At this time, the entire space was shaking non-stop!

Under this terrifying power, it suddenly exploded!

Magicians and servants in various worlds.

After seeing this video, the heaven and earth that exuded extremely powerful power left the Pi Zhixing.

Everyone immediately swallowed a mouthful of saliva

【Saber: Is this the true power of the Star that opened up the universe?!】

【Cu Chulainn: Yes, Saber, this is indeed very shocking. Before it is fully released, it already has the power to destroy the world! This is really too shocking!】

【Amakusa: This is the anti-realm Noble Phantasm!!! It is quite normal to have such power!】

【Mashu: But even if it is an anti-realm Noble Phantasm, isn’t this kind of power too powerful?!】

【King of Conquerors: Mashu, this is very powerful, but you have to understand that it still has a Noble Phantasm that can be compared with this EA, but it is a little less. 】

Magicians and servants in various worlds saw this barrage sent by the King of Conqueror. , all nodded slightly.

They naturally knew that there would be a Noble Phantasm that could be compared with EA.

After all, in the previous inventory videos, the followers of the gods appeared more than once. at this time. in the video.

After Jin Shining finished reciting the liberation words of the Noble Phantasm.

Enkidu followed closely and began to recite the words of liberation for his Noble Phantasm.

"It is the breath of the stars through which I awaken, and I will walk with the world."

As Enkidu chanted, the plants and trees around Him also kept growing at this time.

Enkidu was directly wrapped in it.

These plants and trees surrounded Enkidu and kept going. Rush from above!

At this moment!

Both of them are ready for the final preparation!

"The Star of the Deviation of Heaven and Earth (EnumaElish))!"

"O people, I hope to bind the gods (EnumaElish))!!"


Just the moment the true name of the Noble Phantasm was released, the two Noble Phantasms had already collided together! A violent energy explosion also burst out at this moment! The crimson energy light suddenly collided with the golden energy light.!

Huge traces appeared from the sky!

"call out!!!!"

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Continuous flashes of light also erupted wildly!

The magicians in this world were all nervous!

Not only the magicians in the world in that video were nervous.

The magicians and magicians in each world were nervous. The players were also extremely nervous.

A battle of this level, and a battle involving fighting each other with precious phantoms right from the start! It completely attracted their attention.

【Kenneth; this is.....The fighting power between top servants?! This level of bombardment is really......Shocked....】

【Tokiomi Tosaka: Yes, even though we already knew that the battle between the King of Heroes and Enkidu would be very powerful, we never imagined it would be so grand and shocking! Such power is as if it is going to destroy the world!】

【Matou Kariya: Well, we magicians still don’t know enough about these servants!】

【Kenneth:......The usual Holy Grail War only happens once every 60 years, so of course we have less knowledge! What's the difference between your words and nonsense?!】

【Matou Kariya:.....Ha, then it won’t be like this anymore! That hypocritical Holy Grail War can appear in that new country from time to time! This is much more"generous" than you, a long-established magic family!】

【Kotomine Kirei:.......Mr. Matou Kariya, this is not a good thing! Both for magicians and ordinary people. 】

It's just a pity that Matou Kariya did not reply to Kotomine Kirei.

The other magicians also lost interest in talking after seeing Matou Kariya's barrage.

It was at this time. in the video.

In a dark room.

Flashes of light one after another kept flashing.

Let Xiao Chun, who was still sleeping, wake up.

She looked at the scene around her and felt a little dazed.

"what happened?"

And the moment she opened the curtains, white thunder fell instantly!


And Xiao Chun was so frightened that he got under the quilt at this time.

At this time, the edges and corners of the quilt knocked the family photo to the ground and completely shattered it.


Just as Xiao Chun was trembling, pitch black mist emerged from Xiao Chun's body.

He got out of Xiaochun's house and rushed towards Xuezhen!

At this moment!

In the desert, it is already an apocalyptic scene.

Tornadoes shot through the sky and the earth, and thunder struck down from time to time!

All life in the entire desert has disappeared.

Enkidu stood on the ground, raised his head, and looked at the shining gold in the sky!

And Jin Shining also landed at this time.

Said to Enkidu

"I am relieved. I can't help but be surprised when I see the nostalgic face."

"But you don’t seem to be a kid at heart."

"I didn't expect you to come to the desert to greet me."

With that said, Jin Shining also walked towards Enkidu.

"Rather than giving warm hospitality to me, I actually gave more priority to caring about what was going on in the forest."

"Only you would do such a stupid thing."

While saying this, Jin Shining also walked to Enkidu's side.

"However, even though it is a wild land, there are still sandworms and rats"

"Have you finally grown up enough to choose life?"

And after Enkidu heard Jin Shining's words, he still said the same words as before.

"I'm not qualified to do that"

"As a prop, how should I act?"

"It all depends on the Master’s wishes"

"But I chose to do this, and it was decided after my own judgment."

"It is enough that I am resented by the desert."

Magicians and followers in various worlds were all stunned after hearing Enkidu's words.

No, Enkidu is so capable of saying such things?!

As a divine creature, he can't Should he be indifferent to all life, just to complete God's mission?!

Even if he later became a close friend of the King of Heroes, shouldn't he be like this?!

【Cu Chulainn: Hey, did I hear it wrong? This Enkidu is completely inconsistent with any one in the legend!】

【Emiya Shirou: Lancer, actually, you can’t say that. In the legend, Enkidu is still very human and has his own attitude towards life. However, the legend prefers that he is a creature of God and is the same as the King of Heroes. The battle between】

【Cu Chulainn: But even so, there is no need to say such words! I always feel that what appears in this video is not the ultimate weapon, but the enlightened being who loves the world.......】

【Merlin:.....O awakened one.....Who is truly equal to all living beings?...But you’d better pray not to encounter Him...】

【Doctor Roman: Well, even fighting a beast is better than meeting an enlightened being........】

【Cu Chulainn:? ? ? ? ? What does it mean? ]

However, neither Merlin nor Doctor Roman had any intention of replying to him.

The other magicians and followers also knew nothing about the awakened one.

In the Chaldean world.

After Matthew saw this barrage.

He also looked at Dr. Roman with confusion. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Doctor, you know that enlightened being!"

"Why do you say things like this?"

After hearing what Matthew said, Dr. Roman was silent for a moment and then said

"It's not a good thing if you know about this."

"If you meet the Enlightened One, you will naturally understand."

Ma Xiu and Fujimaru Ritsuka looked at each other in confusion after hearing what Dr. Roman said.

At this time, in the video, Jin Shining felt helpless after hearing what Enkidu said.

"Why are you saying this again? You haven't changed even if you died once."

And Enkidu, facing Jin Shining's evaluation, also felt a little happy.

"You comment on me like this, but you yourself became a tyrant while you were still alive!"[]

When Jin Shining faced Enkidu, he didn’t refute anything.

"You are right. If the young king knew about the current king, he would probably end his life."

After saying this, Jin Shining also flew into the sky.

And Enkidu, after hearing this, also said with some emotion.


He knew that when he was young, Jin Shining Shining was an extremely wise king.

0 Request for flowers

"If you were a child and were a child like what Shahhat described"

"I think even if I knew, I would still choose to live"

"For the people of Uruk."

At this moment, in the sky, the sky is filled with golden energy whirlpools!

One by one, Noble Phantasms also emerged from the golden energy vortex.

On the ground, the surroundings of Enkidu are also the same. It’s an energy vortex filled with golden energy!

The same energy vortex as Jin Shining!

"Phew! Phew! Phew!!!!"

Countless treasures and chains rushed out from the energy vortex released by the two of them!

Like a rain of fire all over the sky, they directly collided together in the entire huge space!

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

As soon as Pu came into contact, these precious phantoms exploded instantly!

The entire sky was covered by this dazzling energy explosion!


Countless small energy explosions gathered together and became an extremely huge energy explosion!

An earth-shattering red-gray mushroom cloud rose up!

Then in an instant, it suddenly exploded!

The endless energy impact was also here It burst out constantly!

Rushing in all directions!

Magicians and servants in various worlds were all staring blankly at the collision of the Noble Phantasms in this video.

They thought that at the beginning The most powerful Noble Phantasm is the end.

Who would have thought that it was just the beginning?

【Conqueror; true...What a wonderful battle! In this world, only Jin Shining and Enkidu can engage in such a majestic and huge Noble Phantasm duel! Even my king's army cannot do this】

【Cu Chulainn: Yes, so far, I have never seen such a magnificent battle scene! This is still true......Shocking!】

【Jin Shining: Ah, such a battle is so hearty! I really want to rush in right now and fight with my best friend in that video!!】

【Diarmait:.....In this video, aren't you also the King of Heroes?! Aren't you also fighting in the battle in this video?! hero King?】

【Glittery gold; hum! How can it be the same?! Although they are both the same servant, this king and the king in the video are not from the same time, so how can they be confused? 】

Magicians and servants in various worlds.

Although they are all known to be servants summoned in various Holy Grail Wars.

In this Holy Grail War, he is an independent individual.

Until the return to Valor.

But after seeing this barrage of gold shining, I still feel a strange feeling

"Bang bang bang!!!"

But that huge energy explosion was just the beginning.

More treasures and chains rushed out of those whirlpools like a heavy rain!

Then they collided together!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

More energy explosions also erupted at this time!


In the midst of these countless energy explosions, blue energy fluctuations also erupted from Enkidu's body.

The next second!

More treasures pulled out an arc, pointing towards the treasures in the sky. Ju rushed over

"Boom boom boom!!!"

This chain of attacks from the side broke the stalemate in an instant.

"call out!"


A Noble Phantasm rubbed Enkidu's hair and was inserted into the ground.

And a Noble Phantasm also rubbed the golden shoulder armor and rushed into the air.

Then it collided with a Noble Phantasm, directly Burst open!

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

Such an intense battle made Jin Shining laugh loudly!

But Enkidu closed his eyes at this moment and felt it quietly.

But it was at this time that he felt something not good. something.

That is....Represents plague and death.....Dr. Bird's Beak!

After sensing this, Enkidu suddenly opened his eyes.

"Something nasty is coming."

After sensing this, Enkidu also stopped attacking.

And Jin Shining also stopped attacking after hearing Enkidu's words.

"Maybe it's my natural enemy."

Jin Shining also looked in the direction Enkidu was looking at.

"The curse of death?!"

My face also became very unhappy!"

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