"Water Element Technique, the most basic spell of the water system...

The method of building foundation...

The foundation of water spells..."

After pouring in a lot of knowledge, Zhang Yan felt that his head was a little dizzy.

There is just too much information in it.

After passing on the information, Zhang Yan also learned some unknown secrets.

In a way, the woman who sold him the fragment was right. The Shuiyuan Book was indeed handed down from ancient times.

What is recorded above is the method of building the foundation.

The method of building a foundation has always been a secret that is not passed down to every sect and family.

The simplest way to build a foundation is to use the Foundation Building Pill to build a foundation, but this kind of foundation building only has realm and nothing else.

In addition, there are various methods of foundation building, such as natal spiritual weapons to build the foundation, natal talismans to build the foundation, natal spiritual pills to build the foundation, and even natal formations to build the foundation.

as well as……

It is the most routine and the most difficult natal spell foundation building.

This Shuiyuan Book records the foundation-building method of natal spell foundation.

According to the records on it, if you practice the Shui Yuan Technique to perfection, and when building the foundation, you can comprehend the Tao and Rhythm of Water and become a magical water spirit technique.

The so-called water magic is the manipulation of water magic.

It doesn't sound like anything special.


According to the records in the Book of Water Elements, water spirituality can simulate other water magical powers.

"Water Element Technique can simulate water-type magical powers... What about Wood Element Technique? Can it also simulate wood-type magical powers?

What about Jin Yuan Shu?

What if I practice all the elements of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, etc. to perfection? "Yuanshu, this spell, belongs to a large category.

Almost every attribute has a corresponding elemental skill.

Its function is to extract the purest spiritual power.

But it has almost no offensive ability. The most popular one now is Mu Yuan Technique.

Because the Mu Yuan Technique can regenerate spiritual plants and heal them, it is also a useful spell.

However, the remaining Yuan Shu spells are almost useless. They are basically the lowest and most basic spells. Everyone uses them to practice, but few people can practice them to perfection.

"It's really strange. There are just other Yuan arts, so why doesn't anyone practice Mu Yuan Shu to perfection? Isn't it possible that no one uses Mu Yuan Shu as a foundation-building spell?"

"Or is it that the magical power they used to build the foundation with Mu Yuan Technique is not Wood Spirit Technique? Or, they didn't say it yet?" Zhang Yan's eyes flickered, feeling that this was not impossible.

Yuan Shu is the most primitive control of spiritual energy.

Spiritual magic can simulate magical powers of the same type, which sounds very scary.

But, if it was really so powerful, shouldn't it have been spread by others early on?

But it seems like I haven’t heard anyone say it now?

Regarding the statement in the Shuiyuan Book, Zhang Yan was a little unsure of whether it was true or false.

"There may be records in the sect, so I'll check it out later."

Although I have some doubts about the contents of this Shui Yuan Book, the entry on the perfection of Shui Yuan Technique is true!


Whether it is true or false.

Wouldn't it be enough if he just repaired them all?

For others, uncertain information may result in the failure of many years of hard work. I originally wanted to be a war cultivator, but as soon as I built the foundation, I found that I had no attack power!

Just hey!

But Zhang Yan is different!

He has an equipment slot!

He cheated!

He can have it all!

First, practice these Yuan skills to perfection.

Then it's not impossible to practice some offensive spells.

There are cheats, so you are so willful!

After figuring it out, Zhang Yan no longer struggled.

In the small courtyard, he took out another pill furnace full of cracks.

Muyuan alchemy furnace.

This is the alchemy furnace he acquired a long time ago.

It's just that he has never used it before. In addition to the cost, there is also the fact that he has not thoroughly understood the alchemy skills.

Only an alchemist equipped with a Mu Yuan alchemy furnace can achieve some success in alchemy.

However, after equipping it, he couldn't use it to make pills.

But now, after such a long time, he finally understood the alchemy skill on the Mu Yuan alchemy furnace.

Although it is just a small alchemy of Qi Gathering Pill.

But for him now, it's enough.

When he was in Fangshi before, he also bought some elixirs, which can now be used to make elixirs.

"The completion rate of the Qi Gathering Pill is about 30%. If I can make three Qi Gathering Pills from one batch of pills, I will have paid back my money!"

Think about it carefully.

He took out another set of formation flags and threw them into the small courtyard.

This set of formation flags is the simplest type of formation flag.

There is no illusion or attack ability, so it can only be isolated from other people's prying eyes.

This is a gift from the sect.

It's just that he didn't think it was useful to spend spiritual stones before, but now he wants to make elixirs.

Then naturally we can't feel sorry for Lingshi.

Turn on the formation.

Then take out the materials, and the most important spiritual charcoal.

He does not have fire spiritual roots, nor has he learned fire spells, so he can only use spiritual charcoal to make elixirs.

This is the Qi Gathering Pill.

If you want to refine some good spiritual elixirs, then spiritual charcoal cannot be used, and you need special spells or earth fire to refine them.

Light the spiritual charcoal.

Mu Yuan's alchemy furnace soon burned red.

And Zhang Yan also started refining alchemy.

Although it was only the first time, every move he made seemed like he had experienced it thousands of times.

Especially the control of the temperature, it is simply impeccable.

This is also due to the entry of fire control on the Muyuan alchemy furnace.

The most difficult part of alchemy is the control of the temperature.

And Zhang Yan's fire control is so good, and he has the technology of alchemy.

Almost half of it is done.

In this way, three days passed in the blink of an eye.

During these three days, he almost didn't close his eyes.

He has been observing the alchemy furnace.

"Whether the pill can be made depends on this time." A spiritual spell was cast.

The lid of the alchemy furnace was instantly bounced off.

Then a strange fragrance floated out from it.

"This smell..."

Zhang Yan hurriedly looked into the alchemy furnace.

"There are actually four Qi Gathering Pills!"

Seeing the four Qi Gathering Pills in the alchemy furnace, Zhang Yan immediately became excited.

He originally thought that three would be good.

Unexpectedly, there were four!

This is already an extraordinary performance!

He happily took out a jade bottle that had been prepared long ago.

Then put the pills into it to prevent the reduction of medicinal properties.

"Not bad, not bad, from now on, I can also act as a half-baked alchemist!" Zhang Yan was very satisfied with this.

He put away the alchemy furnace and couldn't wait to take out a Qi Gathering Pill, wanting to try it.

But after hesitating for a long time, Zhang Yan finally didn't take it.

"Although it says Qi Gathering Pill on the equipment column, and the materials are also those materials, but I made it myself, why am I so scared?" Thinking of this, he turned his head and suddenly saw a bird combing its feathers on the wall of the courtyard.

"Come here!"

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