You don't understand the happiness of the director

Chapter 406 Ni Ni’s night visit, scheming (2, more updates from the leader!)

"Director Quan, I respect you!"

There were five people at the banquet, Wang Quan, Zhang Yimou, the male protagonist Heath Ledger, the female protagonist Ni Ni, and the assistant director Zhang Mo.

Zhang Mo raised a glass and thanked him for taking his private plane.

"Director Zhang, I'm not a good drinker, so let's just do whatever we want."

"Okay, you can do whatever you want, I'll do it~"

I didn't expect Director Yimou's daughter to be so heroic, so Wang Quan had no choice but to do it. Don't blame me for my drunken sex later.

By this time, the dishes had been served, and they were all Jinling specialties. Ni Ni was responsible for introducing them, and he introduced them bilingually, and he also had to take care of Heath Ledger, who was not good at Chinese.

Wang Quan looked at Ni Ni, "Director Zhang, the heroine you chose is really good. If I had met her earlier, maybe I would have chosen her to play the heroine of the ghost who blows out the lamp."

Zhang Yimou was very happy to be praised, "I spotted her at a glance among thousands of photos. This child will definitely have a future."

"Thank you two directors for your compliments." Ni Ni raised a glass of thanks. She still behaves like Yu Mo. She is very charming and different from the girls Wang Quan knew before. Zhang Yimou thinks this is good. He will think of a solution after the filming. When she came out, she was too young and had little experience, so she had to use some stupid skills.

Zhang Yimou said: "We didn't even exchange a few words at the school anniversary last time. We have to have a good chat this time. I heard that your next movie will be a comedy. Is it true?"


"Then you have to be careful, comedies are not easy to shoot." Zhang Yimou's expression was subtle. He must have been thinking of "Three Guns", which was an eternal pain in his director's career.

Wang Quan nodded, "It's a small budget anyway, just for fun. What is Director Zhang planning to make next?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. "Thirteen Hairpins" is still a big deal." Zhang Yimou spread his hands. Although he has many projects to choose from, the next one has not yet been decided.

Wang Quan smiled, "That would be great."


Everyone at the scene, except Heath Ledger, was amused, especially Zhang Yimou. He always thought that the royal power came for Heath Ledger, but now it seems that it comes for himself.

There are no outsiders here, so Wang Quan got straight to the point, "Actually, I want to cooperate with you, Director Zhang, this time. I was worried before that you had a full schedule like me."

Ni Ni's action of picking up vegetables is a meal. Director Quan is going to cooperate with Director Zhang? How to collaborate? Who will be the director and who will be the actor?

What Zhang Mo was thinking was, is it Wang Quan's new script that his father should direct?

Zhang Yimou was very shocked, even more shocked than seeing the acting skills of an old actor. He actually wanted to cooperate with me? Don’t you know that my contract is in the hands of New Picture?

As we all know, Zhang Weiping had been pointing fingers at the rising King Quan in the past few years. As King Quan established his unparalleled achievements abroad, Weiping also stalled, but King Quan didn't mind at all?

"Because of my contract issues, would you mind if New Pictures participated?" he asked.

Wang Quan smiled and said, "I don't mind. This movie requires a lot of investment. If Mr. Zhang is willing, I will definitely welcome it."

Open, so open!

Zhang Yimou sighed, no wonder people can get rich at such a young age, "Then what kind of cooperation project is it?"

Wang Quan said, "Mr. Qian's autobiography."

"Oh!" Everyone was in awe, except Heath Ledger who was eating roast duck legs.

"We jointly won this film with Chang'an Studio. Because my schedule is limited and I don't know enough about that era, I thought about it carefully and decided that you have to be the one to direct it."

Biopics are indeed a field that I have never set foot in, and he is such a legendary scientist. The key point is that there are few excellent biopics in the mainland film industry. Even if there are, they are mostly state-funded films with the main theme and the main theme. Well, success can only be considered successful if the audience is willing to buy tickets and support it. If it relies on superiors to show off their cards, it will be boring.

However, passing censorship for biopics is also a problem, but Wang Quan plus himself, with this weight, may be able to ignore the existence of censorship and maximize freedom of creation.

Zhang Yimou was indeed interested, "Do you have any ideas?"

After saying that, he hurriedly added: "We will talk after dinner, eat first, eat first."

It is not appropriate to talk about film shooting ideas outside. Although they are all trustworthy people, they are still not safe.

But then Zhang Yimou had no intention of eating. He moved his chopsticks very quickly. He just wanted to finish eating as soon as possible and communicate early.

Ni Ni stuttered. She also wanted to communicate with Wang Quan as soon as possible, but since the director was the biggest, she had better let Director Zhang do it first.

Zhang Mo also wanted to participate in the exchange between Wang Quan and his father, but unfortunately he was blocked by them in the end.

The two chatted for more than two hours, and Wang Quan did have some ideas about how to make this movie.

During the two hours the two were in the room, the production director of "Thirteen Hairpins" urgently reported the incident to his boss Zhang Weiping.

Zhang Wei commented: "What, he not only came to visit the class, but also had dinner with the director. Not only did he eat, but he also went back to the hotel together!" skr!

Production director, "Yes, boss!"

"Then do you know what they said while eating?" Zhang Weiping asked obviously nervously.

"My hen!"

"So, who is there at dinner?"

Then he replied to Zhang Weiping, who hung up the phone and dialed Ni Ni's cell phone directly.

Ni Ni is taking a bath at the moment. She wants to look her best. Her skin is so white and her legs are so long!

"Hey, boss, what's the matter?" She was a little surprised.

Zhang Weiping asked directly: "Have you had dinner with the director and Wang Quan today?"

Ni Ni was startled, "Yes."

"What did they say?"

Ni Ni rolled her eyes and replied: "Director Wang Quan complimented me on my beauty. He also asked me where I was from and how old I was. Oh, he also asked me if I had a boyfriend."

"Bah, you dirty bastard!" Zhang Weiping snorted and asked, "Is there anything else? What did he say to the director?"

"They are just complimenting each other. Wang Quan said that he grew up watching the director's movies, and the director said that Wang Quan represents the future of Chinese films."



Zhang Weijing thought for a moment: "So, you go knock on Wang Quan's door and see if you can get something out of him, and see what he wants from the director?"

"Ah, what's wrong with this? I don't know how~"

"Don't tell me you're still a virgin. Use your feminine charm. If you can make the king fall under your skirt, think about the benefits!"

Ni Ni: Haha, what are the benefits? I will only be sprayed to death by Liu Yifei's fans. I'm afraid Yang Mi is the only one in the world who can withstand the anger of Liu Yifei's fans.

"Okay, let me give it a try." Ni Ni got up, put on her clothes, and sent a text message to Wang Quan first to make sure they were done talking, and then knocked on Wang Quan's door.

Wang Quan pulled the person in, "Are you so impatient?"

"Director, I want to study with you again how to play a promiscuous woman well."

Wang Quan, "Your performance is already fine, and the intimate scene in the original script has been deleted by me."

"Ah?!" Ni Ni knew about this scene. It was forced into it by that old bastard Zhang Weiping. Although she was opposed to it, she had no say in it. Heath Ledger was also opposed to it. Unexpectedly, today Was it deleted by King Quan?

"Director, you are so majestic. You can even delete the script directed by Zhang Yimou."

Wang Quan smiled, "It's just that Director Yimou is more obedient."

"Then why did you let him delete it?" Ni Ni hooked Wang Quan's neck and swayed, "Is it because of possessiveness? You don't want other men to touch me, right~"

Now she was in a jade-like state, her eyes blurred and seductive.

Wang Quan pressed her against the wall, "Don't be too pretentious. I just don't want the quality of a movie that could have been better to be reduced due to the interference of outsiders. You are not my girlfriend, and I can't control you."

"Hmph, you are so heartless."

"Then you come to me~" Wang Quan leaned close to her neck.

"Zhang Weiping asked me to come to you."

"Huh?" Wang Quan stopped.

Ni Ni, "He knew about our dinner. I didn't talk about the topics at the dinner table, so he sent me to inquire about the news and wanted to know what you talked about."

"Then you sold him."

Ni Ni hummed, "Of course my relationship with you is closer than with him, so what should I say, just say that you kicked me out without even letting me in?"

Wang Quan shook his head, "That's not something I can do."

Ni Ni, "Then think about how I should deal with this."

Wang Quan first thanked her for informing her, then picked her up and said, "Have you just taken a shower?"

"You can smell it? Doesn't it smell good?"

Wang Quan nodded, "Let's do more important things first. Let me see if your acting skills have improved."

Ni Ni is very happy, and can finally practice again!

Two days later.

Wang Quan said to Ni Ni, who was exhausted and had no strength at all, "Just tell Zhang Wei that I am going to make a new movie and want to use you as the heroine."

"Ah, really!"

Wang Quan: "Of course it's fake."

"Ah~" Ni Ni pouted.

Wang Quan: "As I said, call him now."

Zhang Weiping waited for two hours and tried to call several times, but finally held back.

"How, what did he say?" he asked.

Ni Ni said: "I finally found out. It turns out that Wang Quan asked the director to lend me a role and let me play the heroine in his new film."

Zhang Weiping, "What?"

"Boss, do you want me to repeat it again?"

Zhang Weiping scolded directly, "You are a big-breasted and brainless idiot. You believe this kind of nonsense. Why did the two of them discuss this kind of thing in private behind closed doors for so long!"

Ni Ni moved his phone further away, but he was in a good mood. He praised me for being a great bear! Can't I hide my inner beauty?

Zhang Weijing said, "Did you let him play in vain?"

Ni Ni rubbed the sore spot and said, "No, Director Wang Quan is a very gentleman."

"Not yet, huh, you've probably been figured out by that kid a long time ago. He lied to you!" Zhang Weiping affirmed.

Ni Ni: "Ah, no, I don't think he is that kind of person."

"It's not like that kind of person, who is not just a traitor but also a businessman!"

"He didn't rape me!"

"I'm talking about treacherous and treacherous, have you ever read a book?" Zhang Weiping, this big boss, can't stand it anymore. These are the people in the entertainment industry!

"Oh, what is his purpose?" Ni Ni continued to cooperate with his performance.

Zhang Weiping snorted coldly, "He must be trying to poach someone and make Yimou leave me!"

Wang Quan breathed a sigh of relief and finally guided him to speak out on his own.

"Ah, what should we do, boss? The company cannot be without Director Zhang!" Ni Ni played the role well.

How could Zhang Weiping not know this? He said, "Ni Ni, your management contract is with the company. You understand what I mean."

"I understand, I am from the company, not Zhang Yimou."

Wang Quan gave Ni Ni a thumbs up, well done.

Zhang Weiping smiled, I guess you are aware of current affairs, "Well, I will arrange a task for you. If you complete it, I will be rewarded heavily."

"Boss, tell me."

Zhang Weixing said, "You try to get Zhang Yimou drunk and then take some photos with him in bed."


"Don't worry, if you give the photo to me, I won't leak it. It's just a way to bind Yimou to our company."

"Oh, then I'm relieved."

Zhang Weiping laughed, stupid woman.

"However," Ni Ni added, "but this doesn't seem to be a threat to the director. The man is unmarried and the woman is unmarried."

Zhang Weiping laughed, "It's okay for a man to be unmarried, but there is a woman beside him who gave birth to three children for him!"

"Ah!" Ni Ni really didn't know this, but considering Zhang Mo's attitude towards her father that was hot and cold at times, it was really possible.

Ni Ni said, "I don't even know."

"Haha, just this I can make him walk around without food. He is considered a superborn and will be fined a huge sum of money."

Ni Ni hung up the phone and asked Wang Quan for credit, "I did a pretty good job."

Wang Quan, "Yes, she is a female agent."

"Oh, by the way, how much is your liquidated damages?"


"How many."

Ni Ni said a number that was astronomical in her eyes, and Wang Quan said again, "Give me your card."


"If you don't obey me, I'll spank you, believe it or not."

Ni Ni was a little confused, so she went to rummage through her bag while naked.

Wang Quan took her card and did some operations, "The money has been transferred. You will be free after the movie is filmed. There is no future with Zhang Weiping."

"Then you bought my freedom with money, and I will be yours from now on."

Wang Quan, "Are you relying on me?"

Ni Ni, "I am very good and will not affect your relationship with Liu Yifei."

Wang Quan shook his head, "Let's wait until you are truly free to talk about this. Maybe you will have other ideas by then. Okay, go to sleep."

Ni Ni lay down obediently and slept soundly in Wang Quan's arms.

The next day Wang Quan went to Zhang Yimou's room again to say goodbye.

But before leaving, he let Zhang Yimou listen to a recording of Ni Ni and Zhang Weiping.

"I concealed it before. In fact, Miss Ni Ni and I have known each other for a long time. She used to be my girlfriend's replacement. This time Zhang Weiping forced her to come to me to inquire about our affairs. She told me the truth, so she took advantage of the situation. With this conversation, I used to think that Zhang Weiping was so kind to you, the director, and it turned out that he used this kind of underhanded method to make you follow him so wholeheartedly. It is really an extraordinary person doing extraordinary things."


Zhang Yimou, who always gave people the impression of a simple and honest old farmer, slammed the table. He didn't expect it. He didn't expect Zhang Weiping to treat him like this!

I treat you as a brother, but you treat me as a villain, right?

He picked up his cell phone and was about to dial Zhang Weiping's number. At the critical moment, Wang Quan stopped him and said, "Director, wait~"

(Thanks to our second leader, the little monster is three years old. Thank you for your support! There is still another chapter~)

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