Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 291 Confronting the God King

Marceau star~

"Tell me, what is your second condition?" Su Mo looked at Bill.

Bill said in a cautious tone: "We hope that the Holy Light Legion can become an important shareholder of the Naian Consortium, and that the two parties will deepen their cooperation and grant us the exclusive rights to regional Holy Light potions and Holy Light arms."

This is the key~

The corner of Su Mo's mouth raised. At first glance, it seemed that the Nai'an Consortium was giving away planets and shares, as if they were being taken advantage of. But in fact, the leaders of this consortium were very shrewd.

Just now, he asked Pooh to carefully check the information of the Nai'an Consortium. This consortium started out in the planet development business and has been deeply involved in this field. It has made a lot of money and gained a certain reputation over the years.

However, planet development is cyclical after all. You make money when you get work, and you lose money when you don't get work. The income is unstable, and the ceiling can be seen at a glance.

Two years ago, before the Nai'an consortium bought Maso Xing from Broden, the consortium was facing a serious operating crisis. Not only did its main business income decline, but all other businesses it expanded ended in failure, resulting in heavy losses. .

So, they used some method to contact Broden, almost bought the right to own the planet at a bargain price, and then began to vigorously develop it.

However, during development, the Naian Consortium certainly saw the future ahead.

How could the small Nai'an Consortium be able to defend this cornucopia so close to the mercenary base camp without a strong person in charge and without strong connections.

There are no rules or morals in the Chaos Star Territory. Even the First Legion, the Burning Legion, will not use tricks to save face on the surface, but secretly they will use various means to fight for the interests of the Legion. Many times these means are Not very glamorous.

Just at this moment, the Holy Light Legion suddenly appeared within the sight of the Nai'an Consortium.

Compared to the Burning Legion, although the Holy Light Legion is weaker in overall strength, anyone with a discerning eye can see whether its potential is higher or lower.

On the other hand, the Burning Legion's business scope is very wide, involving armed escorts, slave sales, war employment, colonization, etc., but these are not something that a design, operation, and development consortium like the Naian Consortium can handle.

But the Holy Light Legion is different.

As long as it can obtain the franchise rights of the Holy Light Potion and undertake part of the arms business of the Holy Light Legion, then the Nai'an Consortium can enter the field of potions and arms. Not only will the income be stable, but the level of contacts will also be higher. From simple services, business, transformed into a pharmaceutical and arms giant.

What they have paid is only a few million investment in Masuo Star, which may be taken away by others in the future, and 10% of the consortium's shares.

This abacus is really loud.

"Captain Holy Light, what is your opinion?" Bill asked cautiously.

Su Mo nodded lightly:

"I agreed."

Agreed with...?

Do you agree?

So simple!

Bill was stunned for a moment. He and the consortium executives both believed that Su Mo had a high probability of agreeing, but he really didn't expect that he would agree so quickly, almost without thinking.

"Why, you didn't expect me to agree readily?"

Su Mo noticed Bill's expression and smiled slightly.

In fact, there is no need to think about it at all.

Masuo Star is too important to him. It has a strategic location and is very close to the Holy Light Base. At the same time, the environment, gravity and other values ​​are similar to Tianyuan Star. It is simply an excellent second home planet.

I missed the Masuo star, and I don’t know when I will find the second suitable one.

Originally, he had already thought about it before he came. No matter what the price, he would buy this planet.

But who would have thought that he would not have to pay any price now, and would earn a planet and 10% of the consortium's shares for free. The only thing he had to do was to give the Nai'an consortium the regional management rights for Holy Light Potion and Holy Light Arms.

what is this?

Business rights are not given to anyone anyway, and you won’t lose money, so what if you give them to them?

What's more, he really needs a professional operation team like Nai'an Consortium to do a good job in Masuo Star's business planning.

The population of Tianyuan Planet is very small, only more than 200 million. Basically, a few cities can handle it. What should we do with the remaining parts of such a huge planet? It cannot be just abandoned.

Retaining those leisure and entertainment venues and attracting mercenaries to come for consumption and play will not only drive the economy of Masuo Star and allow Tianyuan Star people to integrate into the cosmic era faster, but also earn a lot of "foreign exchange" for Tian Yuan Star.

It is true that the Holy Light Legion is his legion, but after all, he also has to consider the emotions of other subordinates. If he blindly uses the Holy Light Legion to subsidize Tianyuan Star, it will be okay at the beginning, but over time, it will definitely cause some anger among the legion members. dissatisfied.

Therefore, Tianyuanxing must have its own stable source of income.

The business prospects of Masuo Star are very bright. If the market of the mercenary circle of Zatanvi Star can be fully developed, it will be easy to earn tens of millions a year.

For the Tianyuan Star civilization, which is still weak and backward, tens of millions of innars a year are enough for the civilized government to purchase all the knowledge, technology, and technological products it wants, recruit talents, accelerate the pace of development, and achieve the third level of civilization level as soon as possible Jump.

"Captain Holy Light, I..."

Bill stuttered in excitement, "I need to report this news to the consortium, you see..."


Su Mo smiled and waved his hand.

"Ok, thank you."

Bill bowed deeply, then hurriedly ran to the distance to convey Su Mo's attitude to the top management of the Nai'an Consortium.

Not long after, Bill ran over quickly with a smile on his face:

"Captain Holy Light, the chairman of our Nai'an Consortium and many senior executives were very excited when they heard the news. They want to come to Zatanwei to visit you in person. Do you think that's okay?"


Su Mo nodded and said: "Then this matter has been initially settled. The planet belongs to me, and the Nai'an Consortium has the right to operate and distribute dividends. At the same time, I will grant you the regional management rights for the Holy Light Potion and the arms business."

"That's right!"

Bill nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, grinning almost to the base of his ears.

When he informed the top management of the consortium just now, he made them extremely happy. Not only did he join the rising star of the Holy Light Legion, he also realized the business transformation of the consortium and obtained a stable source of income.

The smoothness of this matter far exceeded everyone's imagination.

In fact, one thing he didn't tell Su Mo was that he himself was one of the top executives of the Nai'an Consortium and owned about 7% of the shares. Otherwise, the consortium would not have handed over the most important business of Masuo Star to him. , and asked him to receive Su Mo in person.

Now the consortium has received a major development opportunity, and it is expected to soar into the sky. If it weren't for the wrong occasion, he would have laughed loudly, hugged the staff around him and kissed them hard.

"You will discuss the specific agreement with my Minister of Commerce later, and then I will talk about my requirements."

"Okay, you tell."

Bill's face straightened up, his ears perked up, and he was about to take a small notebook to record it.

"Bill, do you know my real purpose of buying Marso Star?" Su Mo asked as he walked.

"I am not very sure."

Bill shook his head and said this, but in fact, the consortium had already roughly guessed Su Mo's intentions through various analyses.

Customer background checks are a must for any top company before doing business.

Su Mo's background is actually quite simple. After all, it has only been a year since his debut. The information from a year ago is completely blank. It is only known that he comes from a low-level civilization planet called Tianyuan Star.

The location of Tianyuan Star cannot be found on the Star Network map so far.

Considering this background, combined with the current status of the Holy Light Legion, and some data focused on by the Holy Light Legion's Commercial Department, the Nai'an Consortium boldly guessed that the Marso Star was prepared by the Holy Light for his compatriots on the home planet.

It is very likely that the leader of the Holy Light will move his compatriots to Marso Star.

As expected, Su Mo said: "I come from a planet called Tianyuan Star. Tianyuan Star is remote and located in a deserted area. The planet is lacking in resources. At the same time, it also encountered a serious planet crisis, which caused most of the land to be contaminated by nuclear weapons. , the environment is even worse.”

"Next, I am going to move the Tianyuan Planet humans to Masuo Planet. Before the big migration, I need to make preparations in advance so that my compatriots can move in smoothly when they arrive here."

"No problem, we'll take care of it."

Bill patted his chest and assured: "You only need to make your request, and our Naian Consortium will definitely comply with it."


Su Mo smiled and said: "Actually, the amount of the project is not large. There are only more than 200 million people in Tianyuan Planet, and most of them like to live in groups. My plan is to build 10 large cities first, each of which can accommodate 20 million people."

"We are very experienced in this."

Bill was full of confidence: "The Naian Consortium has a background in planetary development. We have personally designed and constructed dozens of mega cities with a population of over 100 million, let alone cities with a population of 20 million."

"Well, that's fine."

Su Mo nodded and said: "These 10 cities should be built in the Mesodari continent."

Mesodari was the first continent he visited, and its environment was second to none on the entire planet.

The projects and resorts developed by the Nai'an Consortium only occupy a very small part of the mainland. More than 95% of the land is still barren, and it is more than enough to build a few large cities.

Tianyuan Star itself has relatively few people, and the overall strength is too weak. In the early stage, they should live together in groups as much as possible. When the racial population explodes, plus the civilization level and overall strength increase, they can then develop the other 11 continents.

Of course, this also means that the actual control of Marso Star in the early stage is in the hands of the Holy Light Legion. After all, only the Holy Light Legion can deter those powerful and lawless mercenaries.

"Okay, we have a detailed land report on the Mesodari continent and will find the most suitable city site according to your requirements." Bill said.

"About the details of urban planning, you go and communicate with my Ministry of Commerce. Colin, you are in charge of this matter." Su Mo turned to look at Colin next to him.

"Okay captain."

Colin nodded in agreement. He knew that Masuo Star was related to the survival and development of the Tianyuan Star race. The leader attached great importance to this matter. He had to strictly control the details and quality to avoid any problems.

"Captain Holy Light, I would like to ask when you plan to relocate your species to Marso. I need to consider the construction period." Bill asked.

Su Mo thought for a moment and said, "About four months later."

In fact, he wanted to return to Tianyuan Star immediately and pick up all the people around him and all his compatriots, but the reality was that it was really not a good time right now.

Because the meeting of the Four Emperors is about to begin.

The Four Emperors Conference is held once every 50 years.

For all civilizations and forces in the Chaotic Star Territory, the Four Emperors Conference determines the pattern and development direction in the next few decades. Therefore, almost all forces sent representatives to rush to the venue of this conference in advance. The Succubus The emperor's base camp - Pink Star.

But at this moment, all kinds of monsters and snake gods have also begun to fish in troubled waters in the star field. The current environment is very unstable. He needs to sit in the center and wait until this period is over before returning to Tianyuan Star to pick up his friends.

"Four months is enough!"

Bill breathed a sigh of relief. For the Naian Consortium, it is really not easy to build 10 cities worth 20 million in four months. However, this time they not only want to build the city, but also build the city well and make it outstanding. , which requires a certain amount of time to think about the plan.

It was getting late, so Su Mo simply stayed on Masuo Planet and experienced the projects that interested him.

The next day, he officially returned with the people around him.


"Legion Commander~"

"Hello, Commander~"

When Su Mo appeared at the Holy Light Base, nearby Holy Light members saluted him one after another, with respect and enthusiasm shining in their eyes.

In the eyes of most members, the legion commander is the most legendary figure in the mercenary world. He single-handedly founded the Holy Light Legion and developed the legion to such a high level in just one year.

The Burning Legion and the Purple and Gold Legion are all scum in front of our Holy Light Legion.

Facing the enthusiasm and respect of his subordinates, Su Mo smiled and nodded. At first, he would feel secretly happy when encountering this kind of situation, but the more times it happened, he became calmer.

"Colin, I'll leave the matter of Marso Star to you. Please report to me regularly." Su Mo warned again.

"It's the leader, don't worry."

Colin said with a smile.


Su Mo nodded. Colin was always calm and reliable in doing things, and there was almost no mistake in what he told him.

"Okay, you have more things on your hands, so go ahead..."

Before he finished speaking, Su Mo suddenly felt his heart tightening, the hairs all over his body stood up, and he suppressed everything he wanted to say.

He stopped and looked straight ahead, seeing a particularly eye-catching man.

He was wearing a white robe with complex gold patterns embroidered on the cuffs. He was handsome, with long black hair draped over his shoulders. A pair of ice-blue eyes were staring at him with interest in his eyes.

"You are the Holy Light Sumo."

The man spoke, his voice was calm and filled with great authority.

In an instant, Su Mo felt that all the sounds in his ears disappeared, and his surroundings turned into a vast white space. Only a god was looking down at him indifferently. Life and death depended on the other person's thoughts.

who is he! !

Su Mo's body was shaken, and his heart seemed to be clenched tightly by a big hand, almost suffocating him.

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