Xiuxian: I have an equipment bar

Chapter 72: Cultivation breakthrough, cultivating third-level spiritual plants

"Middle stage of Qi refining!

And the four spells are still perfect?

Don't fool me! "Hearing Zhuge Wan's words, the expression on Lei Kunhai's face changed, and he wanted to find a reason to refute. However, thinking about it, the four spells were perfect and there was no way to refute, so he could only bite the bullet and ask whether it was true or false.

Not only Lei Kunhai, but the rest of the people also looked at Zhuge Wan and Mo Changqing eagerly. The choice of the true disciples had nothing to do with them.


If this true disciple perfects the four spells, his future will be limitless, and he may lead them to expand the territory.

So it must be confirmed in advance.

"Elder Lei, do you think I would make up such a ridiculous lie?" Zhuge Wan's face darkened and she asked Lei Kunhai.


Lei Kunhai's tone was choked. Indeed, the perfection of the four spells was a bit outrageous. But any normal person would not think of using this thing to fake it.

The realm of magic is very fair to everyone.

There will be no different changes depending on the level of your realm, and no external force can intervene.

伱 is a small achievement, a small success.

It is a great achievement.

Unlike your cultivation level, if your cultivation level is low, I will give you more pills, and if you take a sip, your cultivation level will increase dramatically.

The practice of magic depends on your understanding, just like when you do a math problem, if you can do it, you can do it, if you can’t, you can’t!

There is no way to fake it!

Therefore, if he were Zhuge Wan, he would definitely not lie in this regard.


But my grandson is still a weapon refiner! "Lei Kunhai is still struggling pointlessly.

"My apprentice is also a spiritual planter, and he also won the first place in the Wanhua Palace Spiritual Planting Competition." Zhuge Wan also refused to give in.

Although the spiritual planter is not as good as the weapon refiner.

However, the first place in the Spiritual Plant Competition still carries some weight.

Moreover, everyone knows very well that Lei Kunhai's grandson, Lei Wanbao, although he is a weapon refiner, can only refine high-grade magic weapons.

There is still a long way to go before the ultimate magic weapon, and as for refining the spiritual weapon, that is out of the question.

Although Zhang Yan is only a spiritual planter, he can cultivate second-level spiritual plants. He is even trying to cultivate third-level spiritual plants now.

This is not something that an ordinary first-level weapon refiner can touch.



Lei Kunhai opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but later, he found that he couldn't say anything.

There is no way he can fight for his grandson!

"Master, it's about the true inheritance. I think we need to confirm it." Just as Lei Kunhai was racking his brains to think of a way for his grandson, another Jindan spoke.

"This is natural." Mo Changqing nodded lightly. He believed that as long as these people saw Zhang Yan's talent, they would definitely agree to let Zhang Yan be ranked as the true successor.

"Yes, the true inheritance still needs to be tested, and even if we pass it, we still need to make Zhang Yan famous." This was another Jindan who spoke.

He was not targeting Zhang Yan.

But the true disciples are different from the inner and outer disciples. You must be fair and just so that all the disciples can be convinced.

Why has Lei Kunhai's grandson never become the true successor? Isn't it because if he were to be the true successor, some disciples would be dissatisfied?

Now Zhang Yan's reputation in the sect is not well known. Everyone only knows that he is Zhuge Wan's inner disciple, but what is his specific strength.

Why you become a true disciple must be shown.

Only in this way can it be conducive to the unity of the sect.

“Normally speaking, if you want to become a true disciple, you must hunt down ten monster beasts of the same level as yourself and three monster beasts that are higher than you.

But I remember Zhang Yan is not good at fighting, right?

Is he a spiritual planter?

Then stop hunting monsters and let him cultivate spiritual plants. "The Qingheng Party is also very flexible in cultivating true disciples.

It is impossible for everyone to demand absolute combat power.

Just like Zhang Yan, he is obviously a production-oriented talent. If you let such a person go into battle to kill the enemy, isn't that crazy?

And for the sect, production-oriented talents are the most precious, and they can continuously produce resources.

As for those thugs?

As long as you have resources, why don't you worry about not having thugs?

"Okay, if he can cultivate ten first-order high-grade spiritual plants and one second-order spiritual plant, then what if the position of true disciple is given to him." Lei Kunhai thought for a while and said.

"By the way, I want to meet this Zhang Yan." Lei Kunhai suddenly thought of something and said.

"Okay, but Zhang Yan is currently in seclusion. After he finishes his seclusion, I will ask him to visit."

Zhuge Wan looked at Lei Kunhai with a smile.


As the words fell, this meeting was considered completed, and Lei Kunhai walked out of the sect hall with a dark look on his face.

Returned to Qianbaofeng.

As soon as he arrived at Qianbao Peak, he saw a young man who was also tall and similar to Lei Kun Hai walking over.

But the most noteworthy thing is that this young man's body is actually covered with magic weapons. From his clothes, to his necklace, the jade pendant around his waist, and the ties in his hair, they are all magic weapons.

What caught the most attention were his hands.


He even wore ten rings.

And each one is a magic weapon.

It can only be said that he is wealthy and worthy of the name Lei Wanbao.

"Greetings to Grandpa Zu, Grandpa Zu, how was the result this time?" When Lei Kunhai came back, Lei Wanbao immediately stepped forward and asked.


Who is your grandpa? I don’t have a useless grandson like you! "Lei Kunhai saw Lei Wanbao coming and cursed, how could he give birth to such a useless great-great-grandson?

Can't even complete two spell foundation building!

After teaching him to refine weapons for so long, he can only refine high-grade magic weapons. He is a waste!

Seeing Lei Kunhai's violent appearance, Lei Wanbao was stunned. What happened to Grandpa Zu?

Before leaving, he vowed to find a position as a true disciple for himself.

Why did I go out and not only did I get so angry, but I also called myself a loser?

Grandpa Zu was not like this before!

Before, grandpa said clearly that he was a treasure given to him by God!

Although he was slandering, Lei Wanbao was not stupid. He turned around and ran away. Just kidding, Lao Lei's fist was very painful!

Wood Spirit Peak.

Inside Zhang Yandong Mansion.

Zhang Yan, who swallowed Qingxinlian, suddenly opened his eyes. The effect of Qingxinlian was indeed unexpected.

It was far better than the spiritual tea he had before.

With this lotus seed removed, his consciousness increased by at least 30%.

And the most important thing is that his thoughts have become more clear, and the worry about gains and losses before has disappeared.

"Is this the effect of getting rid of inner demons?" Zhang Yan couldn't help but be speechless. This effect is worthy of a third-level spiritual object.

"Now it's time to retreat and attack the later stage of Qi training." Taking advantage of the idea, Zhang Yan took a pill and started practicing.

The Changchun Kung he practices is wood-based magic, which is the gentlest, and there is no need to worry about going crazy or becoming possessed.

All you need to do is keep refining your own mana.

And in addition, his Chunyang Boy Kung Fu has also made new progress.

There are three levels of Pure Yang Child Skill. Each level can increase the power of three pure Yang. The power of nine pure Yang can form a pure Yang essence, which can increase the success rate of foundation building.

Before, Zhang Yan only condensed the power of three pure yang.

But now he has condensed the Seven Paths, which is already the third level of Chunyang Boy Kung Fu, and he will soon be able to condense the Pure Yang True Essence.

"I just don't know if I can continue to condense the power of Pure Yang once it is condensed into Pure Yang True Essence." Zhang Yan thought with some curiosity.

Under normal circumstances, after a monk has cultivated into Pure Yang True Essence, he should start thinking about foundation building.

But what can be done...

Zhang Yan's understanding itself is much stronger than that of normal people, plus the blessing of six enlightenment futons.

Therefore, his cultivation speed is also faster than normal people.

"If I cultivate the Nine Pure Yang True Essence, will it be smoother when building the foundation?" Zhang Yan had an idea in his mind. Others don't have this condition, but he does!

As the saying goes, if you are poor, you will be built in Hanyang, if you are rich, you will be covered by firepower.

Regarding cultivation, Zhang Yan also has a little phobia of insufficient firepower. Whether it is the spells he practices or the things that can help him build his foundation, he has to cover them all over again. Sometimes he has to do it again when he is worried.

However, there is no rush on this matter. His first priority now is to break through to the later stage of Qi training.

In this way, three months passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past three months, Zhang Yan has been practicing in the cave, but the outside world, especially the Zhou Kingdom, has turned upside down.

Everyone knows that the great sect of Zhou State has discovered a secret realm, and it is also the secret realm for the assessment of the ancient Taiyi Sect. Everyone wants a piece of the pie.

They gathered in large numbers outside the secret realm, wanting to enter, but in the end they discovered that the secret realm was actually divided into two levels: the inner and outer layers.

The outer layer is a secret realm of resources.

There are a lot of resources inside, and some casual cultivators try their luck in it, but they are directly killed by the people of the sect. These secret realms are their enemies for the sect.

Casual cultivator?

Do you still want to touch the secret realm?


All the major sects sent Jindan monks to sweep these peripheral secret realms, and all the major sects made a lot of money for a while.

Once the peripheral resources have been plundered, it's time to enter the inner secret realm.

But generally speaking, the entire Zhou Kingdom became turbulent because of this secret realm.

"Finally reached the late stage of Qi training." On this day, Zhang Yan also opened the closed stone door, and he finally reached the late stage of Qi training.

However, there is still a long way to go before the completion of Qi training.

But he is not in a hurry. Cultivation is not something that can only be achieved by being anxious.

"Master!" Seeing Zhang Yan coming out of seclusion, Liu Yiting quickly helped him boil water, burn incense, bathe and change clothes.

"Is there anything going on during this time?"

After changing clothes, Zhang Yan asked Liu Yiting.

"Master, there are rumors within the family that you are going to become a true disciple. Is this true?" Liu Yiting asked with admiration while helping Zhang Yan tidy up his collar.

"True disciple?

I don’t know yet, but it should be possible. "Zhang Yan thought for a moment and realized that this rumor might have been spread by his master.

"Also, Master has sent a message asking you to come over."

"Master called me?

okay, I get it. "

After coming out of the cave, Zhang Yan didn't go anywhere. He went directly to the cave in Muling Peak to meet Zhuge Wan.


"Yes, you are in the advanced stage of Qi training, but your cultivation level is still too low. You need to build the foundation as soon as possible." Zhuge Wan glanced at Zhang Yan and immediately saw through his level.

"Yes, Master, I will try my best."

Zhang Yan nodded quickly.

"Well, I called you here this time to talk to you about the issue of true disciples."

"The sect needs you to cultivate ten first-grade high-quality spiritual plants and one second-grade spiritual plant. This is your assessment task.

In addition, you need to report to the elders and show your talent."

"Yes, Master."

Zhang Yan was a little surprised to hear that the true task was not hunting but cultivation, but then he thought about it and realized that this was a good thing.

In this way, he would not have to do it.

And it is really dangerous to go out of the sect!

As for showing his talent to the Jindan boss, isn't it right?

I have to show it well at that time, otherwise he will not be able to sit in the position of the true disciple safely!

After returning from Muling Peak.

Zhang Yan did not immediately start to visit those Jindan bosses.

But he began to think about cultivating spiritual plants.

Cultivating spiritual plants is a difficult problem for others, but it is not difficult for Zhang Yan.

Especially since he has Zhuge Wan's spiritual plant set.

And Weng Lao's spiritual hoe in hand.

He even has Wanhua Palace's flower grafting.

Let alone ten first-grade high-quality spiritual plants. .

Even if it is a second-grade spiritual plant, Zhang Yan can cultivate ten for you.

You know, the main feature of flower grafting is the large quantity!

It can make spiritual plants that were originally difficult to survive easier to survive and produce more results.

Although flower grafting is a secret technique of Wanhua Palace, is he still afraid that the elders of his own sect will report it to the other sect?


"By the way, there is also the Qingxin Lotus." Zhang Yan thought of the Qingxin Lotus he cultivated before his retreat. During the retreat, Liu Yiting had always asked someone to perform the Spirit Rain Technique.

When he came to the pond where the Qingxin Lotus was cultivated, he saw that the seed in the pond, as warm as jade, had grown tender roots and tiny leaf buds.

"Germinated?" Seeing this scene, Zhang Yan was delighted.

However, he also knew that rooting and sprouting were nothing. The key to cultivating the Qingxin Lotus was the subsequent growth. As long as there was something wrong, the Qingxin Lotus would die for you to see.

Very delicate.

But Zhang Yan was not panicked. He had a wealth of knowledge and could easily complete the cultivation of the Qingxin Lotus.

"I will use this third-level Qingxin Lotus to complete the task of the second-level plant. Should it be okay?"

As for the first-level superior spiritual plant, Zhang Yan did not plan to cultivate it, but directly cultivated the second-level spiritual fruit tree.

However, this was a big project, and it was a bit difficult for Zhang Yan to complete it alone, so he asked someone else, Mu Sen, to help.

"Junior brother."

Mu Sen's expression has always been dull, but since he met Zhang Yan, he has been shocked every time.

This time, helping Zhang Yan, he also gained some knowledge.

He looked at Zhang Yan's spiritual plant garden and finally uttered a sentence: "Junior brother, did you rob the head of the spiritual plant garden?"

Four thousand words first chapter.

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