"You lecher!"

Silver Wolf stared at Ji Chen with gnashing teeth.

It was the first time that she was taken advantage of by someone. It was so infuriating and humiliating!

"Don't move, or I don't mind doing something to you."

After a smiling reminder,

Ji Chen walked towards Kafka in front.

For now, he still prefers this mature and mysterious bad woman.

He once saw a video.

Kafka said helplessly and lazily:"Child, wake up, I can't take care of your lover, your teacher, your close friend, your lifelong enemy, and.........Your bed partner.

But now.

The dimensional wall has been broken.

These will be realized with a high probability.

Whenever I think of this.

Ji Chen feels that his blood is flowing faster.

Of course.

To achieve this goal, we need to do it step by step.

For example......

Join the Star Core Hunters first?

Looking at Ji Chen walking towards her,

Kafka frowned slightly, but soon relaxed.

A charming smile full of temptation appeared on her face,"You seem......Not from the space station"

"That's right, he is indeed the Star Core Hunter who knows everything as rumored!"

Ji Chen gave a thumbs up, and then threw the silver wolf he was holding towards Kafka.

""Asshole! I'll remember you!"

Silver Wolf staggered and was supported by Kafka from behind, and then he stabilized his body.

He glared at Ji Chen fiercely.

"In fact, this is my first time in this space station too."

Ji Chen ignored her and looked at the dazzling high-tech equipment around him.

The curiosity in his eyes was not fake.

Kafka was a little surprised, but she didn't show it on her face.

She said in an almost bewitching tone:"So, what is your purpose of coming here?"

"Just like you."

Ji Chen smiled at Kafka's charming face.

Before she spoke again, he interrupted her and said,"Let's act as soon as possible. The space station must have discovered that it has been invaded. The antimatter army's doomsday beasts will soon arrive. It will be much more troublesome to do anything at that time."

Kafka looked at Ji Chen for a long time and did not find any malice.

What he said was also true. Once the space station reacted,

Silver Wolf and she would be in a lot of trouble.

After making up her mind

, Kafka's guard disappeared completely. She turned around gracefully and walked towards the terminal device that hid the strange object.

"Silver Wolf, it's up to you."

Hearing Kafka's call,

Silver Wolf reluctantly withdrew his gaze from Ji Chen and quickly walked to the terminal.

He quickly analyzed the object:"Object No. 211 [Blind Spot], a simple deflection light field that makes things in the area less noticeable, but as long as other things are no longer conspicuous, it will be exposed."

"Heita used such a simple gadget to hide her treasure?"

Kafka was a little surprised.

"The simpler the method, the harder it is to detect. Isn't this the motto of our Star Core Hunters?"

Ji Chen came between the two of them. He shamelessly snatched Silver Wolf's line.

Silver Wolf paused, then fiercely pressed the launch button.

The next second, the whole room seemed to be digitized and became very sci-fi.

The seemingly ordinary wall in front of the three people emitted colorful light, and a passable entrance opened in the lower right corner.

"It looks like a normal hologram, but it has a shell......"

Looking at the entrance, Silver Wolf became a little hesitant. She was not sure what was inside.

But Ji Chen beside her came to the entrance without hesitation and stepped in.

The figure disappeared in the eyes of Kafka and Silver Wolf in an instant.

Silver Wolf's face suddenly showed a hint of excitement.

"Kafka, I can seal the entrance now, which will definitely trap that guy and get him caught by the station defense team!"

""Okay, okay, I'll definitely help you out when I have the chance, but now it's important to do business."

Kafka comforted Silver Wolf in a child-like tone. She also walked into the space with her long, tight legs.......

As the space twisted,

Kafka and Silver Wolf entered the space one after the other.

On the restraint platform in the center of their eyes, there was a deep and mysterious ball of light suspended.

It was the target of their trip - the star core.

But Kafka did not look at it.

Instead, her eyes fell on Ji Chen, who had entered here one step earlier.

Right on Ji Chen's chest, there was a dazzling white light emitting, which faintly resonated with the star core on the restraint platform.

The entire space was shrouded in white light.

The temperature dropped by dozens of degrees out of thin air, and the water vapor began to condense into ice particles, which fell on the metal floor with a clatter.

The Silver Wolf behind him was stimulated by the sudden drop in temperature, and yawned with a runny nose.

His arms pitifully hugged the exposed white belly and hips.

In the end, he couldn't stand it anymore, and directly hugged Kafka's mature and graceful body from behind.

Feeling the warmth coming.

Finally, she was able to relax a little.

"This is......Star core? You actually have a star core in your body?"

Kafka looked at Ji Chen's chest in disbelief.

This guy actually has a star core in his body?

How is this possible?

Even with the means of the star core hunter, it took a huge price and time to cultivate a container to hold the star core.

The nominal owner of this space station, the genius club's intellectual envoy Black Tower, only used instruments to restrain the star core.

It is absolutely impossible to put it in a living person.

At this moment, even Kafka couldn't help but feel a little curious about Ji Chen's origins.

""I'm sorry, I caught a cold for you."

Ji Chen smiled apologetically.

Then he mobilized the power of preserving destiny and suppressed the star core again.

As a disaster-level creation, the star cores can resonate and sense each other.

This caused the star core sealed in Ji Chen's body to leak out a cold breath.

Soon, the temperature around returned to normal.

Silver Wolf let go of Kafka's body and stared at Ji Chen hatefully.

It's been less than ten minutes, and the loss has exceeded the past ten years.

It's better not to let her find a chance.

Otherwise, I will humiliate this bastard severely and let him know how powerful he is!

"It doesn't matter."

Kafka's smile was full of tolerance.

It was easy for people to let down their guard and indulge in it.

"Then, as compensation, I will take out the star core for you."

While speaking, Ji Chen strode to the restraint device.

The outer layer of the black tower was specially developed, an independent defense system.

It was like nothing in front of him. He walked to the star core without any hindrance.

Then he reached out and took it.

The bright light emitted by the star core was reflected on everyone's face.

Kafka's mature and elegant cheeks seemed even more beautiful and flawless under the golden light.

"Silver Wolf, quickly prepare the carrier."

Kafka did not take the star core, but turned to Silver Wolf and said

"No problem."

Silver Wolf tapped quickly on the control panel.

In the void, a sleeping body, like a holographic print, condensed into a complete entity from head to toe.

This is the star.

The star core hunter spent a lot of resources and time to prepare the star core container for killing the star god.

"It's my turn."

Ji Chen smiled and came to Xing.

He raised his palm, held her back, and pushed the star core into her chest little by little.

"Time to wake up......"

As the star core completely entered his chest,

Xing's eyes, which had been tightly closed, slowly opened.

In his sight, there was a purple-red-haired woman and a very friendly and handsome young man.

"Hello Xing, I am your father."

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