At the same time, Hu Xiaotian raised his right paw and slammed it towards a male emperor. The sharp claws directly tore apart time and space.

The male emperor had an expressionless face, and he tightened the sword in his hand, and then slashed it down. Endless sword intent suddenly surged out of the sword light, which was extremely terrifying.


Two terrifying shock waves shook around like a tidal wave.

Hu Xiaotian and the great male emperor retreated violently at the same time.

The male emperor stabilized his body and looked at Hu Xiaotian with shock in his eyes. The other eight emperors also had solemn faces.

The male emperor said solemnly: "As expected of a nine-tailed celestial fox, he can cross the border and fight me."

Hu Xiaotian's eyes showed murderous intent, and without any nonsense, he killed towards the male emperor again.


The male emperor snorted coldly, and then slashed down with a knife, and the terrifying knife intent suddenly poured out from the knife.



The terrifying sword intention was torn into pieces by Hu Xiaotian's claw!

The male emperor's pupils suddenly shrank, and then he quickly held the sword in front of him.


The great male emperor flew out directly, and on the way, his sword shattered.

He stabilized his body and glanced at the broken sword, his eyes full of shock.

This claw is so terrifying!

He did not dare to be careless and turned to look at the other eight emperors, "Come together!"

The eight great emperors nodded to each other, and terrifying auras erupted from them!

Bang bang bang!

A series of explosions resounded throughout the world!

As time goes by, Ye Lingxi and Hu Xiaotian are gradually struggling. There is nothing they can do about it. After all, they are facing nineteen great emperors!

Forget about the nineteen great emperors, the key point is that these nineteen great emperors are all high-level emperors. No matter how evil they are, there is no way they can defeat the nineteen high-level emperors.

At this time, an emperor suddenly appeared behind Hu Xiaotian. This emperor had murderous intent in his eyes. Without any hesitation, he punched out!

Since Hu Xiaotian was facing the combined attacks of the eight great emperors, he had no way to resist this punch.


The terrifying punch hit him solidly, Hu Xiaotian's face turned grim, the bones in his body were shattered on the spot, and his huge body flew directly out. On the way, his breath dropped rapidly.

And at this moment, another great emperor suddenly appeared above Hu Xiaotian's head with a broadsword in his hand, and then chopped it off with one strike!

The fur on Hu Xiaotian's body stood up, and an extremely strong sense of crisis surged into his heart. At this moment, his whole body shook violently, and the terrifying power of the divine beast suddenly burst out from him!


The great emperor was directly thrown away by the terrifying power of the beast, and his sword also struck Hu Xiaotian heavily.


Hu Xiaotian roared in pain, and a large amount of blood spurted out from his body, dyeing the ground red. His huge body also fell to the ground at this moment, his whole body shaking constantly.

The nine great emperors looked at each other, with murderous intent flashing in their eyes. Without hesitation, they turned into streams of light and killed towards Hu Xiaotian.

They were going to give Hu Xiaotian a fatal blow!


Suddenly, a harsh sword sound sounded, and at this moment, a terrifying sword intent struck straight at the nine emperors!

The faces of the nine great emperors changed drastically. They did not dare to be careless, and they quickly retreated.


The terrifying sword intent directly tore the ground apart.

Ye Lingxi appeared in front of Hu Xiaotian. She stood with her hands behind her hands and stared at the nineteen great emperors in the distance. Thousands of invincible swords were surrounding her.

At this moment, she was like a peerless sword fairy!

The nineteen great emperors looked indifferent, and the murderous intent in their eyes almost condensed into substance. The next moment, they all headed towards Ye Lingxi to kill.

Nineteen terrifying auras locked Ye Lingxi instantly, making Ye Lingxi unable to move.

Ye Lingxi looked at the nineteen emperors who were heading towards her, took a deep breath, and then, her body actually started to burn at this moment.


A terrible power burst out from him!

Ye Lingxi raised his right hand holding the Meteor Phoenix Sword.

next moment!

Countless terrifying sword intentions appeared behind her.


As the word fell, countless sword intentions were like sword rain, attacking the nineteen great emperors.

With indifference in their eyes, the nineteen emperors used their strongest attacks one after another!


The terrifying power shattered countless swords in an instant, and Ye Lingxi was thrown away on the spot. On the way, she spit out a mouthful of blood, and her body cracked, forming the shape of a spider web.

The nineteen great emperors did not stop because of this, and once again attacked Ye Lingxi.

Ye Lingxi's talent is too terrifying.

One person has monopolized all nineteen of their emperors for so long.


They don't allow Ye Lingxi to live!

It must be obliterated!

If it is not wiped out, when Ye Lingxi grows up, their Ye clan will be in great trouble!

Ye Lingxi's face was calm, showing no emotion or sorrow.

Nineteen great emperors, there is no way she can be her opponent!

There was helplessness deep in her eyes, and the white clothes appeared in her mind. She smiled bitterly and said: "Brother... I'm afraid my sister can't accompany you."

At this time, Hu Xiaotian suddenly appeared in front of Ye Lingxi, with determination in his eyes.


Nineteen terrifying attacks all hit Hu Xiaotian's huge body. His body exploded on the spot, and his soul was completely wiped out at this moment.


Ye Lingxi's face turned pale, her eyes were about to burst, and her expression was painful. Tears fell from the corners of her eyes and fell to the ground.

She collapsed to the ground, her eyes were empty, her lips were trembling, but she couldn't make a sound, and there was only pain on her face.

At this moment, she felt extremely regretful.

Regret taking Hu Xiaotian with me.

She regretted it!

I really regret it!

The nineteen great emperors stared at Ye Lingxi, their eyes were cold and without any nonsense, and they attacked Ye Lingxi again.

Ye Lingxi's face was ashen, and tears could not stop flowing from the corners of his eyes.

"Don't cry."

Suddenly, a very gentle voice resounded in the ears of everyone present, and then, a man in white clothes quietly appeared next to Ye Lingxi.

Seeing this, the nineteen great emperors stopped quickly, looked at the white cloth, and frowned.

Ten of the great emperors had fear in their eyes.

Ye Lingxi raised her head tremblingly and looked at that familiar face. She hugged the white-clad thigh and said in a trembling voice: "Brother...Xiaotian...Xiaotian...he's dead!" "

After saying that, she cried even harder.

Su Chen looked at Ye Lingxi distressedly. She touched Ye Lingxi's head and said softly: "If you don't cry, Xiaotian will not die."

Ye Lingxi trembled all over. She looked at Su Chen and said in disbelief: "Really?"

Su Chen smiled and said, "When have I ever lied to you?"

Hearing this, Ye Lingxi finally stopped crying and a smile appeared on his face, "That's good...that's good..."

As she spoke, she fainted.

She was about to fall to the ground when she was suddenly hugged by a hand. Su Chen looked at Ye Lingxi who fainted and smiled slightly.

Immediately afterwards, he pointed a finger between Ye Lingxi's eyebrows, and a mysterious power instantly surged into Ye Lingxi's body, and Ye Lingxi's injuries also recovered at this moment.

Su Chen gently touched Ye Lingxi's face, and then he slowly raised his head and looked at the nineteen emperors. His eyes were calm, like a pool of stagnant water, but the coldness around him made the nineteen emperors feel a chill all over. trembling.

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