"Secret Realm..."

After reading Fei Jian Chuan Shu, Zhuge Wan's expression changed.

The corner of his eye swept over the Jin Dan present.

It was found that these people had obtained the information through various means.

"It seems like there's going to be chaos again this time." Zhuge Wan had no expression on his face. Anyway, no matter how chaotic it was, it would not involve their Qingheng faction.

After all, the Qingheng Sect is backed by the Tianmu Mountains. Unless the demonic beasts in the Tianmu Mountains are in turmoil, it will be difficult for the turmoil outside to affect them.

However, the possibility of the demonic beasts being in turmoil is really low.

She is more concerned about whether Zhang Yan can get a good ranking on the field than the secret realm that has not yet been opened.

Perhaps because of the new secret realm, Zhuge Wan could feel that all the golden elixirs were all absent-minded. Their bodies were still watching the game, but their minds had already wandered away.

Zhang Yan naturally didn't know about the changes outside the court.

At this moment, he was concentrating on studying the disease in front of him.

This disease is very interesting. Normally, a disease can only affect one kind of spiritual plant, or several spiritual plants.

But the disease caused by Wanhua Palace this time can actually have an effect on all spiritual plants, which is a bit abnormal.

Moreover, the medicines commonly used by everyone are useless against these diseases.

"What is the reason for this?" Zhang Yan had a headache for a while.

He already had such a headache, and the remaining contestants were even more devastated. Many people simply gave up on the competition. What the hell is this? They just came to participate in a competition.

You do this to me, right?

At this time, Zhang Yan had already found the location of the disease.

This so-called disease actually polluted the soil of Lingtian, and then it involved spiritual plants. He had previously thought that it was spread by roots, but he was misled.


After finding the culprit, Zhang Yan's operation became faster. With his rich experience and knowledge, he easily resolved the disease this time.

Seeing that Zhang Yan had solved the problem, the person in charge of Wanhua Palace sighed: "It's really a new generation replacing the old ones. Pindao still remembers that when I encountered this problem, I thought about it for more than ten days. I was still complacent at first. I was so proud that I didn’t expect to meet such a talented young man.”

The person who said this was a thin, dark-skinned old man. As his words fell, there was almost no need to continue this fight.

Their Wanhua Palace... lost.

"But, we still have to replace the flowers with the trees!" Another monk couldn't help but said. Their Wanhua Palace had the flowers with the trees, but they basically didn't say anything about it.

Sometimes, the top three are all from their Ten Thousand Flowers Palace.

"It's just a little Dao'er who is trying to imitate others! You still need to be strong in order to make iron. Look at the disciples of our generation. The best ones who have practiced imitating others are only a small success, while others have achieved great success in both spells. It's a pity that it's not me in Wanhua Palace." Disciple." The old man felt quite regretful when he said this: "Our Wanhua Palace is based on Lingzhi!"

"Nowadays, people with some talent have gone to study other things. If you come to learn Lingzhi, look at it. Look, they are all crooked melons and cracked jujubes. When our generation is gone, I think this Ten Thousand Flowers Palace will still be there." Can we maintain our dominance?”

After hearing the old man's words, everyone present in the Wanhua Palace looked at me and I looked at you without saying a word.

Their status is not as good as this old man, and they dare not say anything about these words.

After solving the problem of pests.

Time flies faster, and in the blink of an eye, the final date has arrived.

The growth in Zhang Yanling's field is very gratifying.

There are lots of spiritual rice and spiritual melons everywhere, which looks very tempting.

"It's almost time." At this time, the referee responsible for supervision suddenly said, and then began to sort out the harvest under the record of the photo stone.

"Is this the end?"

Zhang Yan looked at the referee who was sorting out the harvest with some disbelief.

"It's broken. In order to treat the disease a few days ago, I stopped using Mu Yuan Technique for several days. Will it affect my ranking?" Zhang Yan was a little worried.

By this time the referee had finished cleaning up.

Contrary to his expectation, it was just something from an acre of land.

Zhang Yan actually planted goods worth 500 spirit stones.



The referee looked at the goods in his hand, then looked at Zhang Yan, his tone trembling.

This guy is really scary.

An acre of spiritual land is so many times better than others!

However, he glanced at Ling Tian and slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he pointed out huge profits, it was not without cost. There was almost no spiritual energy in this acre of spiritual land.

He is trying to catch all the fish!

The referee comforted himself in his heart.

But... what a waste of money!

If you want to catch all the fish, you must have this ability!

He remembered that in the previous spiritual plant competition between the monks in the Qi Refining Stage, how much spiritual plants were worth planted by the one with the most spiritual fields per acre?

It seems like 100 spirit stones!

Damn it, this person has doubled his power five times!

He cheated!

This was the first thought in the referee's mind, but soon he shook his head. There was no way he was cheating.

After all, he has been monitoring the other party here, and there is also a shadow stone.

It is impossible for the other party to cheat.

This girl is really just an animal, how can she be so powerful!

It would be great if this belonged to their Wanhua Palace!

With the aggregation of data.

Zhang Yan also returned to Zhuge Wan's side.

Only then did he realize that Mu Sen and others had arrived without knowing when.


"This competition is good. When you go back, take whatever you like from my spiritual plant garden."

Zhuge Wan's voice was relatively calm when she spoke, but the corners of her mouth also curled up slightly: "If there is nothing you want in my spiritual plant garden, you can also go to the headmaster's spiritual plant garden to take it. Just say I said so."

Hearing Zhuge Wan's words, Zhang Yan was at a loss. Why can the master's reward be taken from the headmaster's spiritual plant garden?

If he took the other party's third-level spiritual plant, would the other party give it to him?

He remembered that there was a third-level spiritual plant in the core of the headmaster's spiritual plant garden, but he didn't dare to say it, nor did he dare to take it.

That kind of thing is not something that a small Qi Refining Stage cultivator like him can covet.

"Let's wait until the results come out. How about you, Senior Brother Mu?"

Zhang Yan said and looked at Mu Sen and others.

Mu Sen: "..."

Senior brothers and sisters: "..."

What should they say?

They thought their results were good before, but compared with Zhang Yan, they were too bad and could not be shown off at all.

They all knew that Zhang Yan might have broken the record.

So, Mu Sen twitched his dull face and said softly: "Junior brother, a secret realm is about to be opened."

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