came to a relatively secluded place. Aozaki Orange made a summoning array with phosphorus powder. From the perspective of the two rituals, this summoning array was not complicated at all.

"Is it okay to be so simple?" Liang Si sat on a stone next to him and asked. The only one who wants to summon a servant is Aozaki Orange, and she has no interest in it.

Aozaki Orange said without looking back, "The summoning array is just a ritual. In order to be able to connect with the earth's veins and resonate with the Holy Grail, it does not need to be complicated and sophisticated. Even if you are a beginner magician... no, even if it is not magic. Master, as long as the conditions are met, you can summon a follower. As for what kind of follower you summon, it depends on the holy relic."

"What if there are no holy relics?"

"Based on the characteristics of the summoner, summon a servant similar to yourself from human history to compare the character or experience."

"It's almost like finding a needle in a haystack."

"Yes, so in order to avoid this kind of randomness, holy relics are indispensable. Of course, even if there are holy relics, it will only narrow the target range."

While talking, Aozaki Orange took out a plate-sized piece from somewhere, which looked very old.

"Is this your holy relic?" Liang Li asked.

"It's just something I collected before." Orange replied, "I like to collect magic-related items. This one is relatively expensive. According to the seller, it seems to be a fragment of a chariot from the mythical era, although I don't know whether it is true or not."

"You don't have much money, why would you spend a lot of money to buy something like this that is almost useless?" Liang Riyi jumped down from the stone. Of course, she would not think that this was what Chengzi had expected today, so she The holy relic was prepared in advance, so if it weren't for this accident, this thing would probably never be used, and it would just be a waste of money.

Chengzi said calmly, "It's nothing, I collected it in my sister's name."

Liang Li smacked his lips, "Fortunately I don't have a sister like you."

"It's begun." Aozaki Orange put the holy relic into the summoning array and used the magic circuit to surge, "...cross the wheel of suppression and appear, guardian of the scales!"


In an instant, brilliance flashed, and a majestic and tall figure appeared in the summoning array. The bold and arrogant smile was vaguely visible, and... short green hair like a hedgehog.

"Hey, are you my master? You really picked a good servant."

A man's hearty voice came from the front.

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