You guys really know how to play in the second dimension

375 Evenly matched? The battle (update 1)

The domineering declaration of "Fight, ask women to go away" made Youzhu freeze on the spot.

She is a magician, a witch who has entered the world of magic since she was born. She is also Aoko's magic teacher. She helps Aoko manage the spiritual veins of the three cities. She controls one of the two major magic barriers in the three cities. Although she is indeed not very good at fighting, and rarely conflicts with other magicians because of her way of survival, and she has no intention of getting involved in the disputes of modern society, she is still a member of the magic world, and the cruelty of the magic world has long been understood. Yu Xin, when facing a real battle, she will not have the slightest fear, and when necessary, she can kill without hesitation, even if that person is her friend.

But for her like this, Tang Hao actually said: Fight, ask the woman to go away!

Think she is a canary living in a cage?

Although Tang Hao came to help at a critical moment, which made her grateful and wanted to express his gratitude, his words made her a little angry... She is not a flower vase!

Yuju Kuonji felt that she was being slighted.

In fact, she was overthinking this. Tang Hao just wanted to show off. After all, no man didn't want to show off in front of a beautiful woman. What's more, this was an opportunity to show off after a long time.

Without thinking about Kuuanji Yuju's thoughts at the moment, he found that she was still standing there with no intention of leaving. Tang Hao waved his hand again and pushed her shoulders back, "Go, leave the battle to me." Okay, if you have nothing to do, make me a cup of tea and drink it when I finish."

Kuuanji Yuju's physical strength was not very good, or in other words, the physique of most magicians was similar to that of ordinary people, only slightly stronger at most, so he was easily pushed away by Tang Hao.

"Rough... rude!"

Kuonji Yuju couldn't stand still and almost fell to the ground, thinking in anger.

Instantly, his favorability towards Tang Hao was reduced by ten, and his attention was increased by twenty.

Tang Hao didn't seem to hear her words, and his eyes were already focused on the golden wolf.

This golden wolf is far not as big as the Giant of the Bridge, but standing upright, with a body of more than three meters high, it is also quite powerful. The golden hair on its back rolls like waves, and its teeth are grinning. The image alone is enough It scares ordinary people out of their courage.

Perhaps it was because Tang Hao had blocked its attack just now, which made it wary and did not attack immediately. Instead, it roared to increase its power and scare it, probably for observation.

Of course Tang Hao would not be frightened by it, but smiled.

"Three thousand years of mystery? Haha, unfortunately, I am not a magician."

The battle in the Xingyue world is about one phase, and there is no absolutely invincible existence.

Take "Sky Realm" as an example. Among all the opponents she encountered in the two rituals, only Asakami Fujino inflicted huge damage to her and disabled one of her hands. This was even the big boss Araya Munren. There is something that has not been done, but this does not mean that Asakami Fujino is stronger than Araya Soren. If she is imprisoned in that contradiction spiral, Asakami Fujino will not have the slightest possibility of counterattack.

It's a similar situation today.

If Tang Hao is allowed to fight Kuuanji Yuju, for example, in the opponent's home court like Sanshi, even if Tang Hao knows her details, the fight will be very difficult. After all, Kuuanji Yuju has a lot of familiars and is under surveillance. There are also those who fight, and there are also magic tricks to transfer people. As long as he is not careful, he may be killed.

But facing the golden wolf, Kuonji Yuju will become vulnerable, because in the face of three thousand years of mystery, all her magic has turned into waste paper, which is equivalent to an ordinary human girl fighting against a three-meter-tall giant. Wolf...weak, pitiful and helpless.

However, when Tang Hao confronted the Golden Wolf, the situation was reversed. It was the turn of the Golden Wolf's mysterious characteristics to be invalidated. Because he was not a magician, the Golden Wolf's restraint on magic was meaningless, leaving only the physical strength. collision.

When it comes to the body, the golden wolf is just a fantasy species after all, not the most advanced dragon species. Not to mention Fafner, it was still unknown whether he could defeat the demon pig that killed Brush.

"To deal with a wolf cub like you, I don't even need a weapon..." As he spoke, Tang Hao directly inserted the Penglai Jade Sword on the ground, and then raised his fingers towards the golden wolf.


The fantasy species that has lived for three thousand years has been able to understand human language. Tang Hao's contempt for it immediately made the golden wolf burst into anger. He roared violently and the hair on his body exploded.

"Call your sister!"

But Tang Hao responded with a quick punch that was invisible to the naked eye, and the blue fist hit the golden wolf's chest directly.

bang bang bang bang bang

Before the golden wolf could react, its body had already suffered more than a dozen punches.

This is Lan Quan, a man like the wind!

The golden wolf was immediately stunned. In such a short period of time, there was no time to fight back. In the end, Tang Hao hit him in the chin with a rising dragon punch. The huge body was thrown up like a boiling pot lid and fell with a bang. A few meters away.

The golden wolf shook his head and stood up, looking at Tang Hao again, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

"Come on, let's continue." Tang Hao raised his hand provocatively towards it, but instead of attacking, the golden wolf took a few steps back in fear.

Behind Tang Hao, Yuanji Yuju looked dumbfounded. It was completely unimaginable that the previously invincible golden wolf was so easily repelled by Tang Hao. Speaking of this guy really a human?

If this kind of power hit him, he would probably be able to blow her head away with one punch, right?

If you don't use magic to strengthen your defense.

The golden wolf no longer dares to attack, which is a matter of course. Even though it has lived for more than three thousand years, if converted to a human, its mental age is actually only four or five years old, and it is very timid and can only fight with the wind.

In the story of Magus Night, the Golden Wolf defeated the Giant of the Bridge, which was countless times bigger than itself, and became so swollen that even Aoko dared to tear it apart with his hands. However, in the next second, it was attacked by Shizuki Sojuro in a combo. He was stunned with Cleave. Although the actual damage he suffered was about zero, he was completely frightened and immediately became cowardly. He was a complete child, bullying the weak and afraid of the strong.

But to be careful, this is not strange. After all, who would have thought that a human being who is usually bullied by you would suddenly do something to you. If it were you, the ant you stepped on one day would suddenly jump up and go to the ground. If you were bitten on the face, you would be frightened and wonder if the ant had become a sperm.

Golden Wolf probably felt like this at the moment.

The moment of confusion made it overwhelmed and did not dare to fight again.

And at this moment, a strange voice sounded in the darkness not far away. Although it was slight, it stimulated the golden wolf like a stimulant, causing the timidity in its eyes to gradually dissipate and reveal a fierce light again.

Is it Aozaki Orange?

Tang Hao's heart moved, and he saw the changes in the golden wolf. It may be that some kind of magic inspired its animal nature, but Tang Hao did not stop it. It was rare to have such a sandbag, and he wanted to show off for a while.


A few seconds later, the golden wolf seemed to have completely transformed into a beast. Its ferocious gaze seemed to be able to tear a person's body apart. With its roar, it transformed into a sharp golden light and pounced on Tang Hao.

The speed and strength reached their peak in an instant, but


Tang Hao quickly dodged the golden wolf's attack, came under its body, and punched it in the abdomen. He did not use the power of magic, just pure physical fitness. However, he had mastered the divine strike technique, and even ordinary punches could smash rocks. This punch directly exploded a shock wave in the abdomen of the golden wolf, and the skin and flesh on the abdomen were like waves. Like shaking.

The golden wolf was in pain and screamed.

Tang Hao knew that it was not seriously injured. After all, it was a three-thousand-year-old fantasy species and could not be easily hammered to death. It just felt pain.

This guy is afraid of pain.

So Tang Hao accelerated his offensive, punching it one after another, hitting the relatively soft parts of its body each time. At first, the golden wolf tried to fight back, but as Tang Hao bombarded it with dozens of punches, When he got down, the courage that this guy had just gathered was defeated again. He didn't even dare to fight back. He just held his head and rolled around in Tang Hao's attack, making a miserable scream like Erha.

Not far away, Kuonji Yuju and Tohsaka Rin no longer had the eyes to see.

They originally thought that this would be an evenly matched battle. After all, the three-thousand-year-old golden wolf, the magician's killer, sounded high-end and classy. They had to fight Tang Hao for three hundred rounds, and the battle was in darkness. , but now

Shit evenly matched!

This golden wolf has simply grown in vain. For such a big body, Tang Hao's one-sided hammer blow couldn't be called a battle. It was just like a father beating his son.

Kuuanji Yuju covered her eyes, feeling extremely ashamed.

She was tortured by the golden wolf before, and almost had her neck bitten off, but now, the golden wolf was pressed to the ground and rubbed by Tang Hao, screaming... Although she knew that this was a matter of compatibility between the two parties, But this contrast was still a bit too strong, and she couldn't help but doubt her life.


Suddenly, a woman's voice sounded in the darkness.

Upon hearing this, the golden wolf felt as if he had been granted amnesty. Taking advantage of the gap between Tang Hao's attacks, he howled and quickly got up, flying towards the distance like a ray of golden light.

"Tsk, he ran pretty fast."

Tang Hao smacked his mouth. He had to say that this golden wolf was thick-skinned and still alive and kicking after being beaten for so long. He also underestimated it. If he had used a sword at the beginning, he would have captured it. Now he thinks about it. I can't catch up even if I chase.

The golden wolf quickly submerged into the darkness, and found that the terrifying human had not caught up with him. He was relieved. Soon, it came to a woman's side, and oohooed twice, as if to say: It's so scary, so good. How terrible!

Seeing the pitiful expression in its eyes, Aosaki Orange was speechless for a while.

Why is this guy so timid?

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