You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 162 This Is Too Outrageous!

Shen Wanwan was extremely scared at this moment, and the fear in his eyes was about to overflow. But no one noticed this scene. Everyone's attention was on Lin Fan.

Under everyone's gaze, Lin Fan, who was lying on the ground, suddenly rose into the sky. He stood in the sky, surrounded by golden light.

At this time, he suddenly formed a seal with his hands, and the next moment, a terrifying aura spread from his body, and this terrifying aura became more powerful as time went by.


His breath finally reached the critical point, and an even more terrifying breath burst out from him!

The Nine-Star Emperor!

Everyone looked at Lin Fan in disbelief.

"You can break through after being beaten like this?"

"Damn it! Is he a monster?"

"This kid's talent is really terrifying!"


Lin Fan stood on the sky with a long sword in his hand, three thousand hair strands dancing in the wild wind, and the terrifying power of the sword was constantly intertwined around him.

He looked at Shen Wanwan in the distance, and the killing intent in his eyes almost condensed into substance.

Just when he was about to take action, Su Chen suddenly said: "Okay, it's almost done."

Hearing this, Lin Fan looked at Su Chen, hesitated for a moment, and then nodded.

Although he had broken through to the Nine-Star Emperor at this moment, his injuries were not healed yet. If he continued to fight Shen Wanwan, he would still be defeated. Not only would he be defeated, he might also be more seriously injured.

But even so, he still wanted to fight Shen Wanwan, for no other reason than that he wanted to show off his achievements in cultivation in the past few years in front of Su Chen, but Su Chen seemed to have discovered his problem at the moment. Since Su Chen If he is not allowed to fight, then he will not fight.

Su Chen looked at Shen Wanwan in the distance.

Seeing Su Chen looking towards him, Shen Wanwan trembled all over, with deep fear in his eyes.

Everyone also looked at Shen Wanwan at this moment, but they didn't seem to find any problem.

A powerful emperor said in a deep voice: "Clan Leader Shen is a fake immortal, but that man is also a fake immortal. I don't know who is stronger between the two."

Not only him, but others in the field were also discussing whether Su Chen or Shen Wanwan was more powerful.

Some said Su Chen, some said Shen Wanwan, and some said it was a tie. Anyway, there are all kinds of speculations.

At this moment, the terrifying aura pressing on Shen Wanwan suddenly disappeared.

Shen Wanwan was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted. Without too much hesitation, under everyone's gaze, he knelt down directly in the direction of Su Chen, with his head on the ground, his body kept shaking, and his mouth trembled. Said: "Senior...Senior, spare...spare my life!"

Damn it!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the room was stunned. They looked at Shen Wanwan with confusion and disbelief in their eyes.

"What's happening here?"

"Why did Patriarch Shen suddenly kneel down and kowtow to that man?"

"Damn it, did we miss something just now? It shouldn't be, nothing happened just now."


Everyone was very puzzled by Shen Wanwan's behavior at this moment.

"Clan leader!"

The strong men of the Shen clan were also confused when they saw this scene.

What happened to the patriarch of my family? Why do you kneel down so well?

Shen Lang glanced at Shen Wanwan in the distance, and then looked at Su Chen, his throat couldn't help but roll.

He knew that the reason why Shen Wanwan was like this must have something to do with Su Chen.

At this moment, Su Chen was truly like a god in his heart.

It's really terrible!

At this time, Su Chen turned to look at Shen Lang and asked calmly: "Do you want to be the leader of the Shen clan?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the room looked at Su Chen with confusion and confusion in their eyes. Some people's eyes flickered, as if they understood something.

Shen Lang was even more stunned. He didn't understand why Su Chen asked himself this question. After a moment of silence, he nodded and said, "I think!"

In fact, he had coveted the position of the leader of the Shen clan a long time ago, but he was not strong enough and was not qualified to be the leader of the Shen clan.

A smile appeared on Su Chen's face, and then he nodded. Then, he pointed at the powerful Shen clan in the distance and said, "Tell me who is your clan leader's confidant."

Hearing these words, the strong man from the Shen clan trembled all over, and felt a chill and uneasiness in his heart.

Without a trace of hesitation, Shen Lang pointed directly at the Shen clan elder who just talked about him, "Him!"

The elder's expression changed, but before he could react, a cold light flashed across his neck.

His eyes widened with confusion, and then he opened his mouth, but in the end nothing came out, and his breath completely disappeared at this moment.

next moment!

His head was seen slipping from his body, and a large amount of blood spurted out.

Seeing this scene, the minds of all the strong men of the Shen clan went blank, and then there was fear, endless fear!

Everyone else in the field also took a breath.

Just when they didn't find anything, the elder was already dead!

They slowly looked at Su Chen, fear filling their hearts.

Shen Wanwan's body was shaking even more violently at this moment. He prayed in his heart that Su Chen would not kill him.

Su Chen looked at Shen Lang, who was still confused, and said calmly: "Continue."

Shen Lang came back to his senses, then couldn't help but swallow, and then pointed his finger at a strong man from the Shen clan.

The strong man's pupils shrank suddenly, and he didn't have time to think too much. He turned around and ran away, but the moment he turned around, his head shot up into the sky!

Shen Lang did not hesitate this time and pointed his finger at another strong man from the Shen clan.


Without any surprise, the head of the powerful Shen clan member flew out.

Puff, puff, puff...

Shen Lang pointed at the strong men of the Shen clan one after another without interruption, and the heads of the strong men of the Shen clan that he pointed to flew out without any accident.



The strong men of the Shen clan also reacted at this moment. There was endless fear on their faces, and they didn't dare to hesitate anymore. They turned around and ran in all directions.

Su Chen had no expression on his face and calmly looked at the strong men of the Shen clan running in all directions.

At this time, a terrifying force beyond everyone's knowledge swept over Su Chen. In an instant, tens of millions of miles around were enveloped by this terrifying force.

Everyone's faces turned pale as they were directly suppressed by this terrifying force, and then fell to their knees in mid-air on the spot.

It's everyone!

Including Lin Fan and Shen Lang!

And without exception, they all have no power to resist!

Everyone was frozen in place as if they were struck by lightning, as if they were petrified.

Someone trembled: "I...I'm so stupid!"

At this moment, everyone was stupid!

They actually knelt down without any resistance!

There are hundreds of thousands of powerful emperors here!

O Great Emperor!

This is not some cat or dog!

As a result, he knelt down like this!

And there are hundreds of thousands of powerful emperors!

Damn it!

This, this, this!

It’s so outrageous!

That's outrageous!

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