Xiuxian: I have an equipment bar

Chapter 73 Zhang Yan: You don’t know how talented I am!

Mu Sen is from Mu Lingfeng, so he is also a spiritual plant master.

It is precisely because of this that he can judge Zhang Yan's spiritual plant garden more professionally.

This spiritual plant garden must cost a lot.

And what makes him most jealous is that in Zhang Yan's spiritual plant garden, in addition to those ordinary first-level spiritual plants.

There are actually four second-level spiritual plants!

He can see at a glance that these spiritual plants are all from the head of the spiritual plant garden. For this, he can only envy and hate.

"Wait, why do you still have Qingxin Lotus here!!!" Mu Sen's dull face this time, he really can't be dull anymore.

Completely collapsed.

Qingxin Lotus!

This is a third-level spiritual plant!

And among the third-level spiritual plants, it is considered an extremely precious existence, and now it is planted in Zhang Yan's spiritual plant garden.


"It's just newly cultivated, and it's still a long way from maturity." Zhang Yan laughed. His senior brother Mu is making a fuss!

Isn't it just a third-level spiritual plant!

"Newly cultivated?

You cultivated it yourself?"

Mu Sen felt as if the sky had fallen. Is his junior brother already so powerful?

Am I not your guide?

How can you directly cultivate a third-level spiritual plant!

This is too exaggerated!

"Brother, I asked you to come here mainly because the sect wants me to cultivate ten first-level high-quality spiritual plants and one second-level spiritual plant, but I think that cultivating a first-level high-quality spiritual plant is useless. It is better to cultivate ten second-level high-quality spiritual plants, but I can't do it alone, so I need your help."

Generally speaking, the sect's tasks do not allow others to help, but intelligence reconnaissance when hunting monsters.

And helping with spiritual plant cultivation, it is allowed, anyway, the whole process can be recorded with the photo stone.

"Why would the sect let you cultivate spiritual plants?

If you want to find someone, you should find us spiritual plant masters in the foundation-building period!" Mu Sen said with some surprise.

"Nothing, this is a test for my true disciples." Zhang Yan said lightly.


A sapling in Mu Sen's hand suddenly broke.

"What happened?" Zhang Yan felt a little distressed, this sapling also costs money!

"What did you say? True disciple assessment, you are going to become a true disciple???" Mu Sen felt that his heart was bitter. He remembered that not long ago, he was still guiding Zhang Yan to practice magic, but in the blink of an eye, he was about to become a true disciple!

What a joke!

True disciple! Then when Zhang Yan becomes a true disciple, won't he have to call him a true disciple senior brother?


It's really the opposite of Tian Gang!


Ten second-level spiritual plants are not so easy to cultivate. Even if Zhang Yan has Mu Sen to help, it will take some time.

So while cultivating spiritual plants, Zhang Yan was not idle, but went to visit the golden elixir in the sect first.

The first person to visit was none other than Lei Kunhai.

Zhang Yan was also very familiar with Qianbao Peak where Lei Kunhai was.

When he was earning spiritual stones before, he also came here to cut stones. Now think about it, cutting stones is quite interesting.

When he arrived at the entrance of Qianbao Peak, a female cultivator said "Huh", then walked up and said, "Junior brother, you haven't been here for a long time. Are you still going to cut the stone?"

"It turned out to be Senior Sister Zhao. I am not here to cut the stone this time, but to pay my respects to the master of the peak."

This Senior Sister Zhao was none other than the senior sister who was responsible for receiving Zhang Yan when he came to cut the stone before.

I just didn't expect that I hadn't seen her for such a long time.

She was still cutting the stone here.

"You want to see the master of the peak?" Senior Sister Zhao was shocked when she heard Zhang Yan's words. The master of the peak is a cultivator in the Jindan stage. You can't just meet him if you want to.

"Well, Master Lei Feng, you should have known it a long time ago.

Please inform me, just say that Zhang Yan from Muling Peak came to pay his respects to Master Lei Feng."

"Okay, please wait for a moment, Junior Brother." After Senior Sister Zhao finished speaking, she hurried in to inform.

Not long after, she came out with a complicated expression and said respectfully: "Brother, the peak master invites you."

"Thank you, sister." Zhang Yan didn't care about the other party's attitude. Now that he has a strong cultivation, it is reasonable for the other party to be cautious.

After entering Qianbao Peak, Zhang Yan came to a cave in Qianbao Peak.

This is Lei Kunhai's cave.

However, the door of the cave was closed, and it seemed that he was not very welcome.

Zhang Yan didn't care at all, but said respectfully: "Disciple Zhang Yan, I came to see Master Lei Feng."

As Zhang Yan's voice fell.

With a "creak", the door of the cave opened, and a burly young man walked out.

This young man looked good, but for some reason, his nose and face were swollen, and he looked quite miserable.

And for some reason, Zhang Yan always felt that the other party looked at him strangely, as if he saw the murderer of his father.

"You are Zhang Yan!"

The young man asked with gritted teeth.

"I'm Zhang Yan, what's your name, senior brother?" Zhang Yan saw that the other party was in the foundation building stage, especially with all the treasures hanging on his body.

He also knew that he was from a prominent family, so he quickly saluted.

"I'm Lei Wanbao, come in with me, Grandpa wants to see you." Lei Wanbao gave Zhang Yan a fierce look.

He really wanted to know what was so special about this kid that his grandfather, who had always loved him, beat him up.

"Thank you, senior brother!"

Zhang Yan quickly followed the other party and started to walk in.

Lei Kunhai's cave is different from Zhuge Wan and Mo Changqing's caves. His cave mainly focuses on roughness and luxury.

Although the decoration is very original.

But there are all kinds of gems, pearls, and magic tools in the cave.

Upon entering the cave, Zhang Yan saw an old man who was even burlier than Lei Wanbao sitting cross-legged on the futon.

"Disciple Zhang Yan, pay homage to Lord Lei Feng."

Zhang Yan saluted.

But Lei Kunhai looked at the table in front of him motionless.

On the table are several rough stones of good quality.

Lei Kunhai frowned, obviously stumped by these rough stones.

"Disciple thinks that the rough stone on the left is good." Before thinking about it, Zhuge Wan had told him to perform well.

Zhang Yan also spoke without hesitation.


The piece on the left has cracks, making it difficult to retain spiritual energy. Can you tell me why you chose the piece on the left? "After hearing Zhang Yan's words, Lei Kunhai raised his head. He was as majestic as a lion.

"Disciple thinks that although the rough stone on the left has cracks, the cracks are not deep, and the leather clothing is still good, and there is a faint glow, there should be something inside." Zhang Yan has been working in the stone excavation field for a long time, and he is very knowledgeable about the stone. The acquaintance is well studied.

Well, it was actually the entry that came with the stone-breaking tool.

He just figured it out himself.

"Okay, let's take a look." Lei Kunhai said, using his hand as a knife, he directly opened the entire original stone.

Zhang Yan was stunned when he saw this scene.

You must know that unraveling stones is a technical job. Otherwise, Qianbaofeng would not specifically recruit disciples and equip them with corresponding magic weapons.

Disciples who have no entry level, even if they have magic weapons, can only chisel carefully.

And Lei Kunhai actually dismantled the stone directly with his hands, which can only be said to be terrifying.

As the rough stone is unlocked.

The things inside were revealed, and just as Zhang Yan said, there was indeed a treasure inside.

But it's a pity that it's just a little valuable gadget.

"Do you know how to look at stones?" Seeing something coming out of the original stone, Lei Kunhai seemed to be in a better mood.

"A little bit better."

Zhang Yan nodded lightly.

"Yes, Zhuge Wan has really taken on a good disciple, but she said that you have perfected four spells. Is it true or not?"

"Please give me some advice from Lord Lei Feng." Zhang Yan said and cast several spells, all of which were at the perfection level.

"Sure enough, the four spells are perfect!" Lei Kunhai fell silent when he saw Zhang Yan's spell performance. Suddenly he turned around and looked at Lei Wanbao who was also shocked. The anger that had just been suppressed suddenly rose again. stand up.

"What are you looking at? If only you were half as good as someone else!

How could I have a great-grandson as stupid as you? "

Lei Kunhai said and slapped Lei Wanbao like a cattail leaf fan. Zhang Yan's mouth twitched. He finally knew how Lei Wanbao got injured.

After a flurry of punches and kicks.

Lei Kunhai calmly sat back in front of Zhang Yan and said softly: "Yes, you are indeed good. I agree to the promotion of true disciple.

However, you have to follow me to the ancient battlefield. There are a lot of rough stones there, and we are going to collect a batch.

And don’t worry, the reward will definitely be yours. "Lei Kunhai said to Zhang Yan.

"But according to the orders of Master Lei Feng." Looking at the beaten Lei Wanbao, Zhang Yan felt that he had to agree.

"Okay, what kind of reward do you want?" Lei Kunhai himself has a generous character, and he doesn't like people who are grinding.

I was very satisfied to see Zhang Yan being so sensible.

"Back to the Peak Master, I have long heard that Qianbao Peak's weapon refining skills are famous, so I want to learn some weapon refining skills."

Zhang Yan was not polite at all.


"Weapon refining?"

"You want to learn to refine weapons?"

Lei Kunhai looked at Zhang Yan's serious expression and asked in surprise: "Aren't you a spiritual planter?"

"Who said spiritual planters can't be weapon refiners?" Zhang Yan was also a little confused. Is there such a rule in the world of immortality?

"Not really.

It's just that weapon refining requires talent. I don't know if you have talent in this area.

However, since I have promised you before, I have a tool refining manual here that you can observe and learn. If you can figure out something, I don't mind teaching you how to refining it. "

Lei Kunhai said, took out a jade slip and handed it to Zhang Yan.

"Thank you Lord Lei Feng!" Zhang Yan took the jade slip and checked its properties.

[Equipment name]: Weapon Refining Manual

[Equipment Level]: None

[Equipment Quality]: Purple

[Equipment Effect]: A complete refining of a flying sword, a complete refining of a shield-shaped magic weapon, a minor refining of a hammer-shaped magic weapon, +40% weapon refining experience.

"Thank you Lord Lei Feng, I will not disappoint you!" Zhang Yan immediately laughed when he saw the properties of the jade slip.

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