You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 197: One Person Fights Two Peak Powerhouses At The Ninth Level Of The Pseudo-Immortal Realm!

Bai Lao's face was extremely gloomy at the moment. He didn't even expect that Lin Fan could receive his punch without dying. You know, he used 80% of his strength in that punch just now, but Lin Fan actually blocked it. He had to say that he was really shocked.


At this time, a sword sound suddenly sounded in the field.

Bai Lao narrowed his eyes, "Sword cultivator?"

Without thinking any more, he punched out again.


This punch contained an extremely terrifying force of boxing, forcing Lin Fan's sword to stop in place. At the same time, countless boxing powers were like a tide, killing Lin Fan in the blink of an eye. submerged.

And at this moment, a blood-red sword light actually tore a huge hole out of the boxing power, and Lin Fan flew out of it.

The moment he flew out, Lin Fan turned into a sword light and rushed straight towards Bai Lao. In the blink of an eye, he was on top of Bai Lao's head. He clenched the bloodthirsty sword with both hands, and then slashed down!

Bai Lao's pupils suddenly shrank, and he had no time to think. He quickly put his hands above his head, and at this moment, a mysterious force enveloped him, forming a shield.


The sword slashed down hard, and Bai Lao was knocked away on the spot. Lin Fan did not hesitate and turned into a sword light again to kill Bai Lao.

Bai Lao's expression suddenly became ferocious. He roared angrily, clenched his fists into fists, and then blasted out!

Come out with both fists!


In an instant, the world was shattered by these two punches, and Lin Fan flew out on the spot, flying millions of miles before barely stopping.

Blood slowly flowed out of the corners of his mouth, and his aura became extremely weak, but there was endless murderous intent and madness in his eyes.

He is angry!

He is angry!


He hates betrayal!


In an instant, countless sword intentions surged out of him, and the entire sky was filled with his sword intentions.

Strong murderous intent enveloped this world.

The onlookers trembled violently, and a chill surged into their hearts.

Someone was shocked and said: "Let me go, how angry is he? Is he so murderous?"

One person replied: "If you were betrayed by someone, you would probably be the same as him. However, I have to say that this guy is really terrifying. He can actually fight to this extent with Bai Lao."

Someone nodded and said: "Yes, with such strength and realm at such a young age, I dare not think about what kind of existence he will become in the future. Anyway, he definitely has a place in the immortal world!"


Lin Fan's eyes were red and he stared at Mr. Bai in the distance.

Being stared at like this, Mr. Bai couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. At this moment, his expression changed, and a sword light was reflected in his eyes.

Not daring to hesitate, he clenched his fingers tightly. In an instant, immortal energy from all directions surged into his fist. The next moment, he took a step forward and then punched out fiercely.



The terrifying punch directly shattered Lin Fan's sword intent, and Lin Fan was swallowed up by countless punch intents and then flew out.


At this moment, the sound of a sword suddenly sounded in the field, and behind Lin Fan, a terrifying sword light was seen heading towards him.

Lin Fan's face was extremely ferocious, and the blood power in his body began to boil, and his hair turned red at this moment. The next moment, an extremely powerful blood power burst out from him!


The terrifying bloodline power spread to millions of miles away in an instant, and Wang Hui was also thrown away by the bloodline power.

At this moment, everyone in the venue stared with disbelief.

Someone trembled: "Blood...the power of blood! He actually has the power of blood!"

Another person said: "Damn it, what is this kid's identity? He actually has the power of blood? It's incredible!"

A woman was shocked and said: "As far as I know, people with the power of blood must have a great terror in their ancestors!"

Gu He stared at Lin Fan, feeling equally shocked. After thinking for a moment, he looked at Gu Xun'er, "Who is this friend of yours?"

Jiang Ying also looked at Gu Xun'er at this moment.

Gu Xun'er looked confused, "I don't know."

During the time she met Lin Fan, she didn't know that Lin Fan actually had the power of blood, because Lin Fan had never revealed that he had the power of blood. To be honest, she was more shocked than anyone else at the moment.

Furukawa frowned, then turned to look at Lin Fan, and said solemnly: "This friend of yours... is not simple."


The corner of Kenshin's mouth twitched slightly, "If I remember correctly, senior brother seems to have a special physique, right? It's already amazing for a person to have a special physique, let alone the power of blood. Senior brother, this is incredible! "

After saying that, he actually felt a bit of pressure, "I also have to work hard to practice. I can't be too far away from my senior brother, otherwise I will feel embarrassed myself."

As he spoke, he seemed to think of something and looked at Su Chen. Seeing that Su Chen still had no expression on his face, he couldn't help but shake his head and let out a sigh in his heart.

On the other side, Jiang Xin stared at Lin Fan, "The power of blood..."

She kept repeating four words. At this moment, she felt a little regretful and regretted not helping Lin Fan.

Lin Fan has the power of blood, which means that there must be someone behind Lin Fan, and the person behind Lin Fan will never let Lin Fan die.

Lin Fan has a background!

Moreover, his background may not be ordinary horror!

If she had chosen to help Lin Fan before, then she would definitely be able to win the favor of Lin Fan and the people behind Lin Fan. By then, her achievements would surely reach even higher!

Jiang Xin's face gradually turned pale and she bit her lip with her teeth. At this moment, she really regretted it in her heart, but it was useless to regret it now. Lin Fan definitely had no good impression of her now. Even if she chose to help Lin Fan now, Lin Fan Fan will never forgive her.

Bai Lao and Wang Hui's faces were as gloomy as water at this moment, and their hearts were extremely heavy.

They never expected that Lin Fan had the power of blood.

At this time, Bai Laoyi gritted his teeth and looked at Wang Hui who looked hesitant, "It's useless to regret now. Anyway, we have offended him, so let's kill him together!"

Hearing this, Wang Hui frowned slightly. After thinking for a moment, he nodded, and then he and Bai Lao went straight towards Lin Fan.

Lin Fan's face was distorted, and his eyes were full of rage. Facing the two powerful men at the ninth level of the pseudo-immortal realm, he was not afraid at all. He stamped his right foot violently, and his whole body turned into a sword light.

He wanted to force the two strong men at the pinnacle of the pseudo-fairyland to vent the overwhelming anger in his heart. Only in this way could he feel better.

Bang bang bang...

The three rays of light constantly collide in the air, and each time they collide, a shock wave that destroys the world will erupt, which is extremely terrifying.

Everyone couldn't help but gasp as they watched the three fighting.

One person can fight against two strong men at the ninth level of pseudo-fairyland without losing!


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