You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 109 Being Hunted For Two Years!

The Demon Emperor looked at Su Chen, swallowed, suppressed the fear in his heart, and said in a trembling voice: "Senior...Senior, do you need anything...need my help?"

After saying that, the Demon Emperor's heart beat faster, his breathing stopped at this moment, and there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

Su Chen just looked at the Demon Emperor quietly without saying a word. An invisible sense of oppression filled his body. Everyone in the room lowered their heads and did not dare to look at Su Chen. Fear filled their hearts and their bodies were unconscious. The ground trembled.

The Demon Emperor had cold sweat on his forehead, his face was as pale as paper, and the fear in his heart was getting stronger and stronger. At this moment, he desperately hoped that Su Chen would nod.

Time passed by, and now everyone dared not even breathe, and their whole bodies were wet with sweat.

At this time, Su Chen slowly raised his right hand, and then a mysterious power condensed in his hand. In just a moment, this mysterious power condensed into the appearance of Lin Fan.

The Demon Emperor looked at Lin Fan with confusion in his eyes.

Su Chen looked at the Demon Emperor.

The Demon Emperor trembled all over and shouted respectfully: "Senior!"

Su Chen said calmly: "This man's name is Lin Fan. Order your men to hunt him down. You must make him feel the danger of death, but remember not to kill him."

Hearing this, the Demon Emperor was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Lin Fan's face. After a moment of silence, he immediately understood something. He didn't ask anything, and nodded quickly: "I understand."

After saying this, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and his tense nerves relaxed.

He knows that he doesn't have to die!

Su Chen looked deeply at the Demon Emperor, then stepped out and disappeared.

Looking at the place where Su Chen disappeared, someone trembled: "It's... too scary. Who is he?"

All the strong men in the field did not answer the man's words, but were breathing heavily with a look of shock on their faces.

Just now, they felt that their lives no longer belonged to them. Only after Su Chen left did they feel that their lives belonged to them.



After a long time, everyone in the field came back to their senses, and then there was unconcealable excitement.

They're not dead!

not dead!

The Demon Emperor stared at the place where Su Chen disappeared, his mind spinning rapidly. He stayed like this for a long time, and he murmured: "Who is this person? Why do I have no impression of him? When did such a person appear in the fairy world?"

At this time, an old man came to the Demon Emperor and bowed respectfully, "Demon Emperor, with that senior's strength, why do you still need us to hunt down that young man named Lin Fan?"

The Demon Emperor looked at the old man as if he were a fool, "Why do I have such stupid subordinates as you?"

When the old man heard this, he trembled all over and said quickly: "My IQ is naturally not as good as the Demon Emperor, so I ask the Demon Emperor to clarify my doubts."

The Demon Emperor suddenly slapped his hand, sending the old man flying away.

The old man was shot hundreds of thousands of feet away. He stabilized his body and looked confused, but his body actually cracked at this moment.

The Demon Emperor looked at the old man in the distance and said coldly: "Don't you fucking flatter me, I need smart people around me, not idiots!"

As he spoke, a terrifying aura instantly enveloped the old man.

The old man was horrified and looked horrified. He knelt down quickly and said in a trembling voice: "Demon... Lord Demon Emperor, I... I was wrong!"

The Demon Emperor stared at the old man coldly and said nothing.

The old man was so frightened by the Demon Emperor that he was trembling all over, and his face was as pale as paper. At the same time, he regretted asking the Demon Emperor this question. If he had not asked, such a thing would not have happened.

Damn, I'm such an idiot!

The old man cursed himself in his mind.

At this time, the Demon Emperor took back his own breath.

The old man breathed heavily and lowered his head, not daring to look at the Demon Emperor.

The Demon Emperor said coldly: "If that senior takes action, do you think Lin Fan can survive? Senior only asked us to chase Lin Fan instead of killing him. This is nothing more than wanting us to be Lin Fan's stepping stone. You idiot, you can’t even understand such a simple thing, what do I need from you?”

As soon as he finished speaking, the other person suddenly disappeared. When he appeared, he was already in front of the old man. Without any hesitation, he slapped him directly!


The old man was directly turned into a pulp by this palm!

The scene was extremely bloody!

Seeing this scene, all the strong men felt their scalps go numb.

Too cruel!

The Demon Emperor looked at all the powerful men in the field.

All the powerful men looked horrified and quickly knelt down on one knee, "Demon Emperor!"

The Demon Emperor had no expression on his face and said coldly: "In the future, if you are still such a stupid fool, then don't blame me."


All the strong men shouted in unison, with endless fear in their eyes.

Their Demon Emperor is so cruel!

Just because he asked a stupid question, kill him!

The Demon Emperor said again: "You should have heard clearly what the senior just said, go ahead."


Hundreds of thousands of powerful men all turned into rays of terrifying magic light, heading in all directions.

The first floor of Emperor Road.

Hu Xiaotian walked on the road with resentment in his eyes, "Master, you really don't know how to call me when you come out."

As he said that, he looked around and said, "Oh, I don't know which floor the master is on now. I'm so annoyed!"

After a moment, Hu Xiaotian shook his little head and said, "The Imperial Road has been open for so long, the master must not be here anymore, I have to go to a higher level to have a look."

As soon as he finished speaking, he disappeared from the spot.

Time flies, and two years have passed in the blink of an eye.

On the eighth floor of the Imperial Road, Lin Fan was sitting cross-legged in a secret cave. At this moment, he was covered in wounds. There was no good spot on his body, and wounds could be seen everywhere.

An hour later, Lin Fan slowly opened his eyes, with exhaustion in his eyes.

He was hunted down for two years. It was okay at first and he could handle it, but suddenly one day, hundreds of thousands of terrifying powerful men appeared out of nowhere.

And these powerful men are all high-level half-emperors!

A high-level half-emperor!

And there are hundreds of thousands of high-level half-emperors!

What's even more outrageous is that these hundreds of thousands of high-level half-emperors are all here to hunt him down!

Damn it!

Who is a good person who can be hunted down by hundreds of thousands of high-level half-emperors?

Did I break a rule of heaven or something?

As for that?


Lin Fan sighed and looked helpless.

Liu Mengli suddenly said: "Your master is so awesome. He actually found hundreds of thousands of powerful demons to hunt you down."

Hearing this, Lin Fan felt dumbfounded.

He knew that the hundreds of thousands of powerful men who suddenly appeared were definitely those summoned by Su Chen to hunt him down.

As for the reason...

Lin Fan shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I will never get high again!"

As he spoke, he seemed to have thought of something and raised his brows, "Senior, you said those hundreds of thousands of strong men are demons? What are demons?"

Liu Mengli replied: "You don't need to know now. I will tell you when you go to the True Immortal Realm."



Will update as usual tomorrow!

I’d like to ask, aren’t you busy during the Chinese New Year?

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