You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 168 I Can’T Afford To Offend You!

Lin Fan's expression froze, and his whole body froze in place as if petrified.


Is this sword skill rubbish?

Lin Fan slowly looked at Su Chen and forced out a smile, "Master, you call such an awesome sword skill rubbish?"

Su Chen said calmly: "In my eyes, it is indeed garbage."


Lin Fan blinked, "Then what's more powerful?"

Su Chen said: "You should practice this sword skill first before you ask."

Lin Fan raised the corner of his mouth, "I think Master is bragging."

Su Chen smiled and said, "The method of provoking generals is useless to me."

As he spoke, he punched Lin Fan on the head.


Lin Fan screamed on the spot and quickly covered his head with both hands, his expression a little distorted, "It hurts!"

Su Chen looked at him and smiled slightly, "Stop playing with these little tricks in front of me. If you dare again next time, it won't be as simple as a punch."

After listening to Su Chen's words, Lin Fan felt a chill in his heart, which scared him so much that he quickly said: "No, no, no, I won't dare to do that again!"

Su Chen said: "It's best."

Lin Fan was about to speak, but at this moment, hundreds of terrifying auras suddenly surged out of the field.

next moment!

Hundreds of ferocious beasts came from all directions, and each ferocious beast was filled with the terrifying aura of a pseudo-fairyland. This area was wiped out on the spot because it could not bear the aura of these ferocious beasts.

Hundreds of ferocious beasts were all looking at Su Chen and Lin Fan. The eyes of each ferocious beast were filled with violence, murderous intent, and cruelty!

If an ordinary cultivator were stared at like this, he would definitely be frightened to death on the spot.

Lin Fan looked at the ferocious beasts around him solemnly, with disbelief in his eyes, "Are there so many pseudo-fairyland ferocious beasts here?"

Su Chen glanced at him, "What do you think of the secret realm left by an immortal?"


Lin Fan was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Indeed, the Immortal Lord is worthy of being an Immortal Lord, and the secret realms he left behind are so terrifying."

After speaking, he said solemnly: "These ferocious beasts were probably attracted here because of the fight just now."

Su Chen said nothing, with one hand behind his back, his expression as calm as water.

Although he was calm, Lin Fan was panicking at the moment.

The pseudo-immortal is already the strongest existence in the Lower Immortal Realm. It is difficult to see a pseudo-immortal outside, but in this secret realm there are actually hundreds of ferocious beasts from the pseudo-immortal realm!

This scared Lin Fan and quickly moved closer to Su Chen.

Su Chen glanced at Lin Fan, "Look at your potential."

Lin Fan smiled bitterly and said: "Master, these are hundreds of ferocious beasts from the pseudo-fairyland. How can I not be afraid?"

Su Chen said: "Then practice hard."

Hearing this, Lin Fan felt aggrieved and said, "I have worked hard enough."

Su Chen shook his head and said, "It's not enough."

With that said, he no longer paid attention to Lin Fan, but looked at the ferocious beasts around him.

Lin Fan remained silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

When those hundreds of ferocious beasts saw Su Chen looking at them, they all boiled up. The violence, murderous intent and cruelty in their eyes became more intense, and their whole bodies were filled with an aura of terror.

Su Chen put his hands behind his hands and his robes, standing on the sky.

At this moment, hundreds of ferocious beasts finally couldn't stand it anymore and started killing Su Chen and the other two.

In an instant, the whole world was shaking, and roars resounded throughout the world. The sound was huge and unstoppable!

Seeing this scene, Lin Fan swallowed and felt a sense of fear in his heart, "This...isn't this too scary?"

As he said that, he looked at Su Chen and said, "Master, can you withstand it?"

Su Chen glanced at Lin Fan, and then looked away. He slowly raised his right hand, and then pressed it down.


In an instant, an invisible mysterious force swept towards the surroundings. In just a moment, the entire secret realm was shrouded in this mysterious and terrifying force.

And those hundreds of ferocious beasts were suppressed on the spot. Not only these hundreds of ferocious beasts, but all the ferocious beasts in the entire secret realm were suppressed to the ground by this terrifying force.

At this moment, the world became extremely quiet, and there was no longer the roar before.

Hundreds of ferocious beasts in the pseudo-fairyland were confused at this moment, they didn't understand what was happening.

After a long time, those ferocious beasts with higher intelligence reacted, and then they all looked at Su Chen, their eyes filled with fear.

Damn it!

Is this human being so scary?

Su Chen put one hand behind his back and watched everything calmly.

Lin Fan beside him was numb at the moment.

Hundreds of ferocious beasts from the pseudo-fairyland were suppressed by Master!

Hundreds of them!

It’s still a ferocious beast from the pseudo-fairyland!

As a result, he was suppressed!


Lin Fan looked at Su Chen excitedly, his eyes full of admiration.

At this time, a ferocious beast with high intelligence roared at Su Chen. The roar was very small and did not convey any momentum. It could even sound like it was begging for mercy. Obviously, this ferocious beast was following Su Chen. Su Chen begged for mercy.

Su Chen glanced at the ferocious beast and said nothing.

Seeing Su Chen looking towards him, the ferocious beast roared again, its eyes filled with prayers.


At this moment, a ray of sword light passed through the field, and the ferocious beast had a look of confusion in its eyes, and then, its body split into two halves.

Seeing this scene, the ferocious beasts around them trembled, their huge bodies kept shaking, and the fear in their eyes was clearly visible.

This time, these ferocious beasts were immediately frightened.

This human being in front of me is so terrifying!


Can't afford it!

I can't afford to offend you!

Su Chen glanced at the ferocious beasts around him, and then waved his right hand. In an instant, hundreds of ferocious beasts lost their breath, and their bodies were cut into countless pieces of flesh. A large amount of blood flooded the world like sea water.

The air is filled with the strong smell of blood!

Seeing this scene, Lin Fan was stunned.

Hundreds of ferocious beasts from the pseudo-fairyland just disappeared?

The ferocious beast of the pseudo-fairyland!

He was actually killed like a chicken!

At this moment, Lin Fan seemed to truly realize the terror of his master!

To kill fake immortals like chickens, what kind of state do you have to be in to do this?

Su Chen said: "Follow me."

With that said, he flew towards a certain place.

Lin Fan saw this and quickly followed.

On the way, Lin Fan asked curiously: "Master, how strong are you?"

Su Chen glanced at Lin Fan and said, "I'm just better than you anyway."

Hearing this, Lin Fan twitched the corner of his mouth, shook his head, and asked no more questions.

Soon, Su Chen brought Lin Fan to a large hall.

The hall was dark red in color, with talismans posted on all sides, and some incomprehensible ancient secret texts, which made it look extremely strange.

Looking at the main hall, Lin Fan frowned, "Master, what's in here?"

Su Chen said: "Wouldn't you know it once you go in?"

With that said, he strode directly towards the main hall.

Lin Fan did not hesitate and followed.

Looking at the door, Su Chen turned to Lin Fan and said, "Push it open."

Lin Fan nodded, then placed his hands on the stone door, and then slowly applied force.

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