Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 257 Accident on the way home

"Virtual invasion, natural disaster grade mechanic~"

On the spaceship, Su Mo couldn't help but frown after listening to Pooh's feedback.

In recent times, the Holy Light Mercenary Group has been attracting attention. Naturally, it has attracted some temptations and harassments from demons and monsters. Various methods have been used, but basically they have been blocked by the corps.

But now, even the natural disaster mechanics have appeared.

"Pooh, can you trace this person's true identity?"

"No, she retreated too decisively, leaving no trace behind." Pooh said.


Su Mo shook his head and did not get too entangled in this matter. There will definitely be many similar things in the future, but fortunately there is a network guarded by Pooh's iron wall, even if the natural disaster mechanic who is proficient in virtual technology comes. He is not afraid either.

Pooh's computing power will continue to grow with the increase in replica machines.

In the future, he will look for opportunities to reproduce more complex machines with high technological content, such as giant mechas, motherships, etc., which will definitely push Pooh's computing power to the peak of natural disasters, or even higher.

"Captain, what happened?"

Qian Liuyu noticed something different in Su Mo's expression and couldn't help but ask.

"no big deal!"

Su Mo waved his hand and said, "Jarvis just informed me that someone wanted to invade the Corps' backend database, but he blocked it."

"That's it~"

Qian Liuyu suddenly realized, then smiled and said: "Captain, I'm curious, how did you get Chief Jarvis to join the Holy Light Mercenary Group in the first place?"

Chief Science Jarvis, he is definitely the most special person in the Corps.

He is very low-key on weekdays and has almost never stepped out of the machinery factory. Many members have not seen him for several months.

Jarvis never attended any meetings of the Corps, and was not interested in power at all. At the same time, he never showed any strength, and seemed to be just an ordinary scientific researcher.

However, no one in the Corps dared to disrespect Jarvis, the "ordinary man".

Everyone knows that Chief Jarvis is the wisest man in the Holy Light Mercenary Group, and any scientific research and technical problems will be easily solved in front of him.

The production lines of hundreds of weapons and equipment in the machinery factory are all assembled under the guidance of Chief Jarvis. The depth of knowledge involved and the breadth of comprehensive technology are simply staggering.

Many commander-level gunners and mechanics are like primary school students studying and asking for advice from Chief Jarvis all day long. If anyone dares to speak rudely to Chief Jarvis, these mechanics will blast him with their guns without even having to say anything from the top. His head.

Qian Liuyu was very curious. At first, the Holy Light Mercenary Group had a small territory and little funds. What method did the leader use to lure such a top scientific research talent.

"This is it~"

Su Mo blinked, "Maybe Jarvis was attracted by my handsomeness~"

Hearing this, Qian Liuyu smiled and said nothing.

Not to mention that Su Mo was far from reaching that level of handsomeness that would make people cry.

Will top scientific researchers join others just because they are handsome?

No Danmei novel dares to write like this~

However, he could see that this should be a secret between Su Mo and Jarvis, so he stopped asking more questions and casually mentioned a vague topic.


In the blink of an eye, more than half a month has passed.

Su Mo sat on the sofa, with all the screens lit up in front of him, and listened carefully to Colin's report.

"Captain, in the past month, we have reached a long-term purchase agreement for Shengguang Pharmacy with 17 consortiums and chambers of commerce, with a total amount of 120 million innars; a week ago, the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Science brought the products produced by the machinery factory 132 kinds of weapons and equipment participated in the arms exhibition, and the response was very enthusiastic. At present, dozens of armed forces have sent us orders, and the transaction volume has reached more than 20 million; the Holy Flame Spirit Seed has sold more than 500,000 copies, and received more than 1,000 yuan in funds. million, in addition, we have completed 76 level four tasks and earned 540,000 commissions, and there are still 101 tasks to be completed..."

“That’s the revenue part, and then there’s the expenses part.”

"According to your request, the Ministry of Commerce purchased a large amount of training resources with a total cost of 98 million, materials required for the machinery factory with a total cost of 210 million, and 300 transport ships, assault ships, command ships, etc., totaling 170 million …”

The Holy Light Mercenary Group makes money quickly, but also spends money like water.

In just one month, various expenditures reached more than 500 million.

Of course, this money is not paid in one lump sum.

Deposits are quite common in the world.

In addition, as a customer with abundant cash flow and huge earning power, many banks beg the Holy Light Mercenary Corps for loans every day, eager to transfer the money directly to the Corps' account.

So there is no financial pressure.

It's just that the money I earn from doing tasks is really pitiful~

76 tasks, involving at least several hundred mercenaries, only earned a total of 540,000.

No wonder the six major legions have their own core expansion businesses, such as colonizing planets, slave sales, energy collection, mine development, war employment, etc.

If they only relied on doing tasks to make money, the corps members would have starved to death.

Of course, the low commission is also related to the difficulty of the task.

After all, the Holy Light Mercenary Group's background is still shallow, and it has not yet gained the trust of large consortiums and chambers of commerce. Therefore, the tasks it has recently undertaken are relatively low-difficulty, with mostly Level 4 missions and very few Level 3 missions.

But as long as you develop hard for a period of time and accumulate a good reputation, high-quality tasks will definitely come to you in the future.

However, again, if you want to make a fortune by doing tasks, you will definitely die.

The loose organizational form of a mercenary group is destined to have obvious development bottlenecks. If you want to become a higher-level force, you need to focus on your core business, expand your scope of influence, and transform from a mercenary group into a private armed force.

At this point, the six major legions have set a good example.

Each legion has more than a dozen or even dozens of resource planets under its banner, with various ways to make money. It has established long-term cooperative relationships with many consortiums, interstellar companies, armed forces and even galaxy-level civilizations in the chaotic star field, and occasionally undertakes star clusters. The task of super civilization.

The influence far exceeds the scope of the mercenary group.

Although the current top combat power of the Holy Light Mercenary Group is no less than that of the six major legions, and even surpasses the following legions, the overall strength is still far behind. If you want to reach the height of the six major legions, there is still a long way to go. A long way to go.

"Colin, you did a great job!"

Su Mo gave an appreciative look and said: "I will arrive at Zatanwei tomorrow morning. We will discuss more details when we meet. By the way, remember to arrange the accommodation for Hyde and the four of them in advance."

Colin: "Don't worry, Captain, I have made arrangements."


Su Mo nodded and said, "I can rest assured that you can do your job. That's it. We'll talk when we get back."


The scene was interrupted, Su Mo stood up, opened the door to the room, and walked towards the rest area.

"Ah, this is mine!"

"Woo, I got it first!"

In the rest area, Walnut, Mundo, and Hyde, the three foodies, started their daily eating competition again. This was one of the few entertainment projects they had on the spaceship.

Although they win like walnuts every time, Mundo and Hyde still participate happily.


The three of them grabbed the roasted meat on the table with their greasy hands, swallowed and chewed it, and swallowed the roasted animal leg, which was larger than a human face, into their stomachs in a few clicks.

Seeing this scene, Su Mo bared his teeth.

If he dared to eat like this, he would definitely choke and roll his eyes, and even Heimlich wouldn't be able to save him.

Turning to the corner of the rest area, I saw Paige lying on the soft sofa, eating snacks and watching a recently popular idol drama.

Idol dramas are enduring even in the universe and are deeply loved by women.

The two leading actors are popular stars of the Federation of Radiance, and have become popular in every corner of the universe in recent years. In the field of culture and entertainment, the prosperity of the Federation of Radiance far exceeds that of the Iron-Blooded Empire and the All Souls Sect.

Basically, the trends in the universe are initiated by the Federation of Radiance.

It has to be said that cultural infiltration is a quite secretive and terrifying method. Under the influence of the Federation of Light's freedom, relaxation, and hedonism, a large amount of money and talents flow into the Federation every year, especially young people, even quite a lot. Some people come from the other two major civilizations.

In addition to paying attention to financial news, investing in stock funds, and studying how to make money, Peggy likes to watch some sweet dramas and often dreams of having a touching love affair with a handsome guy.

It's a pity that in the Lucky Team, Hyde is a rough and straight man, Frank spends his days with machines, and Asura is a martial arts madman. They all have different styles, so it would be nice if he could not piss her off.

Therefore, she can only satisfy her love fantasy by watching dramas.

Walking to the door of the training room, Su Mo used his sensitive hearing to hear the heavy breathing inside. Needless to say, it must be Asura practicing.

The training room is equipped with a gravity system. Based on the gravity coefficient of the Radiance Federation, the maximum gravity can reach 50 times.

When a martial arts madman sees the gravity chamber, there is no need to tell the rest of the story.

Asura soaks in the gravity chamber almost every day, using weight-bearing exercises to quickly digest the high-power fruits and killing fruits he has taken recently. His combat power increases rapidly, and he believes that he will soon reach the peak of leadership.

Except for Asura, the others did not just play, but also practiced hard.

Hyde ate several Dragon Fruits and Power Fruits, and his physique became stronger.

Paige mainly takes the Fruit of the Heart to enhance her telekinesis, and has made great progress. With her [Psychic Body] talent, she will be able to break through to the leadership level in less than three months.

After Frank ate two fruits of wisdom, he seemed to suddenly have enlightenment. He went into the laboratory and never came out. Now he has stayed in it for five full days. Occasionally, the robot will come in to deliver a meal.

In addition, Mundo's progress is not inferior to those of them.

Mundo took several Fruits of Power and Fruit of Poison. As his strength increased, he also evolved a new talent [Primary Poison Body].

[Primary Poison Body] has extremely high poison resistance. It can also digest toxins and turn them into its own power. It can apply toxins in one move.

From being a pure muscular man at the beginning, to now having a dual constitution that can both set fire and poison, Mundo's attack methods have been greatly expanded and enhanced, and his combat effectiveness has been increased by more than two levels.

With the [Elementary Poison Body] as a basis, when Mundo reaches the peak of his command, he can take the poisonous fruit of the poisonous tree user to attack natural disasters, and there is a good chance of awakening the supernatural talent that combines the three abilities.

Qian Liuyu took the beast fruit of the beast tree user, and not surprisingly received the talent [Beast Soul], which is consistent with the ability of the beast tree user, and can communicate, control, and strengthen beasts.

After awakening his new ability, Qian Liuyu was in a very good mood. He said that he would get a personal pet bodyguard for his son Yu Zhiguang, and also train a beast force for the Holy Light Mercenary Group to protect the base.

Hutao has painstakingly studied two inherited secret techniques, and has made some progress so far.

And Su Mo himself has been working hard to break through the natural disaster.

Now that his body has reached the level of a natural disaster, the only thing missing is his Force and mental strength.

In fact, his force and spiritual power had already reached the peak of command.

After all, there are millions of "leeks" working hard for him, and the force he feeds back every day can be worth other people's months of practice. The Holy Flame of Darkness is evolving all the time, and it is definitely not inferior to the leader at present. Level fire superpower.

And under the dual effects of the soul refining pot and the fruit of the heart, the mental power reached the leader level limit.

What he has to do now is to fuse the force, mental power and body together to find the key to open the natural disaster level door.

After half a month of groping, he had a hint of inspiration.

Everyone has made great progress in this half month.

However, compared to the martial arts madman Asura, others still like to simply relax and adjust their mood after practicing.

Relaxation is a lifestyle suitable for most people.


Qian Liuyu walked out of his room with a smile on his face. It looked like he had just finished video chatting with his wife and children.

Su Mo often lamented that there really is such a perfect man in the world.

Handsome, strong, and very caring about his family.

How can any woman not be confused when meeting such a man?

Not to mention women, even men can't resist Qian Liuyu's charm.

"Brother Xiaoyu, how is Xiaoguang doing lately?" Su Mo asked with a smile.

Qian Liuyu smiled and said: "This child is very happy recently. He plays wildly with the children in the base every day, and Xiang Lin can't control it~"

Su Mo raised his eyebrows and pretended to be serious:

"It seems that Xiaoguang's learning tasks are not saturated enough. Children should still focus on learning. I didn't bring him a gift this time. Otherwise, I will give him ten sets of exercise books."

Hearing this, Qian Liuyu was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said:

"Haha, captain, I would like to thank you, the master, on Xiaoguang's behalf."


The two chatted about their daily life while discussing work related to the construction of the corps.

Before Qian Liuyu left his hometown, he was the head of an important local department. He had made great achievements in management and put forward several reasonable and effective suggestions in response to the current problems of the Corps.

However, this also made Su Mo determined to make arrangements for Qian Liuyu when he returned. It was boring to spend time with his wife and children every day, so he might as well contribute to the construction of the corps.


Just as the two were discussing the next development plan of the Corps, suddenly, a piercing alarm sounded in the spacecraft.

"Alarm, alarm, the density of the surrounding space is abnormal, and the spacecraft is about to exit the jump state."


After hearing the siren, everyone's expressions suddenly changed.

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