You guys really know how to play in the second dimension

331 When you are older, you can do whatever you want.

Fairy Queen? Could it be Erza?

As soon as he saw this name, Tang Hao immediately thought of Erza Scarlet in "Fairy Tail". She was called the Fairy Queen, although she did not hold such an identity and generally did not. She would take the initiative to use this title that others use to describe her as her ID, but most likely it is only her.

So, Misaka Mikoto and Abiyama Mirai's mission in "Fairy Tail" has been completed?

Ah, it seems that I have missed a lot of excitement during this period.

After being in seclusion for nearly ten days, Tang Hao had no idea what kind of development the chat room had. He suddenly felt like he was out of touch with the times, but his strength had improved significantly. This was probably the so-called gain and loss.

Dr. Roman: Banquet? What banquet?

Just when Tang Hao was thinking like this, someone quickly responded.

Da Ben Dan: It’s a banquet in the literal sense. Everyone gathers together to eat, drink, have fun, chat and spank. There are humans, monsters, goddesses, goblins, moon people, Martians and so on.

Fairy Queen: It sounds like fun. Can I join?

Da Bendan: Of course, I am here to attract people to the group. As long as you can spare the time, anyone can participate, not only you yourself, but you can also invite others to come with you. The more people, the better.

The Fairy Queen spoke. Tang Hao was still not sure whether she was Erza. Only the avatar looked like a woman, but he was too lazy to check the personal information. He would know it when he came anyway, so it was better to leave it as a surprise.

But after typing this sentence, he immediately reminded him.

Da Bendan: By the way, the friends you invite should be more strict with their mouths and be able to keep the secrets of the chat room. Although there is no threat to the chat room even if they say it out, it is mainly for your own safety.

This is a fact. The power of the chat room can ignore the existence of people. No matter how powerful the other party is, they are still younger brothers. But some of the members in the chat room are just ordinary people. Even if we don't talk about evil forces, just being known by the state power may cause them a lot of trouble.

Fairy Queen: I understand, then I will think about it and see who is better to bring.

Dr. Roman: Oh, I really want to participate too.

Dabendan: Come on then.

dr. Roman: But is it okay? I have so much going on here.

Da Bendan: You are just a doctor. There are many things to be busy with. Besides, attending the banquet only takes half a day at most. It won’t be a problem if you go back immediately afterwards. You can also bring Mashu and Ritsuka with you. They While they were talking about the singularity, they could only stay in Chaldea and let them relax.

Dr. Roman: You are right, then I will bring them here. By the way, where is Kazuko?

Da Bendan: Of course it would be great if she wants to come, but it seems that the current pendant can only carry two people... You should ask her first. If she is willing to come, I will have someone pick her up.

dr. Roman: Okay.

Roman nodded, immediately put down the computer and walked out of the infirmary. There were no problems with Mashu and Ritsuka. He would just inform them later. He decided to ask Akuko what she thought first.

But Roman didn't know that his actions at the moment were being watched by someone.

"He's taking action!" In a corner of Chaldea, Merlin, disguised as an ordinary staff member, flashed his eyes. During this period, he had been observing Roman with his clairvoyance. Although he still didn't know what the chat room was like, Through observation, he could determine that as long as Roman was typing on the empty screen and smiling, he was basically communicating with the chat room.

It was the same situation just now, and Roman looked a little hurried and excited when he left. In other words... did something happen in the chat room?

"do not miss it!"

Merlin's eyes widened immediately, watching Roman's movements carefully.

At the same time, on a certain ship on the Grand Line.

"That's what they said over there." Sauron put the phone on his shoulder and said to the crew in front of him, "I'm going to a banquet. Does anyone want to go with me?"

"The banquet? We want to go!" Luffy's eyes lit up, he opened his hands without hesitation and cheered loudly, "Everyone goes together!"

"Well..." Zoro raised his hand and reminded, "You can only bring two people."

"Everybody go together, everybody go together!"

"So, I can only bring two people..."

"No matter what, let's go together!"


Suddenly, a pink fist suddenly fell from the sky, and Luffy, who was so excited that he was talking nonsense, was knocked directly to the deck, and he roared: "Calm down, I told you that you can only take two people with you. You can't do that at all." Everyone is going together, so... which two people should go there?"

"I'm going! I'm going!" Sanji twisted his legs like an earthworm and ran out of the cabin, so excited that his nostrils were smoking, "Green Algae Head, I heard it, the banquet over there is still going on Are there fairies and goddesses? Heaven, it is definitely heaven on earth! Green algae head, you must take me there, otherwise I will fight you to the death!"

Zoro spread his hands, ignoring Sanji's crazy excited state, and said to Nami: "You must not bring a lecherous cook with you, as it will cause trouble for others."

"Yes." Nami nodded, punched out, and stuffed Sanji back into the cabin, then took a deep breath and smiled at the crew, "Then, I will decide on the personnel, Luffy is sure You have to bring him with you, otherwise he will definitely make a lot of trouble afterwards. As for the last person...of course it’s me, do you have any opinions?"

Even Luffy, who was lying on the deck, quickly shook his head knowingly when he saw Nami's smile.

No one has an opinion, and no one dares to have an opinion.

"Now that the personnel have been confirmed, then..." Nami immediately pointed at Zoro and Luffy and ordered like a captain, "Zoron, Luffy, you two go to the sea immediately and catch some Sea Kings."

"Why do you want to capture the Neptune species?"

"Nonsense, of course we are preparing food."

"Food?" Luffy picked his nose, "As for food, can't we just go to the banquet and have it? I've never heard of banquet guests having to bring their own food."

"That's right." Zoro also nodded.

"Idiot!" Nami roared immediately, "Do you two have any business acumen? People from all over the world are attending this banquet. Of course we have to show our own advantages, and the Neptune class is ours. If someone takes a fancy to the world's specialties at the banquet, we can sell them there in the future and make a lot of money. This is a business without capital... hurry up and go!"


Roman and Sauron were both preparing for the banquet, while others arrived one after another.

The first to arrive were Kato Megumi and Yukino.

The world the two of them live in is an ordinary, everyday world without any mysterious power. Things in the chat room cannot be easily leaked to outsiders. Just like Tang Hao said, if it is leaked and the government learns about it, it will cause trouble. If they get into countless troubles, they may be protected by chat rooms, but that may not be the case with their relatives and friends.

Therefore, the two of them did not bring pendants and came alone.

Of course, they didn’t come empty-handed, they also prepared some local specialties.

"Miss, Miss Ye, it's been a long time." Apart from the members in the chat room, the two of them are most familiar with the Scarlet Devil Mansion. When participating in such a banquet where demons are dancing, it is natural to feel safer mixing with familiar people. So he instinctively came to the Scarlet Devil Mansion and said hello to Remilia and the others.

But before Remilia could reply, a small figure appeared in front of the two of them, holding a big wine bowl, and said drunkenly, "We are all guests. Do you want a drink?"

"I'm sorry, we are still underage..." Kato Kei shook her head and refused at the first time, but her hand stretched out involuntarily.

Just when their hands were about to touch the wine bowl, a gap opened in the void, a hand stretched out, and took Ibuki Suixiang back.

The two came back to their senses and looked at each other, feeling a little strange about the situation just now.

Remilia smiled and said: "She is a ghost from Gensokyo, her name is Ibuki Suika. She has the ability to persuade people to drink. No one can refuse her invitation to drink."

"That's it." The two of them suddenly realized. Fortunately, Yakumo Murasaki took action in time.

Then, Ye handed two cups to them, "If you don't want to drink, you can stay with us. There is juice and black tea here."


The two took the cups and smiled.

Not far away, seeing Kato Megumi and Yukino already sitting down at the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Tang Hao was slightly relieved. After all, in such a place where demons were dancing around, it was still a bit stressful for ordinary people. With Yoye taking care of it, he could also let them He was relieved.

But having said that, Xigua had tried to persuade Yakumo Purple to drink, but Yakumo Purple didn’t drink.

Sure enough, she is indeed Zima!

When you are older you can do whatever you want!

Just as he was thinking about it, three more figures fell from the sky.

"Boss, we are here." The person who came was none other than Miyamori Aoi, and her two pendants, Ema Yasuhara and Shizuka Sakaki.

Because Tang Hao was an investor in their animation, Miyamori Aoi changed to calling him boss at some point. Of course, the three people came to this banquet not just to gather people to eat and drink, but more importantly to collect materials.

Tang Hao smiled and was about to say hello to the three of them, but the lingering watermelon appeared again.

"Would you like a drink?" This time, Xigua directly handed over three wine bowls.

"Uh... ok, thank you."

The three of them took the watermelon's wine bowl without much hesitation and quickly drank it all.


The watermelon was filled again, "How about another drink?"

"Uh...thank you."

"How about another drink, then?"

After three bowls of wine in a row, the three of them immediately became drunk.

After all, this is the wine that ghosts drink.

"That's enough of you, and you're not letting people attend the banquet properly!" Seeing that the watermelon was about to be persuaded for the fourth bowl, Tang Hao finally couldn't stand it anymore, walked forward and threw the watermelon to Lingmeng, letting Lingmeng Keep an eye on this guy.

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