In the office,

Sinkel watched the man take the stationmaster Esta away.

After a long while, he suddenly woke up and blurted out in shock:"He is the mysterious hunting envoy from two days ago?!"......

In an empty corner of the space station,

Ji Chen said to Esta who was following behind him,"Wait for me."


Estelle nodded obediently, watching Ji Chen squatting in the corner and taking out a white thing from his pocket.

He mumbled something she couldn't understand.

After a while, he took out a handful of steel wool and held it in the air as if threatening something.

Finally, he shamelessly stuck out his tongue, pretending to lick something.

An angry female voice came faintly in the void.

After a while,

Ji Chen finally stood up with satisfaction.

He looked at Estelle and said,"The location of a group of antimatter troops has been determined. Let's go and start hunting."


Estelle opened her eyes in confusion.......

In the large galaxy where Azure is located, on a primitive planet in the most remote position of the spiral arm

���In the flames of war ignited by the Antimatter Corps.

The thugs who believe in the Star God of Destruction have brought chaos and poison to the world, standing firmly on the opposite side of civilization and life.

Whether it is the ignorant new world or the powerful interstellar civilization, they will gradually fall apart under the claws of destruction.

Only when a world is about to perish will the Corps slow down, walk on the fragmented land, and wantonly devour the chaotic energy that overflows before the death of life.

When the last flame of civilization is extinguished, they will leave with satisfaction and continue to look for the next target of destruction.

And now.

An Antimatter Corps of only a few thousand people, led by the Tramplers, is wantonly erasing the primitive civilization that has just been born on this planet. The wooden arrows and sharp stones that the natives are proud of cannot even cause the slightest harm to these demons from the sky.

Deep in the settlement.

The priests with various bright feathers on their heads are worshiping devoutly to a totem that was imagined by the tribe and spliced with the powerful parts of various beasts.

He prayed to the gods to come down to earth and help the tribe defeat the invading enemies.

However, a dead object could not answer his prayers anyway.......

"this......Where is this?"

Esther left Ji Chen's chest.

She stared blankly at the lush and green primitive jungle in front of her, her face full of confusion.

She had promised Ji Chen to deal with the trouble.

But he held her hand and in the blink of an eye, they came to this green place.

"Hehehe, my little beauty, I finally tricked you out!"

Ji Chen licked his lips and looked at the dignified and beautiful young lady with a lewd smile on his face.

"you......What do you mean!?"

Esther's pretty face changed, and she put her arms in front of her chest in panic.

"Do you still need to ask?"

Ji Chen took a deep breath of the girl's body fragrance, and stretched out his claws with greed:"You know, I have been coveting you for a long time, and this time I finally tricked you out, hehe, even if you scream your throat out, no one will come to save you!"

Estelle stepped back until her back leaned against the tree trunk, and her little face panicked and shouted:"Broken throat! Broken throat!"

Ji Chen's mouth twitched, and he looked at Estelle speechlessly.

He couldn't pretend anymore.

"Don't stop, keep going!"

Estelle's face flushed with excitement.

In the wilderness, in the wild jungle, the combination of the lecherous pervert and the weak girl gave her a strong sense of novelty and excitement.

"Forget it, let's get down to business first."

Ji Chen stretched and felt the energy consumed in his body.

This interstellar shuttle was more strenuous than he imagined.

However, Huanlong dared to set up an ambush here, and he was absolutely sure to tie up that big woman.

The loss last time was not in vain.

He had already thought of a way to deal with the soul body.


Esther put down her arms and looked around.

This was a typical primeval forest, with lush branches and leaves, and the sound of insects and beasts.

The air was also very fresh, and when you breathe, your whole body feels cool and clear.

According to the company's galaxy map, this place was quite barren a hundred Amber Ages ago, and even microorganisms could not survive on it.

Compared with the current scene of giant trees covering the sky, it seems like it is not the same planet.

"The battlefield is over there, let's go take a look."

After Ji Chen determined the direction of the antimatter army, he stretched out his arm to Ester.

Ester did not hesitate.

She stretched out her little hand and held it with Ji Chen.......

More than a thousand antimatter soldiers, led by the Tramplers, advanced to the front of the primitive tribe without any casualties. In the tree houses, you can vaguely see the trembling primitive women and children holding wooden spikes.

The antimatter army walking in extreme fear and despair, comfortably absorbing the chaotic energy of destruction, letting those painless wooden arrows fall on themselves. The leading Tramplers were flashing with a deep light, which was a sign of evolution again.

Just when this primitive tribe lost most of its people and almost lost its fighting spirit in despair.

Two figures suddenly appeared in the air.

They spoke a divine language that they could not understand.

"Ji Chen, we seem to be late"

"No, our arrival is just an accident. According to the normal trajectory of fate, this primitive tribe will be destroyed by the antimatter army without any resistance."

"seem......That makes sense."

Then, the blinding golden light lit up the entire sky.

When the survivors of the primitive tribe were able to open their eyes, the demons that invaded their homes and the two gods who brought salvation had all disappeared. All that was left was a ruined home.

Deep in the tribe, the priest prostrated himself and worshiped devoutly towards the place where the two gods disappeared.

After a long time, he stood up and ordered the strong men of the tribe to move the totem on the altar.

He took out the strange stone that the tribe had accidentally obtained and fell from the sky.

He knelt on the ground enthusiastically and carved the statues of the two gods bit by bit with the sharpest beast bones. Then he placed them on the altar and worshiped them day and night.


"What is this place?"

On the other side of the primitive planet.

Asta looked at the endless blue lake in front of her and the lush primeval forest behind her, and asked Ji Chen in confusion.

Since the antimatter army sample has been obtained, shouldn't the two return to the space station?

"Don't you think you really need a vacation?"

Ji Chen smiled and leaned back, lying comfortably on the soft grass.

Sniffing the fragrance of the fresh grass, he felt relaxed and happy.

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