Zhou Xiafeng glanced at Su Xiaowan indifferently.

He turned his cold eyes to Lu Huan again.

"Give you two choices, pay daddy a silver wolf of fire. Second, become daddy's slave and replace the silver wolf of fire."

Zhou Xiafeng looked grim.

There was a hint of disdain at the corner of his mouth.

There is absolutely no Lu Huan who will only refine Second Stage, To put in one’s eyes.

"Pay or become a slave?"

A cold light flashed in Lu Huan's eyes, and he said silently in his heart:

"System, consume all fifty years of Cultivation Base, I want to upgrade Cultivation Base!"

An inexplicable amount of energy burst out from Lu Huan's body.

Zhou Xiafeng was slightly startled when he saw this.

His expression became even more disdainful.

Haha laughed:

"There is actually a forbidden technique called Medicine Pill? I underestimate you as a second stage rubbish. But, so what? Daddy is the arrogance of the peak of the Foundation Establishment!!"


Although quite disdainful.

However, Zhou Xiafeng's movements in his hands were not at all dissatisfied.

Tap on your feet.

The body swept a distance of ten meters.

Waving his fist, he slammed it towards Lu Huan's chest.

"Shen Lingquan~"

The violent fist shadow, like a falling meteorite, is truly terrifying.

In order to accept the fifty-year system Cultivation Base, Lu Huan stood still and did not move.

to outsiders.

It's like being frightened.

The dog-legs who followed Zhou Xiafeng immediately laughed and mocked:

"Zhou Shaoxing! An ordinary move that actually scared this rubbish into a fool!"

"I really don't know where this rubbish of Body Refinement Second Stage has the courage to dare to provoke Young Master Zhou, it's just courting death!"

"I like to see these rubbish, bombarded by Zhou Shao's group, and the blood mist that blooms in the sky is simply the most beautiful artwork in this world!!"

On the other hand, Su Xiaowan did not expect that Zhou Xiafeng would really do something to Lu Huan.

On the beautiful face, he was slightly startled, and then there was a light of anger.

He quickly drew out the long sword behind his back and scolded angrily:

"Zhou Xiafeng, how can you do this! Stop it!! If you dare to hurt Lu Huan's hair, I will definitely kill you!!"

The girl brandished her long sword and stabbed back towards Zhou Xiafeng.

"Go away~"

Zhou Xiafeng saw this, his eyes bursting with murderous intent.

Suddenly growl.

Throwing out a palm.

The light blue Spiritual Qi turned into a palm print and slammed hard on Su Xiaowan's long sword.

Su Xiaowan only has the Cultivation Base of the Foundation Establishment First Stage days.

Compared with Zhou Xiafeng, the peak of the Foundation Establishment, it is still too far behind.

"Bang" with a loud noise.

The long sword in Su Xiaowan's hand was smashed and flew out.

Her body, under the impact of the palm print, flew upside down to the big tree in the distance.

"Crack" sound.

The tree that could only be surrounded by a few people shattered on the spot.

Su Xiaowan's petite body slammed into it, and let out a painful groan again, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

After falling to the ground, she looked quite miserable.

The ferocious wounds, coupled with the messy bun, are like a street beggar.

But she didn't care at all.

Quickly from his arms, he took out a small porcelain bottle, poured out the healing Medicine Pill inside, and stuffed it into his mouth.

The pale complexion instantly returned to rosy.

Turning over again, he got up from the ground, gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and charged towards Zhou Xiafeng again.

Although Su Xiaowan is simple, she is not a fool.

She has realized at this moment that Zhou Xiafeng's targeting of Lu Huan may have a lot to do with her.

This made her still very naive and completely unacceptable.

At least, she absolutely cannot allow it, Lu Huan died in front of himself because of this.

"Su Xiaowan, do you really want to die?"

Zhou Xiafeng felt the attack coming from behind again, and his face was furious.

Just as he was about to do it again, the dog-legs next to him finally reacted.

The leader, while rushing towards Lu Huan, shouted:

"Young Master Zhou, this bitch Su Xiaowan is ignorant, you teach him a lesson yourself, this rubbish that doesn't know what to do, leave it to us!"

Just a piece of garbage, daddy has already done it, if it can't be solved quickly, even you need to do it, where does daddy put his face?

Zhou Xiafeng was very angry when he heard this.

He didn't put Lu Huan in his eyes at all, and the movements in his hands accelerated again.


The shadow of the fist swept across the void, stirring up a thunderous sonic boom.


Finally, Zhou Xiafeng's fist finally landed on Lu Huan's chest.


A strong sense of crisis suddenly emerged from Zhou Xiafeng's heart.

He subconsciously turned his head to look.


I only saw a pair of indifferent and cold eyes, which were very dazzling in the golden brilliance.

Too late to think about it.

A huge fist.

From the golden light, it burst out.

The power that erupted from above was at least twice as powerful as his punches!

Zhou Xiafeng wanted to resist, but it was too late.

In an instant.

He felt a huge force rushed into his body.


The severe pain caused Zhou Xiafeng to let out a shrill scream.

The body also flew out uncontrollably.

Compared with Su Xiaowan, who was slapped and flew out by him before, it was even worse.

Zhou Xiafeng's dog-legs were sluggish on the spot.

He looked at Lu Huan in amazement.

My mind can't turn around!

Is it wrong!

How could it be their Young Master Zhou who flew out?

They are Zhou Shao, but they are the arrogance of the peak of the Foundation Establishment.

What about this Lu Huan?

Just train the Second Stage! !


at this time.

A few dog legs suddenly became clever.

A shadow of Death instantly shrouded their hearts.

Turn around and look.

It happened to be with Lu Huan's half-smiling eyes, looking at each other.


One of them, who only had the Eighth Stage for Body Refinement, suddenly let out a tragic bark, doubled his eyes, and passed out.

Surprised to faint!


The other dog-legs, making a decisive decision, wanted to turn around and run away.

But the next second.

Their eyes were black, and they were completely unconscious.

Lu Huan, who has spent fifty years of Cultivation Base, has directly elevated his Cultivation Base to the pinnacle of body refinement.

The strength is at least ten times stronger.

Whether it is strength or speed, it is not worse than the average Foundation Establishment middle stage cultivator.

These bastards, the strongest, are only Foundation Establishment II Third Stage.

Where can match Lu Huan's speed.

Still a punch a kid.

Bomb them on the spot.

Facing these people, Lu Huan did not show any mercy.

"You...you are so brave!!"

Zhou Xiafeng, who flew out several hundred meters, saw the tragic death of the dog-legs, and was so frightened that he lost his mind.

In the past, he always stood in Lu Huan's point of view and looked down upon those cultivators who were bullied by him.

Now, the identities are switched.

Zhou Xiafeng finally realized the fear of those cultivators before they died.

Do not!

I can't die!

I'm not the junk.

I am the Inner Sect genius of True Fire Pavilion, how could I die here! !

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