You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 131 Becoming An Immortal!


A great emperor snorted coldly, "Pretend to be a ghost!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he jumped into the air and stood on the sky. He raised his right hand and clenched his fingers into a fist.

next moment!

He punched out fiercely!

As soon as this punch came out, the entire space and time instantly shattered, and the overwhelming fist power rushed towards Su Chen like a tsunami.


And at this moment, a sword light flashed across the field.

The emperor's body suddenly stopped in place, and the overwhelming fist power also dissipated at this moment. His eyes widened with confusion.

next moment!

His head suddenly shot up into the sky!

At this moment, the world was silent, and only the faint sound of wind could be heard.

All the great emperors in the field were stunned.


Damn it!

After the confusion, there is endless fear.

They stared at Su Chen, cold sweat dripping from their foreheads, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

A great emperor trembled: " is it possible!"

At this moment, they were really numb.

Kill a high-level emperor instantly!

What is this concept?

Even a strong man at the ninth level of the Great Emperor would not be able to kill a high-level Great Emperor instantly!

Only immortals can do it!


He is a fairy!

The hearts of all the great emperors were filled with fear. Their bodies could not stop trembling as they looked at Su Chen.

They never expected that Su Chen was actually an immortal!


There may not necessarily be immortals in the entire lower immortal world!

However, today they met!

The eighteen emperors in the field were really panicking at this moment.

Because they provoked the immortal.

An immortal who can still kill a high-level emperor instantly!

It’s over!

There was despair on the face of the Eighteenth Emperor.

At this time, they seemed to remember something, and suddenly looked up towards the entrance of the secret realm, with hope in their eyes.

At this moment, they extremely hope that Ye Li can break through and become an immortal, and then come out quickly.

Only Ye Li can save them now!

If Ye Li becomes an immortal, they will have hope of living.

Su Chen looked at the eighteen emperors coldly, and then slowly raised his right hand.

When the eighteen emperors saw this, their breathing suddenly stopped, and an extremely strong aura of death enveloped them.

Their faces were pale, their hearts beating rapidly, and their eyes revealed deep fear and despair.

They didn't even think about resisting!

It seems that we can only accept the fate of death!


Suddenly, a vast and sacred voice resounded in everyone's ears.

Hearing this voice, the eighteen emperors instantly became excited. They suddenly raised their heads and looked towards the entrance of the secret realm, with joy and excitement on their faces.

Su Chen also paused with his right hand and looked calmly towards the entrance of the secret realm.


The entrance to the secret realm exploded, and Ye Li walked out of it. At this moment, Ye Li's eyes were filled with golden light, and the avenues around him were lingering. There was a terrifying aura all over his body. Every step he took, the world trembled.

"Clan leader!"

The eighteen emperors knelt down one after another, their bodies trembling, unable to conceal their inner excitement.

Their patriarch has become an immortal!

what does that mean?

It means that they will be the strongest force after entering the fairy world!

none of them!

Ye Li put her hands behind her hands and looked down at Su Chen below, her eyes as deep as stars, and an invisible power spread from her body.

Su Chen was expressionless, with no emotion on his face, only calmness. The power exuded from Ye Li had no effect on him at all.


Ye Li's eyes narrowed, with a hint of solemnity in his eyes, but it was fleeting.

For some reason, she felt that Su Chen was not simple.

But so what if it’s not simple?

She is an immortal now!

Immortals are not afraid of anyone!

At this time, she suddenly disappeared. On the way, she slapped Su Chen hard!

With this palm shot, time seemed to have stopped at this moment, and the remaining power radiated directly turned everything within a million miles into ashes.

Everything was shattered with this palm!

The eighteen great emperors took a deep breath, with shock in their eyes.

One of the great emperors said: "Is this the power of immortals? It is indeed terrifying!"

As he said that, he looked at Su Chen and sneered, "This kid is finished!"

Su Chen put his hands behind his hands, his face as calm as water, he slowly opened his mouth, and then spit out one word.


As the words fell, that terrifying palm suddenly disappeared into the sky.

Ye Li's pupils suddenly shrank, he quickly retracted his right hand, and then retreated to a million feet away!

She stared at Su Chen, her eyes filled with disbelief and unprecedented solemnity.

One word!

One word broke her palm!

How can this be!

You know, she just slapped her, and even an immortal didn't dare to be tough. However, Su Chen broke her palm with just one word!

It's absolutely terrifying!

The minds of the eighteen great emperors were blank, and they were all dumbfounded.

That palm was actually cracked with one word?

Damn it!

So awesome?

The fear that had disappeared surged into their hearts again.

Ye Li stared at Su Chen closely, her eyes no longer dull as before, only deeply solemn.

At this moment, she knew that Su Chen might not be as simple as she thought!

She looked at Su Chen and said in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

Su Chen did not answer Ye Li's words, but stretched out a finger and then pressed it down.



In an instant, a supreme mysterious power pressed against Ye Li!

Ye Li was crushed to the ground by this supreme mysterious power on the spot.

Even if she were an immortal, she would still kneel down to Su Chen!

Ye Li knelt on the ground, confusion and fear in her eyes.

Seeing this scene, everyone was struck by thunder, their faces pale without a trace of blood.

One word to suppress the immortal!

One of the great emperors trembled: "Fuck...fuck!"

One word suppresses the immortal!


That is a legendary existence!

However, Xian was actually suppressed by one word!

Damn it!

Everyone's cognition was completely shattered at this moment.

What kind of existence can suppress immortals with one word?

They looked at Su Chen tremblingly, constantly asking this question in their hearts, and terror occupied their eyes!

Ye Li's face turned pale. She looked at Su Chen, her throat rolled, and her whole body was shaking. She wanted to control her shaking body, but the more she controlled her body, the more violent it became.

I can't control it at all!

Because she was really frightened!

When she was promoted to immortality, she was very excited. She thought that she was invincible in the lower immortal world. Even if she was not invincible, she didn't have to be afraid of anyone.


She never expected that she would be suppressed in one word!

One word!

One word made her fall to her knees!

And there is no way to resist!

She was really frightened!

Perception has been completely subverted!

At this time, Su Chen slowly looked at the eighteen great emperors in the distance.

When the eighteen great emperors saw Su Chen, their throats rolled, their bodies trembled uncontrollably, and the fear in their eyes almost condensed into substance.

Su Chen said calmly: "You also kneel."


In an instant!

The eighteen great emperors felt tens of thousands of stars pressing on themselves, and then fell to their knees on the spot.

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