Xiuxian: I have an equipment bar

Chapter 191: Inexplicably Cute

Mo Changqing's current appearance is a bit funny.

But it's okay.

After all, he is a real person in the Jindan stage.

Although there was a big hole in his chest.

But can't die.

It won't even affect him.


Zhang Yan turned slightly to the side and could see his beating heart.

can only say.

The blow was thrilling.

If it were just a little bit off, it would hit his heart.

By then, even if he doesn't die, it will be difficult for him to recover.

If it's just a hole now, I can only say that it's not a big problem.

He quickly opened the mountain protection formation and picked up all these people.

"Master, how is the situation?

Where is my uncle? "

Zhang Yan took a deep breath, and then asked quickly.

"You kid, you really don't care about me at all!" Mo Changqing said with a sad smile when he heard Zhang Yan's question.

Zhang Yan: "..."

Hearing Mo Changqing's words, Zhang Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

Since Mo Changqing can still joke, it means that Master Qingluan's uncle is not a big problem.

It should be fine.

"This time the palace owner of Wanhua Palace was a little cruel. After fighting against the Yuanying Stage monks of Hehuan Demon Sect, he actually blew himself up.

But unfortunately, he failed to kill the opponent, but only seriously injured him.

The young uncle went to hunt down the seriously injured Nascent Soul monk.

He should be back in a while. "Mo Changqing said to Zhang Yan with a smile.

“Don’t the Hehuan Demon Sect have two Nascent Soul Stage monks?

Which one was seriously injured?

Where is the other Yuanying monk?

Isn't Master Shizu in any danger? "Zhang Yan was a little worried.

After all, Hehuan Demon Sect has two Nascent Soul stage monks.

But there is only one uncle, Qingluan Master.

"Another Nascent Soul Stage cultivator from the Hehuan Demon Sect cannot be spared for the time being." Hearing Zhang Yan's words, Mo Changqing waved his hand: "This time, Wanhua Palace was very well prepared. They made a set of formations. Fa, another Nascent Soul stage was controlled.

Although it can't kill the opponent, it can control it for ten days and a half, which should be enough time for the young master uncle. "When Mo Changqing said this, he let out a long sigh: "If the junior uncle can kill the opponent, then the entire resources of Zhao State will be taken over by our Qingheng faction. If the junior uncle says that he can't kill the opponent, I can also get at least half of the resources. \

,"When it comes to this.

Mo Changqing couldn't help laughing.

It can be seen.

He was really proud of it.

And also really happy.

After all, the Qingheng Sect is destined to flourish in his hands.

Although the previous Qingheng Sect was not bad.

But no matter what, it is just a Jindan level sect, and it does not enjoy many resources.

And now.

The Qingheng Sect has not only become a Yuanying-level sect.

The most important thing is that he also led the sect to win the land reclamation war.

He harvested three third-level spiritual veins for the sect.

Even the fourth-level spiritual veins that had not been fully utilized before were included in the sect's territory.


Also found the underworld.

Now we can share half of the resources of Zhao State, and even the whole country.

It is no exaggeration to say that if there really is an underworld in this world, when Mo Changqing meets other masters of the Qingheng Sect a hundred years later, he will be able to walk sideways.

For now.

His achievements are no less than those of the founding father.

Maybe even higher.

The reason is also very simple, because in addition to the above achievements.

He also discovered the teleportation formation to Middle-earth.

This gave the Qingheng Sect the possibility of taking a step further.

"Hey, please help me. Although I won't die, it does hurt a little." Meng Changqing and Zhang Yan said as they came to the main hall.

After closing the door of the main hall, Mo Changqing's expression immediately turned into a grin.

Zhang Yan: "..."

do not know why.

Inexplicably, he felt that Mo Changqing, an old man, was a bit cute.


He didn't dare to say it face to face.

He helped Mo Changqing to the chair. Mo Changqing was in so much pain that a pain mask appeared on his face.

"Do you still have any elixir to treat your injuries? Give me some. I've run out of mine." Mo Changqing gritted his teeth and asked Zhang Yan.

"Yes, yes, yes, I'll get it for you right now." After hearing Mo Changqing's words, Zhang Yan quickly took out several bottles of pills from his storage bag.

When faced with the elixir Zhang Yan gave him, Mo Changqing didn't even look at it. He opened the bottle and poured it all into his mouth.

"Spring comes out of dead wood!" Seeing that Mo Changqing was still uncomfortable, Zhang Yan also used his magical power.

He doesn't have much else.

It means he has many supernatural powers.

In fact, both the wood type and the water type have corresponding magical powers for healing.

Zhang Yan didn’t care anymore.

He used them all directly.

With the addition of more than a dozen magical powers, the big hole in Mo Changqing's chest began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Okay, you, with so many restorative magical powers, wouldn't all of your thirty-six magical powers be restorative magical powers?"

Mo Changqing looked at his chest and looked at Zhang Yan in disbelief.

He only knew that Zhang Yan had thirty-six magical powers before, but he never expected that he had so many healing powers.

This would be unthinkable for ordinary monks.

After all, for ordinary cultivators, in order to enhance their own combat power, they often choose some combat power-related magical powers. Even if they need healing magical powers, they will not get so many.

Good guy.

I thought Zhang Yan was some kind of nanny!

"No, there are no healing magical powers in my magical powers." Zhang Yan thought for a while, shook his head and said to Mo Changqing.

"No healing magical powers?

Then you..."

Mo Changqing looked at Zhang Yan in confusion.

"I have several magical powers that can simulate other magical powers." Zhang Yan thought about it and deliberately told about his five elements spiritual arts.

"What did you say?

Simulate other people's magical powers?

There are such magical powers in this world?" Mo Changqing was stunned after hearing Zhang Yan's words.

He didn't expect that there were such magical powers in this world.

"If the head is interested, I will give this magical power to the sect, which can be regarded as a contribution to the sect." Zhang Yan said and took out a jade slip.

It records the five elements Yuanshu and the five elements spiritual arts.

Mo Changqing took the jade slip, read it once, and then his face suddenly became uninterested.

"This spell... this magical power is indeed a good magical power, but it is useless to others." Mo Changqing's expression was a bit painful.

This thing.

Although it is good.


When simulating other magical powers, you still need to understand other magical powers.


Otherwise, it is difficult to exert the power of other magical powers.

But damn, if I can comprehend other magical powers, why do I need your spell!

After all, not everyone is as perverted as Zhang Yan! (End of this chapter)

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