Xiuxian: I have an equipment bar

Chapter 25: Building a foundation?

His main gains today were the Mask of Hiddenness and the Light Spirit Boots.

The most important one is Hidden Mask!

The reason is simple, because it contains a perfect level spell.

This means that he can directly comprehend this spell and achieve perfection.

Moreover, it is also a life-saving spell for concealment, so its value is greatly enhanced.

"Speaking of which, my Mu Yuan Technique is now almost complete.

Jingyu Fuchen's built-in Spiritual Rain Technique has also been fully developed, and it contains a perfect level spell. Plus this hidden breath technique, that is to say, I will have three perfect level spells now? "

Thinking of this, his heart skipped a beat.

Now he is no longer a rookie in cultivating immortals. He has already understood the role of perfect spells in cultivating immortals.

The first hurdle on the road to immortality is foundation building.

There are many ways to build a foundation.

The worst thing is to use the Foundation Establishment Pill to build the foundation. In this way, the monk after the foundation has no power at all.

It is purely for the sake of realm and increasing life span, but it will not affect future practice.

In addition to the foundation building pill, there are also the foundation building of natal spiritual weapons, talismans, formations, and even spells.

For most people, the best way to build a foundation is to build a foundation through spells. Practice a spell to perfection. During the foundation building process, people will be able to connect with nature and understand the Taoist charm of the spell. In this way, the spell will be perfect. It will be sublimated into magical power.

This is also the most life-saving method for monks in the foundation-building stage.

If you miss the promotion in the foundation building period, you will never have the chance to obtain your natal magical power in the future.

However, foundation-building monks with magical powers and foundation-building monks without magical powers are completely on two levels. It is no exaggeration to say that unless ordinary monks have some top-grade spiritual weapons, it will be difficult for them to be in the same realm as possessing them. Fighting monks with supernatural powers.

Even if that monk only has auxiliary magical powers.

Not to mention anything else, the leader of their Qingheng sect had practiced three perfect spells before building the foundation. Therefore, after building the foundation, he was invincible at the same level. Now he is hard to find an opponent in the golden elixir stage.

"So, as long as I work hard, I will be guaranteed to be a leader-level figure?" Thinking of this, Zhang Yan couldn't believe it. Who is the leader?

Invincible across three thousand miles.

The most difficult condition to become such a person, he actually completed it without knowing it.

He even thought it was a little simple.

It can even be said that it is very simple!

"Steady, steady!"

After soothing his inner emotions, Zhang Yan knew that at this time, he couldn't waste any time.

For him, stability is the most important thing.

"Equip light boots!"

With a flash of inspiration, the light boots in his hand disappeared, replaced by the enlightenment futon that had been removed.

"Light Spirit Technique!"

Zhang Yan let out a low voice and cast the Light Spirit Technique on himself.

As the spell fell on him.

He immediately felt that his whole body became light and airy, and with a little force, his whole body immediately flew up.


"Is this the perfect level of lightness?"

Zhang Yan was a little shocked!

Under the perfect lightness technique, he was able to fly in the air for a short time.

You know, for ordinary Qi-training monks, if they want to fly physically, it is simply a dream.

Being able to walk on flat ground in the air has always been the exclusive domain of monks above the Foundation Establishment stage.

But he didn't expect that after perfecting the Light Spirit Technique, it would actually allow him to levitate in the air, like a monk in the foundation-building stage.


Something suddenly occurred to him.

Then take out the equipment and start replacing it.

Replaced the Hidden Mask and Golden Bamboo Sword on the equipment list.

Although the Mask of Hiddenness has been broken, it can still resist other people's spiritual exploration after it is equipped on the equipment slot.

The nimbleness spell on the nimble boots allows him to fly briefly in the air.

at last……

As soon as he stretched out his hand, a burst of sword energy burst out and slashed down the tree trunk nearby.

The sword energy was sharp and cut off the tree trunk directly.

The strength of this sword energy is not strong.

But the momentum is not small.

And this is not a spell, but sword energy.

More importantly, the sword energy left the body.

Generally speaking, sword energy can only be used by monks in the foundation-building stage after they convert spells into true energy, and can be used to attack outside the body.

Although the attack power is far less than that of spells.

But it is a status symbol.

So, in this case.

Mask of Hiddenness + Light Spirit Boots + Sword Qi Leaving the Body.

Without others knowing, Zhang Yan said that he was a monk in the foundation-building stage, and probably no one would dare to refute it.

However, he is too weak as a monk in the foundation building stage.

Once you start fighting, you can be detected.

But no matter what, this can be considered a deterrent.

"Not only that, there are also the sharp entries of [Spiritual Hoe], plus the sharp entries of [Golden Bamboo Sword], plus the armor-breaking entries of [Purple Spirit Hammer]."

"The combination of these three pieces of equipment gives me a very terrifying attack power."

"Finally, I have some ability to protect myself."

The improvement in strength made Zhang Yan extremely happy.

I am one step closer to the avenue of immortality!

At the same time, it also made him more determined to collect second-hand magic weapons.

Of course, all this must be done without affecting his practice. Only particularly high-quality entries will be purchased at all costs.


Zhang Yan lived a stable life.

He practiced every day, comprehended spells, farmed, and cut stones.

His life was very leisurely.

In the blink of an eye, two months had passed.

He cut a lot of magic tools in the stone cutting field, but there was no magic tool suitable for him.

Either the price was too expensive, or the entry was not suitable.

As for stealing magic tools from the stone cutting field, he had never thought about it.

The reason was also very simple.

He didn't know if there was anyone watching in the stone cutting field.

If there was no one, it would be fine. If there was, not only would he be caught stealing things, but his golden finger would also be exposed.

It was really not worth it.

In addition, there was a more important point.

That is, from the beginning to the end, the Qingheng Sect was friendly to him, and he even met fellow disciples like Lin Lao and Mu Sen.

In terms of emotion and reason, he had no reason to steal things from the sect.

In these two months, his cultivation had increased again.

Gradually reached the peak of the second level of Qi training, and it was estimated that he could break through to the third level of Qi training with just one opportunity.

The reason why he could practice so fast.

This was mainly due to his success in Changchun Gong and the Qi-Gathering Pill given by Deacon Bai.

Deacon Bai had come to see him twice.

Today was the third time.

Zhang Yan came here specially to wait for his arrival. After all, he was his big client!

Sure enough, not long after, he saw a man in the sky driving a flying magic weapon, slowly coming here.

When he got closer, he found that this man was Deacon Bai.

Deacon Bai's voice came before he arrived.

"I have good news for you!

It can make you a lot of money!"

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