Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 250 The tree of life brings death, the fruit of life

"I... uh... eh~"

Everyone's mouths opened wide, like screaming chickens that had been pinched in the neck, and a series of short sounds came from their throats.

What did they see?

Tens of thousands of giant black birds and a hundred-meter-tall dragon beast were actually swallowed by walnuts.

Hutao turned his head and saw everyone's expressions and couldn't help but smile. His little face was full of showing off and pride:

"Am I super powerful now?"


Frank swallowed, with a faint tremor in his voice.

If you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes, you would never be able to understand the shock of that scene just now.

In front of the black hole, the powerful dragon beasts and black bird army shrunk more than ten times like toys. Any struggle was in vain and they could only be swallowed by the black hole in despair.

This image is more impactful than a natural disaster expert destroying a city with one move.

What kind of monster is Walnut?


Hu Tao smiled happily, then she raised her head and felt the fierce battle fluctuations above her. With a kick of her calf, she shot straight into the sky like a rocket.

After being promoted to a natural disaster, powerful racial talents begin to awaken.

She no longer needs the assistance of armor and can freely fly through the sky and the universe.

After the walnuts turned into black dots and disappeared from sight, everyone stared blankly at each other, with the shock still in their eyes.


"Phoenix·Phoenix Seal"

The green flames condensed into huge phoenix claws, and when the wings flapped, the phoenix turned into a stream of light. It was extremely fast, and kicked Qinglong's waist heavily at an extremely tricky angle.

boom! ! !

The dragon's body was severely distorted by the kick, like a bent steel bar, and green liquid splashed across the sky.

hold head high! !

Qinglong roared angrily, turned his head and bit the phoenix.

However, the Phoenix easily dodged with just a flutter of its wings.


The green flames slowly dissipated, and Qian Liuyu returned to his half-beast form, breathing a little faster. He glanced at an obvious blood mark on his abdomen, and the green flames immediately covered it, and the wound disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The Phoenix's Flame is not only powerful in destructive power, but also has considerable healing effects. It can cure both internal and external injuries, and can be used on anyone.

The battle has progressed to this point, and both sides have used their last cards.

Qian Liuyu used his characteristics of high attack and agility, leaving wounds on Dragon Tree and Black Eagle again and again.

The dragon tree is slightly slower, but has amazing recovery ability and infinite strength. It poses a great threat to Qian Liuyu in close combat.

As a natural disaster expert, the beast tree user's ability is not just as simple as controlling wild beasts.

[Beast Soul], in addition to communicating and controlling beasts, can also strengthen them in all directions in a short period of time.

With the strengthening of the Beast Tree Envoy, Black Eagle has gone from being infinitely close to the natural disaster level to a real first-level natural disaster, and even close to the intermediate level.

The strength, speed, defense and wind control ability have all been enhanced. Qian Liuyu will not be defeated by Qian Liuyu in one move, and can even cause him a lot of trouble.

However, the Black Hawk's strength is still inferior after all.

Under Qian Liuyu's deliberate targeting, one of Black Eagle's eyes was poked out, and there were at least a dozen blood holes on his wings, with blood dripping down continuously. There were scorch marks all over the feathers, making him very miserable.


Qian Liuyu adjusted his breathing, recovering the energy he had just consumed little by little.

A natural disaster level powerhouse has long-lasting power and is as vast as the sea.

Two natural disasters of the same level may fight for half a day without knowing a winner. As for the legendary story of fighting for three days and three nights, it is not unheard of.

Both he and Nagarjuna have strong recovery abilities. If they don't want to turn the battle into a tug-of-war, they must readjust their tactics.

"Captain, how is the situation over there?"

Qian Liuyu asked through the armor's tiny earphones.

Bang bang bang~

The sounds of muscles colliding together sounded, mixed with Su Mo's voice.

"I'm safe, but I can't handle my opponent. His vitality is too strong."

Hearing that Su Mo was safe, Qian Liuyu breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"Captain, I will look for an opportunity to kill the Beast Tree user later, and then I will help you. After taking care of the Tree user, we will deal with the Dragon Tree user together."

The black hawk is currently seriously injured, and it can be completely killed by adding more fire.

Without the mount, the beast tree user can hardly use his abilities. It is much easier to kill him than the power tree user.

Without the restraint of the Black Eagle, he could use his speed far beyond that of the Dragon Tree to support Su Mo and kill the Shengshu in a short time. Then the two of them would work together to deal with the last Dragon Tree.

"Okay, I will create opportunities for you then." Su Mo responded in a deep voice.


Qian Liuyu nodded slightly. He knew that Su Mo had the ability to temporarily immobilize the enemy. The effect was very strong. Not long ago, with the help of this move, he easily penetrated the chest of the Li Shushi, and then killed him with one kick.

But at this time, the Beast Tree Envoy and the Dragon Tree Envoy also thought of Qian Liuyu together.

"Nagarjuna, you entangle him first, and I will join the Tree-born. After killing the outsider, the three of us will kill him together." The Beast-Treeling suggested.


The dragon tree leader decisively agreed, green tree thorns all over the sky appeared around him, and shot towards Qianliu Yu like a rain of arrows. At the same time, the dragon's tail flicked to follow closely.

He wanted to create an opportunity for the beast tree user to escape from the battlefield.

"Black Hawk, let's go!"

The beast tree envoy gave the order.

The black eagle crows and spreads its wings to fly high.

"Want to run?"

Qianliu Yu's eyes flashed, and he saw the intentions of the two tree-envoys. Naturally, it was impossible to let the beast tree-envoys escape.

However, just when he was about to withstand the damage and chase Black Hawk, a terrifying aura approaching quickly made him stop.

"This smell... is walnut!"

Uh-huh! ! !

I saw a stream of light flashing past my eyes at an extremely fast speed. In the blink of an eye, it caught up with Black Eagle, and then, a crisp and clear sound exploded in my ears.

"Hit me!"

The strong wind hit, accompanied by an extremely terrifying mental pressure, as if encountering a natural enemy of blood, making Black Eagle's soul tremble, and his eyes showed deep fear.

not good! ! !

Beast Tree's expression changed greatly, and he quickly activated his abilities to the limit to provide Black Eagle with blessings.

However, it was too late.

boom! ! !

The star-like light enveloped the war hammer and hit Black Eagle's head heavily. From a visual point of view, it was like a toothpick hitting a watermelon. The size difference was huge, but this small and exquisite war hammer actually opened Black Eagle's head.

Brains spattered, blood spurted out, and most of his head disappeared. Black Eagle's body stiffened and fell straight down.

Things happened so fast that the two tree-wizards couldn't react in time.

The beast tree master stopped his body in mid-air, with a look of horror in his eyes.

"What a terrifying power!"

Qian Liuyu's pupils shrank. He had been fighting Black Eagle for so long, but he had only left large and small blood holes on the opponent's body. As soon as Hutao took action, he directly blew its head off.

Although there was an element of surprise in it, the power displayed by Hu Tao was a bit too terrifying.

"Without a fight!"

Walnut shook his head, seemingly dissatisfied with Black Hawk's performance.

After being promoted to a natural disaster, the Star Swallowing Beast's talent began to truly emerge.

The first is the racial talent-Swallowing Stars.

Previously, Hutao needed to put food or various forms of energy into his mouth in order to enter the body space, digest it and turn it into his own power.

But now, as soon as the star-eating black hole emerges, it can swallow up all living creatures and objects in sight.

Secondly, Hutao is no longer the "reckless man" or "short-handed monster" who has power but no strength.

She awakened the Star-Eating Beast's original energy - the power of the stars.

The attributes are similar to the Qi of a martial artist, but it is more pure, majestic, and all-encompassing than Qi.

Whether it is fire, ice, electricity, light energy, dark energy or even psionic energy, it can all be devoured and transformed into the power of the stars.

Finally, there is the strengthening of the walnut body.

Before the natural disaster, Hu Tao's physique was very close to that of a natural disaster martial artist. After truly breaking through the natural disaster, her body was transformed by the power of blood, improving it by more than ten times.

At the same time, the Fruit of Power that she ate also made her power even higher.

In terms of strength alone, he is no less than a high-level natural disaster martial artist.


Qinglong quickly flew under the Beast Tree Envoy, supported his body, and then issued an extremely solemn soul voice:

"We have to withdraw."

Hearing this, Beast Tree's expression changed slightly:

"Then what should the arborist do?"

Nagarjuna said in a deep voice: "We can't control him now. If we don't withdraw, no one will be able to leave."

They can't even deal with an opponent, let alone a strong man who can instantly kill Black Hawk with one move.

Once Black Eagle dies, the Beast Tree's abilities are no longer useful.

In other words, he will face the siege of two powerful men alone, which is extremely dangerous.

Now they don't care about the tree bearer. After returning to the sacred tree safely, they will gather other tree bearers to avenge the tree bearer and the tree bearer.

"All right!"

The beast tree envoy reluctantly agreed.

Although he has a good relationship with the Nagarjuna Master, he still has to rely on the Nagarjuna Master to help him out of trouble, so naturally he cannot interfere with the Nagarjuna Master's decision.


The dragon's tail flicked, and a rich green light bloomed on the hundred-meter-long body. As if the accelerator button was pressed instantly, the dragon tree carried the beast tree user and flew into the distance, at least 20% faster than before.

"Want to run?"

Qian Liuyu twitched the corner of his mouth, showing that Dragon Tree was far behind him in terms of speed.


A bottle of magical speed potion appeared in his hand, he popped the cork, and then swallowed it in one gulp.

The feeling of lightness rose again, Qian Liuyu's wings shook, and turned into a stream of cyan light, chasing after the Dragon Tree envoy.

"Wait for me!"

Hu Tao stepped out of thin air, and ripples of power appeared on the soles of his feet, following Qian Liuyu like an arrow from a string.

"Hutao, go help the leader and leave it to me." Qian Liuyu shouted from the front.

"Oh, yes!"

Hu Tao paused for a moment, and after sensing it, he quickly flew in a certain direction.


"Wutao, this is a natural disaster!"

Su Mo couldn't help but be overjoyed when he received the message from Haide.

He didn't expect that Hu Tao would advance so quickly.

I slept for three full days from the time when I was in command to the top.

But this time, it only took about half a day.

But no matter what, this is great news for him.

Walnut breaks through the natural disaster, which means that the current balance of power will be broken instantly.

Walnut + Qian Liuyu can easily deal with Dragon Tree User + Beast Tree User.

Walnut + yourself, you can instantly kill the tree user at will.

Now it depends on who Hutao will help first.

"Brother Su Mo, I'm coming!"

Suddenly, Hu Tao's loud voice came from the distance.

Su Mo's eyes lit up and he chuckled, "It seems that Hutao still cares about me more~"

"Another strong tree user is here!"

The Shengshu user raised his arm to block the heavy punch in front of him. He sensed the terrifying aura flying past in the distance and was immediately frightened.

No, we must meet up with Nagarjuna.

Trees make up one's mind.

His abilities can only be maximized when he is surrounded by strong people.

In a fight with an opponent who is not at the level of a tree user, he can still gain an upper hand, but if it is one-on-one, it will simply kill him~

Don't bully support like this!

Thinking of this, the green light suddenly appeared all over the body of the tree warrior, and he was about to fly in the direction of the dragon tree warrior.

"Want to run?"

Su Mo sneered, the holy light surged, and a golden eye suddenly appeared above his head. It was noble and indifferent, and its eyes were locked on the tree-generating person.

【Eye of God】Stabilize the body

Suddenly, invisible fluctuations came, and the tree froze his body, and a trace of panic and fear appeared in his eyes.

This move again!

Just now, his head was exploded by this move.

Although his head is not his vital point, it can grow back even if it is blown apart.

But the feeling of being out of control of his body left a huge shadow on him.

"Move it!!!"

Shengshu distorted his face and boiled with strength throughout his body, like a volcano, trying to break through this sealed state.

But the system's tyranny was something he couldn't resist.

The duration of the immobilization effect will increase or decrease based on the strength gap between the two parties.

But as long as the immobilization takes effect, it cannot be broken by any external factors or internal forces.


A long chain of light condensed, one end was held in Su Mo's hand, and the other end was wrapped around the waist of Shengshu.

This is a double insurance made by Su Mo.

Even if the immobilization effect ends, the tree user is briefly held back by the chain of light for half a moment, which is enough time for Hu Tao to arrive.

But he soon discovered that this insurance was unnecessary.

Hu Tao's speed was much faster than he imagined.

[God's Eyes] took less than half a second to settle down, but Hutao had already rushed over, trailing white air waves behind him, and his whole body was burning with starlight, like a meteor, colliding with the tree user. ,

boom! ! !

The sound of collision resounded through the sky, like a muffled thunder, with ripples sweeping outward like a hurricane.

"Hit, hit, hit!!"

Hutao put the warhammer on his waist, and kept hitting the tree master's chest with his fists like machine guns.

The violent force caused the tree user to tremble all over his body, and his vitality circulated at a high speed to repair the damage caused by the heavy punch.

However, Hu Tao's fist was too heavy, and coupled with the strengthening of the power of the stars, after thousands of punches, the tree user finally couldn't support it.

After letting out a desperate cry, the body of the tree warrior suddenly burst into a strange light. Then, the fat green man disappeared, replaced by a ginseng-shaped fruit.

The fruit was held in Hu Tao's hands, and the surging vitality poured into her body along her skin, making all the cells in her body cheer and she couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

However, Hu Tao still restrained his desire and handed the fruit of life to Su Mo.

"Brother Su Mo, this is for you."

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