Mo Changqing originally thought that the mimicking magical power that Zhang Yan mentioned could be simulated after seeing other people's magical powers.

But he didn't expect it.

To use these magical powers, you have to comprehend them yourself.

In this case, the five elements spiritual arts are a bit useless.

After all, comprehending magical powers is difficult in itself.

Many people can't even comprehend one magical power in their entire lives, let alone multiple magical powers?

Others don't say.

Mo Changqing is the most experienced.

He himself is a person with high talent.

So, when he was building his foundation, he perfected three spells and obtained three magical powers.

Three magical powers.

It doesn't sound like much, even compared to Zhang Yan's words, it's pitifully little.


Even so, he is considered a leader in Zhao State.

Every time he fights with others, he has the advantage.

But these three magical powers are also a burden for Mo Changqing.

Because in order to achieve the golden elixir, it is necessary to transform the magical power into the rhyme of Tao.

At that time, his cultivation had already reached the late stage of foundation building, but it took a lot of time to transform the supernatural power into Tao rhyme.

He almost gave up.

It can be seen from this.

It is very difficult to comprehend supernatural powers.

Although this five-element spiritual art can simulate other people's supernatural powers.

But if it is necessary to comprehend, then it is estimated that no one will practice this supernatural power in the future.

Because of this, if you want to use this supernatural power, you will always have to comprehend one more supernatural power than others.

This is very worthless.

Normal people will definitely choose to have one more supernatural power.

After all, when building the foundation in this way, the mana will increase.

"In addition to this, I have another spell. I think this thing is still very needed by our Qingheng Sect." Seeing Mo Changqing's face.

Zhang Yan thought about it and spoke again.

"What spell?" At this moment.

Mo Changqing already had an indifferent attitude.

He found it.

The spells that Zhang Yan practiced are all the same as him.

Belong to freaks!

Different from ordinary people.

"Spirit Condensation Technique!" Zhang Yan said softly.

"Spirit Condensation Technique?

What kind of magic is this?" Seeing Zhang Yan's serious expression, Mo Changqing immediately knew that this magic might not be simple.

"This magic can improve the spiritual roots of cultivators." Zhang Yan did not explain too much, just one sentence made Mo Changqing's eyes widen.

"Improve the spiritual roots of cultivators?

You mean to increase the degree of fit?" Mo Changqing keenly saw Zhang Yan's thoughts.

"Yes, it can increase the degree of fit." Zhang Yan nodded without hesitation.

"Then your qualifications..." Mo Changqing took a deep breath and asked hurriedly.

"Now some of my spiritual roots have reached the degree of fit of the upper grade," Zhang Yan laughed: "Otherwise, my cultivation speed would not be so fast."

"Sure enough." Hearing Zhang Yan's words, Mo Changqing was not only not shocked, but showed a hint of "Sure enough".

He had discovered that Zhang Yan's cultivation speed was a bit outrageous before.

But as a head, he did not go into it too much.

After all, in the world of immortal cultivation, everyone has their own secrets.

Some things, if others don't say them, if you go into them, you are ignorant.

He didn't expect that Zhang Yan would directly say this now.

"I wonder how much this spell can improve the degree of fit?"

What Mo Changqing was most concerned about was how much the degree of fit could be improved.

"When I used it myself, it improved by more than 30%." Zhang Yan thought about it, and then said a more conservative number.



At this moment, Mo Changqing was completely not as calm as a sect leader should be.

He looked at Zhang Yan in disbelief.


What is this concept?

This is almost forcibly improving a quality.

The inferior qualification becomes the middle grade.

The middle grade becomes the upper grade.

The upper grade becomes the best.

The best...

Thinking of this.

He took a deep breath.

I dare not think about it, I dare not think about it.

He really dare not think about it.

If there is this spell, then Qingheng Sect will really become the strongest sect.

Just imagine that the disciples of this sect have the spiritual roots of the middle grade at the worst.

How do other sects fight?


I'll ask you who else!

"But this spell needs to be combined with some spiritual objects to be effective.

And there is another problem, that is, when absorbing spiritual objects, the higher the proficiency of the spell, the better the effect.

When I was improving, my soul-enriching technique had reached a perfect state." Zhang Yan thought for a while, and then said to Mo Changqing.

Mo Changqing: "???"

He glanced at Zhang Yan.

Suddenly felt that the other party was doing it on purpose.

Why did he say such an important thing only now!

He had finished his dream!

"In the perfect state, it is improved by 30%. If it is an entry, how much can it be improved by a small success?" Mo Changqing felt a little sorry when he heard Zhang Yan's words.

But he was not too sad.

The reason is also very simple.

He had expected it in his heart.

If it is really that simple, it can improve the spiritual root compatibility by 30%.

Whoever masters this spell can dominate the entire world of cultivation.

So, there must be restrictions.

Mo Changqing initially thought it was a restriction on the spiritual objects.

But he didn't expect it to be a restriction on spell proficiency.

But this is also good news.

After all, from what Zhang Yan said, although these spiritual objects are relatively precious, they are not particularly scarce.

This means that more disciples can improve their spiritual roots.

Although it is difficult for these disciples to improve by 30% like Zhang Yan.

But as long as there is an improvement, it is good.

"In this case, the sect should also thank you." Mo Changqing said seriously.

Although Zhang Yan only contributed a few spells.

But both the Five Elements Spiritual Art and this Soul Condensation Art can strengthen the foundation of Qingheng Sect to a certain extent.

Especially this Soul Condensation Art.

It is no exaggeration to say that it can even directly improve Qingheng Sect to a higher level.

After negotiating with Mo Changqing.

Zhang Yan also returned to his temporary rest area.

Then he silently waited for Qingluan's return.

Qingluan's return time was much later than Zhang Yan expected.

Originally thought that she would be back in one or two days.

Unexpectedly, Qingluan came back after four days.

'And when she came back, her white clothes were stained with blood, and her face was extremely tired.

Zhang Yan could even feel that her breath was a little disordered.

"Master Uncle?

How are you?" Seeing Qingluan's tired look, Zhang Yan hurried over and wanted to support her.

As a result, the moment Master Uncle Qingluan saw Zhang Yan, he smiled lightly, and then his body softened and fell down. Seeing this, Zhang Yan hurriedly hugged her. (End of this chapter)

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