Xiuxian: I have an equipment bar

Chapter 32 Liu Family Treasure House

This bird doesn't know what it's called. It looks ordinary and a little silly.

It was captured by Zhang Yan with his spiritual energy, and it twisted its neck to look at him.

"What a silly bird."

Zhang Yan laughed, then his face became serious and he said, "But silly birds are lucky. Today, I will give you a chance!"

He rubbed a small grain from the pill.

Then, regardless of the reaction of the silly bird, he stuffed it directly into its mouth.

Pill entrance.

The silly bird suddenly began to resist violently.

It kept struggling in Zhang Yan's hand.

"Oh no, I won't really make some poison!"

He was scared.

Fortunately, I found a silly bird to test the poison!

Seeing the silly bird struggling and screaming in his hand, Zhang Yan felt a little bit sorry and wanted to kill it directly.

But, it was at this time.

Zhang Yan suddenly felt something was wrong. He could feel that the strength of the silly bird seemed to have increased.


"It doesn't seem to be dying?"

Although the silly bird kept screaming, it was still strong.

After thinking about it.

He took a rope and tied it up.

Observed quietly.

Maybe it was just temporarily fine, and he had to observe for a while.

When the sun went down, and the silly bird's energy became more and more vigorous, he knew that the elixir should really work.

"Not bad, not bad."

Zhang Yan directly loosened the line on the silly bird and let it go on its own.

After all, the life of the silly bird is also a life!

Zhang Yan, who didn't need to test the poison, spoke so toughly.

However, after the silly bird was untied, it refused to fly away, but landed on Zhang Yan's shoulder.

This really caught him off guard.

"What? You're still relying on me?"

Zhang Yan's face was a little dark.

But after thinking about it, it seems good to have such a guy who tests drugs.


In the future, if you want to test drugs, you don't need to find someone else.

Thinking of this, his eyes looking at the silly bird became friendly.

With the silly bird as an endorsement.

Zhang Yan was relieved about the pill, and sat cross-legged on the futon, and put the pill with a small hole in it into his mouth.

The pill melted in his mouth.

It turned into pure spiritual energy and flowed into his limbs.


The construction speed of the Liu family's spiritual plant garden was not slow.

It has been completed in the past few days.

Zhang Yan got the news and helped them plan their spiritual plant garden.

What kind of spiritual medicine should be planted where.

What should be paid attention to when taking care of this kind of herb.

Watching Zhang Yan plan their originally messy spiritual plant garden neatly.

Liu Changfeng was very satisfied.

Although their Liu family has the art of refining medicine.

They have always wanted to learn spiritual plants.

But unfortunately...

In the Tianmu Mountains, every family with a professional inheritance regards their own profession as more important than life.

After all, a family with a profession and skills will always be competitive.

This is a golden rice bowl that can be passed on to future generations.

Therefore, they can only keep exploring on their own.

Finally, relying on the art of alchemy, he finally got in touch with the Qingheng Sect and obtained the support of the spiritual plant master of the Qingheng Sect.

"Fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission."

Zhang Yan said to Liu Changfeng, the security guard.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Zhang!"

Liu Changfeng looked at the spiritual plant garden with joy. After this time, not only did their spiritual plant garden become more standardized.

But Liu Yiting and several others also gained a lot, although it is impossible to become a spiritual plant master directly.

But I think it will be possible after a few decades of research.

At the very least, it can be regarded as accumulating experience for the family!

"You're welcome, it's all my duty." Zhang Yan just nodded slightly to Liu Changfeng's thanks, without saying much.

And Liu Changfeng immediately understood what Zhang Yan meant.

"As I said before, I promised Fellow Daoist Zhang to open our Liu family's family treasure house. Now Fellow Daoist Zhang can choose a treasure by himself."

Liu Changfeng's eyes flickered as he spoke.

"Okay, then thank you, Clan Leader Liu." Hearing this, Zhang Yan nodded with satisfaction.

Liu Changfeng did not hesitate to reward Zhang Yan.

He immediately took Zhang Yan to the family treasure house.

With a spell, they immediately entered a treasure house.

There were piles of spiritual stones in it.

And elixirs in the treasure box, and even some magic tools.

Zhang Yan just glanced at it and understood a problem.

This treasure house.

It is definitely not the most important treasure house of the Liu family.

There are a lot of things in it, but for a family, both the quantity and quality are not enough.

It is no wonder that the head of the Liu family dared to open the treasure house to him and let him choose freely.

However, this is understandable, and it is a bargain for free, and although it is not the most important treasure house, he still saw a few good things in it.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, you can choose as you like."

Liu Changfeng made a gesture of invitation.

"Thank you, Senior Liu!" Zhang Yan bowed and began to patrol the treasure house.

Most of his treasure house is some spiritual medicine.

And they have all been purified by the Liu family's alchemy technique. He even saw a first-grade top-quality spiritual herb.

If I sell this, I might be able to sell it for hundreds of spirit stones.

However, the spirit medicine didn't have much effect on him, and he didn't need it very much.

So I just skipped it.

Then I went directly to the place where the magic tools were stored.

Just one glance, Zhang Yan frowned.

The quality of the magic tools here is really too poor, and most of them are low-grade magic tools.

Whether it is quality or terms, they are far inferior to the magic tools in the sect.

But this is normal.

After all, in Tianmu Mountain Range, Qingheng Sect is the sky here, and it also controls most of the resources.

The families and casual cultivators of Tianmu Mountain can only be sucked blood by Qingheng Sect.

And magic tools are precious. It is really difficult for these cultivators in the family to want a good set of magic tools.

Sometimes, it is not just a matter of spirit stones, but even if you have spirit stones, you may not be able to buy them.

Zhang Yan shook his head as he looked at these magic tools.

Then he continued to walk inside.

At the innermost part, most of the things stored were magic jade slips and the like.

However, after just a few glances, Zhang Yan lost interest. Liu Jiacun's magic was really not that good.

"If it doesn't work, take the refined first-grade high-quality spiritual herb. It can sell for some spiritual stones, so it's not a loss."

Zhang Yan made up his mind and was about to turn around and leave, but he suddenly stopped and looked at something like a pillar on a shelf.

"This thing...

It's actually placed here?"

This bamboo-like thing is not very eye-catching.

But the problem is that the entry on it is a bit against the sky!

And it's very f*cking against the sky!

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