With a monster-like roar, berserker launched an attack on the enemy in front.

Although this is the first time he has come into contact with the existence of a servant, Aozaki Orange has already judged that the monster in front of him cannot be defeated by ordinary magic. It requires at least the power of a great magic level, but any use of great magic requires a certain amount of energy. The long preparation time did not give her the opportunity to use great magic at the moment.

Therefore, Aozaki Orange quickly grabbed the golden wolf at his feet and moved back to avoid its sharp edge.


The knife like a big ax struck at the two rituals, and the violent momentum swept over, like a heavily loaded truck. Even the two rituals felt frightened. Their toes quickly touched the ground, and their thin bodies moved toward them like civet cats. Sweeping to the left, the substantial sword wind flew past her.

There was a stinging pain, and a bloody mark was cut on the cheeks of the two rituals.

The wound was not deep, but extremely sharp.

Just the air flow caused by the slash is already comparable to a real sword.

So strong!

This was the most intuitive impression that Li Li had experienced. The giant in front of her was definitely the most powerful opponent she had encountered in more than ten years of her life.

The story of the Two Ritual is not limited to the Realm of Kong. As the heir of the Liangyi family, one of the four demon-exorcist families, she had received various cruel trainings and battles with monsters before the story of the Realm of Kong took place.

Of course, each of the four major demon exorcism families has a different system. For example, the Wu Jing family specializes in praying and summoning spirits, and belongs to the mage system. The Asakami family awakens various superpowers in the human body, such as Asakami Fujino, who belongs to the supernatural system. Qiyajia specializes in physical training and can make some incredible moves that break through physical limits. He belongs to the melee type. As for the Ayasha family, they artificially created a dual personality, and they don’t know what family they belong to.

The four major exorcism families are quite famous in Japan's inner world, and they belong to the nobles among the nobles. However, with the changes of the times, except for the Ryogi family, the other three families have declined, and the Nanye family has been brutally wiped out.

Speaking of which, the Tono family gathered the strength of the entire family and foreign aid, launched a major sneak attack, and wiped out the Nanye family. Later, they adopted Shiki Nanaya, the only orphan of the Nanye family. I don’t know what happened. In what state of mind? Nanaya Shiki changed his name to Tono Shiki. Does this count as recognizing a thief as his father?

No wonder in Tsukihime's story, no matter which route, Tono Akiha doesn't have a happy ending. It's probably karma in a sense, the father's debt is repaid by the daughter.

Okay, that's a bit of a stretch.

In short, among the four major demon exorcism families, the Qiye family has the strongest melee combat ability. Through inhuman training, their bodies can break through the limits of the human body in exchange for powerful close combat capabilities. Although the Yangyi family is also good at close combat, After all, it is still a little inferior to the Nanaya clan. For example, the swordsmanship of the two rituals is about five levels.

However, the fifth level of modern swordsmanship, how about competing with the disciples?

Here, Hohoin, Yagyu and others who were praised to the sky, all of them have spear and sword skills in the divine realm, which are weak among the servants, because characters from the mythical age like Uncle B's big dog Finn, they The beginning of martial arts is in the realm of gods.

Of course, after Uncle B was transformed into madness, his martial arts may not still be at the level of the gods, but instead he has a full A-level physique. Just relying on the strength of his physical body is enough to crush 99% of the servants, which is worthy of Called unparalleled in the world.

As the saying goes, one force can defeat ten. Under such physical strength, the strength of martial arts is no longer the decisive factor.

This is exactly what the two rituals are facing now. Under the fierce slashing, she can't even get close. She can only rely on her high-speed movement and lightning-quick reflexes to continuously dodge.

The thin body became the only advantage of the two rituals at this time. She was originally a speed type. Although she could not perform the inhuman attack movements like Nanaya Shiki, her body was more flexible than a cat. The speed is close to the inhuman level.

However, it can only be avoided.

After all, Berserker's agility is also A, he is a flexible giant, flying over walls and walls is not difficult for him at all.

Again, the number one hero in Greek mythology, even with the relatively unfavorable rank of berserker, is still a powerful servant. Even if he was defeated by Jin Shining in the ubw route, it was not a crime of war. If Jin Shining hadn't attacked Illya and made him tired of dealing with it, he would have given him a fair fighting stage just like he did against the Emperor in the fourth battle. Shining's chance of winning was only 50% at best. After all... the Heavenly Lock couldn't trap him at all.

At this time, it is just two human rituals. To describe it as a one-sided crushing is not an exaggeration at all.

The human body has its limits!

There is no moment when Liang Ritual has a clearer understanding of this sentence than now. Whether it is mental body or concentration, she has exerted 100%, and even exceeded the previous limits. If it were the previous monsters, You can end the battle and go home long ago.

However, the giant she faced at this moment was more terrifying than all the monsters she had encountered before. Under the violent storm of attacks, she could not find any chance to fight back. The muscles of her legs seemed to have screamed. Even avoiding it is extremely difficult.

This is a real monster!

The two rituals gritted their teeth and persisted. On the opposite side, the slash was swung again. This was not a slash at all, it was simply a storm!


Liang Li's heart was filled with confusion. Facing this battle with no chance of winning, she gradually felt a will to refuse to admit defeat. She resisted the stinging pain in her nerves and stabbed out the dagger like lightning.

At this moment, her eyes released a blue gaze.

call out!

With a strange sound, berserker's slash suddenly disappeared without a trace.

What a great opportunity...what a pity.

The two rituals immediately discovered each other's flaw, and wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to stab the dagger into the giant's body, but her fragile body no longer allowed her to make any further movements, and Berserker's reaction was faster than she imagined. , jumped up.

Without even giving him a chance to hesitate, the perfect opportunity had already slipped away from Liang Li's eyes. In desperation, she could only retreat and distance herself from the other party while adjusting her body.

What it is?

At the same time, Illya's eyes widened.

The opponents were just two humans, so she didn't take it to heart at first. Even if the magician had a terrifying magic eye, he was still vulnerable to Berserker. As for the young lady holding the dagger, she didn't even care. As an opponent, the miscellaneous fish that was suppressed by Berserker in an instant should be dealt with in a few seconds.

But this is indeed the case. It has only been ten seconds since the battle began, and the two rituals are already a little overwhelmed. But, that last knife... what happened?

Berserker's slashing attack disappeared for no reason.

It's almost... it's like she killed the slash? !

Her eyes turned blue.

Could it be... some kind of future vision that kills concepts?

"berserker, stop letting loose, kill her!"

Subconsciously, Illya had a bad premonition and quickly ordered that this young lady must be killed immediately!


Berserker responded to his master's command with a violent roar, and then his speed and strength increased again.

Can it become stronger? !

The two rituals were shocked. Berserker's sudden increase in strength completely destroyed her original rhythm. When she reacted, a storm-like slash was already in front of her eyes...

No, it's too late!

The eyes of the two rituals suddenly widened. She had jumped back, but the speed of the two was not at the same level. She seemed to be able to see that the moment she jumped up, the giant's knife split her body into two. half the future


At this moment, a strange Roman sound came into the ears of the two rituals.


Before she could understand the two rituals, she found herself six or seven meters above the ground. Her legs seemed to be filled with some kind of power, and her body became as light as a feather.

"It's you!"

Illya turned her head sharply and stared at Aozaki Orange not far away.

The two rituals were busy dealing with Berserker's attack and did not see it clearly, but she saw it. At the moment when the two rituals were about to be killed, the magician played a rune and integrated it into the legs of the two rituals.

Damn it, I could have killed that young lady just now!

Illya was dissatisfied, but Aozaki Orange did not respond. Instead, he shook his hands and threw out two things.

Click, click, click...

It was originally a sphere-like object, but it made a strange sound when it was thrown out. In an instant, it turned into an adult-sized doll with red hair and four arms, and it quickly rushed towards Illya.

This is Orange's combat doll, fully automatic.

If Kuonji Yuju is here, you will definitely find that the two dolls have almost the same hairstyle as Aoko, and even the face shapes are 70% similar... It goes without saying that the battle dolls are made to look like younger sisters. From the evil intention of Orange's revenge.

"A doll? I thought this kind of thing..."

Illya smiled disdainfully, stretched out her hand to brush her hair, and two white birds flew out from her hair.


boom! ! !

Before Illya could fight back, one of the dolls exploded in mid-air. The smoke and dust raised blocked Illya's sight and White Bird's attack, while the other doll emerged from the smoke and dust to get more information. He pounced on Illya as fast as he could.

That's too late……



The giant returned to defense in time, stood in front of the girl, and crushed the girl to pieces with one kick.


But at the same time, the two rituals also got out of trouble. Following Aozaki Orange's order, the two quickly got into the darkness.

Illya jumped on the giant's shoulders and searched in the direction the two left. She didn't know whether the other party was too fast or used some kind of hidden magic, so she couldn't feel the breath at all.

"Ah, he got away."

Illya looked away and sighed. Although she suppressed the enemy throughout the battle, she was exploited by the opponent in tactics.

"They are really two difficult sisters."

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