Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 249 Walnut Natural Disaster Swallowing Stars


The green dragon soared in the sky, and the rich green light condensed into hundreds of tree thorns, forming a circle, and then burst out and stabbed Qianliu Yu.

At the same time, the black hawk let out a loud cry, shook its wings, and instantly stirred up a Category 13 hurricane, with wind blades all over the sky sweeping ahead.

Qian Liuyu was caught between the two attacks, his front, back, left, and right, including his head and feet, were all covered, with no way to retreat.

However, he was still so calm and calm at this moment. Green flames exploded, and rings of flames rotated around him at high speed. In the blink of an eye, he transformed from a half-beast form into a noble and elegant phoenix in the form of energy.


The phoenix flapped its wings and soared into the sky nimbly. Whether it was a wind blade or a tree thorn, it would only cause slight ripples when it hit him, but it would not hurt him at all.

It's not Qian Liuyu's style to be beaten.

The phoenix looked down, and two spheres quickly condensed in the center of its claws, and then turned into two straight cyan rays, one on the left and one on the right, shooting towards the green dragon and the black eagle.

The speed of the ray is extremely fast, making it difficult for the two to dodge.

Qinglong relied on his hard and thick dragon scales to block the cyan ray, but Black Eagle couldn't do it.

The Black Eagle itself was not as strong as the natural disaster, but it was infinitely close. In addition, it did not have the defensive power of the giant scale beast. Its wings were pierced by the ray at once, and it screamed in pain, and a wave of pain was produced in its soul. The meaning of timidity.

"Be honest with me!"

The beast tree user exuded coercion, shocking Black Eagle's soul and re-invigorating his morale. However, when the control was over, he couldn't help but look up and cursed angrily:

"What the hell is the tree-slinger doing? He hasn't been able to deal with that guy for so long."

If there is a tree user present, his Black Eagle will not be afraid of the opponent because of injury.

I know that the tree bearer is not good at fighting, but after so long, he can't even defeat a novice who is not at the level of the tree bearer. It must be such a waste.

At this moment, if the tree-bearer knew the thoughts of the beast-tree bearer, he would definitely curse.

MMP, the guy opposite is indeed not at the level of a tree user, but he would rather deal with an enemy at the level of a tree user than a replica of himself.

He can heal, and so can the opponent.

He can extract life force, and the opponent can do the same.

The battle process between the two people can be briefly summarized as follows——

There was a burst of hammering at close range, both sides were injured, and both sides were treated

You suck me, I suck you

Anyway, no one can be beaten to death. After fighting for a long time, the blood is full, and it keeps being consumed like this, and I can't withdraw even if I want to.

A miserable group!

Shengshu made him more and more depressed as he fought, but Su Mo was just the opposite.

At first, he really thought about whether he could kill the tree-growing creature on the opposite side by himself.

However, when he used his trump card [Eye of God: Immobilization] and his strongest attack move [Heaven's Fist] to smash the head of the tree, a new head could grow on the opposite side, and it was almost After being resurrected with full health, he knew at that time that it was no longer possible to kill the Tree Envoy alone.

After that, his tactics only had one word - procrastination.

Drag him until Qianliuyu defeats the two tree messengers, or drag him until Hutao breaks through.

Of course, he placed his hopes on the former.

After all, no one knows how long it will take Hutao to break through the natural disaster. It may be an hour or several days.

So I still believe Brother Xiaoyu.


Boom boom boom! ! !

Flames shoot out, thunder snakes dance wildly

Hyde and the dragon beast were fighting together, and no one could do anything to anyone.

Hyde is flexible, can jump and fly, and has armor acceleration, so the dragon beast's attacks can't touch him at all.

The dragon beast had rough skin and thick flesh, and its scales were disgustingly hard. Even after being beaten for a long time, he didn't get much damage.

The two were locked in a stalemate, and their moves were extremely destructive, making craters on the ground like missiles washing the ground. No giant beast dared to get close.

Therefore, the target of the behemoth army's fire was reduced by one, and they concentrated on dealing with Asura, Mundo, Frank and Peggy.

With the loss of Hyde, the top combat power, and the increasing number of behemoths, the four of them felt increasingly strenuous.

These giant beasts are not so easy to deal with.

Big in size, strong in strength, and possessing a variety of abilities.

Some breathe fire, some discharge electricity, and some are poisonous.

And each one of them is very smart, with an IQ no less than that of a human being, and if you are not careful, you will fall into their trap.

If Su Mo hadn't left behind general-level armor and a large amount of holy light potions before the war began, allowing everyone to keep buffing and replenish physical, mental, and strength at any time, I'm afraid they wouldn't have been able to hold on long ago.


The golden arrows shuttled among the beasts, as if threading a needle and thread, blinding the eyes of pairs of giant beasts.

But at this moment, a thunder fell out of thin air, aiming directly at Peggy's head.


The "Guardian" armor issued a warning, and the energy shield automatically activated, blocking several consecutive lightning strikes.

"Paige, are you okay?"

Frank noticed the movement here and asked quickly.

"I'm fine."

Peggy responded through the armor's own wireless network, with a hint of fear in her calm voice.

"Fortunately, I have this set of armor~"

Paige couldn't help but feel happy secretly.

From the beginning of the battle to now, the "Guardian" armor has helped this little fragile girl block several fatal attacks.

It is indeed a defensive general-level armor, and the energy shield is really thick.

"It's okay!"

Frank turned his attention back to the battlefield, raised his hand and fired a shot, blasting a giant beast that was about to pounce on Mondo into pieces. Blood and minced meat covered Mondo's back, but he was completely unaware of it.

boom! ! !

The flaming mace came down, hitting the beast's knee.

With a click, the giant beast's knees shattered, and its body fell to one side. Then, another mace hit its head hard.


The huge head exploded as if it was a time bomb, spraying white and red all over the ground.


At this moment, the ground under Mondo's feet suddenly bulged, and then a sandworm burst out of the ground and swallowed Mondo into its belly in one bite.



Frank and Peggy exclaimed, and Asura next to him also looked this way, his expression changed, he turned around and ran this way, but he soon stopped.

Bang bang bang~~~

I saw that the sandworm's abdomen was bulging and bulging, as if something was banging and banging inside, causing it to roll all over the ground in pain.

The next second, with a bang, a big hole opened in the sandworm's abdomen.

A figure with a burning body opened the big hole and walked out. With a backhand blow, he knocked the sandworm's head into pulp.

Seeing that Mondo was fine, Frank and others breathed a sigh of relief, but less than a second after they relaxed, more trouble came.


Large "black clouds" appeared in the sky in the distance. When the black clouds came closer, they discovered that they were a group of large black birds, with black bodies, claws like iron hooks, and human-like cunning and greed in their eyes.

They were not attracted by the Beast Tree Messenger, but by the rich blood energy here.

Boo hoo hoo~~~

Black light shot down like a curtain of rain, with no difference in target, covering the giant beast on the ground as well as Frank and others.

"Be careful!"

Frank reminded loudly and quickly propped up the armor's energy shield.

At the same time, Peggy, Mundo, Asura and Hyde, who were fighting fiercely with the dragon beast, also activated the armor's defensive weapons immediately.

Bang bang bang~~

The black light fell continuously.

Each giant beast was riddled with holes penetrated by the black light, and the giant beasts with strong defenses were also shot and screamed in pain and roared continuously.

"Dip~dip~The energy dropped by 2%."

"Energy dropped by 5%."

"Energy dropped by 12%."

Everyone's protective masks displayed reminders of the rapid decline in energy.


Frank looked anxious. He didn't expect that a group of "Dark Lords" would come out halfway.

Although this group of black birds slaughtered most of the giant beasts around them, the threat they posed was much more terrifying than these giant beasts.

If this continues, the energy of everyone's armor will soon be exhausted. By then, I'm afraid only Mundo and Hyde can barely hold on, and the rest will have to be shot alive.

Frank wanted to try to attack the blackbird in the sky. However, the black light was too dense and fell like a rain curtain, giving him no room to shoot.

"What should I do? What should I do?"

Frank clenched his fists and watched helplessly as the energy on the mask dropped rapidly, reaching 50% in no time.

Wow wow wow~~

Looking at the corpses and blood clots on the ground, the leader of the black bird let out a strange cry of triumph.

On the Sacred Tree Planet, giant beasts compete and hunt each other.

Anyone who is not of my own race is prey

It's not easy to encounter so many prey gathering, and this time they want to have a good meal.


At this moment, the Blackbird leader's younger brother reminded it to look in one direction, and something strange was happening there.

The leader of the blackbird looked down and was suddenly surprised.

I saw an eggshell with a strange color on the ground, and corpses scattered around the eggshell.

The strange thing is that when a part of the black light is close to the eggshell, it will disappear immediately, as if it was swallowed by something.

This vision attracted the attention of the Blackbird leader.

It vaguely felt that there was a powerful creature gestating in the eggshell. If it could eat that creature, it would be of immeasurable benefit to it.

Thinking of this, the black bird flapped its wings and released dozens of black lights into the eggshell.

Puff puff puff~~

When the black light was still a few hundred meters away from the eggshell, it suddenly faded and quickly disappeared.

Seeing this, the leader of the blackbird seemed to be irritated. He looked below him. Apart from a few big and difficult beasts, there were only a few insignificant little bugs left, which were not even worthy of being stuffed between his teeth.

So, it switched its firepower and ordered the large troops to attack the eggshell.

Boo hoo hoo~~~

Black light fell all over the sky, becoming so dense that it almost became a black pillar, shining directly on the eggshell of starlight.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of Frank, Mondo and others changed drastically, but before they could react, something shocking happened.

The thick and deep black pillar couldn't get close to the eggshell, so it disappeared one by one, as if someone was holding an eraser and constantly erasing the top of the black pillar.


The leader of the blackbird became even more angry and ordered his men to attack with all their strength. It must kill the creatures in the eggshells, swallow the corpses, and transform into a holy beast comparable to or even better than the Tree Messenger.

Wow wow wow~~

Tens of thousands of blackbirds made strange calls, the sound was hoarse and harsh, making people feel scalp numb.

The black light fell more densely, overwhelming the sky, like a black tide, pouring over the eggshell.

But this time, the ending remains the same.

The eggshell is like a bottomless giant mouth that can swallow up everything wantonly.

This scene stunned everyone present.

"Oh my god~"

Hyde's mouth opened so wide that he could put down two fists, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

If it had been him, he would have been shot into pieces by the black light.

Are eggshell walnuts also so strong?


Asura's eyes were shocked. At this moment, he realized more deeply the terrifying nature of Hu Tao and the almost huge gap between the two.

"Wutao won't be in danger, right?"

Paige murmured.

Frank stood nearby, looking at the rapidly expanding eggshell, and said in an incomprehensible tone: "Dangerous? I think they are the ones who are in danger~"


A crack suddenly opened on the starlight egg shell. Then, the crack gradually became larger. An ancient and terrifying aura escaped from the crack, which immediately made everyone present and all the giant beasts feel an unreasonable feeling. Nervous and frightened, as if a demon king was about to be born.

In an instant, the black light stopped.

The Blackbird leader trembled, and there was a hint of fear in his eyes, but it was also accompanied by struggle and unwillingness.

It wanted to withdraw, but it was reluctant to part with this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It was really torn.

But soon, it won’t have to be a struggle.

boom! ! !

A bright pillar of starlight broke through the eggshell and rose straight into the sky.

"Hahaha, I finally came out!!!"

Clear and proud laughter resounded throughout the sky, and a petite figure with arms crossed appeared in front of everyone.

She has red lips, white teeth, a cute face, and her hair is tied into a bun.

It was Xiao Hutao who had been breaking through for a long time.



Everyone looked at Hu Tao with great surprise. Judging from the momentum Hu Tao released, she had successfully completed a breakthrough and was promoted to a natural disaster!

"Haha, Mundo, Hyde, I'm at the natural disaster level!"

Hu Tao excitedly waved to Foodies No. 2 and 3. When she encounters something joyful, she immediately wants to share it with those closest to her.

But at this time, Hu Tao glanced at him and asked strangely: "Where is brother Su Mo? Where has he gone?"

Hyde pointed to the sky and said:

"Brother Mo and Mr. Qian Liuyu are fighting three natural disaster experts."

Hearing this, Hutao picked up the small hammer on the ground and said, "I'll help them, but..."

Hutao raised his head, looked at the army of blackbirds gathering like black clouds in the sky, and wrinkled his little nose:

"Eat you first!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a circular black hole suddenly appeared above Hu Tao's head.

The hole quickly enlarged, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a terrifying black hole with a diameter of more than 500 meters.

Boom! ! !

With a loud noise, the space around the black hole was distorted. The army of black birds in the sky, as well as the giant dragon beasts that were not yet dead, all flew towards the black hole uncontrollably at the same time. During the flight, they continued to shrink, like skyscrapers. The dragon beast shrank to a height of less than 10 meters. Blackbirds the size of sparrows let out frightening and piercing screams, like a torrent, and penetrated into the black hole.


The black hole suddenly closed, and Hutaoba chirped twice:

"Well, the taste is okay."


A gust of cool wind blew by, and everyone's expressions seemed to be frozen, dumbfounded.

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