At the beginning, Enkidu died because of this death curse.

Therefore, both Jin Shining and Enkidu hate this very much!

It is precisely because of this that after sensing this, they all stopped.

This kind of thing should be cleaned up first!

Wait until later and then fight slowly.

Magicians and followers in various worlds are watching the situation in this video.

He also focused his attention on this video.

They also want to know, which servant Enkidu said was the one who restrained himself?!

【Diarmait: Speaking of which, I remember that Enkidu was dying because of the curse of the gods. That means that the one who is about to appear has a curse equivalent to the curse of the gods. ability?!】

【Cu Chulainn: That should be the case, but it probably can’t compare to the curse of the gods. Maybe it’s just that it has this kind of ability.】

【Jin Shining: Ah, you are right, it should just have this kind of ability. Although I am very unhappy with those so-called gods, the curses of those guys are still very good! Even this king has no way to deal with this. But in this video, how can the miscellaneous cultivator with the death curse ability be able to compete with the gods?!】

【King of Conquerors: That’s right. How can these guys compare to those gods?! 】

In the world of the Fifth Holy Grail War.

Jin Shining didn't pay attention to those barrages, but narrowed his eyes.

"The curse of death?! Is it that black smoke?!"

"Did that little girl summon the followers of"850"?!"

"If this is really the case, then....That’s so much fun!"

"This Holy Grail War is really interesting!"

At this moment.

In the video.

After Jin Shining said that sentence, he continued

"How could I be so careless?"

"It seemed that he was so carried away by the pleasure that he completely forgot that some thieves were coveting the king's treasure."

Enkidu was also a little confused after hearing Jin Shining's words.

He died early and did not understand Jin Shining later.

"When you talk about thieves, do you include me?"

It's just that Jin Shining didn't deliberately answer this question.

"You don't need the Holy Grail at all, do you?"

"Can you make that kind of half-finished wishing device yourself?"

Enkidu did not refute this. As a creature created by God, he does not need the Holy Grail. However

, he does not need the Holy Grail, but he also needs to protect his Master.

"I have an obligation to protect the Master. How can I be attacked by a third party in a place like this and disappear like this?"

After saying this, Enkidu was unwilling to stay longer. He had to leave.

He was afraid that his Master would be attacked during his absence.

"I'm going to run away for now."

And Jin Shining didn't say much. This is not the case before.

After they were summoned as heroic spirits, they had a lot more responsibilities.

"Then, the rest of the banquet will start again after the rebels are eliminated."

As he said that, Jin Shining also looked over there, where the plague appeared.

But Enkidu did not agree with Gil's opinion.

"No, Jill"

"As a king, you cannot show a listless expression."

Magicians and followers in various worlds.

When they saw this video, the conversation between Jin Shining and Enkidu was also very surprised!

To be honest, it was the first time for them to watch it. Oh, such a"kind" King of Heroes!

During their chats, this King of Heroes always had an extremely arrogant look on his face.

He treated everyone with a giving and impatient attitude.

But now, they turned out to be I saw"kindness" and"respect" on Jin Shining's face.

This is simply incredible!

【Diarmait: I may have seen it wrong. I actually saw other expressions on the face of the King of Heroes. This is really...Exceeded my expectations!】

【Weber: Yes, I have never seen a hero king like this. Only a hero king like this looks like a real person.....】

【Jin Shining; Of course I am a human being! Miscellaneous repair!】

【Weber: Ah, that's not what I meant, it's just that...】

【King of Conqueror: Okay, kid, we all understand what you mean, so you don’t need to say more. However, I also think that Jin Shining Shining in this video is more humane, and now Jin Shining Shining is a king! 】

Other magicians and followers immediately agreed after hearing this.


The Jin Shining they came into contact with was the original King of Heroes!

Arrogant, arrogant and contemptuous of everything!

Gold glitter in the video.

After hearing what Enkidu said, he just smiled.

Said to Enkidu

"Now that you are ready to run away, how dare you talk about the king's principles?"

"Even though you have different bodies, you will not change."

After saying this, Jin Shining also raised his EA.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The terrifying energy impact also burst out crazily in an instant!

At this time, the whole world turned into that extremely dazzling pure white!

"This is the last blow tonight!"

"Just take this trick and make a promise to meet again instead!"

And Enkidu, after hearing this, also opened his hands

"Of course, I plan to do the same."

The next second!

Jin Shining pointed the EA in his hand at Enkidu below!

And Enkidu also smiled slightly at this moment. At this moment, the perspective of the entire video.

It was also at this moment that Yang Yang Starting from the beginning, the universe also appeared in the video at this time.

A little red light also appeared on this planet at this time.

Magicians and followers in various worlds.

When they saw the background of this video, they suddenly After turning into the universe, everyone felt a little confused immediately.

The last time this universe scene appeared was the last time.

That was when Goetia burned the human mind with a light belt.

Now, this time it appears again With this background.

This can’t help but make the servants and magicians in various worlds have wild imaginations.

【Fujimaru Ritsuka: Well, looking at this scene, I couldn't help but think of the light belt in Goetia during the last inventory.....】

【Da Vinci: Yes, Fujimaru, this means that the battle between the two of them will be extremely exciting and grand.】

【Aoko: Indeed, it looks extremely grand, but I still feel that something is missing. They didn't use their true full strength. Is it because of the servant who looks like black smoke?!】

【Amakusa: That should be it, but I still don’t understand why the two of them still stubbornly fight like this after knowing that there are such servants?! I really don't understand】

【Conquer the king; perhaps, this is the self-confidence of being a king! 】

In the world of Chaldea.

Fujimaru Ritsuka looked at this video and realized that even now, there is still fighting.

At this time, shouldn't the two of them work together to fight?!

"This is how the same thing?! Why can't I understand something?"

"Shouldn't they join forces now to kick that guy out first?!"

Ma Xiu also nodded at this time.

"I don't quite understand why this happens."

"Perhaps, as the conquering king said, this is the confidence and pride of being a king."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It was at this time.

In the video, the whole scene also changed.

A figure appeared on the top floor, looking at the distant scenery.

He spoke loudly Laugh out loud!

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

"Ha ha ha ha!!"


"It's better than imagined. Isn't this the power that can ravage my servants to the fullest?!"

And the summoned Assassin also looked at the already crazy summoner.

He didn't quite understand why he wasn't dead yet and had changed his appearance.

Of course, this was not very important.

The next second , the Assassin turned into an afterimage and disappeared.

Then, the scene changed again[]

A car running in the desert.

Not far away, huge clouds were still spreading.

In Snow Town.

Orlando and his secretary also looked quietly in the direction of the desert.

Seeing that the battle was over, Orlando turned around and left....

Inside the hotel.

Frat couldn't help but marvel when he saw the final battle.


On the other side.

Tini also stood up at this time, and the command spell in her hand also bloomed with crimson light at this time.

"This is....."

Behind her, a group of people in black suits also stood here.

"Holy Grail War."

At this moment!

The angle of view of the entire video keeps rising at this moment!

Then, an extremely huge pothole appeared in the video.

In that huge pothole, it was Escape There are deep red lines.

In the center, there is still a red color like magma.

Wisps of smoke are also emerging from the pits.

Magicians and servants in various worlds They were all quietly watching the huge pothole that emerged in this video.

Except for a few followers, the others were shocked and lost their voices.

To be honest, they didn't expect it at all. The battle between Jin Shining and Enkidu would be so intense!

They had tried their best to raise their awareness of the intensity of the battle between the King of Heroes and Enkidu!

But they never expected that Enkidu would The battle between Du and Jin Shining was still beyond their understanding.

This simply shattered their three views.

【Fujimaru Ritsuka: No wonder, no wonder the King of Heroes and Enkidu in this video still chose to finish this duel after learning about the existence of that guy. With such powerful combat power, they really don’t need to worry about this.....】

【Cu Chulainn: Yes, Master of Chaldea, the battle between them is really.......Too scary....This kind of fighting power is very rare even in the Holy Grail War.....】

【Amakusa: Indeed, with such fighting power, he is indeed superior to other servants. Even some divine servants do not have such fighting power! It's too exaggerated. He really deserves to be the King of Heroes and the ultimate weapon, Enkidu!】

【A conquering king; some godly servant?! Are there many divine servants in your Holy Grail War?!】

【Amakusa: Ah, I can’t talk about many, but there are still three or five divine servants, because the Holy Grail War on my side is a bit special, right, Ruler?!】

【Joan of Arc: That's true. I was the Ruler of that Holy Grail War. Their Holy Grail War was indeed a comparative one....special. 】

In the world of the Fifth Holy Grail War.

Cu Chulainn looked at the barrages sent by Joan of Arc in this video.

It was also a bit unexpected.

He didn't expect that there was still a special Holy Grail War in 3.0.

Moreover, there is still the Holy Grail War with Ruler.

According to what the crazy woman said in this video.

A Holy Grail War with Ruler is not a complete Holy Grail War!

But similarly, the quality of the existing followers is also very powerful!

For example, the Holy Grail War in this video!

"But speaking of it, this doesn’t seem to be a bad thing!"

"It's a pity that I was not summoned to those Holy Grail Wars, otherwise, I would have been able to fight those divine servants!"

"I'm really curious, what kind of strength do those divine servants have?!"

"And, what kind of Noble Phantasm?"

At this moment.

In the video. The entire video was completely plunged into darkness.

But at this moment, a little blue light emerged.

Then, a The sound also sounded at this time

"This axis is not right, this line is also completely destroyed."

When the blue light dissipated, a huge throne emerged at this time.

The top of this huge throne also rose into the sky.

Then, a book appeared in front of him.

The book was also turning pages.

He seemed to have seen something good, and he made a sound of surprise.

"oh?! This editing is pretty good"

"No, too bad"

"The nasty big spider will wake up"

"Sure enough, no matter how it develops, it will not be a good outcome for the association."

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