You don't understand the happiness of the director

Chapter 407: Xianmi fights again, King Quan almost succeeds (3, monthly vote 5600)

Wang Quan asked: "Director, how do you want to comment on Zhang Wei?"

"To put it bluntly, "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" is the last film we collaborate on. From now on, Zhang Yimou Studio has nothing to do with New Picture!"

"So are there any financial transactions between you?"

"He also owes me the director's fee and share of "Three Guns", which totals more than 10 million."

Wang Quan exclaimed, "Ah, it's been so long, why aren't you in a hurry? He's really big-hearted. His attitude doesn't seem like he's willing to pay back the money."

And this kind of old bastard will probably be able to refuse to pay even if the court decides.

Zhang Yimou, "I have always regarded him as my most trusted friend, and he said that the investment in "Thirteen Hairpins" is too big and the funds on hand cannot be recycled, so I have to postpone it until "Thirteen Hairpins" is released."

Wang Quan, "You have to ask for this money, and you have to pay attention to the point at which you ask for the money."

"How to say?"

Wang Quan said, "I asked you just when "The Thirteen Hairpins" was about to be finished and most of the initial investment had been spent. If he didn't give it, you wouldn't move forward with the project, and he would lose more than 10 million."

"Ah, this is not good. After all, the work is innocent." Zhang Yimou felt a little soft-hearted.

Wang Quan smiled and said, "At this time, Zhang Weiping has only one choice, and that is to pay back the money, so that the work can continue to advance and your money can be returned."

Zhang Yimou thought about it, but there was another problem, "He is so eloquent. If I don't have enough reasons, it is impossible for him to return the money to me."

Wang Quan smiled and changed, "The reason, didn't Zhang Weiping already say the reason?"


Wang Quan said, "Director, don't you and your current lover have three children? According to the family planning principle, the last two are superborn. According to your income, this is not cheap compared to the fine, which is estimated to be several million."

"What do you mean?"

Wang Quan, "Rather than letting Zhang Weiping use this matter to get a handle on you, it's better to expose it yourself, take the initiative to accept the punishment, and of course, make up for the marriage certificate before blowing yourself up."

This also saves you from having to make jokes about Calabash Baby. These jokes can be seen in the comment sections of almost all his later works.

"Then you can use this reason to force him to pay back the money. If he doesn't pay back and the Family Planning Commission doesn't agree, you won't be able to continue working. So even if he sells the house, he has to pay you back the money. It's best to give Thirteen Hairpins The director’s fee will also be settled together.”

The expression on Zhang Yimou's face was wonderful, the kind of expression he would get when he sees an old actor performing, "Wonderful, wonderful!"

Wang Quan, "I can only help here. If you need legal help, my team of lawyers here are not just for free."

Zhang Yimou looked at Wang Quan and asked seriously, "Why are you willing to help me like this?"

"Tell the truth?"

Zhang Yimou nodded.

"What if the truth hurts someone?"

"Just say it, I can bear it."

Wang Quan: "As I said yesterday, I grew up watching your works. I was influenced by your works and I feel I have benefited a lot from them. However, after "Hero", I think your movies are getting worse and worse. "Three Guns" is no longer unattractive, but ugly. Logically speaking, your level should not have declined to this level. So what is the reason? I think it is your partner's expectations of you. He hopes you make money. , to make more and more money, so Golden Armor had to use the most popular Jay Chou, Three Guns had to use Xiao Shen Yiang who became famous overnight, and Thirteen Chai also had to join in the passionate scene, but in the end he made the money, you But you have to bear the loss of your artistic life. With such a producer who only cares about money, how can you make a good movie!"

Seeing Zhang Yimou sighing repeatedly but not stopping himself, Wang Quan continued, "Of course, movies need to make money and investors need to make profits. This is a very reasonable requirement, but Zhang Weiping's approach will definitely become outdated. In the future, quality will definitely be king. , I think that as a director, you should combine your own strengths and seek collaborators who can make up for your shortcomings. While you are still filming, you can leave a few classics such as "Alive" and "Qiu Ju" for Chinese-language films, or continue Explore audio-visual language and become a true master of the generation. I promise that as long as I produce good works, I can make this movie profitable."

After Wang Quan finished speaking, Zhang Yimou looked at him, "I'm ashamed. Xiao Wang, your words made me blush. You keep talking about Zhang Weiping's problems. In fact, I don't have any problems. I forgot about the art of film workers. If you hold on and let go, many shots that shouldn't have been taken will be passed, and the finished product will naturally be unsatisfactory, and I also need to self-examine."

He did some self-analysis to Wang Quan, and he did it very harshly. Wang Quan felt that Lao Zhang was either broken or established.

Wang Quan then discussed with him how to deal with Zhang Weiping in the future, so that he could relax his vigilance, and then implement Zhang Yimou's salary plan.

Zhang Yimou was filming as usual all day today. He has a big heart. Although he was stabbed in the back by his partner, he acted like nothing was wrong with him.

In addition, he praised Ni Ni several times, and his smile towards her became much kinder. If he could turn the crisis into a disaster, Ni Ni should be the first to take the credit.

So Ni Ni went to Zhang Yimou that night and said, "Director, I want to discuss something with you."

She still has to give Zhang Wei a bad review.

The next day, Zhang Yimou called Zhang Weiping and said in a stern tone that the passionate scene between the male and female protagonists would be deleted. He hung up before Zhang Weiping could say anything.

Then Zhang Weiping received an email from Ni Ni.

Zhang Weiqing said "hehe" rubbing his hands and smiling evilly. It seems that Yimou wants to protect his little lover, so Ni Ni may become Zhang Yimou's person, and this set of photos is the handle for the two of them.

Zhang Weiping clicked on the attachment, downloaded the compressed file package, clicked to decompress, and then...

"Damn, why do you need a password?"

Zhang Weiping immediately called Ni Ni.

"Hey, boss, I'm going to go filming soon. Let's talk about it later."

"Wait a minute, just tell me the password. It'll be quick!"

Ni Ni, "Password, don't worry about it. I will tell you the password when you use it. It's not that I don't worry about you, I'm just afraid that your computer is broken. If you need to repair it, right?" Not safe.”

Huh, if you want to call me big-breasted and brainless, I admit the first two words, but I’ll fuck you up about the last two words!


At this time, Wang Quan had returned to the capital. When he returned to the company, he first looked at the first round of questionnaires received with Yu Feihong, more than 500 in total.

China has just started to do test screening reviews, and neither the survey team nor the interviewees are professional, so we need to get rid of many insincere questionnaires, and then find the truly meaningful users and have discussions.

This time, the two of them dressed decently and just talked about work for three or four hours. Although not many suggestions were accepted in the end, Yu Feihong previously felt that her work was perfect enough, but now someone has convinced her. And pointed out several shortcomings, which made her very happy, because her work was another step closer to perfection!

Yu Feihong is full of energy and wants to make changes now.

Wang Quan suggested, "Tomorrow, expand the test screening to cover third- and fourth-tier cities, and then focus on the issues and deal with them in a unified way."

"Okay, what are your plans for tonight?"

Wang Quan, "Sissi made me a goose stewed in an iron pot at home. It is a famous dish she recently learned from the Northeast. It is said that the goose is so big that it can't be stewed in one pot. Why don't you come with me to eat it?"

Yu Feihong didn't want to go. She would feel very guilty if she stayed with Liu Yifei and Wang Quan at the same time.

After Yu Feihong declined, Wang Quan invited Yang Mi again. She was shameless and agreed happily.

For this dinner, Liu Yifei cooked the stove directly in the backyard of the villa.

Fortunately, the backyard faces the lake, so there is no need to worry about neighbors passing by to eat and drink.

But she didn't expect that Yang Mi would come to eat and drink, but Yang Mi came with Wang Quan, and as the hostess, she could only express her welcome.

It’s okay to eat, but it’s definitely not okay to stay overnight. This is not the Beiying Community or the flat floor. There are only the three of them. There is also my mother at home, and there is Sanxiu Zhuzhu. If they know that they are cheating, will they call themselves in the future? Liu Lufei!

"It smells so good!" Yang Mi came closer, "Sissi, what are you doing? What's that yellow sticky thing in your hand?"

"This is called Tiebingzi, which is the essence of goose stewed in an iron pot."

Yang Mi: "Do you need my help?"

Liu Yifei: "Just wait and eat."

Yang Mi: "Even if I'm being polite, I won't do it."

Liu Yifei:......

Cooking is done in the yard, and eating must be done indoors. After all, it is December.

Liu Yifei boasted to Yang Mi, "You don't know, there was heavy snow in Heilongjiang last month. Some time ago, I rode a horse-drawn sledge into the mountains and saw silly roe deer. You know roe deer, they are special." Silly, you can easily catch someone like this."

"I'm like this, what's wrong with me like this, tell me clearly..."

Seeing the cheerful and talkative Sissi and Xianmi playing with each other, Wang Quan ate a few more bowls of rice. Only by eating more can he have the strength to work.

I also ate Yang Mi, especially the sticky pancake, which was so delicious and delicious!

Finally, she patted her belly, which looked like she was three months pregnant, and said, "Sister Li, I'm so exhausted that I don't want to move anymore. I won't leave tonight."

Liu Yifei suddenly became nervous, but Liu Xiaoli didn't realize the huge risks involved, and she agreed, "Okay, okay, I'll ask Auntie to clean up a guest room for you later."

Liu Xiaoli had been wary of Yang Mi in the past, but since Liu Yifei's identity was established, she didn't take Yang Mi seriously anymore. Instead, she became a close friend because of their common vulgar hobbies.

"Let's go and tell Auntie, what's new in your circle recently? Who's getting involved with whom again..."

Wang Quan looked at Liu Yifei who was pouting, hugged her and comforted her, "Tomorrow there will be an advance screening of Jiang Wen's "Let the Bullets Fly" at Nortel. Don't you like Jiang Wen very much? Do you want to come back with me? Alma mater."


"Ah, is it true? I want to go too, I want to go too!" Yang Mi heard it from so far away and ran over to wag her tail in front of Wang Quan with her big and cute eyes.

This, this is hard to refuse.

Wang Quan looked at Liu Yifei and let his girlfriend make the decision.

Liu Yifei wanted to be careful, but after all, she still cared about her image in her boyfriend's mind, "Okay, okay, let's go together!"

Then she whispered in Wang Quan's ear, "I promise her this time, but you are not allowed to leave our bedroom tonight, can you promise me."

Wang Quan nodded, no problem at all.

Yang Mi has no problem at all. She will definitely not ask her brother to come to her room tonight.

It was still dawn the next day, and Liu Yifei, who was still dazed after working hard all night last night, suddenly heard a woman's voice next to her.

She opened her eyes and saw that there was a Yang Mi between her and Wang Quan!

Yang Mi winked at Liu Yifei, as if to say, look, he didn't go out. , I delivered it to your door!

Liu Yifei jumped up from the bed and lowered her voice angrily, "Yang Mi, you, you are crazy, what if my mother sees it..."

"Sister Li went out for a run and won't be back for a while. Besides, she doesn't live on this floor either."

Hearing that her mother had gone out, Liu Yifei breathed a sigh of relief, then decisively put on her clothes and went to the guest room next door.

She was afraid that something big would happen if she stayed any longer. At least there was a door between them that time. If they were right next to her this time, she didn't know what she would do.

Wang Quan, on the other hand, habitually hugged the people around him. He didn't open his eyes until there was a difference in his hands, "Mimi, why is it you?"

Yang Mi, "I just wanted to make your long-cherished wish come true, so I ran into your room shamelessly. Unfortunately, Sissi ran away in shame."

Wang Quan was greatly moved, and then let go, "I'm going to see Sissi."

"Ah, what about me?" Yang Mi made a pose on the bed. Usually Wang Quan couldn't resist him, and he would pounce on her after three counts.

But Wang Quan left decisively, "Forget it this time, I will compensate you at other times."

When Wang Quan found Sissi, she was holding Egg White in her arms and expressing her sorrow with a depressed face.

Seeing Wang Quan appear, she was surprised, "Why so fast?"

Wang Quan hurried forward and hugged her, sandwiching the egg white in the middle, "Sissi, I want to say sorry to you on Mimi's behalf. She didn't mean to bully you."

Egg White, "Meow!"

"Didn't you do it?"

"How can you be in the mood? I'm worried that you can't think about it."

Liu Yifei hugged Wang Quan tightly, and her mood improved greatly, "I have been preparing for the worst since Mimi had to stay last night. Hum, her little trick can't defeat me at all. I have the confidence to fight her." In the end, until I marry you.”

Wang Quan, "You have really grown up. I thought you would cry when she bullied you."

Liu Yifei, "If I cry, will you never ignore her again?"

Wang Quan shook his head, "No, because Mimi can not only cry, but she can also cry, make trouble, and be elegant. She has many more skills than you."

"She is indeed a strong enemy," so Liu Yifei said, "Then just leave her behind and don't worry about her being left hanging."

"So you want me to go back and continue?"

Liu Yifei said, "You can go back, but let me go through your hands first."

Wang Quan, "Sissi, how bad are you!"

"Close the door first, be careful if she comes again." Liu Yifei put the egg white out and closed the door.


In the afternoon of the next day, the news that Wang Quan and Wang Quan returned to school with two beautiful senior sisters from Nortel quickly spread among the students in all classes in the performance department.

However, Wang Quan separated from the two of them after returning to school. Now that "Let the Bullets Fly" has not started yet, Wang Quan wants to talk to Teacher Xie Fei about work~

(The third update is 12,000, please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket! There are more than 200 people, what a shame!)

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