Tang Hao did not expect Yakumo Purple's appearance, and he did not expect that she would cooperate with him. However, when he thought about it carefully, he felt that it was natural. After all, the current development can be said to be caused by Yakumo Purple. The source of everything must start from She took herself to the sunflower field and started counting. If she got into trouble, she would naturally have to help wipe her butt.

Marisa and Alice arrived just after Yakumo Murasaki. Although Tang Hao did not see them when he first came to Gensokyo, he had contact with them later. These two people have fought against Tianzi before, and they are fully aware of her abilities. Now that something similar has happened again, whether it is to teach Tianzi a lesson or solve the problem of weather, they will not sit idly by.

Of course, they were not the only ones attracted by the weather.

Soon, Yayi Yonglin, dressed in a Taoist uniform, appeared in the flower field with Suzuxian. Suzuxian was also carrying a basket in her hand. The two of them may have absorbed the temperament on the way to collect medicine, so they stopped by to take a look. Find out.

However, Yashi Eirin obviously did not expect that so many people would gather here, especially when his eyes came into contact with Yakumo Purple, the air instantly cooled down. The two looked at each other, and although they were smiling, there were faint sparks of fierceness.

When Yashi Eirin was still the Moon Sage, she had two confrontations with Yakumo Purple. The first was a head-on conflict and Yakumo Purple was defeated. The second time was a secret contest between Yakumo Purple and Yuyou. The two men joined forces to plot against Bayi Yonglin. It can be said that the two sides will win or lose each other.

But these two things are already very far away, especially after Yashi Eirin gave up her identity as the Moon Sage for Kaguya, the moon thing has almost nothing to do with her, and the conflict with Yakumo Murasaki has also faded. Although they are not friendly enough to get along with each other, if they start fighting as soon as they meet... People who live long will not ask for trouble.

Therefore, the conflict of gazes did not last long. Within a few seconds, the two of them invariably looked away, pretending that the other person did not exist.

"Ah la ah la, everyone is here quite early."

At this moment, an elegant and weightless figure floated up and down in mid-air, slowly flying over.

It is Saigyouji Yuyuko, and her gardener's soul Youmu.

"Master Yuyuko, please be more dignified!" Unlike Yuyuko's slow appearance, Youmu seemed to be very fast. He fell to the ground in just a flash. He was a hero in the green card.

But as soon as she finished speaking, she hit the air in front of her with a bang.

"Ah!" In the exclamation, Youmeng fell to the ground.

But the place that was originally air suddenly gathered into a small human shape. She looked like a seven or eight-year-old girl. She had a pair of long horns on her head that were very inconsistent with her body, and she was holding a very large hand. Gourd seemed to be drunk. He could not stand firmly and his whole body was swaying.

"Ah, it's Youmu, I'm sorry, I bumped into you... burp!" The young girl said with a smile, burped, then raised the gourd of wine and poured it into her mouth.

Ibuki Suika, nicknamed Watermelon, is a ghost that has been confirmed in Gensokyo. Although she looks like a child, she is already a thousand years old. She has the ability to control density, which can be large or small. She can also turn her body into a state of mist and melt. In the air, it is difficult for ordinary people to find her, and she loves drinking. She is drunk every time she appears.

There seemed to be endless wine in her gourd. After a few gulps, her body became more and more limp. After a few steps, she bumped into Tang Hao. Tang Hao looked down and picked her up reflexively. Then he handed it to the emperor, "Here, your watermelon."

"This is not the watermelon I want!" The emperor stared, very angry.

"Hey, isn't this good-for-nothing Tenjin? You were also invited to the banquet by Murasaki?" Ibuki Suixiang looked at the emperor in front of her and said with a smile, but she just asked casually, and without waiting for the emperor to answer, she asked He waved his hand towards Yakumo Purple, "Purple, when will we start eating? I'm already drinking. Do you want a drink first?"

He didn't seem to notice that Tang Hao was holding him by the armpits and lifting him up high.

"Just wait, it should be there soon." In a flash, Yakumo Zi came to Tang Hao's side.

Tang Hao took advantage of the situation and asked: "You also invited many people?"

I originally thought that Yakumo Murasaki just came to help him out, but listening to the conversation between the two, it seemed that she had already planned it.

Yakumo Ziwan smiled, "I originally had plans to hold a banquet, but the time was set after you finished practicing, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Since you made the move first, I will move the date forward... By the way, you Aren't you tired?"

Tang Hao looked down and saw that Ibuki Suixiang's body was very small, but there were two large iron balls tied to her hands. In addition, the ghost's body structure was different from that of ordinary people, so the actual weight was far greater than the volume visible to the naked eye, at least. It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to pick her up.

"It's okay, it's pretty light."

However, Tang Hao didn't feel that heavy. Maybe it was because Ibuki Suika had adjusted the density of his body?

"Oh, there is progress." Yakumo Zi nodded.

Tang Hao was a little confused. Is the current watermelon actually very heavy? There's no scale for this. Why don't you try throwing it into the sky a few times? Watermelon probably wouldn't care anyway, as long as this guy has wine... Hey, if you put it this way, wouldn't he be able to do whatever he wants?

"Really, why did you choose to hold the banquet in the sunflower field?"

Just when Tang Hao was thinking wildly, a familiar voice came from not far away.

Turning around, he saw that it was a group of people from the Scarlet Devil Mansion, led by the majestic Remilia. Ye was walking next to her, holding up a big umbrella to block her from the sun. She was also followed by Ben Meiling and the little devil. And Sakura, and...good guys, even Flandre was brought out.

Of course, this is a sunflower field, a place where the wind is fragrant, and Flandre can't do anything.

"I should be the one to say this." Feng Jian Yuxiang looked at Yakumo Purple and Tang Hao, "Have you decided to hold a banquet at my place?"

"Is there any problem?" The person who answered was Reimu. "You lazy monsters, you always ignored my opinions and held banquets at my shrine. Every banquet made the shrine a mess, and in the end... I have to take care of it. It’s good to change the place today. Anyway, this flower field is big enough, and you can make tea with sunflowers.”

Throughout Gensokyo several times, Reimu was probably the only one who dared to say that she wanted to eat sunflowers in front of Kazami Yuka.

Again, no matter how powerful the monsters are, how powerful the gods are, or how powerful the gods are, in this tiny land of Gensokyo, Reimu is the king!

Feng Jian Yuxiang rolled her eyes. She was not afraid of Reimu, but if there was a fight, she would probably not be able to win, and reasoning would be even more useless. Who had Reimu reasoned with? Just pretend you didn't hear it.

Bowing to the city management is something every monster has to get used to.

"Brother!" At the same time, Xiaoying quickly ran to Tang Hao, her face full of excitement.

"Sakura, you're here too." Tang Hao immediately put Ibuki Suixiang down and rubbed her head with a smile.

But before the two of them could say a few words, another crisp voice sounded in Tang Hao's ear, "Brother~~~"

The voice was sweet, but there was an inexplicable chill in it.

Tang Hao took a look and saw Remilia looking at him kindly, revealing a pair of tiger fangs.

Tang Hao was stunned. The next moment, Remilia had jumped on him, pinched his neck, and hissed: "The owner of the Scarlet Devil Mansion is actually a waste. He can't survive without the night... You have You can say bad things behind my back, but you have the ability to say it in front of me!"

"Hey, wait, when did I say such a thing?"

Although that's what I thought in my heart.

"You still dare to quibble? Yakumo Murasaki has already told me everything, and I want you to look good today!"

Yakumo Purple?

Damn it! Zi Ma, are you cheating on me? !

Tang Hao quickly looked at Yakumo Purple, only to find that the other party had walked away silently.

Remilia, on the other hand, couldn't listen to Tang Hao's explanation no matter what, and tried hard on him. Even if Tang Hao's strength had improved recently, he was still no match for Remilia. She had no choice but to give him one hundred thousand yuan. The price of Yuan sought the protection of Lingmeng, and finally saved his life with the power of money.

After the commotion here was over, some more people, or demons, came to the Sunflower Field one after another... Some were attracted by the weather, and some were invited by Yakumo Murasaki, such as those who live in the human world. Fujiwara Meiko and Kamishirasawa Keine, Sanae and the two great gods of Moriya Shrine, the three famous musician Sao Ling sisters of Gensokyo, of course, the fastest oriental reporters will not be absent, as well as some random fairies.

Even in Gensokyo, it is not common for so many monsters and ghosts to gather together, and it was very lively for a while.

Fujiwara Meiko soon discovered Yashi Eirin and Suzusen in the crowd. Her eyes lit up and she asked, "The people from Eternity are here too?" Then she quickly searched the crowd, and finally sighed with regret. , muttered, "Is that guy really not here yet... Hey, I originally wanted to beat her up."

The beeping voice of Fujiwara Meihong floated into Tang Hao's ears, which also made him realize that Kaguya and Patchouli were not present. Although Kaguya, a nerd girl, rarely attended such banquets, but such a It would be a pity to miss this lively occasion, and...

Tang Hao's heart moved. It's rare for everyone to gather together. In fact, he can also invite people in the chat room.

So Tang Hao immediately turned on his phone.

Dabendan: Is there anyone? anyone there? The party is here, everyone is coming to Gensokyo!

Tang Hao had just finished yelling in the chat room when he suddenly noticed that the numbers on the left were a little strange. Upon closer inspection, there was indeed one more person. The original twenty group members were now twenty-one.

Tang Hao quickly pulled down the list of group members to the bottom.

I saw that the ID of the twenty-first group member was the Fairy Queen.

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