You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 163 A Big Departure!

At this time, everyone seemed to understand something and looked at Shen Wanwan. At this moment, they seemed to know why Shen Wanwan did what he did just now.

How awesome does this being have to be to be able to suppress hundreds of thousands of powerful emperors and a fake immortal boss?

Damn it!

That’s fucking outrageous!


At this moment, everyone's cognition was completely shattered, because they had never encountered anything so outrageous!

Dozens of powerful emperors and a powerful pseudo-immortal were suppressed without any ability to resist!

Like ants!

This is a huge departure!

Is this something a human can do?

Even if it can be done, how strong a state does it take to do it?

True immortal?


Or maybe it's Xuanxian?

But can Xuanxian really do it?

At this moment, everyone's cognition was completely shattered. What happened today will be remembered for the rest of their lives!

Shen Wanwan's face was pale, without a trace of blood. At this moment, the fear in his heart had reached its peak!

Lin Fan looked at himself kneeling in mid-air with helplessness in his eyes, but he was used to it.

Shen Lang looked at Su Chen beside him with awe in his eyes.

In fact, even he didn't expect that Su Chen would be so outrageous.

One person suppressed hundreds of thousands of half-emperors and a false immortal.

Who can do it?

Who can do it!

At this moment, he actually admired Su Chen.

Su Chen ignored everyone's gazes, but looked at the strong men of the Shen clan who wanted to escape.

Seeing Su Chen looking at them, the strong men of the Shen clan stopped breathing suddenly, as if they were about to suffocate.

"Senior, have mercy on me! Have mercy on me!"

"I am not the clan leader's confidant, please let me go, senior!"

"Senior, I was wrong. Please let me go. I will definitely assist Patriarch Shen Lang in the future!"


The psychological defenses of some powerful Shen clan men were completely broken by fear at this moment. They kept begging Su Chen for mercy, trying to let Su Chen spare their lives.

Su Chen's expression was extremely calm, terrifyingly calm. He turned to look at Shen Lang and said quietly: "Continue."

Hearing this, the faces of those strong men from the Shen clan who begged for mercy turned pale, their bodies trembled violently, and their eyes were full of fear.

They knew that Su Chen would not let them go!

A strong man from the Shen tribe suddenly distorted his face and shouted: "You beast! Why do you want to kill us? We have no grievances against you, why do you want to kill us!"

He almost used all his strength to say this!

But after he said this, he immediately regretted it.


The sword light flashed.

The aura of the powerful Shen clan member also disappeared at this moment.

Su Chen looked at the powerful Shen clan man with an indifferent expression, "Keep scolding, I want to see if I kill faster, or you scold faster!"

After hearing Su Chen's words, all the strong men of the Shen clan closed their lips, trembled all over, and their eyes were filled with fear.

Su Chen glanced at them coldly, then looked at Shen Lang again and said, "Say."

Shen Lang didn't hesitate, and quickly pointed to one person, and then pointed to another person...

Just like this, if Shen Lang pointed at one, the other would die.

Everyone in the venue was filled with fear, and drops of cold sweat slid down their foreheads. They didn't dare to breathe, for fear that Shen Lang's finger would point at them.

After a long time, Shen Lang finally put down his finger, but there were only less than 500 strong men from the Shen clan who originally numbered in the thousands.

Seeing Shen Lang put down his hand, the remaining strong men of the Shen clan breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, Shen Lang raised his hand again. Seeing this, the Shen clan strongman's heart was lifted again, and his body could not stop trembling.

However, Shen Lang actually just scratched his head. Seeing this, the strong man from the Shen clan twitched his mouth and looked speechless.


Do you know that what you just did scared us to death?

Scratching your head, you won’t wait for a while?

They complained in their hearts, but did not dare to show any displeasure on their faces. They don't want to be noticed by Shen Lang now. What if Shen Lang notices and points at them?

They don’t want to die!

Shen Lang said at this time: "Senior, there is no more."

Su Chen nodded, and then looked at Shen Wanwan.

When Shen Wanwan saw Su Chen looking towards him, he suddenly trembled, and then said quickly: "Senior, spare your life!"

Although he knew that begging for mercy was useless, the only thing he could do now was beg for mercy. Otherwise, what could he do? He couldn't beat him, so maybe Su Chen would be in a good mood and let him go if he begged for mercy?

Su Chen ignored Shen Wanwan, but flicked out a finger, and a sword light flew into Shen Wanwan's eyebrows.

It’s over!

Shen Wanwan's face changed drastically, and then he closed his eyes, waiting for death to come, but after waiting for a long time, he found that he was not dead.

He opened his eyes suddenly, with a puzzled look on his face, "What's going on? Am I not dead?"

Su Chen turned to look at Shen Lang and said calmly: "Let him assist you in the future and let him stabilize your position."

Shen Lang understood something and nodded quickly, with a smile on his face.

Su Chen then looked at Shen Wanwan in the distance again, "Can you hear clearly what I just said?"

Shen Wanwan smiled bitterly, "Senior, I understand."

He knew that his life might no longer belong to him, but fortunately, he didn't have to die.

He thought he was dead just now!

But he never expected that he wouldn’t have to die!

No need to die!

As long as you don't die, everything will be fine!

Su Chen ignored Shen Wanwan, but opened his palms, and a bottle of elixir appeared in his hand. Then, he threw the elixir to Shen Lang.

Shen Lang took the bottle of elixir and looked at Su Chen doubtfully.

Su Chen said calmly: "Although he is assisting you, your strength is still too weak. Only when you are strong will anyone listen to you. The pills here are enough for you to break through the pseudo-immortal."


After hearing what Su Chen said, Shen Lang's eyes widened with shock. He looked at the bottle of elixir in his hand and was filled with surprise.

Originally, he was worried that his strength was too weak and the strong men of the Shen clan would not obey his orders. Even with Shen Wanwan assisting him, the strong men of the Shen clan would not obey his orders.

But now these worries have completely disappeared. With this bottle of elixir, he will soon be able to break through the false immortal! At that time, he will kill anyone who dares not to listen to him!

Everyone in the venue also heard Su Chen's words. First they were shocked, then greedy.

The elixir that can break through the false immortality!

They are excited!

What a fake fairy!

That is the realm they all dream of reaching!

But they know that if there is no chance, they will never be able to break through to the pseudo-immortal in this life. However, at this moment, that bottle of elixir can allow them to break through to the pseudo-immortal!

Break through the pseudo-immortal!

They looked at the elixir in Shen Lang's hands greedily, and were even a little ready to make a move.

Su Chen now looked at all the strong men in the field.

The expressions of all the powerful men changed, and a sense of fear filled the air.

Su Chen said calmly: "It would be troublesome to let these people go, so let's kill them."


A harsh sword sound sounded in the field.


"don't want!"

next moment!

Hundreds of thousands of heads soared into the sky!

The faces of these people were full of endless fear, regret and unwillingness.


Greed killed them!

Seeing this scene, Shen Wanwan felt a chill rush into his heart, and his eyes were filled with endless fear.

There was actually a touch of greed in his heart just now, but after seeing the hundreds of thousands of heads, this greed disappeared instantly.

At this time, Su Chen slowly looked at Shen Wanwan...



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