Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 290 Investigating Masuo Star, Crisis Is Coming

A month passed by in a blink of an eye.

During this period, Su Mo disposed of all the backlogged orders. In addition, with the popularity of Andolf's breakthrough, the Holy Light Legion expanded more than a dozen heavyweight partners to bring the Holy Light Potion to the market. order volume has reached new heights.

With several avatars working on the assembly line around the clock, the production speed of Holy Light Potion is ridiculously fast. When orders surge, they can even accumulate inventory.

At the same time, while Andolfo was managing the legion, he also began to build his own magic tower.

The magic tower is almost necessary for the natural disaster mage. It is both a base and a weapon. It can be moved at will under the control of the magician, which is equivalent to a mobile fortress.

A magician with a tower and a magician without a tower are completely different concepts.

However, the construction of towers requires a large amount of money. It may take hundreds of years for some natural disaster magicians with no background or poor earning power to actually build the tower.

But for the Legion of Light, money is not an issue at all.

Su Mo waved his hand and directly allocated tens of millions of funds to Andolf, asking him to build the highest-standard magic tower and strive to complete it in one step.

If you don’t have enough money, you can ask for it at any time.

The tower construction project has now begun, and it will be completed in up to three years as long as the money is in place.

On the other side, the Andolfo Magic Academy, named after Andolfo, was officially built half a month ago and started recruiting students.

As the principal, Andolfo has invited many senior mages from the Magicians Association to become visiting professors, and Andolfo's apprentices and outstanding magicians from the legion serve as resident lecturers. The teaching force is very strong.

As soon as the enrollment news was sent out, it immediately caused excitement among the magicians in the region.

Magicians are not like martial artists or supernatural beings. This profession relies heavily on the inheritance of knowledge. No matter how talented a magician is, if there is no one to teach him the principles of magic and impart magic spells, he will not be able to become an outstanding magician in this life. .

The lecturers at Andolf Magic Academy are at the lowest level at the command level, and there are also natural disaster mages who give lectures on a regular basis. The schools are all-encompassing, including elemental flow, arcane flow, summoning flow, etc. Any magician can find a direction that suits him here.

Where can I find such an opportunity?

In just three days, more than 200,000 magicians came to sign up, mainly low-level magic apprentices, but there were also senior magicians who submitted themselves and wanted to compete for the position of lecturer.

The number of early enrollment places was limited, so Andolfo adopted a more stringent selection method to select about 2,000 top-notch magicians to become the first batch of students at Andolf Magic Academy.

Some magicians were unwilling to lose the election and had no way to forcefully join the academy, so they came up with a roundabout way to first join the Holy Light Legion, and then use their status as members of the Holy Light Legion to attend classes at the Magic Academy.

And this played right into Su Mo's wish.

The legion took the opportunity to accept a large number of magicians, which strengthened the diversity of the legion's extraordinary professions. At the same time, many magicians had secondary professions, such as alchemy, medicine, enchantment, etc.

Of course, talents must be put to their best use.

This group of magicians is unified into the "Magic Life Department", with Merced serving as the minister. Their main task is to manufacture magic products to enrich the legion's treasury.

After seeing that the Magic Academy was on the right track, Su Mo finally had time to do something very important to him, which was to inspect Marso Planet.

Planet Masuo is the new home he chose for his compatriots on Tianyuan Star. The planet is only about ten days away from Planet Zatanvi. It has a beautiful environment and rich resources. It is currently being built into a resort planet by a consortium to do business for mid-to-high-end customers.

Recently, Colin has been discussing the purchase with the consortium behind the planet. Originally, the consortium was not prepared to sell it, but after learning that the buyer was the Legion of Light, their attitude immediately changed 180°.

After it became clear that the other party had the intention to sell, Colin told Su Mo the result and let him decide for himself.

Su Mo checked the detailed information of the planet, and visited the scenery of each landmass of the planet in the virtual world from the perspective of the whole system. Overall, he was very satisfied.

But considering that Masuo Star will become the second home planet of Tianyuan Star, it is related to the settlement and inheritance of the race, and nothing should be careless.

Therefore, he decided to go on an on-site inspection and, if suitable, pay directly to obtain the ownership of the planet.

To be on the safe side, he took Hu Tao and Qian Liuyu with him when he went out this time.


A few days later, the Seiya arrived at Marso.

After getting off the spacecraft, a large group of blue-skinned people wearing uniforms came over, bowed respectfully in front of Su Mo and others, and said:

"Head of the Holy Light, ladies and gentlemen, we are the person in charge of the Nai'an Consortium stationed in Masuo Star. Welcome everyone to Masuo Star."


Su Mo took the initiative to reach out to the leader with a gentle smile.

These people look quite like Avatar.

"Hello Hello."

The leader was flattered and quickly held Su Mo's hand.

He didn't expect that the famous leader of the Holy Light would be so kind, which was really beyond his expectation.

"Captain Holy Light, my name is Bill, and I will introduce you to the situation on Marso Star."

Bill's original nervous mood eased a lot, and those long-prepared words came back to his mind.

"Masuo Planet has a total of 12 continental plates. The continent under your feet is called Mesodari. It is located in the northern part of the planet. It has a mild climate and rich resources. We have developed it into the highest-level resort on Masuo Planet."

"Everyone, please come with me!"

Bill took Su Mo and others on a sightseeing car and visited nearby resort attractions.

Gold Coast, high-end manor, hunting forest, sky city, amusement kingdom...

The attractions are independent of each other and have different themes. Even if Su Mo looks at it now, he feels that many of the projects are very interesting and suitable for tourists of all ages.

"Bill, how much did it cost to develop these projects?" Su Mo asked.

Bill quickly said: "It's not expensive, because the planet belongs to us, and it won't cost much just for planning and construction. The entire planet costs at most 2 million innars."

"What about the annual income?" Su Mo continued to ask.

Bill: "The Mesodari region's annual income is around 400,000, and for the entire planet, it's around 900,000 to 1 million."

"Hey, then your return on investment is very high!"

Su Mo was a little surprised.

Bill explained: "Mainly because Marso Planet is very close to Zatanvi Planet, many mercenaries will come to our place to play during their vacations, so business has been good."

"Captain Holy Light, our consortium has actually just taken over Marso Planet not long ago. Previously, this planet was in private hands. You may have heard of his name, 'War Mad' Broden."

War mad?

Su Mo thought about it carefully, and he seemed to have heard this name somewhere.

At this time, Pooh searched for information and introduced Broden's information to Su Mo in detail.

"Master, Broden is also a registered mercenary of Zatanvi Star, a natural disaster-level martial artist. However, this man is a famous lone ranger and has never formed a force. His biggest characteristic is that he is warlike and extremely warlike. Zatan All the famous natural disaster warriors in the planet have been challenged by him, including Archimonde, the commander of the Burning Legion."


Su Mo asked curiously: "Who won in the end."

Winnie said: "Archimonde won five times in a row, but was defeated by Broden for the sixth time. Broden has magical blood and can continue to become stronger through fighting. It is said that whenever he emerges from a near-death state, If you survive, your combat effectiveness will improve to a certain extent.”

Let me go, Super Saiyan!

Su Mo asked again: "Where is he now? Why haven't I heard from him since I came to Zatanwei?"

Pooh explained: "Ever since Broden defeated Archimonde, the strongest mercenary on Zatanvi, he felt that there was no challenge here, so he left the Chaos Star Territory to challenge the top powers in other star territories. His The goal is to pass challenges along the way and finally reach the top of the God King.”

Haha, this kind of fighting mania will definitely not stop even if he is promoted to God King... Su Mo secretly pouted.

Bill continued: "Mr. Broden completely developed Marso Star as a resource star, and entrusted a mining company to carry out long-term mining, logging, hunting and other destructive activities, but the profits were indeed relatively thin. Later, our consortium We negotiated with Mr. Broden and bought this planet for 5 million innars and transformed it into a holiday planet. It turns out that our positioning was quite accurate."

"Yeah indeed."

Su Mo nodded. Masuo Star has just been renovated and is not very famous. In two years, it will become the first choice for mercenaries to vacation.

Mercenaries are the most willing to spend money as a profession. As long as the service is in place, you can get your money back in a year at most.

See, this is the importance of business thinking.

No matter how good the fighting maniac is, even if he defeats the strongest mercenary Archimonde, he still doesn't give up the money tree in his hand to others.

Now, you're going to give me an advantage.

Su Mo took a deep look at Bill. He knew that Bill must have a purpose in introducing this period of history, but he didn't want to expose it directly yet. He would wait until he visited the entire planet.

"Let's go and keep looking."


Next, Bill took Su Mo to visit the important attractions and facilities of the Mesodari continent, and then the group went to visit the second continent.

The professionalism of the Naian Consortium in the business field is indeed unparalleled.

Mesodari adopts a leisure vacation, relaxed and freehand style, while the resorts on the second continent are completely focused on releasing desires.

Casinos, romantic venues, the Colosseum...

Although these places have just been built and are not particularly perfect in all aspects and there are not many customers, it is conceivable that in three to five years, there will definitely be a huge crowd here and customers will come like clouds.

Next, Su Mo visited continents one by one. Each continent had different development directions and styles.

Cyber ​​mechanical style, forest elf style, underground mine style...all kinds of styles really opened Su Mo's eyes.


"Captain Holy Light, gentlemen, I have introduced all the information about Masuo Star. I wonder if you are satisfied with this place." Bill asked politely.

"Of course I'm satisfied~"

Su Mo smiled and said, "Bill, I never like to go around the bush when talking, so just tell me directly, how much money are the Nai'an Consortium prepared to offer?"

After hearing this, Bill's face straightened and he said, "Captain Holy Light, our consortium is willing to give you the Marso Star for free?"


Su Mo raised his eyebrows and said, "I never believe that there is anything free in this world. Tell me, you guys must have other conditions attached."

Bill smiled and said: "Sure enough, nothing can be hidden from the eyes of the leader of the Holy Light. Our consortium has two conditions. I hope you can consider it."

"First, the planet is given to you for free, but we hope to retain the operating rights and profit dividends of Masuo Star. Leader of the Holy Light, our Nai'an Consortium has very professional experience in tourism and entertainment development. From the projects just now, you also I can get a glimpse of it.”

"Well, I can't say it's professional."

Su Mo nodded in approval.

Bill said: "The consortium can guarantee that if we continue to develop according to our ideas, the annual income of Masuo Star will definitely reach hundreds of millions, or even higher."

"With such high profits, why don't you keep it for your own development?" Su Mo smiled slightly.

Bill smiled bitterly: "Captain Holy Light, you are right to the point. To be honest, our Naian Consortium can only be regarded as a mid-level consortium. Without strong people in charge, the better the development of the planet, the less it belongs to us. ,so……"

"So you just want to find a backer?" Su Mo's lips raised, "Then why not find the Burning Legion? When you hire the Burning Legion to protect Marso, you should consider them first, right?"

"It stands to reason, but..."

Bill looked at Su Mo and said seriously: "Our consortium unanimously believes that the future of the Holy Light Legion is brighter than that of the Burning Legion, so we are willing to put our treasure on your side."

"To show sincerity, our consortium is also willing to give up 10% of the shares and transfer them directly to your name."

"Oh, so generous!"

Su Mo raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Let's talk about your second condition first."

While Su Mo was visiting Masuo Star, the Holy Light Base welcomed an uninvited guest.


"Ren, look at that person!"

Gambit, a member of the second detachment of the Guards Urban Management Brigade, patted his companion's arm and looked at the man next to him.

It was a man wearing a white robe. The robe was spotless, with thick black hair draped over his shoulders. He had a handsome appearance, and his temperament had a superior indifference and majesty. At first glance, he was a superior.

"This person is definitely not simple." Gumbit whispered.

"Well, I feel like he is a powerful and powerful man."

Ren thought for a while and walked quickly towards the man in white robe, while Gumbit followed closely behind.

"Sir, do you need any help?"

After training, Renne can already say this polite opening naturally.

The man in white robe looked at him, and the corners of his mouth curved:

"I came to see Captain Holy Light. Where is he now?"

Looking for the group leader? Is he a friend of the group leader?

Ren explained: "The leader has been out for a few days, and it may take a few days before he comes back. If you have anything, you can first find our business department to solve it."

Come back in a few days~

Zenidin smiled, with a strange look in his eyes: "Thank you, I will wait for him to come back."

Sons of light, we will meet soon.

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