Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 183 Star Swallowing Beast Pluto

Soon, a large group of ice barbarians were brought up.

They were all over two meters tall, burly and strong, with their upper bodies naked, their chests and arms covered with ice-blue war lines, their faces resolute, their hair combed into furrows, and they looked masculine and wild.

"There are 35 people in total, all of them are elites."

Griman stretched out his hand and said with a smile, "How about you check again?"

Su Mo nodded, walked forward, looked at each of them carefully, and patted their bodies.

There are 35 Ice Barbarian martial artists, ranging in strength from C- to C+, and 7 of them have awakened their racial talent - Tough Body.

The tough body gives the ice barbarians longer endurance and resistance.

Immediately afterwards, Su Mo picked two people to fight against Mondo and saw the fighting style of the ice barbarians.

The Ice Barbarians are physically strong, and their physical fitness is almost two to three times that of the Tianyuan Stars. Their fighting style is fierce and ferocious, and their weapons are skillful, especially their ice martial arts, which really opened his eyes.

Ice Fist, Ice Sword, Eighteen Strikes of Cold Wind...

The martial arts aura they activate contains extremely cold chill, which can restrict the opponent's movements, and as the battle continues, this effect will become greater and greater.

"Okay, that's enough."

Su Mo stopped the discussion.

The strength of these two ice barbarians is good, but they are still incomparable to Mundo. If Mundo hadn't deliberately held back, the battle would have ended within a few seconds.

Mundo's favorite opponent is the martial artist.

"Are you satisfied with this customer, a slave of the Shadow Clan and the Ice Barbarian Clan?" Griman smiled.

Su Mo nodded and said:

"I'm quite satisfied, it's the price..."

Griman immediately said: "Customer, please pick out what you are interested in first, and we will quote you one by one."


Su Mo looked at the Shadow Tribes and Ice Barbarians on both sides and reported 12 numbers, corresponding to the 5 Shadow Tribes who had awakened [Shadow Affinity] and the 7 Ice Barbarians who had awakened [Tough Body].

Griman compared the information on the optical brain and gave the prices respectively.

"Shadow Clan No. 27 is the pinnacle of the elite level. The price is a bit more expensive, 7,000 Innars."

"This No. 13 is cheap, the first-level elite, 3,000 Innars."

"No. 4 Ice Barbarian, the pinnacle of the elite level. He is cheaper than the Shadow Clan, 6300 Inal."

"No. 14 Ice Barbarian, elite mid-level, 4100 Inal."

"The total is 53,500 Innars, so let me give you 53,000."

Griman smiled brightly.

"Boss Grimman, you are unreasonable."

Before Su Mo could say anything, Charlie on the side took the lead in counteroffering for him:

"In the transaction of more than 50,000 innars, you are only 500 cheaper. If I had known this was the case, I would have taken my husband to the store next door."

Hearing this, Su Mo raised his eyebrows and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"No, no, no, no, I just made a slip of the tongue."

Griman quickly said: "52,000, I'll give you 1,500 cheaper, okay?"

"fifty thousand!"

Charlie said resolutely: "If it exceeds 50,000, this sale is no longer worthwhile. You are not the only one who has the Shadow Clan and the Ice Barbarian Clan."

"Charlie, you kid..."

Griman gritted his teeth, looking very distressed, and finally said helplessly: "Fifty thousand, just fifty thousand. I will make a little less from this deal, just to make a friend."

"Fifty thousand?"

Su Mo smiled and pointed out four fingers: "Forty thousand."


Upon hearing this, Greiman immediately shook his head: "No, no, I will lose 40,000 yuan. This customer..."

"Hear me out."

Su Mo raised his hand to stop Griman and said seriously: "In addition to these 12 people, I also want to purchase a group of Shadow Tribe and Ice Barbarian Tribe below the elite level, at least 50 people from each race. In addition, I also need to lead Super slave."

Upon hearing this, a light flashed in Griman's eyes.

Slaves below the elite level are very cheap, but when the number increases, the profit is not thin, not to mention that the real big ones are the commander-level slaves.

"Customer, I'll bring all the people from the Shadow Clan and the Ice Barbarian Clan up first. You can choose as you like. After you've chosen, how about we go see the leader-level slaves?" said Griman.

Su Mo nodded: "Okay!"


Soon, Griman brought over all the slaves of the Shadow Clan, more than 300 of them, and asked Su Mo to choose from them.

Su Mo tested their talents one by one and selected more than 30 Shadow Clan members with [Shadow Affinity] first.

Among these 30 people, the lowest is E-level, the highest is D+, and there are both men and women.

Immediately afterwards, he selected a dozen more D-level Shadow Clan, and gathered together an integer of 50. Including the 5 elite-level people, there were a total of 55 Shadow Clan slaves.

Later, he selected 46 warriors with the [Tough Body] talent from more than 400 ice barbarians, both men and women, and their strength also ranged from E level to D+.

In order to make up the number, he picked two more D-class ice barbarians, and together with the previous 7 people, he made up 55 people.

The two races combined make a total of 110 people.

Griman calculated the information in the list and finally reported a number to Su Mo:

"The total is 126,320 innars, so I'll charge you 120,000."


Su Mo thought for a while, nodded and said: "Okay, then let's pay this price."

120,000 inal, in exchange for 110 extraordinary beings with outstanding talents and considerable combat power, is still a good deal.


A flash of excitement flashed in Greiman's eyes. For him, 120,000 was a large sum.

"Customer, let's go see the commander-level slaves and pay them together in the end?" Griman suggested.


Griman first locked the people selected by Su Mo into two empty rooms, and then took Su Mo, Mondo, Mercedes and Charlie into a secret passage.

There are many small cubicles on both sides of the passage, some of which are empty, and some of which contain creatures of different races separately.

The scaly mermaid, the captivating succubus, the white-haired old man with vicissitudes of life...

"These are commander-level slaves."

As he walked, Griman introduced information about these slaves one by one.

"This old man is a flame mage. He comes from the Goethe galaxy-level civilization. He has high magical attainments and profound knowledge. He can help you train a large number of excellent magicians. The price is 90,000 innars."

"too expensive!"

Su Mo shook his head.

The price of magicians is much more expensive than that of martial arts masters and psychics of the same level. After all, every magician not only has outstanding combat ability, but is also a wise man with profound knowledge.

People who are not smart and studious cannot become excellent magicians.

Spending 90,000 Inar to buy a commander-level magician is actually not too bad. After all, a good magician can bring out a group of excellent magic apprentices.

However, at present, he has limited funds on hand, so he can only reluctantly give up.

"What about this, the succubus who rules the middle section."

Griman pointed at the seductive succubus in the room and showed an expression that all men would understand:

"The taste of a succubus is quite wonderful. With her, you not only get a powerful warrior, but also a bed partner that can make you want to die."

"Forget it, I don't want to be sucked dry by her."

"What about this one? A person with lightning power, a high-level commander, and very powerful in combat. It only costs 70,000 Innars."

"It's a bit expensive, Boss Grimman, let me tell you straight, do you have a commander-level telekinesis master here?" Su Mo asked.

"Psychic Master~"

A trace of hesitation appeared on Griman's face, "Yes, yes, but his situation is rather special."

"What special method?"

"Well, I'll show you and you'll find out."

Griman took Su Mo to the door of a cubicle and saw the situation inside through the window.

It was a man with black hair and black eyes. He had a handsome face and looked like a perfect statue when he sat cross-legged. His temperament was indifferent and aloof. Even though he was being watched like a commodity, there was still no wave on his face.

"His name is Ming, and he is a member of the Dark Moon tribe. He has awakened the Eyes of the Dark Moon and his strength has reached the peak of the commander level." Griman introduced.

Su Mo looked at Ming and said in his heart:

"Pooh, tell me about the Dark Moon Clan."

Winnie: "The Dark Moon tribe comes from a certain planet in the Haran galaxy. They are natural telekinesis masters. Since birth, their mental power is several times that of other races. Moreover, they also possess a coveted racial talent—— Eyes of the Dark Moon."

"Once you awaken the Eyes of the Dark Moon, your spiritual power will immediately increase several times, and you will also master incredible abilities. They call it Eye Technique."

Eye surgery?

A series of moves immediately appeared in Su Mo's mind, Amaterasu, Susanoo, Tsukuyomi, Tenshou...

This person is interesting~

Su Mo stared at Ming, and after learning his true name, the [Eye of Insight] showed his information.


【Rating】C (B+)

[Talent] Eyes of the Dark Moon

"he got hurt?"

Su Mo frowned. Through the [Eye of Insight], he could see that Ming's hands hidden under the black robe had been chopped off. There was also an obvious crack in the sea of ​​soul, as if someone had torn it apart with mental power. Opening it caused his strength to plummet from B+ to C level.

"Customer, have you noticed it too?" Griman asked in surprise.

"His hands and feet were cut off, his soul sea was seriously injured, and his strength dropped greatly. It would be good to have elite level strength now." Su Mo shook his head and said.

"Ha, you have really vicious eyesight."

A flash of shock flashed in Griman's eyes. He could see Ming's physical condition through the alloy door. This person was really not simple.

"Customer, although his hands were cut off, the telekinesis master does not rely on his hands, and the injuries in his soul sea can also be restored through some precious materials."

Su Mo glanced sideways: "Treasure materials that can heal souls are much more expensive than commander-level slaves."

"Haha, really, I don't know much about this aspect."

Seeing that Su Mo was completely ungrateful, a look of sarcasm appeared on Griman's face.

"Ten thousand innars, I want it."

Su Mo waved his hand lightly.

"Ten thousand is too little. After all, he is also the peak telekinesis master." Griman bargained.

Su Mo said calmly: "It used to be, but it is not now, and it will never be the case in the future. It's just ten thousand innars. If you agree, I will continue to choose a commander-level slave. If you don't agree, then today's deal ends here. Until then, I’ll go check out other places.”

"Okay, okay, ten thousand is ten thousand."

Griman said quickly.

Ten thousand innars just allowed him to recoup the cost of purchasing Ming, which was not considered a loss.


Su Mo nodded calmly, but secretly, he wanted to laugh out loud.

Ming's two injuries may be difficult for others to solve, but it is not a problem for him at all!

Nowadays, his [Healing Holy Light] can regenerate severed limbs, and [Soul Healing Wind] can also cure Ming's soul sea problem.

In other words, he only spent 10,000 Innars to get a peak commander-level telekinesis master, which was a huge profit!

Griman, you are a good comrade~

After getting the Underworld, the remaining commander-level slaves don't matter, just pick the cheapest one.

He made a decision in his heart, but Su Mo still followed Griman and looked at each house one by one.

When he reached the last room, Su Mo was stunned for a moment.

There turned out to be a seven or eight-year-old little girl in the room, with red lips and white teeth, and a bun, lying on the bed and sleeping soundly.

"Such a young child is also at the commander level?" Su Mo asked with a frown.

Could it be that this girl, like Bobo, has the appearance of a child from childhood to old age?

"Yes, she is also at the commander level!" Griman nodded.

Su Mo asked again: "What is her profession? A martial artist? A person with superpowers?"


Griman hesitated, and finally said helplessly:

"To be honest, I don't know what her profession is. I only know that this little girl is extremely strong, comparable to a commander-level martial artist, but she doesn't have any strength in her body. She is just physically strong."

Hearing this, Su Mo's eyes flashed with surprise.

No matter what profession you are in, strength is essential, but it is called differently. The inner strength of the martial artist, the original power of the superpower, the magic power of the magician, the telepathy power of the telekinesis master, and the mechanical strength of the mechanic. These five These are collectively called vigor.

And this little girl, without any strength in her body, can make her body reach the leadership level. This... is really weird.

"what is her name?"



Su Mo stared at Hu Tao, her message appearing in his eyes.

[Character] Hutao (Swallowing Star Beast)


[Talent] Swallowing stars, internal space


Su Mo's pupils shrank.

The little girl in front of her was not a pure cosmic human race, but was transformed into a strange beast called the Star Swallowing Beast.

"Pooh, do you know about the Star Swallowing Beast?" Su Mo asked secretly.

"Star Eater?"

Pooh was surprised: "The Star-Eating Beast is an extremely powerful starry sky beast. It can swallow most materials to strengthen itself. When it reaches maturity, it can even swallow an entire planet. However, the Star-Eating Beast is really It’s so rare, there are only a few records in history. Master, how do you know?”

Su Mo took a deep breath and said, "Because the little girl in the room is the Star Swallowing Beast."


Pooh said categorically: "The Star Swallower is a large starry sky beast. When it was born, it was as big as an adult giant elephant. When it reaches the growth stage, its body length can even exceed one kilometer. How can it be in human form in the house?"

Su Mo took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Pooh, my judgment is absolutely correct. Hutao is the Star-Eating Beast."

For a moment, Pooh was silent.

After following Su Mo for so long, he knew that Su Mo had a magical ability, that is, he could see through a person's true information at a glance, including strength, abilities, or racial talents.

Since Su Mo is so sure, it means that the little girl in the room is most likely a star-devouring beast.

"Master, if it is really a star-swallowing beast, then you should be careful."

Pooh solemnly said: "Once the Star-Swallowing Beast has entered its mature stage, even the God King will be afraid of it, and even said that they will work together to kill it. After all, a mature Star-Swallowing Beast will bring great influence to the entire star field. Come disaster.”

"However, if you can subdue this star-devouring beast, she will be your greatest help."

"By the way, that's assuming you can afford to feed her. The appetite of the Star Eater is, well, I can only say it's quite terrifying."


The corners of Su Mo's eyes twitched. Thinking about it, a star-devouring beast that can eat planets as snacks would have a terrifying appetite~

I feel like my wallet can’t afford to support such a rich man~

"Customer, are you interested in walnuts?" Griman asked expectantly.

Hutao is the most special existence among all his commander-level slaves. She usually doesn't cry or fuss, and sleeps soundly. But once she wakes up and fails to deliver the food, this little girl can bring down the entire store.

Even if she threatens to detonate the chip bomb in her body, she will not stop.

Hutao stayed with him for three months. Not only did he not earn a penny, but he was asked to pay 10,000 innars for food.

Ten thousand innars, if all were bought with ordinary food, would be enough to feed hundreds of thousands of people for two months.

One can imagine how exaggerated this little girl's appetite is.

Therefore, he wished that Su Mo would buy this loser as soon as possible, so that he could be relieved.

The businessman who couldn't wait to sell the walnuts to him must have had this idea.

"How much?" Su Mo asked, looking at Hu Tao who was sleeping soundly.

Griman said decisively: "50,000 Innars."

"50,000 is too expensive."

Su Mo shook his head: "She doesn't have any strength, she's just physically strong. Her fighting method is too simple and she can easily be targeted. What's more, the fact that she has a physique comparable to that of a martial artist is just a one-sided statement from you."

"Don't worry about this!"

Griman vowed: "Wutao's physical strength can definitely reach the leadership level. How about you ask the Monlite people around you to compete with her?"

"No need~"

Su Mo waved his hand and said: "I am always interested in novel things. I bought walnuts, but the price cannot be too high. 40,000 innars, plus the previous Ming, I just made up 50,000. It’s my lucky number.”

Forty thousand~

Griman rolled his eyes. When he bought the walnut, he spent 8,000, plus 10,000 for food, the total cost was 18,000. If he sold it for 40,000, he could earn 22,000, which was actually not bad.

The most important thing is that I got rid of a big burden.

The longer the walnut is with him, the higher the cost of silence will be, and it will be bad luck if it falls into his hands.


Griman gritted his teeth and agreed to the price.

“A pleasure to work with.”

Su Mo stretched out his hand and raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Buying Ming for 10,000 yuan is a waste at best. After all, there must be a lot of commander-level Dark Moon slaves on the market, but the price is just a little higher.

But getting walnuts is equivalent to a mountain of gold falling from the sky.

He happened to encounter the extremely rare star-devouring beast in the universe. After vigorously cultivating it and establishing a good relationship with it, in the near future, he would have a god-king-level helper by his side.

Griman, you are really my lucky star~

Su Mo originally thought about going to other stores to take a look and compare shopping, but now he doesn't think about it at all.

Buy all the slaves you need from him.

This is just like a man shopping for clothes in a mall. As long as he finds something suitable in the first store, he will not look at other stores.

“A pleasure to work with.”

Grimman held Su Mo's hand with a smile on his face. The two most difficult-to-handle commander-level slaves were bought by Su Mo. This customer was simply a kind man.


The heavy alloy iron door opened.

Grimman and Su Mo walked into the room together.

"Wutao, wake up."

Griman patted Walnut.

Hutao opened his eyes drowsily, wiped the glistening saliva from the corner of his mouth, chirped, and said crisply: "Is it time to start dinner?"

Griman felt happy, pointed at Su Mo and said with a smile:

"From now on, he will take care of your food."

Hu Tao tilted her head and looked at Su Mo, her round eyes full of curiosity.

"Are you rich? I have a huge appetite and it's hard to feed me~"

Su Mo smiled and touched Hu Tao's little head, "It's not a lot of money, but it certainly won't starve you."

"Okay, then I'll go with you!"

Hutao jumped out of bed and stood next to Su Mo very naturally, as if she was willing to follow anyone who could make her eat well, without considering anything else.


Another alloy door opened.

"Ming, your new master is here." Gremain shouted.

Ming glanced at Su Mo indifferently, then stood up, with no emotion on his face, like a piece of eternal ice.

Seeing this, Su Mo just smiled and said nothing.

Back in the backyard, Su Mo asked: "Boss Grimman, how many Dark Moon slaves do you have here?"

Grimman checked the optical brain and gave the answer: "27 people, including 2 elites, and the rest are also extraordinary."

"Okay, then I'll buy all of these," Su Mo said.

Hearing this, Griman felt happy, and Ming's eyes also showed a trace of fluctuation.

"Besides that, if you bring all the elite level and below superpowers, I'll choose a few more."

His subordinates cannot all be martial arts masters, there must be some with super powers.

After all, superpowers have all kinds of strange abilities, and they can often be put to great use.

"no problem!"

Griman happily brought all the slaves with powers to the backyard, numbering thousands.

Su Mo checked them one by one and finally picked out more than 30 slaves with superpower potentials above level B, and one of them had a superpower potential of A.

In total, Su Mo paid a total of 210,000 innars, and by the way, he got 10 chefs and 40 mechanical engineers from Greiman. These were ordinary people and not worth a lot of money.

"Mr. Su Mo, the control terminal authority of all slaves has been given to you."

Griman smiled brightly: "If you come to me again to buy slaves in the future, I can give you a 10% discount."

Su Mo smiled: "Okay, I will definitely consider Boss Griman first."

After leading a group of slaves out of the trading house, Su Mo looked up at the sky, a coldness flashing in his eyes.

Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group, the war between us is about to begin!

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