Xiaolan on the side was looking at Jiang Xin with disbelief, "Jiang...Sister Jiang Xin..."

She didn't expect that Jiang Xin would betray Lin Fan. You know, Lin Fan took care of them everywhere in the secret realm, and even directly gave up the inheritance to Jiang Xin. But in the end, Jiang Xin was afraid of offending the Purple Mansion Holy Land and the royal family and chose betray!

At this moment, she actually felt that the Jiang Xin in front of her was very strange, so strange that she didn't even recognize him.

Jiang Xin shook her head and looked at Lin Fan with complicated eyes, "If the Plum Blossom Sect is destroyed because of me helping you, then I will become the sinner of the Plum Blossom Sect. I can't let the Plum Blossom Sect fall into a place of eternal destruction because of you, so, Feel sorry."

Da da da...

Lin Fan couldn't help but take a few steps back. The feeling of betrayal was like a sharp sword, piercing into his heart. Disappointment, pain and other emotions were intertwined, making him feel suffocated.

His body was trembling, his heart was pounding, and he couldn't breathe.

At this moment, he suddenly understood what Su Chen, Jian Xin and the old man said to him.

Xiaolan glared at Jiang Xin and asked: "Sister Jiang Xin, have you forgotten who is taking care of us in the secret realm? Have you forgotten who gave the inheritance to you? How can you betray Mr. Lin?"

Jiang Xin looked at Xiaolan and frowned, "Xiaolan, I know what you mean, but do you know? If I help him, the entire Plum Blossom Sect will be destroyed!"

Xiaolan said: "Bah, you are obviously afraid of the Zifu Holy Land and the royal family..."


Before Xiaolan finished speaking, Jiang Xin suddenly said angrily, and then, a terrifying aura pressed towards Xiaolan like a tide.


Xiaolan was immediately thrown away by the terrifying aura and flew hundreds of thousands of miles before she stopped.


Xiaolan's face turned pale, and then she spat out a mouthful of blood. She looked at Jiang Xin in the distance, her eyes filled with disbelief, "You...you actually attacked me?"

At this moment, her heart seemed to be pierced by countless needles, and the pain was unspeakable. She never expected that Jiang Xin would actually take action against her!

Jiang Xin seemed to realize that she had gone too far at this moment, and quickly took back her breath, then looked at Xiaolan, "What you just said was too much."

Hearing this, Xiaolan's heart hurt even more, and the pain was so severe that she couldn't breathe.


She sneered, "It turns out that telling the truth is also a mistake."

Jiang Xin's eyes gradually turned cold, "Whatever you say, step aside with me now and don't interfere in what happens next!"

Xiaolan sneered again, "Why do you order me? What qualifications do you have to order me?"

As her words fell, Jiang Xin suddenly disappeared. When she appeared, she was already behind Xiaolan. Without waiting for Xiaolan to react, she reached out and hit Xiaolan on the neck. Xiaolan fainted on the spot. .


Looking at Xiaolan, Jiang Xin let out a long sigh, and then she looked at Lin Fan in the distance with an apologetic expression. The next moment, she took Xiaolan and disappeared directly.

In fact, it stands to reason that after seeing Su Chen's strength, Jiang Xin should not betray Lin Fan. After all, with Su Chen's strength, the Purple Mansion Holy Land and the royal family can be destroyed with just a raise of his hands.

However, when Su Chen left just now, he said that he would not care about what happened next. This sentence meant that he would not care about Lin Fan, the Zifu Holy Land, and the royal family. After saying this, After saying these words, he left with Jian Xin without hesitation at all.

She didn't know if what Su Chen said was true. If she helped Lin Fan and Su Chen didn't show up in the end, then not only her, but the entire Plum Blossom Sect would be doomed!

Plum Blossom Sect is the place where she grew up and contains her relatives and friends.

She didn't dare to gamble with her family and friends!

So in the end she chose not to help Lin Fan and save the Plum Blossom Sect.

Lin Fan stared blankly at the place where Jiang Xin disappeared. Apparently, he had not yet recovered from the betrayal.

At this moment, he remembered how he had taken care of Jiang Xin in the secret realm, and how he wanted to give up the inheritance to Jiang Xin even though he knew that Su Chen and the old man would be unhappy. But in the end, everything he did was in exchange for betrayal. !


His heart really hurts, heartbreaking pain!


Lin Fan smiled sadly, "Master, junior brother, senior, I was wrong, so wrong! Hahaha..."

He laughed maniacally, and his laughter echoed for millions of miles around.



Jian Xin sighed, then looked at Su Chen, "Master..."

Su Chen put his hands behind his hands, his face expressionless, and said nothing.

Seeing this, Kenshin sighed again and stopped saying what he originally wanted to say.

On the other side, Jiang Xin was carrying Xiaolan on her back and looking at Lin Fan with a guilty look. To be honest, if she could, she wouldn't want to betray Lin Fan at all, but if there was no such thing, if she helped Lin Fan, the entire Plum Blossom Sect would definitely be in ruins.

The passers-by who were watching also shook their heads at this moment.

Someone said: "This kid is also pitiful. He was betrayed by his own friend."

One person sneered: "In this world that eats people without spitting out their bones, it's ridiculous that you still believe in so-called friends."

One man said: "That's true. In this world, even biological fathers and brothers will betray, let alone friends."

At the same time, Bai Lao didn't hesitate any longer and went straight towards Lin Fan. On the way, he punched out fiercely. In an instant, countless fist lights surged out, and the terrifying punch instantly enveloped Lin Fan.

Lin Fan's hair suddenly stood up. At this moment, he finally recovered from his grief. Before he had time to think about it, he raised his hand and punched him!


The two terrifying fists spread out in an instant, and the faces of everyone watching changed drastically, and they quickly retreated away from the area.

At this moment, Lin Fan and Bai Lao flew out at the same time. Lin Fan flew a million miles to stabilize his body, while Bai Lao flew hundreds of thousands of miles.

However, at this moment, Bai Lao looked at Lin Fan in the distance with a look of shock and disbelief.

Not only him, but everyone present was dumbfounded at the moment.

A man was shocked and said: "Damn it, his realm is actually the fourth level of pseudo-immortal realm! Is he such a young pseudo-immortal?"

Another person said: "Not only is he a pseudo-immortal, he also blocked Bai Lao's punch! You know, Bai Lao is the pinnacle of the ninth level of pseudo-immortal! How can a person at the fourth level of pseudo-immortal be able to block his punch?"

"You really are a monster!"


Gu He frowned, then looked at Gu Xun'er beside him, and asked: "Is your friend such a monster?"

Gu Xun'er smiled and said, "That's for sure."

Jiang Ying nodded and said: "If your friend does not die young, he will definitely achieve great achievements in the future."

Gu Xun'er said: "Mom and dad, why don't you take a gamble?"

Hearing this, Jiang Ying glanced at Gu Xun'er.

Gu He shook his head and said: "The Purple Mansion Holy Land and the royal family are not as simple as you think."

Gu Xun'er asked curiously: "What's not simple?"

Furukawa shook his head and said nothing more.


Seeing this, Gu Xun'er snorted coldly and turned to look at Lin Fan.

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