Zhou Xiafeng roared in horror in his heart.


He reacted.

He is a cultivator at the pinnacle of Foundation Establishment.

But it can fly! !

"Haha, daddy can fly, daddy can't die!"

Zhou Xiafeng desperately mobilized the Spiritual Qi in his body, so that the severely injured body flew into the air, and laughed wildly again.


Lu Huan glanced at the surrounding trees.

Without further ado.

Covered his head and rushed over.

The extreme speed turned his body into a black shadow.

In an instant, he rushed under a big tree, bent his legs, and jumped onto a tree branch more than ten meters high.

A little underfoot again.

With the help of the rebound force of the tree branch, his body accelerated, he raised his fist and charged towards Zhou Xiafeng in midair.

Zhou Xiafeng's heart skipped a beat when he saw this.

After all, he is the Cultivation Base at the peak of the Foundation Establishment.

The blessing of Spiritual Qi made his speed much stronger than that of Lu Huan.

"Whoosh~" sounded.

His body was raised by hundreds of meters again.

But this time.

He dared not stay any longer.

Lu Huan's unexpected actions again and again filled him with unease.

For fear of staying here, he would still die at the hands of Lu Huan.

He is like a big big wolf who is defeated by Pleasant Goat every time.

While fleeing frantically, he uttered cruel words:

"The surname is Lu, wait for daddy, daddy will definitely kill you!!"

Looking at Zhou Xiafeng who escaped and disappeared in an instant, Lu Huan grabbed a sturdy branch, and after a few turns, stabilized his body and looked at the place where Zhou Xiafeng disappeared, full of regret:

"Unfortunately, let this kid run away! True Fire Pavilion Zhou Xiafeng, right! I remember you!"

Lu Huan jumped a few times and flexibly climbed down from the canopy of dozens of meters high.

Su Xiaowan looked at Lu Huan with a look of surprise.

"How can your strength be so powerful?"

"you guess!"

Lu Huan smiled, stretched out his hand, and pulled Su Xiaowan up from the ground.

"Just now, thank you!"

Although the matter was caused by Su Xiaowan.

However, when Su Xiaowan faced the powerful Zhou Xiafeng, she was able to save her life without any thought.

Although it's useless.

Lu Huan was still very moved.


Su Xiaowan's small face instantly turned crimson, and she said with embarrassment:

"You...you must be laughing at people!"

"Absolutely not."

Lu Huan shook his head solemnly and reminded:

"Holy Maiden, your injury, it's best to rush back to the sect immediately, meditate and cultivate, and the root of the disease will fall, but it will be troublesome!"

"I know, do you know martial arts now?"

Su Xiaowan blinked and asked expectantly.

"I won't go back now, I still have to practice in the Cyanwood Mountains."


Su Xiaowan heard the words, nodded disappointedly, and said to herself:

"You have raised your strength to such a high level without making a sound. It must be for the ruins of Liuyan Mountain in a month. Then you should work hard and strive to establish the Cultivation Base breakthrough Foundation Establishment Realm as soon as possible. These are some spiritual pills, you can take them. Come on, I'll go back first!"

"The Ruins of Glazed Flame Mountain?"

Lu Huan's eyes lit up.

If it wasn't for Su Xiaowan's reminder, he would have really forgotten about this relic.

The ruins of Liuyan Mountain can be said to be the most anticipated event in Qingyan County recently.

It is said that this is a secret realm discovered by a Nascent Soul senior before his fall.

He left his own inheritance in it.

Looking forward to future generations to find.

Therefore, this secret realm can only be accessed by practitioners of the Foundation Establishment Realm Cultivation Base.

But it has been turned on so many times.

But no one has been able to find the inheritance inside.

But because there are a lot of precious medicinal materials in this secret realm, especially the breakthrough Foundation Establishment Realm, the main material of the broken mirror pill that needs to be used - glaucoma, was explored by the Foundation Establishment Realm cultivators of the secret realm, found many times.

This place has also become the most anticipated secret realm of the Foundation Establishment Realm practitioners in Qingyan County.

Not asking for the inheritance of the Nascent Soul realm boss, but getting the Glazed Star Grass also made them quite happy.

"Thank you Holy Maiden for reminding me, then on your way back, pay attention to safety."

Lu Huan smiled and rushed towards the depths of the Cyanwood Mountains impatiently.

"You...you just left?"

Su Xiaowan looked at Lu Huan who disappeared from her eyes instantly, and her expression became more and more resentful.

"Maybe, he thinks that I'm already a bad woman! I would actually come into contact with someone like Zhou Xiafeng."


Su Xiaowan sighed and silently turned to leave, her back looked rather lonely.

But how does Su Xiaowan know.

The reason why Lu Huan can't wait to leave is to promote his own Cultivation Base to the Foundation Establishment Realm as soon as possible.

In this way, you are eligible to participate in the ruins of Liuyan Mountain.

When Lu Huan avoided Su Xiaowan's sight, he started to check the harvest just now.

Defeat Zhou Xiafeng and reward Cultivation Base for 100 years!

Defeat Zhou Xiafeng's scumbag and reward Cultivation Base for 3 years!

A total of 103 years!

"System, help me consume all of these system Cultivation Bases, I will continue to improve Cultivation Bases!"

Lu Huan said impatiently.

[Upgrading failed, it was not detected that the owner has a mirror-breaking pill in the refining realm]


Lu Huan looked bewildered.

He had only heard that from the Foundation Establishment Realm, Pojing Dan was needed because it was related to some changes in Spiritual Qi.

But I've never heard of it, the breakthrough body refinement realm actually needs a mirror-breaking pill?

"That's not right! My current strength has reached 10,000 cattle, which is ten times stronger than the normal peak body cultivator. What more mirror-breaking pills do I need?"

[Broken Mirror Pill in the Refinement Realm, which can help the owner to expand Dantian]

"Where can I find the broken mirror pill in the body refining realm?"

As soon as the system's answer appeared, Lu Huan stopped talking nonsense.

Dantian is a very important existence for cultivation practitioners.

A fist-sized bowl is completely different from a washbasin-sized bucket.

There is a chance to get a basin-sized bucket.

Of course Lu Huan doesn't like fist-sized bowls.

[Please go to Tianjianzong pill refining pavilion to sign in]

"Is this going back to the sect?"

Lu Huan looked weird.

Just rejected Su Xiaowan's proposal to meet the sect together, and then she appeared in the sect.

I'm afraid she will be misunderstood!

who cares!

A woman's thoughts, why should I care so much.

Lu Huan murmured.

He turned around and ran away in the direction he came from.

Su Xiaowan, who has not fully recovered from her injuries, walks very slowly.


She felt a violent breath, like a tornado, passing by.

He turned around suspiciously.

A messy beast path left behind like a third-order Demonic Beasts Aoki Tie Niu's charging skills came into view.


Su Xiaowan sucked in a breath of cold air, with a horrified expression on her face, she didn't dare to take a breath.

For fear of attracting the attention of this Aoki Iron Bull.


Su Xiaowan didn't know.

A man who was on a rampage and finally arrived at the entrance of the Cyanwood Mountains stopped, glanced behind him doubtfully:

"Just now, I seem to have seen an acquaintance!!"

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