You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 169 Dragon Blood!

As Lin Fan exerted force, the door remained motionless. Seeing this, Lin Fan's eyes flashed with surprise, then he gritted his teeth and used his cultivation.

Time passed by, and Lin Fan kept sweating on his forehead. At this moment, he felt a little depressed, because no matter how hard he tried, the door still didn't move.

"I still don't believe it can't be pushed!"

Lin Fan said angrily, the blood in his body boiled at this moment, and a mysterious power filled his body.


Lin Fan shouted angrily, gathered his strength in his hands, and then pushed hard.


The door was finally pushed open a little. Lin Fan's eyes lit up, and then he pushed harder. After a moment, the door was finally pushed open.

Lin Fan collapsed to the ground, breathing heavily and sweating profusely, "What's going on with this door? Is it so difficult to push it? It took me so much effort to push it open."

Su Chen smiled, "So you still have to practice."

Hearing this, Lin Fan twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Master, could you please stop quarreling with me every time?"

Su Chen blinked, "Really? I'm just telling the truth."


Lin Fan chuckled, his head covered with black lines.

Su Chen laughed, ignored Lin Fan and walked towards the main hall.

Seeing this, Lin Fan quickly stood up and followed him.

There is a blood pool in the main hall. The blood pool is like a deep red lake, full of strong smell of blood. However, if you feel it carefully, you can find that this blood pool actually contains an extremely powerful force. Not only that, but also Still filled with the power of mythical beasts!

This is the blood of a mythical beast!

Looking at the blood pool, Lin Fan frowned, "Master, what kind of creature's blood is this?"

Su Chen said calmly: "Dragon."


Hearing this, Lin Fan's eyes widened and he said in disbelief: "Is this dragon blood?"

Su Chen nodded and said: "Well, this is not ordinary dragon blood, this is the blood of the five-clawed golden dragon!"

"Five-clawed golden dragon?" Lin Fan was confused.

Su Chen explained: "There are many types of dragons, and the five-clawed golden dragon is one of them. Moreover, this five-clawed golden dragon has a very high status in the dragon clan."

After listening to Su Chen's explanation, Lin Fan thought for a moment and then said, "Is there any dragon more powerful than the five-clawed golden dragon?"

Su Chen glanced at Lin Fan, "Yes, there is, but it's not in the fairy world."

Lin Fan asked in confusion: "Not in the fairy world? Where is it?"

Su Chen said: "Wait until you truly stand at the top of the fairy world before asking this question."

Hearing this, Lin Fan was silent for a moment, then nodded, "I understand."

After saying that, he looked at the blood pool, "Then who created this blood pool? It couldn't be the Blood Moon Immortal, right?"

Su Chen nodded and said, "It should be."

Lin Fan was shocked and said: "Then this Blood Moon Immortal is so awesome that even the Dragon Clan dares to kill him?"

Su Chen glanced at Lin Fan, "Didn't you kill someone before?"

Lin Fan was stunned for a moment, and then kept recalling in his mind. Finally, he finally remembered the dragon he killed on Dilu.

Thinking of this, Lin Fan panicked a little. He hadn't thought that much at the time, but after thinking about it carefully, would he be retaliated by the dragon clan?

Lin Fan's throat rolled and he looked at Su Chen.

Just when he was about to speak, Su Chen said directly: "Don't worry, they will definitely come to you for revenge."

After hearing this, Lin Fan froze. After a moment, he said with a grimace, "No way?"

The corners of Su Chen's lips raised, "Yes, the dragon clan is extremely arrogant. If you kill one of their clan members, they will definitely come to you for revenge. Moreover, the person you killed was the ninth prince of the dragon clan, so they are even less likely to let you go. "

"What? The Ninth Prince of the Dragon Clan?"

After listening to Su Chen's words, Lin Fan opened his mouth so wide that he could put five or six eggs in it.

At this moment, he was really panicked!

I’m really panicking!

If the Dragon Clan knew that he killed the Ninth Prince of the Dragon Clan, they would definitely hunt him down like crazy!

At this time, Lin Fan's eyes lit up, "The Dragon Clan people don't know that I killed them? Why should I be panicking?"

As he said that, he looked at Su Chen, but when he saw the smile on Su Chen's face, he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.


Su Chen spoke, "Don't worry, they must know it was you who killed him."

Lin Fan's expression froze, " can't be right?"

Su Chen smiled slightly, "Any dragon slayer will be cursed by the Dragon Clan, and anyone who falls under this curse will be felt by the Dragon Clan, so... I'm afraid it will be difficult for you in the future."

After hearing this, Lin Fan's face turned pale and he lay directly on the ground. It was obvious that he was ready to destroy the dragon. He couldn't defeat the Dragon Clan. What else could he do if he didn't destroy it?

Go hard?

I'm afraid he will die in a matter of minutes.

Su Chen said at this time: "I will go to the Dragon Clan later to prevent the strong men from the Dragon Clan from targeting you."

Hearing this, Lin Fan stood up suddenly and said excitedly: "Really?"

Su Chen nodded and said: "Really! But I only care about the top experts of the Dragon Clan. If the younger generation of the Dragon Clan targets you, then I won't care."


Lin Fan laughed loudly, "Master, don't worry, as long as you don't let the strong men of the Dragon Clan take action against me, I will blow up the genius of the Dragon Clan! If I am killed by the younger generation of the Dragon Clan, then I can only blame me for being a waste!"

The corner of Su Chen's mouth raised, "Yes, it's good to have this kind of confidence, but you can't set your sights on your peers. You have to learn to challenge the older generation, so that you can have a chance to surpass me in the future."

After listening, Lin Fan was silent for a moment, then nodded, "I understand!"

Su Chen nodded, and then reminded: "The Dragon Clan has taken action now, you have to increase your strength quickly."

Lin Fan said solemnly: "So fast?"

Su Chen nodded and said, "Yes."

As he spoke, he pointed to the blood pool on the side, "Jump in and absorb the energy contained in the dragon's blood."

Lin Fan nodded, without hesitation, jumped into the blood pool decisively! And the moment he jumped into the blood pool, a burning sensation hit him.

Lin Fan was okay at first, but as time went by, the burning sensation became stronger and stronger.

The pain distorted his face. At this moment, he felt as if he was being roasted by fire.


Su Chen looked at Lin Fan in the blood pool and whispered: "This thing is good for you, hold on."

When Lin Fan in the blood pool heard this, he gritted his teeth and tried to endure the pain.

Suddenly, the entire blood pool began to boil at this moment, and then, the dragon's blood began to merge into Lin Fan's body!


The intense pain made Lin Fan couldn't help but scream, and the veins on his forehead were clearly visible.

After the dragon's blood entered Lin Fan's body, it tried to expel the blood from Lin Fan's body.


And at this moment, the blood in Lin Fan's body suddenly became restless, and a terrifying blood power swept out of him!

Suddenly, the blood in Lin Fan's body began to swallow up dragon blood!

Dragon Blood was shocked and wanted to withdraw from Lin Fan's body, but it was too late. The blood in Lin Fan's body directly suppressed Dragon Blood and then swallowed it.

In this way, the dragon's blood in the blood pool was greedily devoured by the blood in Lin Fan's body, and Lin Fan's aura also surged crazily at this moment!

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