Ever since he signed a contract with the Golden Wolf and brought it out of the mysterious mountains, Aozaki Orange had let it fight against many people, and the results were always victorious without any suspense, whether it was a magician or something else. , are all so vulnerable in the face of three thousand years of mystery.

So, she returned to Sanshi with the Golden Wolf, using it as a trump card against her sister.

In fact, if Aoko was alone, she would be confident enough to handle it. After all, she was just an ordinary sixteen-year-old girl who was a high school girl a year ago. Being a magician was just an entry level, so there was no reason why she couldn't handle it.

However, once she conflicts with Aoko, she will inevitably fall into the struggle for the spiritual veins of the three cities. This is an act of invasion, which is equivalent to a declaration of war on the spiritual vein managers. Every magician has the obligation and right to respond to the invasion. Therefore, Kuonji Yuju, who is also a manager of spiritual veins, will inevitably become her enemy.

As an old friend who has known each other for ten years, she knows very well what kind of level this witch who lives in seclusion in modern times is. Once the other party becomes serious, she will not have the slightest chance. Therefore... the Golden Wolf is not so much about dealing with Qingzi. Said that it was the opponent she had prepared for Yuzhu.

And the result was just as she calculated. Even the witch was as vulnerable to the golden wolf as an ordinary magician. Aozaki Orange originally thought she had a chance to win, but what she never expected was that just before the decisive blow was struck, everything changed.

Without any warning and without giving anyone a chance to react, Qingzi and Youzhu, who were right in front of them, disappeared without a trace, and even he himself came to a completely unfamiliar environment.

After a simple investigation, Aozaki Orange finally realized that she had arrived in the future 11 years later. This discovery shocked her so much that it was difficult to imagine that it was caused by magic, or even magic.

Everything that can be achieved by science is called magic. For example, making flames with your fingers can be done by human-made match lighters, but traveling through time and space is something that human technology cannot do. It can only be magic.

Aoko’s magic!

Aozaki Orange immediately made such a judgment, and her desire to deal with Aoko became even stronger, because from the beginning she attacked Sanshi, not just to deal with it, but more because she wanted to see magic with her own eyes. Why? Aoko can become a magician, but she can't? If he saw magic, he might be able to become a magician and let his grandfather know that his choice was not entirely correct!

A little stubborn and a little angry, but it is her strongest impulse at the moment. For this, she can do whatever it takes, such as bringing the golden wolf out of the mountains, doing this kind of insulting and mysterious behavior, or even killing her own relatives. younger sister.

However, she found Yuju Kuonji again.

It has to be said that this old friend who has known each other for ten years does have talents and qualities that are superior to hers. He actually occupied the magic position of the local soul manager in such a short period of time. But with the golden wolf in hand, Chengzi He wasn't worried until...the golden wolf was beaten and fled.

The Golden Wolf used its strength to show what true cowardice is. This defeat made Orange aware of the crisis. First of all, Youzhu seems to have reached a consensus with the local spiritual pulse manager and formed an alliance, otherwise the man would not take action.

Secondly, based on the man's fighting style, it is very likely that he has undergone some kind of extreme training, allowing his body to break through the limits of human beings, so that his speed and strength have reached an inhuman level. This kind of power has nothing to do with mystery, not only can Threatening the Golden Wolf, even she would be fatal once she got close.

As long as that man stayed by Yuzhu's side, there was nothing he could do.

It is no longer possible to implement such a plan to capture Youzhu and use it as bait to lure Qingzi to show up.

Damn it!

Aozaki Chengzi gritted her teeth. She had already lost her calmness and balance, and the hatred in her heart further deepened. She hates the kind of people who are born with everything. The choices made by God distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of each person, making all efforts become as funny as a clown. Why?

Why should man's future be determined by God?

Why can people who are born with everything continue to have it?

Why can't I reap any rewards for my efforts?

This is not fair!

At this moment, Aozaki Orange was played by an unfair fate. She did not have the composure and indifference she had during the Kongjing period. Her whole person was in an extreme state, and her thoughts and behaviors were contrary to the education she usually received.

Even so, she would not lose her judgment on the surrounding situation.

So, the next moment she turned her head, looked somewhere in the darkness, and said in a deep voice: "Who is there?"

"Have you been discovered? Well, I did not hide my thoughts." A figure slowly walked out of the darkness, looking a little careless, "I didn't expect you to take action personally. Is this incident that serious? orange."

Aozaki Orange was stunned, "Do you know me?"

She looked at the figure walking in front of her. It was undoubtedly a girl, wearing a simple kimono and a red coat. She had neat short hair and black eyes. Although in every aspect she looked like an ordinary girl. There is no difference, but the overall temperament is more biased towards boys.

Aozaki Orange searched her mind and found out that she had never seen her before. Such a person with a neutral appearance could make people feel the beauty shared by men and women in her body. With such a unique temperament, she If you have seen it, you will never forget it.

"Is this some new joke? It's not a prank thought up by that guy Kurogiri, right?" The girl in the kimono made a rude expression, but when she got closer and saw Aozaki Orange's face clearly, she paused slightly. After a pause, "Huh? Chengzi, why do you look younger than usual? You seem to be more sinister. It's really scary."

This guy……

Aozaki Chengzi's heart moved. Although it was only a few words, she had already judged the general situation.

First of all, the kimono girl knows him, but he does not know her. Combined with the younger man's speech, then the two people will probably recognize each other in the future, at least his own future.

Secondly, from the attitude she showed, the two of them should belong to the same organization, and she might even be her subordinate.

In the end, this guy looked careless, as if he didn't care about the things around him at all. He probably didn't even notice the phenomenon of time travel... Could it be that he was actually a fool?

Aozaki Chengzi's thoughts were racing, and he suddenly said: "Have you also traveled through time and space?"

"Travel through time and space? What is that?"

"Maybe it was a miracle caused by magic that allowed me to travel from the past to the future 11 years later. If you know me, it means that you also come from the future or a certain time period in the past. Of course, it may also be now... Anyway, tell me your name first."

The kimono girl looked at Aozaki Aoko blankly, as if looking at an idiot, but soon she found that there was no joke in the other person's eyes. Gradually, her eyes became serious, until a few seconds later...

"...Two rituals, this is my name."

"Really, I see, Fuyuki in 2004, I met you in 1998, so I also traveled from the past to the future? It's really surprising, but since it's magic, it should be possible...I I don’t know either.”

After exchanging information with each other, the two rituals spoke slowly.

Although he said he was shocked, the expression on his face did not change much, and he still looked careless. This made Aozaki Orange once again confirm that this guy is a fool!

However, although people are a bit stupid, her abilities seem to be exploitable.

That's right, after getting the information about the two rituals, Aozaki Orange was thinking about how to use her. After all, she can even kill her own sister now, let alone someone she just met in the future.

"I want to find out the culprit that caused the chaos in time and space. Your Death Eye may be able to help. Do you want to help me?"

"Hmm..." Liang Si squatted on the ground, holding one in his hand and killing it, teasing the golden wolf like a cat. Hearing Aozaki Orange's words, he squeaked noncommittally, and then said without looking back. , "Okay, what do you need me to do?"

Is there really no defense? Or... trust in me?

Aozaki Chengzi didn't expect that the two rituals would agree so readily. In order to convince the other party, she actually prepared a lot of manuscripts, which were completely useless now and felt a bit wasteful.

But that's good, at least with such a helper, you won't seem to be alone.

"The culprit who caused the chaos in time and space has not appeared yet, but her companion is in a certain mansion in Fuyuki. I tried to take her down before, but was stopped. There are three of our enemies, two magicians and a possible A martial artist who has surpassed the limits of the human body, it is the latter that I need you to deal with."

"A fighter who transcends the limits of the human body?" Liang Li frowned slightly, "Such an enemy may be a bit tricky."

She stood up and said, "Although I come from a family of exorcists, among the four major exorcists, only the Qiye Clan has an exercise method that exceeds the limits of the human body. Is that man from the Qiye Clan?"

"It doesn't look like it." Aozaki Orange shook his head, "Are you not sure?"

"I'm not sure at all." Liang Li said bluntly, and in a flash, a slight blue light appeared in her eyes, "But... you can give it a try."

Aozaki Orange nodded, "You just need to find a way to hold that man back. Without him, the remaining two magicians will be vulnerable..."

"Vulnerable? Are the two sisters playing a killing game? Can you let me join in and play with you?"

Before Aozaki Orange finished speaking, a girl's clear voice suddenly came from the darkness, like snowflakes in winter.

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