Xiuxian: I have an equipment bar

Chapter 26 Market and Family

"Making a fortune?"

After hearing what Butler Bai said, Zhang Yan's eyes lit up.

He is too interested in spirit stones.

“Yes, your attainments in Mu Yuan Technique are not low.

Several small families affiliated with our sect have begged us for a group of spiritual planters, and the bids are very high.

You can try it. "

Butler Bai smiled and said to Zhang Yan.

"Need to go out?"

"Forget it, that's too dangerous!"

Zhang Yan, who was originally in high spirits, immediately shook his head when he heard that he needed to go out.

The world of cultivating immortals is really too dangerous!

He is currently too weak and does not want to participate at all!


Butler Bai looked at Zhang Yan who was so cautious and was speechless.

He has seen timid people, but he has never seen such timid people!

This is almost pathological.

"I'm not telling you, if you say this, the journey of cultivating immortality will not be smooth! The most important thing in cultivating immortality is resources. If you don't fight for resources, how can you cultivate immortality?"

"Deacon Bai is right, but it's too dangerous to go out, and my cultivation level is also low." Zhang Yan looked like you are right, but I just won't go out.

"What are you afraid of?

This is Tianmu Mountain, and we are disciples of the Qingheng Sect. There are still people who have taken the courage to attack us here?

Moreover, you are a second-level Qi training rookie. If you kill you, you will gain nothing, and you will be wanted by the Qingheng sect. Why is it that the Tribulation Cult is so stupid that it intercepts and kills you? Deacon Bai almost laughed angrily at Zhang Yan: "And, the most important thing is, that family lives close to Qinghengfang City, how can it be in danger?" "


"Close to Qinghengfang City?"

Hearing this sentence, Zhang Yan's eyes lit up.

In Tianmu Mountain, the Qingheng Sect dominates.

But in order to communicate with each family, and also to draw blood from various forces.

That's why Qinghengfang City came into being.

There is also a Jindan Patriarch who is in charge of this city.

very safe.

It can also be regarded as your own territory.

There is no chance of encountering any danger.

So Zhang Yan felt that he could go.

Of course, in addition to this reason, there is another reason, which is Qinghengfang City.

This is the largest city in the Tianmu Mountains.

There are probably many magic weapons inside.

Zhang Yan is very interested in these things.

However, Qinghengfang City is too far away from the Qingheng Sect, and it is easy to encounter monsters and unknown dangers along the way.

Therefore, he is only greedy for Qinghengfang City.

Unexpectedly, Deacon Bai would assign him such a task.

He suddenly felt happy.

"Okay, I'll take this task."

"That's right, and the rewards for this mission are really great. In half a year, I will give you 600 contribution points. It's a pity that I am not a spiritual planter, otherwise I would also like to go."

"so much?"

Zhang Yan was also a little shocked. The other party gave him too much.

Therefore, he said righteously: "Deacon Bai, I won't say whether I have contributed a little or not. The main reason is that as a member of the Qingheng Sect, it is necessary for the disciple to solve problems for the sect!"


Butler Bai looked at the righteous Zhang Yan speechlessly.

If he hadn't seen his face, he would have believed it!

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, help me cure Ice Moon Orchid first, and then report with me the day after tomorrow."


Looking at the Ice Moon Orchid brought out by Butler Bai.

Zhang Yan immediately cast Mu Yuan Technique and cured him.

"It's so easy for you spiritual planters to make money. After three spells, you earned hundreds of spiritual stones!" Seeing Zhang Yan perform the Mu Yuan Technique, Butler Bai said with some envy.

Zhang Yan curled his lips at Butler Bai's envy.

Butler Bai only saw that it was easy for him to make money, but he couldn't see that he racked his brains to make Butler Bai think that it was not so easy for him to make money!

The Ice Moon Orchid has been cured.

Butler Bai also left happily.

Zhang Yan also went to the quarry to explain the situation.

Then I tidied up my valley.

He is going for half a year, and during this period, his spiritual field cannot be left unused.

Finally, after thinking about it, I found a few spiritual farmers to take care of my spiritual fields.

It doesn’t matter how much money you make, as long as it doesn’t go to waste.

Time comes on the third day.

Zhang Yan put everything he needed into his storage bag, and then went to meet the people from the sect.

This time, the Qingheng Sect sent a total of thirteen spiritual planters.

Don't think the quantity is small.

In fact, this number is extremely exaggerated.

This is why the Qingheng Sect can gather so many spiritual planters.

If placed outside.

A spiritual planter can support a family's reputation.

A second-level spiritual planter could support a foundation-building family.

Thirteen spiritual planters were dispatched in one breath, which the Qingheng Sect also attached great importance to.

So this time there were three Foundation Establishment Stage monks sending them off.

Waited until we arrived at the appointed place.

Zhang Yan saw a huge spaceship from a distance.

[Equipment name]: Ethereal Warship

[Equipment Quality]: Blue

[Equipment Effect]:? ? ?

Seeing the huge spaceship and its blue quality, Zhang Yan was a little greedy.

But I don’t know why, but the equipment effect is all the same? ? ? .


Zhang Yan sighed.

He guessed that the reason why he couldn't see the entry for this magic weapon was probably because it had an owner.

Just like when he saw Deacon Bai's flying magic weapon before, he couldn't see any effect.

"Sir, wait a moment. When the people come, we will set off." Seeing Zhang Yan took out the jade talisman to confirm his identity, a errand disciple immediately stepped forward and led him to a separate room on the spaceship.

"Okay, you can leave." Zhang Yan waved his hand and asked the errand disciple to leave.

The room on the spaceship was not big, and it was not luxurious, but it was more than enough for one person.

He waited in the room for a short time.

Soon, everyone arrived.

Then the spaceship began to take off.

The speed of the spaceship was very fast, much faster than his driving the Golden Bamboo Sword and the Green Wood Boat.

Standing in front of the window.

Looking at the blue sky and white clouds close at hand, and the mountain gate of Qingheng Sect getting farther and farther away.

Since he traveled here, he has never left Qingheng Sect.

Now that he left for the first time, Zhang Yan was actually a little restless in his heart.

"Forget it, why think so much, just practice!"

Zhang Yan shook his head.

He began to practice alone.

Because there were several families, each spiritual plant master went to a different place.

And Zhang Yan was going to the Liu family, which was the closest to Qinghengfang City.

In this way, he spent three or four days on the spaceship.

The spaceship slowly stopped at the Liu family.

Two foundation-building cultivators took Zhang Yan down from the spaceship and immediately met a dozen people in Taoist robes.

The leader had white hair and white beard and spiritual light flashing on his body. He should be a foundation-building cultivator.

And those behind him were also masters of the late stage of Qi training.

But at this moment, their eyes looking at Zhang Yan and others were full of fear.

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