Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 258 Attacked by Seven Natural Disasters

"Space trap~"

Su Mo's eyes twitched and his expression was speechless.

When he went to the Sacred Tree Planet, he was caught in a space trap set by a group of raiders and was forced to exit the jump state.

When he returned to Zatanvi, he actually encountered a space trap again!

Could it be that I have been possessed by bad luck recently?

It shouldn’t be, there is a top European emperor beside me.

Bang bang bang~~

Everyone quickly gathered around Su Mo. The armor was already worn on his body and he was ready to enter combat at any time.

"Brother Mo, what's going on?" Haide asked.

Su Mo waved his hand and said casually:

"Probably we encountered star thieves or a raiding team again."

This group of star thieves is really brave. His current location is less than a day or so away from the planet Zatanvi.

Dare to rob next to the mercenary base camp, what is the difference between this and a thief who steals a bicycle from the police academy.

Star thief?

Hearing the name, Hu Tao's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Brother Su Mo, let me do it this time!"

Hu Tao conjured up her little war hammer and said excitedly: "I want to try the two secret techniques I just learned."

"Okay, I'll leave it to you." Su Mo smiled.

This time I am not in a hurry, so I can let Hutao have some fun.

As he spoke, the spacecraft exited the jump state and flew forward smoothly in the dark universe.

At this moment, several icy blue energy groups suddenly shot from a certain direction, but were blocked by the Seiya's automatically activated shield.


The spacecraft shook violently, and the sound of dinner plates falling to the ground was heard in the distance.


Su Mo's eyes narrowed.

You must know that the Seiya is the top small spacecraft in the universe, and the shield system it is equipped with is extremely powerful. It is impossible for ordinary ship-based guns to shake the shield and affect the stability of the spacecraft.

At this time, a light curtain was projected down, and Pooh reproduced the scene of the spacecraft being attacked before everyone's eyes.

"Captain, this doesn't seem to be a ship-borne weapon."

Qian Liuyu frowned and said, "It's more like...magic."


Su Mo stared at the picture on the light screen, feeling suddenly wary.

If it is really magic, then the person who releases the magic must be a natural disaster level magician.

who is he?

Why attack yourself?


On the light screen, seven bright light points quickly approached the Seiya, and the artificial intelligence issued a reminder.

"There are seven high-energy targets approaching the spacecraft. The energy level is judged to be natural disaster level."


Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Seven natural disasters!


Outside the spacecraft, a powerful stance descended, and the spacecraft's speed plummeted as if it was stuck in a quagmire.

Seeing this, Su Mo said in a deep voice:

"You guys stay in the spaceship! Brother Xiaoyu, Hutao, let's go!"

Bang bang bang~

Su Mo, Hu Tao, and Qian Liuyu ran quickly towards the cabin door.

"Brother Mo, Hutao, Mr. Qianliuyu, be careful!!!"

Seeing the three silhouettes disappearing from sight, everyone looked at each other, with a hint of deep frustration and helplessness in their eyes.

It has become a burden again~



A white beam of light shot out from the cabin door of the spacecraft. After the light dissipated, three figures appeared side by side in space.

Didi didi~~

On the mask, a dozen red dots flickered.

"Master, that is the space stasis device." Pooh said.


Su Mo raised his hand, and hundreds of judgment light thunders hit the red dot accurately.

I saw more than a dozen flames blooming, and all the space stasis devices were destroyed. At this time, the spacecraft seemed to have escaped from trouble. After the hull shook, the speed suddenly increased and flew into the distance.

"Pooh, get everyone to a safe location first."


A few seconds later, seven bright rays of light flew from a distance, and a powerful aura came with a roar, finally stopping a few hundred meters away from Su Mo and the other three, and the light dissipated to reveal their true form.

Seven figures of different heights, wearing masks with different shapes and different armors, stood in a loose semi-arc shape, like a pocket, facing the three of Su Mo.

"who are you?"

Su Mo sent a voice message through the wide area network to the black mask standing in the center opposite.

Black Mask did not return to the desert, but said in the internal communication network:

"The target is determined, Holy Light Su Mo, as well as Phoenix Qian Liuyu and Hu Tao."

"Shiratori, you did a good job!"

The woman in the white bird mask smiled lightly and said:

"The network firewall of the Holy Light Mercenary Group is indeed very powerful, but physical monitoring cannot isolate them."

After the virtual invasion failed, she changed her mind and used high-level monitoring equipment to monitor several important cadres of the Holy Light Mercenary Group and Qian Liuyu's wife and children from a distance.

From the details of the conversation, she analyzed the return route of Su Mo and others, set a trap in advance, and lived up to expectations, accurately stopping the target spacecraft.

Black Mask nodded and said: "The target of capture this time is Holy Light Sumo, and the other two can be killed directly. This place is very close to Zatanvi Star, and we must fight quickly."


Seeing that there was no reply, Su Mo said calmly: "Brother Xiaoyu, Hutao, I'm afraid the person on the other side is not good. When the battle starts, don't stay too far away from me. Please wait as long as possible. I'm going to ask for help now."

Three against seven, the opponent's number is twice as many as our own.

In addition, judging from the momentum, the strength of the black mask on the opposite side is likely to be above Qian Liuyu, which is the peak of natural disaster, and the other six people are also at the beginning and middle level of natural disaster.

Neither the top combat power nor the number of natural disasters have an advantage, and the situation is quite unfavorable to themselves.

But the good news is that this place is very close to the mercenary base camp. As long as the news is released, many cooperative forces of the Holy Light Mercenary Group, such as the six major legions, will definitely send people to support.

But it would take half a day for reinforcements to arrive at the fastest. During this time, they must protect themselves.

It is really difficult to hold off for a long time when you are at a comprehensive disadvantage in terms of strength.

Now is the time to test his milk supply.

"Lan Jue, you go control the Holy Light. The others will join me and kill Qian Liuyu and Hu Tao." Black Mask ordered.


boom! ! !

The powerful aura suddenly exploded, and the seven people changed their formations. Bainiao, another magician with a staff, and the man in the clown mask quickly retreated. The remaining four people were full of different auras and flew toward the three of Su Mo like meteors.

Swish swish swish~~

Golden light falls from the sky, and a full set of BUFFs are added to the body.

"Be careful!"

A golden light flashed across Su Mo's pupils, his right foot was slightly pointed, a strong air flow burst out from the sole of his armored foot, and a pair of holy angel wings appeared on his back.


Hu Tao and Qian Liuyu shouted, and the next moment, bright starlight and cyan flames suddenly bloomed, and they rushed towards the opposite side with Su Mo.

A fierce battle broke out.

The black mask and a ghost-faced man approached Qian Liuyu, the bloody masked man faced Hu Tao, and the other blue mask attacked Su Mo.

At the moment of the fight, many masked people were shocked.

According to the data, only Qian Liuyu among the three is a high-level natural disaster expert, while Su Mo and Hu Tao are only at the commander level.

However, after the real fight, Hu Tao knocked the blood several hundred meters away with one hammer blow. At the same time, Su Mo also withstood Lan Jue's "shattering hand", which was beyond their expectations.

"Wutao has reached the level of natural disaster!"

Xue Po adjusted his breathing, rushed towards Hu Tao again, and said in the communication system.

"Su Mo's situation is also very strange. His physical fitness is very strong, not inferior to that of a natural disaster-level martial artist, but his force power is still at the level of a commander-level."

Lan Jue shattered the Holy Light Shield with one palm and said solemnly: "This is the first time I have encountered this situation."

Black Mask blasted a dark red out-of-body wave towards Qian Liuyu and said calmly:

"White Bird, Clown, Frozen, let's do it."


In the distance, the magician's staff tapped lightly, and surging magic power surged around her body. The next moment, an icy blue halo suddenly appeared under Hu Tao's feet, and the cold air flooded her body like a torrent.

Shiratori took out a large rail gun, blue mechanical power surged, and a blazing beam of light burst out, grazing the side of Black Mask and accurately hitting Qian Liuyu.

On the other side, the clown's eyes flashed, and the invisible power of thought came suddenly, condensing into a sledgehammer and hitting Su Mo's soul.

At the same time, the few people in close combat did not hold back.

Black Mask and Ghost Mask were both martial arts masters. They punched hard on the left and right, and the thick out-of-body waves turned into beam rays, which fell almost at the same time as Shiratori's rail gun.

Xue Po brandished his sword, and the crescent moon, dozens of meters long, went straight towards Hu Tao.

Lan Jue, who was in front of Su Mo, clasped his hands together, and the terrifying power of concussion outlined a circular outline, wrapping Su Mo in it.

In an instant, Su Mo and the others were caught in numerous offensives.


The surface of the shield vibrated violently, and it shattered in less than half a second. The force of the shock came. Su Mo felt that all the bones and muscles in his body were shaking. Pain, itching, numbness and many other feelings came to his heart. Countless blood vessels ruptured, and a wave of The blood flowed down his throat and almost spurted out.

The golden light flashed, and under the triple healing effect of the living body, all injuries were healed. Su Mo knocked away Lan Jue in front of him with a hammer, and then turned to look at Hu Tao and Qian Liuyu with concern.

"How about it?"

"I'm fine!"

"I'm fine too!"

In the cold current, a figure wrapped in black light loomed.

Hutao condensed the devouring power around his body and turned it into a protective shield, swallowing up all the cold air. At the same time, he swung his war hammer and shattered the Blood Moon Sword Qi.

As for Qian Liuyu, the moment before the light cannon and martial arts flames fell, he used his super explosive speed to move hundreds of meters laterally, perfectly avoiding all attacks.

Seeing this scene, Su Mo's heart relaxed a little.

"Pooh, has the rescue signal been sent out?" Su Mo asked.

Winnie: "Master, all surrounding signal systems are blocked and the message cannot be sent out. However, I sent an emergency notification order to the mercenary community through Jarvis. Currently, the six major legions and several natural disaster-level corps have received the news. "


Su Mo nodded solemnly, glanced solemnly across the audience, and said:

"Pooh, help me look up a few more names."


Burning Legion

"What, the Holy Light was attacked, seven natural disasters."

Archimonde stood up suddenly, the blazing heat spread, and said angrily:

"Who is it? Who is attacking the Holy Light?"

You know, the six major legions are now in the honeymoon period with the Holy Light Mercenary Group, and the cooperation is quite pleasant.

The Holy Light Mercenary Group not only failed to seize the market of the established forces, but also supplied large quantities of Holy Light elixirs at low prices, greatly reducing the casualties of the six armies in colonial expansion and foreign wars.

In addition, the Burning Legion recently reached an arms order with the Holy Light Mercenary Group. Both the price and the performance of the weapons and equipment are much higher than those of the previous suppliers.

Anyone who dares to touch the Holy Light now will be the enemy of the Burning Legion, the six legions, and even the entire Zatanvi Star mercenary community.

"Lady, go to this coordinate as soon as possible to protect the Holy Light."

Archimonde issued an order to the deputy commander Leddy who was closest to the scene of the incident.

"It's the leader!"

Leidy was originally returning to the base camp with a large number of slaves. After receiving Archimonde's order, he quickly adjusted the direction of the fleet and rushed to the scene of the incident.

At the same time, the other five legions, the Giant Elephant Mercenary Group and many armed forces also sent people to support Su Mo.

As the saying goes, an arrow pierces the clouds and thousands of troops come to meet you.

Now the Holy Light Mercenary Group has such a strong appeal.


"Alonso, a senior worshiper of the Star Stone Civilization, a martial artist at the peak of natural disasters, disappeared during an interstellar voyage 32 years ago."

"Tommy Chloe, the leader of the Green Light Civilization's special operations bureau and a high-level natural disaster martial artist, disappeared 18 years ago."

"Ki Ye, a senior general of Yu Ling Civilization, a natural disaster mid-level martial artist, disappeared 28 years ago."

"Dixon, enshrined by Wuyu Civilization, a natural disaster mid-level superpower, disappeared 40 years ago."

"Bai Xin, worshiped by the Red Desert Civilization, a junior natural disaster gunner, disappeared 7 years ago."

"Blake, the special envoy of Void Tomb Civilization and the primary telekinesis master of natural disasters, disappeared 38 years ago."

"O'Brien, a mid-level natural disaster magician and the head of the Kaye family, disappeared 70 years ago."


Su Mo's cross arm blocked the high-frequency concussive attack. Blood spurted out from his arm, and his bones were cold and white. However, in the blink of an eye, he was healed by a healing light, and the wound disappeared.

"How could this happen~"

Su Mo narrowed his eyes and felt suspicious.

After entering the fighting state, he easily obtained the detailed information of these seven people, including their names, strength levels and specific abilities.

After that, he reported these names to Pooh and asked Pooh to check the origins of these people.

Those who are strong in natural disasters will not be ordinary unknown people, and they will definitely be able to find clues on the Internet.

However, this investigation really surprised him.

These seven people actually come from different places and different civilizations.

At the same time, they all suddenly disappeared at some point.

It was obvious that their disappearance must have been deliberately done by someone to hunt down the powerful natural disaster men and turn them into their subordinates.

But who dares to be so bold?

You must know that every natural disaster expert is the core member of the civilization where he belongs. To arrest these people is to make enemies of many civilizations at the same time.

Even the powerful God King would never dare to offend many civilizations easily.

After all, the powerful God King will not exist in isolation. He also has a family and power. Once he offends more civilizations and encounters a civilization blockade, he will never feel better.

As for revenge?

Galaxy-level civilization and star cluster-level civilization are supported by three major civilizations.

As long as they are morally justified, the three major civilizations will be good referees.

"Now, are you treating me as a target?"

Su Mo looked at Qian Liuyu and Hu Tao, who were being bombarded indiscriminately, with a flash of coldness in his eyes.

It's too late, send it first and change it later

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