Black Tower Space Station.

Containment Module Control Room

"There is no one here. The evacuation was done quite thoroughly. Was it the order from Black Tower himself?"

A gentle and lazy voice sounded.

There were only two figures in the huge cabin at this time.

The person who spoke had purple-red hair.

The overall outfit was based on black and white, with a lot of purple-red accessories.

It gave people a sense of maturity, elegance, mystery, and temptation.

At the same time, it exuded the dangerous aura of a bad woman.

The tight and full white shirt, paired with high-waisted shorts, explained what it meant to have legs below the chest.

Perfectly protruding the sexy curve of the waist and hips.

Several straps on the body fixed the suit cape, black shorts and black silk with some purple.

The last wide-edged strap was used to tighten the thighs and lift the loose boots.

It was the star core hunter-Kafka.

The other person was naturally the genius hacker Silver Wolf.

The belly-exposing outfit, mini hollow shorts, fishnet stockings and half-open short boots showed Silver Wolf's unique personality.

It was a pity that it was an airport

"Looking at the access records, that woman hasn't logged in here for more than half a year. The evacuation work is directed by the acting station chief, a person named Ester."

Silver Wolf tapped the mini terminal on his wrist with his fingertips and checked the database of this space station.

"Esta, a name I've never heard of........"Elliot seemed to have said that we would not encounter the Black Tower. It seems that she is really not here."

Kafka's voice was very gentle.

But only her enemies knew how terrifying the danger was in this gentle and seductive voice.

"So, where is the star core?"

"Elio's script did not mention the specific location of the star core, which means that in the future he saw......"

"We didn't find the star core by physical movement." Kafka crossed her arms and added calmly.

Silver Wolf spread his hands:"There are many incredible things in this space station, and it's not surprising to have such a strange thing."

"Using strange objects to hide strange objects is indeed what that woman would do. You have been flipping through the catalog for so long, you should have some clues, right?"

"We have all the necessary clues, and now we just need a little trick."

Silver Wolf put his hands on his hips, and his voice revealed great confidence:"Help me investigate the terminal device in the room, the strange object may be inside"

"Okay, let's see your performance.~~"

Kafka lowered her arms, her voice full of pampering.

Then she watched Silver Wolf walk forward towards the rows of tall instruments.

"No need to look for it, it's right here."

A voice suddenly sounded.

Kafka's eyes narrowed slightly, and she and Silver Wolf looked in the direction of the voice.

In their sight, a handsome young man stood in front of a terminal monitor.

Seeing the two people's eyes exchanged, he nodded modestly:"Let me introduce myself, my name is Ji Chen, and I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Ji Chen?"

Silver Wolf came quickly to Kafka's side.

Then he quickly clicked on the mini terminal on his wrist, but did not find even a little information about Ji Chen in the space station database.

Seeing Silver Wolf shaking his head at him implicitly.

Kafka showed a charming smile on her face,"My friend, you said that you have been waiting for us for a long time?"

"That's right."

The handsome young man was naturally Ji Chen, who jumped out of the car and rushed to the space station in advance.

Looking at the mature and elegant bad woman in front of him, he showed the most sincere smile.


Kafka moved her sexy long legs and came to Ji Chen without any precautions, just blocking his view of the silver wolf.

A glimmer of light appeared in her purple eyes.

"Listen to me, Ji Chen, we are friends, and friends should trust each other."

"right......Kafka, we are friends, and friends should trust each other.

Ji Chen's eyes became scattered, and he began to repeat what Kafka said.

"So, what is your identity, where are you from, and what is your relationship with this space station?"

Kafka's voice was soft and sweet.

There was a dangerous light flashing in her purple eyes.

"I am......yes......Kafka's......of......"

Ji Chen seemed to be stuck, and his voice was intermittent.

Kafka was obviously stunned.

Is this person related to me?

"Kafka, the transmission channel is ready. This guy seems to be a little bit complicated. It is quite troublesome to calculate."

"Well, throw him out. No matter who he is, he can't affect our plan today."

Kafka put away the interest in her eyes and walked past Ji Chen calmly. She was locked by the silver wolf's ability to edit reality and could never break free.

"No problem!"

Silver Wolf raised his hand and pressed the wrist device.

The next second, a phantom block similar to a code appeared out of thin air, completely covering Ji Chen, and then disappeared in an instant.

After getting rid of Ji Chen,

Kafka and Silver Wolf's faces did not change at all.

At the same time, they walked towards the terminal screen where the strange object was hidden.

But just as Silver Wolf took a step, a human figure suddenly appeared in front of him, and in the blink of an eye, it condensed into a solid body.

With white teeth exposed, he raised his hand and picked up Silver Wolf's belly-exposing jacket. He directly lifted his feet off the ground and slid in the air.

The sudden change made Silver Wolf's face change drastically, and he subconsciously wanted to write reality to teleport himself to Kafka.

But he was held in the air by Ji Chen.

The power in his body seemed to be sealed, and he couldn't mobilize it at all, and he couldn't break free at all.

"My friend, please do not act rashly."

Not far ahead,

Kafka, who had noticed something unusual, took out her double guns with extended magazines. She narrowed her eyes and looked at Ji Chen.

She had underestimated this guy. He could actually get rid of her word magic and Silver Wolf's reality teleportation.

Who is he?......

Could it be that he was waiting for her here?

"Kafka, I have no ill intentions."

Ji Chen raised his hand helplessly.

""Asshole, put me down!"

With the other hand, Silver Wolf struggled hard, kicking Ji Chen with her short boots.

But it was just like tickling.

Instead, it made Ji Chen a little excited.

After kicking dozens of times,

Silver Wolf suddenly noticed Ji Chen's strange gaze.

Her fishnet shorts, which were parted to reveal her buttocks, were almost at the mouth of this guy.

She was so scared that her face turned pale, and she twisted her buttocks to get away from him.

She covered her shorts tightly with both hands.

Ji Chen, who felt offended, glanced at Silver Wolf's small chest and sneered,"There's nothing, how could I......"

His eyes then moved to the perky little butt,"Hmm......It’s not impossible!"

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