You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 110 Seriously Injured!

Lin Fan nodded and said nothing more. After all, he now knew that these were indeed useless.

At this time, Lin Fan's pupils suddenly shrank, and a sense of crisis surged into his heart. Without hesitation, the other person disappeared directly from the spot.

next moment!

The world suddenly began to shake violently, and then, a ten thousand-foot-long sword directly split the cave and everything within hundreds of thousands of miles in half.

Lin Fan appeared in the void with an ugly face. His eyes were fixed on the distance, and there, there was a young man staring at him. The young man had a handsome face, was dressed in white, and had countless sword intentions all over his body. lingering.

And this person is none other than Xiao He!

Xiao He looked at Lin Fan and said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to be able to dodge this sword. No wonder you are able to evade the pursuit of the entire Imperial Path. You are indeed something."

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes and looked a little cold. At this moment, he suddenly disappeared.


There was a harsh sword sound in the sky and the earth, and then, countless blood-red sword intentions surged towards Xiao He like a tide.

The corner of Xiao He's mouth raised. He was not afraid at all in the face of these countless sword intentions. He spread his palms and a long sword appeared in his hand. Then, he slashed down with a fierce sword. This sword contained a meaning. A terrifying sword intent.


There was an explosion sound between the heaven and the earth, and the terrifying sword intent swept away in all directions like huge waves. The entire space was torn apart by these countless sword intents.

At this time, Lin Fan and Xiao He retreated violently at the same time. The two of them stabilized their bodies, with fighting intent in their eyes, and then started to kill each other again.


One after another, terrifying sword sounds and bombing sounds rang out between the heaven and the earth. In just a moment, the world was riddled with holes.

At this moment, a flash of anger flashed in Xiao He's eyes, and then, a terrifying sword intent shook out from his body, and countless terrifying sword intent swept through the world.

Lin Fan was directly thrown away. On the way, his body suddenly erupted with a golden light, and an ancient and terrifying aura filled the air from him. This terrifying aura actually directly knocked Xiao He's sword away. The mind is shattered.

Xiao He stared at Lin Fan in the distance with a look of shock on his face, "You actually have a special physique!"

He never expected that Lin Fan actually had a special physique!

What a special physique!

There may not be one person among millions of people with a special physique!

Anyone with a special physique is an evil genius with terrifying strength.

Xiao He's eyes were solemn, and then he held the long sword in front of him. The next moment, a terrifying sword intention shot into the sky from his body!

Soaring straight into the sky!

And at this moment, Xiao He suddenly slashed at Lin Fan with a sword. This sword contained the power to destroy the heaven and the earth, and countless mountains and rivers were wiped out as a result.

Facing Lin Fan, he didn't dare to be careless in the slightest!

Lin Fan looked at the sword with a calm expression. He held the bloodthirsty sword tightly, and then his whole body turned into a sword light and rushed straight towards the sword.


With a deafening explosion, Lin Fan and Xiao He retreated again. Just as Xiao He stabilized his body, Lin Fan appeared behind him without knowing it. Then, he drew his sword and struck!

The art of killing immortals and drawing swords!

Xiao He was shocked, and an extremely strong sense of crisis enveloped him. His face suddenly turned ferocious, and he shouted angrily. An extremely terrifying force carrying countless terrifying sword intents erupted from his body!



Xiao He's sword intention shattered, and he flew out directly. On the way, his body began to crack, forming a spider web shape, and traces of blood flowed out. He flew a million feet away before stopping. !

Lin Fan in the distance was equally uncomfortable. At this moment, his face was as pale as paper, blood was constantly flowing from the corners of his mouth, and his breath was extremely weak, as if he would faint in the next second.

Xiao He stared at Lin Fan in the distance, feeling horrified in his heart.

He never expected that Lin Fan's sword would be so terrifying.

He was seriously injured with one sword strike!

Xiao He looked at Lin Fan deeply, then turned and left.

He was not going to fight. Both he and Lin Fan were seriously injured. There was no point in continuing the fight. There was no need to fight to the death.

Looking at Xiao He's leaving figure, Lin Fan felt heavy in his heart.

Xiao He actually resisted the sword strike he just struck!

I have to say that he was really shocked. Before, he thought that he was already invincible among the younger generation, but after fighting against Xiao He, he changed his mind.

Only now did he realize that he had underestimated the geniuses and monsters in the entire fairy world!

Lin Fan shook his head and stopped thinking about it, and disappeared directly on the spot.

He didn't dare to stay here now. The noise caused by his fight with Xiao He just now definitely alarmed many people. Soon, someone would come to investigate, so he had to move to another place to heal his injuries.


One month later.

Hu Xiaotian walked leisurely on the road, constantly observing the surroundings with helpless eyes, "Hey, where is the master? I have been looking for it for so long and still can't find it."

"Nine-tailed Sky Fox!" At this time, an exclamation came.

Hu Xiaotian heard the sound and looked around, only to see a young man staring at him in the distance. The young man was wearing a dragon robe, his appearance was impeccable, he had two horns on his head, and his whole body was transparent. A noble temperament.

"Dragon clan?"

Looking at the young man, Hu Xiaotian felt heavy in his heart.

He never expected that someone from the Dragon Clan would come to Dilu!

The young man stared at Hu Xiaotian, ecstatic in his heart, "When did your Qingqiu clan give birth to another Nine-Tails?"

Hu Xiaotian looked at the young man and said nothing.

Seeing that Hu Xiaotian remained silent, the young man raised the corners of his mouth slightly, "I never expected that I would meet a nine-tailed celestial fox on this imperial road."

As he spoke, he laughed wildly, "Since you have met me, I will give you two choices. First, hand over a ray of soul and surrender to me. Second, die!"

The Nine-tailed Sky Fox is too terrifying. There is only one Nine-tailed Fox in the Qingqiu Fox Clan. Although there is only one Nine-tailed Sky Fox, it has suppressed the entire True Immortal World. Since he met a young Nine-tailed Sky Fox today, he will definitely not be able to keep it alive. , if they are allowed to live, the Qingqiu Fox Clan will definitely become more terrifying.

But he still wanted to conquer Hu Xiaotian. If Hu Xiaotian was willing to follow him, then he would be awesome.

The next leader of the Dragon Clan must be him!


After hearing what the young man said, Hu Xiaotian was immediately furious, and the power of a divine beast burst out from his body. Immediately afterwards, his body began to skyrocket, and in the blink of an eye it skyrocketed to a size of ten thousand feet, and the terrifying power swept through the world!

next moment!

Hu Xiaotian bit directly towards the young man, and a terrifying pressure locked the young man tightly in an instant, making the young man unable to move.


The young man snorted coldly, his face turned cold, and there was no nonsense. A spear appeared in his hand, and then he stabbed it out suddenly!

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