Xiuxian: I have an equipment bar

Chapter 61 What can I do?

"Gengjin Grass Pheasant Sword!"

Seeing the aphids in the spiritual field.

Zhang Yan lightly tapped, a golden light flashed, and before the aphids could react, they were directly cut to the ground.

Gengjin Grass Pheasant Sword.

Standard insect removal spell, fast speed, small power, most suitable for insect removal.

However, this aphid was specially selected by Wanhua Palace!

It has a special shell on its body.

It is very hard.

Ordinary spells are difficult to kill, but it is not immune to insect medicine, so it was taken out as a test method.

But Zhang Yan actually killed it with Gengjin Grass Pheasant Sword?

And it was so neat and tidy?

This... this is not right?

And the most exaggerated thing is that he found that Zhang Yan actually collected those aphids, then removed their shells and fried them.

"This thing should be edible, right?"

Zhang Yan looked at the insects in his hand. Although most people could not accept eating insects, he could feel that there was a trace of spiritual energy in the insects.

It would be a waste if he didn't eat it.

I wanted to fry it and try it, but it looked a bit disgusting.

"Forget it, it's a bargain for you." Zhang Yan thought about it, and decided to forget it, and threw it directly to the silly bird.

But the silly bird didn't care about these.

It was very happy to eat these spiritual insects!

Even after eating, it still looked at Zhang Yan with reluctance.

And Zhang Yan also expressed helplessness. There were not many insects, and they would be gone after eating. He couldn't go to other people's spiritual fields to get rid of insects, right?

The referee who was supervising Zhang Yan looked at a loss. To be honest, during this period, he was really impressed by Zhang Yan's methods.

It would have been fine if he had used two perfect-level spells before.

Now he actually used a powerful insect removal spell. The referee racked his brains and couldn't understand why the power was so great with such a fast speed?

The most important thing is that these insects became bird food. Do you know how hard it is for others to get rid of insects!

"Is this the test of Wanhua Palace?

It's too easy!"

Zhang Yan curled his lips in disdain. He thought that there would be something difficult in this spiritual plant competition.

I didn't expect it to be this?

That's it?

He just added the sharpness of level 1!

It's already so simple.

"Maybe Wanhua Palace has other operations?"

Zhang Yan never underestimates the heroes of the world, especially the disciples of Wanhua Palace.

After all, they are from the Yuanying Sect, and they must have some extraordinary skills.

But he believes that as long as he works hard enough, even the disciples of the Yuanying Sect will not be his opponents.

At least they are not his opponents in the spiritual plant.

At the same time, what Zhang Yan didn't know was that just this wave of insect pests, one-third of the people gave up the competition.

There's no way!

There's really no way!

This dog who entered the Wanhua Palace is really not a human, where did he get the aphids?

It's fast and invulnerable!

How can these Qi training monks play with this?

"Why do I feel like I'm going to win?"

Zhuge Wan was also observing Zhang Yan's every move.

Her original goal was just to defeat Cui Lingzong.

But now it seems that this guy is going to win the first place!

"Could it be... Qingheng Sect Mu Lingfeng is really going to flourish in my hands?" Zhuge Wan's mind was full of thoughts.

And one family is happy, and a hundred families are sad.

Although Zhuge Wan was happy, others were not very happy.

Especially the people of Wanhua Palace.

They have been holding this spiritual plant competition for hundreds of years, and no one has ever taken the first place from them.

Is this going to be an exception this time?

But they are somewhat helpless about this.

They can't cheat!

So many Jindan are watching here.

"Isn't there another wave of diseases? Pick a more powerful disease. If he can solve this, then what if he gets the first place?

The spiritual plant competition has been going on for so many years, and we have always been the first. It's a bit meaningless. Only with competition can we make progress.

We, the people of Wanhua Palace, are also arrogant. We have been disdainful of communicating with the outside world for so many years. Sooner or later, we will really fall behind." The people of Wanhua Palace finally made the decision.

Another wave of diseases.

And you have to pick the best ones!

So, because of Zhang Yan.

Everyone suffered a wave of unprovoked disaster.

Everyone doesn't understand, weren't the previous spiritual plant competitions all good?

Why is there such a severe insect pest and disease this year?

Those who know that this is a spiritual plant competition, and those who don't know think that God wants to kill the spiritual plant master.

If a spiritual plant master encounters this kind of thing every time he farms, don't be a spiritual plant master, and don't farm.

Go and have fun!

And for these changes, Zhuge Wan's face was a little black.

She discovered.

The group of monsters in Wanhua Palace seemed to be bullying her apprentice.

"It's just that you have an ancestor in the Nascent Soul stage, otherwise, hum. However, when the little master uncle comes out of retreat, I don't know if you can still be so arrogant, and the person who carries the tripod of Zhao State should also change."

Although he saw the little tricks of Wanhua Palace, adhering to the principle that if you can't beat it, you do the right thing, Zhuge Wan chose to endure it.

But it is limited to this small action.

If Wanhua Palace really wants to go too far, then their Qingheng Sect is not easy to mess with.

You Yuanying Zhenren are awesome.

But their Qingheng Sect also has a sect protection formation, and you Yuanying Zhenren can't keep an eye on the Qingheng Sect all the time, right?

As long as there is a chance, these golden elixirs can also assassinate the disciples of Wanhua Palace.


It was just a spiritual planting competition, and Wanhua Palace would not be so lackadaisical. Besides, although they increased the difficulty, they also put enough pressure on their own disciples.

At least he didn't bully Zhang Yan directly.


This kind of..."

Zhang Yan looked at a withered spiritual plant in front of him with an expression of interest on his face.

This disease is very interesting. It can ignore the type of spiritual plants and has an effect on all spiritual plants.

I think it's also because we want to ensure that all participants are the same.

"Although the transmission speed and lethality are strong enough, it seems that there are not many transmission routes and it can only be transmitted through the root system?"

Zhang Yan relied on his rich experience to find the reason at a glance.

He first removed the spiritual plants that were seriously infected and were already dying, digging three feet into the ground along with their root systems, leaving nothing behind.

Then start treating and preventing other spiritual plants.

Regarding the diseases of spiritual plants, Zhang Yan also gained corresponding knowledge when he obtained Zhuge Wan's spiritual plant set.

The solution is quite simple.

Especially since he purchased a lot of magic weapons with spiritual plant entries in this auction.

He selected a corresponding spell entry and then removed the disease.

While he was treating Lingzhi, a flying sword appeared in Zhuge Wan's hand.

In his hand is a jade slip.

This is Feijian Chuanshu.

She picked up the jade slip and looked at it. After reading it, her face became quite solemn.

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