Kafka smiled and did not interfere with Silver Wolf's life.

In fact,

Silver Wolf played games not only because she was really addicted to the Internet, but also because she was training and improving her ether editing ability.

In this regard, she was undoubtedly a genius.

In time, she would have a chance to surpass the mechanical life form of Screw Gum.......

The strong sci-fi atmosphere of the space station is very different from that of the train.

It makes Ji Chen feel like he has entered modern society from the Middle Ages.

Many staff members hurried through the corridors, racing against time to carry out scientific research projects.

These people are geniuses from their respective home planets. Because they admire the Black Tower, they voluntarily gather here to carry out high-pressure and cruel research.

However, there are still areas for relaxation and rest in the space station.

For example, where Ji Chen passed by now, a group of staff members gathered together, happily discussing what happened two days ago.

"Everyone, have you heard that the blue giant that appeared during the last Dawn Project was actually a powerful messenger!"

"Isn't it obvious? Only those who have orders have the power to destroy the world!"

"Hehehe, Ms. Black Tower is so amazing that she actually invited an envoy to cooperate with our space station's Dawn Plan! This is something that the Interstellar Peace Company is eager to see!"

"That's not right. The company has two guardians. And have you all forgotten that Ms. Heita doesn't care about the space station at all? That guardian might be the work of the stationmaster?"

""Hiss! It seems to make sense!"

When these staff members were happily guessing, they had no idea that the powerful and mysterious envoy they mentioned just passed by them.......

There was a knock on the door.

Ester's sweet voice came from inside:"Come in."

Pushing the door open.

Without waiting for Ji Chen to speak, Ester, who was sitting on the office chair, said without raising her head:"Put it on the table next to you, I will deal with it as soon as possible."


The sound of the door closing came.

Ester turned around in confusion and saw a handsome face with a smile:"It's you."

The young stationmaster stuck out her tongue and said embarrassedly:"I thought it was another department that brought the documents."

As she said that, Ester stood up and poured a cup of tea for Ji Chen.

"Let me guess, you are here to inquire about the equipment and personnel preparation progress of the planet Yalilo?"

"You are indeed a lovely and charming webmaster!"

Ji Chen praised.

Then he picked up Pepe who was sleeping on the chair and sat on it himself.

""Woof woof woof!"

Pepe, who was woken up from his sleep, shouted to vent his dissatisfaction.

However, after sensing the breath that Ji Chen accidentally leaked, he whimpered and softened, looking at Ester with his eyes for help.

Ester laughed. Ji Chen is the only one in the universe who can scare a puppy with the breath of the master, right?

He is really a little cute.

"The train will leave in two days. I will plant a local anchor point in Yalilo by then. After that, I will leave it to you."

Ji Chen rubbed the dog's head and looked at Estella without blinking.

"Don't worry."

Esta patted her chest and smiled brightly,"I have put this matter first. If the planet Yalilo does not develop rapidly, I will come to see you with my head on my shoulders."

Ji Chen smiled. He did not expect Esta to be so humorous.

However, from the side, when the two were alone, the young stationmaster was very relaxed and used jokes to liven up the atmosphere.

Putting down Pepe who had begun to tremble.

Ji Chen looked at Esta and was about to speak.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door outside.

"Please come in."

The office door was pushed open again, and a female clerk with blond hair walked in.

After seeing this person,

Ester couldn't help but hold her forehead and said helplessly:"Director Hinkle, why are you here again?"

"Stationmaster, I don't want to do that either."

Hinkel walked in, her expression even more innocent than Estelle's.

She smiled politely at Ji Chen, then began to complain:

"You know about those guys from the Jiezhongke Department. Ever since the last attack, they have been uncontrollably interested in the Antimatter Legion. Whenever they have time, they come to me to deal with them. I really can't stand it anymore, so I can only ask you, the webmaster, for help."

The World Species Department is a department of the space station that is dedicated to studying the creatures in the galaxy.

The more peculiar and incredible the creatures are, the more excited they are.

The last time the legion attacked the space station, the hard and deep shell of the antimatter legion, the sharp bone armor hand knives, and the strong physical fitness instantly hit the excitement point of those guys.

They couldn't help wanting to catch one, tie it to the test bench, gently cut open the flesh, and study how they moved.

The Antimatter Legion belongs to the God of Destruction.

It is not easy to catch them, especially when they have to go through space travel to the space station.

It is a thankless task and even causes trouble. The head of the World Species Department, Schinkel, couldn't stand the staff's soft and hard nagging, so he asked Ester for help.

Ester also felt a headache and could only procrastinate.

She wanted to say to Director Schinkel: You are so annoying~

Just when Ester was thinking about how to deal with Schinkel without hitting her.

A chuckle suddenly sounded beside her:"Just an antimatter legion?"

Ester and Schinkel looked over at the same time

"I may be able to capture a group of them, but only elite monsters like Tramplers. For the level of Extinction Lord, I can only pick up some body parts at most."

Sinkel's eyes widened, shocked.

Where did this person come from?

He just said he would capture a group of Tramplers!

That is a powerful war weapon that has received the power of the Destroyer Star God.

Estelle's eyes lit up.

With expectation on her face:"Is it okay? If it's too troublesome, forget it."

She knew the strength of Ji Chen's army.

The last time the army invaded the space station, it was Ji Chen who cleaned it up.

If it's him, there must be no problem, right?

"It's not too much trouble. I have a little thing in my hand that should be able to locate the location of the antimatter army."

After hearing what Ji Chen said,

Ester's eyes suddenly showed a smile,"Then thank you for your help."

As for Ji Chen,

Ester thought that the two of them were already very good friends, and it was normal for them to help each other.

And afterwards, she would give Ji Chen a higher value of compensation.

The most important thing was that with Ji Chen's strength, this matter should not bring him any danger.

"It's not a problem, just raise your hand."

Ji Chen waved his hand and said casually.

When he was about to leave, he suddenly saw the pile of documents in the office and the barely perceptible tiredness in Ester's eyes.

He groaned and said,"Well, it's still a bit troublesome, and I may need the help of Station Master Ester."

"Even so, as long as I can do it, I will do my best!"

Estelle clenched her fist and said loudly

"Well, then come with me and we’ll talk outside."

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