Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 182 Conflict Slave Market, Shadow Clan and Ice Barbarians


There was a strange noise in the sky, and everyone in the Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group below immediately looked up.

"somebody is coming!"

Team leader Geluo frowned and said in a deep voice:

"Stop what you are doing."



Everyone threw their tools on the ground and gathered around Geluo.


The aircraft descended slowly and landed smoothly on the ground.

Soon, three people came out. The leader was a young-looking man in white. On the left and right stood a magician wearing a robe, and a burly man with green skin and exploding muscles.

"Bosses, I'll leave first."

Seeing that the momentum was not right, the driver quickly started the engine and took off after saying a few words.

Pieces of fiery red maple leaves were rolled up by the airflow, spinning and flying, like fire elves, passionate and fiery. However, the atmosphere at the scene at this moment was completely opposite to it.

"who are you?"

Geluo said coldly, his eyes mainly focused on Mondo, and he was secretly vigilant.

Monlite, the darling of all major arenas, is a natural master of close combat.

It seems that the visitor is not a good person~

Su Mo did not answer his question, but glanced at the ghost wolf head logo on the chests of these people, and said calmly:

"Are you from the Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group?"

"Fuck, our captain is asking you something! Are you fucking deaf?"

Before Geluo said anything, the younger brother on the side couldn't help it anymore. Damn it, what a blind cat or dead dog, how dare you show off in front of our Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group.

Don’t you know whose territory this is?


Su Mo lowered his eyes and said, "Tear off his mouth."

As soon as he finished speaking, a green figure rushed out, and the moment his footsteps hit the ground, there was even a sonic boom.

not good!

Geluo's pupils shrank, and just as his body was about to react, he saw the Monlite man standing in front of his younger brother. He grabbed his cheek with his thick hands, and then pulled hard.


There was a sound of tearing cloth.

Everyone looked at it intently, and their scalps instantly became numb.

I saw that a large area of ​​the boy's cheek had been torn off, leaving less than half of the entire face, with irregular edges and white bones clearly visible.

Just looking at it, you can feel a suffocating pain.


The younger brother bent down and screamed like a ghost. His red and white facial tissue squirmed, looking extremely scary.


The two pieces of shame were thrown in front of Gokro. Mundo looked at him condescendingly, with a hint of violence in his pupils, which made Gokrow's whole body tremble.

He is the captain of the Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group and a peak elite martial artist. However, in front of the terrifying speed that his opponent just burst out, he did not even have time to react. This shows that the Monlite in front of him is definitely—— A powerful leader!

A leader-level warrior could easily kill an entire team of them.

Therefore, Gokluo didn't dare to say a word, for fear that Mundo would tear his mouth off as well.

The other members of the Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group also realized this and kept silent, looking pitifully at their wailing companions.


Su Mo snorted coldly, and a ball of light flew out from his fingertips, hitting the younger brother's head accurately, knocking him out immediately.

Tsk, tsk, so cruel~

Mercedes next to him sighed secretly.

After being in contact with him for half a day, Su Mo's first impression of him was that of gentleness and magnanimity. No matter whether he faced his two deceptions and ran away, or the contempt of the mercenary groups in Theresa Manor, he never seemed to be angry, and always looked very polite. A bland look.

However, the decisiveness and ruthlessness that Su Mo showed just now completely changed his previous judgment.

Su Mo is not a good gentleman. When facing a real enemy, his thunderous skills are enough to make anyone afraid.

Bang bang bang~~

The footsteps stepped on the fallen leaves, making a crisp sound. At this moment, for the members of the Ghost Wolf Mercenary, the footsteps were like the drums of death, beating in their hearts, making them almost suffocated.

Su Mo walked around the bare area and finally stopped next to the heavy machinery vehicle. Looking at the tall red maple trunks on the truck, a chill appeared in his eyes.

"How many red maple trees have you harvested in total over the years?"

Su Mo asked coldly.

Geluo swallowed his saliva and said nervously:

"Probably...well, hundreds of thousands of trees."

Hundreds of thousands~

Su Mo's eyes became even colder. He turned around, looked at Geluo and all the members of the Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group, and said coldly:

"Go back and tell Ghost Wolf that starting from today, Hong Maple Ridge has a new owner. I will make him spit out all the resources he has poached from Hong Maple Ridge over the years."

What, he is the new lord of Hongmaple Ridge!

Geluo and all the members were shocked.

There has been no owner here for three years since the last lord of Hongmaple Ridge was squeezed out by them. They are used to treating this place as their back garden and enjoying all the resources here for free.

Who would have thought that just today, Hongmaple Ridge would welcome new lords, and as soon as they came up, they would treat them so toughly.

Could it be that he doesn't know the strength of the Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group?

In other words, he is not afraid of being against us at all.

"Get lost!"

Su Mo said coldly.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Geluo asked someone to pick up the unconscious boy, and then led a group of team members to rush into the car.

Before leaving, they did not forget to unload all the red maple trees from the car, and then left in despair.

After the people from the Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group left, Mercedes was amazed:

"Captain, I really didn't expect your attitude to be so tough. Aren't you afraid of incurring the revenge of the Ghost Wolf? It seems that the current Holy Light Mercenary Group is not their opponent yet."

Su Mo shook his head: "I didn't expect that there would be a conflict with the Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group so early, but the other party has already bullied me and moved my family property away. Can I still be a coward? "

"Then what should we do next?"

Merced asked: "Only you two are going to go head-to-head with the Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group? Let me make it clear first that I am a consultant and not responsible for fighting."

Su Mo pondered for a moment and said helplessly:

"Oh, I originally planned to take a look around the territory first, but now it's too late. Lao Mei, where can I buy high-quality slave warriors?"

The territory of the Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group is close to the Red Maple Ridge. It would probably take less than half an hour to come after receiving the notice.

After all, the transportation on Zatanvi is extremely fast.

In such a short period of time, the only way to greatly increase the strength of the Holy Light Mercenary Group and to be able to fight against the Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group is to purchase a group of slave warriors.

Fortunately, it didn't cost him much to rent Hong Maple Ridge, and he still has more than 300,000 innars in his account.

According to the market conditions of the slave market, the price of a commander-level slave is roughly between 20,000 and 100,000, and the price of an elite-level slave is about 3,000 to 10,000. The price of a slave below the elite level is even cheaper.

There are countless colonized planets in the universe. Most of the talents and warriors on those colonial planets have become slaves. In addition, frequent wars and regime changes will also give birth to a large number of slaves.

Therefore, the supply in the slave market is obviously greater than the demand, and the price is always stable within a reasonable range.

This is of course a good thing for Su Mo.

300,000 Inar was enough for him to put together a team with good combat effectiveness.

Of course, you can’t spend all the money. At least tens of thousands of dollars must be left behind, otherwise these people will eat and drink whatever they want~

You can't chew the bark of a red maple tree.

Merced: "There are two largest slave markets on Zatanvi. The first one is located in the main city of the Burning Legion. The Burning Legion started out as a colonizer and naturally has many slaves. The other one is located in the Merchant City. In the City of Soldiers, all famous slave traders will set up bases there.”

"Which one is the most convenient to go to?" Su Mo asked directly.

"That's still the city of mercenaries! Just take the super long-distance teleportation array back."

"Then let's go!"

Su Mo contacted the previous pilot again, and soon the other pilot drove the aircraft back to the Red Maple Forest and took the three of them to the teleportation array.

After spending 1,000 inal to go through the VIP channel, Su Mo returned here less than 3 hours after leaving the mercenary city.

At the same time, Geluo and others drove back to the headquarters of the Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group and told the senior management what had just happened.

"Is there a new lord in Hongmaple Ridge?"

After learning the news, "Ghost Wolf" Wodav frowned and quickly asked someone to check the latest situation of Maple Ridge on the government affairs platform. Soon, the information about the new lord was presented to him.

"The Holy Light Mercenary Group just registered today. There are only two people in total."

Ghost Wolf laughed angrily, "I thought it was a dragon crossing the river, but I didn't expect it to be this powerful."

After seeing the information about the Holy Light Mercenary Group, the other captains were also angry.

A commander-level or elite-level person dares to provoke our Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group?

Where did this idiot come from? Have you not checked how many people there are in the Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group?

"Boss, how about I bring a few brothers, capture these three people, and cook them up." The deputy leader showed a cruel look, "A team of just two people can rent Hongmaple Ridge for more than 200,000 yuan. This What a good fat sheep he is~"


Ghost Wolf shook his head and said: "Hongfeng Ridge is so big, if they deliberately hide, will they be able to find them?"

"You can lead the team, but if you want to call on half of the brothers, you must find them for me."

"Boss, what if they run away?"

another asked.

"Run? Then smash all the buildings in Hongmaple Ridge and stay there all day and night. I want to see if I can force them out."

Ghost Wolf sneered: "If you want to occupy Hongmaple Ridge, have you asked me about the Ghost Wolf Mercenary Group?"

Hearing this, everyone present smiled cruelly.


"The slave market has arrived!"

The slave market of the Mercenary City is located on the outskirts of the city. It covers a huge area. Looking at the sea of ​​people, the largest slave market in the Chaotic Star Territory is here.

"Come and take a look, we are full of beauties here."

As soon as he entered the market gate, Su Mo heard loud shouts.

Taking a closer look, a large group of beautiful women were dancing extremely seductively on the stage. They were of all races, including fair-skinned forest elves, cute and charming cat-eared girls, and seductive snake girls... Take out each one, They are all beauties who captivate the whole country.

"Captain, why don't you buy some beauties? They are very cheap, only one or two hundred innars."

Mercedes' eyes were narrow and narrow. Young men probably couldn't resist the temptation of beauty.

Su Mo shook his head, "No."

To say that you are not moved at all after seeing these beauties would be nonsense.

Which man doesn’t want to embrace and experience the beauties of all races?

But when he thought that Han Jia was at Tianyuan Star, waiting anxiously and worriedly for his return, he had no intention of flirting with women.

Seeing Su Mo's decisive refusal, Mercedes couldn't help but be surprised, but at the same time, his evaluation of Su Mo was even higher.

A man who can resist the temptation of beautiful women is quite rare~

"Sir, do you three want to buy slaves?"

At this moment, a young man who looked very smart walked up to Su Mo and asked politely.

"Yes!" Su Mo nodded.

The young man said eagerly: "Sir, my name is Charlie. I am a broker in the slave market. I have been working here for almost ten years and I know the situation of every shop quite well. If you want to quickly find a slave that meets your needs, I can Let me introduce you."

"How much does it cost?" Su Mo asked.

"30 inal."


Su Mo nodded in agreement. In order to save time, it was appropriate to spend a little money.

"Thank you, sir."

Charlie didn't expect Su Mo to agree so readily. He was both surprised and excited.

Judging from Su Mo's posture, it was obvious that he came with a purpose. This kind of customer is usually very generous.

As a broker, the introduction fee is only a small amount of money, and his main source of income is the commission rebate after introducing the transaction.

Meeting such a potential big customer naturally made him feel wonderful.

"Charlie, before I officially hire you, I want to remind you."

Su Mo said calmly: "I have a very poisonous vision. If I find that the store you introduced is of poor quality or does not meet my needs, your end will not be good."

Hearing this, Charlie hurriedly patted his chest and assured: "Sir, don't worry, I have been working in the slave market for almost ten years. If the situation you mentioned really happened, then you will definitely not see me today. "

Seeing Charlie's sincere attitude, Su Mo nodded and said, "Do you want to pay your fees now?"


Charlie shook his head and said: "When you buy the slave you want and are satisfied with my work, it is not too late to pay."

"Sir, what kind of slave do you want? A warrior, a beauty, a housekeeper, a financial officer, an engineer? I can help you find all types."

Su Mo said seriously: "I need a group of extraordinary warriors."

Extraordinary ones, big business is coming~

Charlie was excited inside, but remained calm in his tone:

"Sir, there are many types of extraordinary beings. Among them, martial arts masters are the cheapest, followed by superpowers. Telekinesis masters and magicians are more expensive. As for mechanics, they are relatively rare and rarely appear on the market. Which one do you need? kind?"

"Mainly martial arts masters and superpower users. In addition, I want to buy a commander-level telekinesis master."

Su Mo responded.

He is not particularly rich now, so he wants to buy some slightly cheaper martial arts masters and psychics.

As for the commander-level telekinesis master, he made this request considering that he currently lacks a mental tempering method.

Magicians and mechanics are the best if they are suitable. If they are not suitable, I will not force them for the time being.

Anyway, he already has Lao Mei, a commander-level space magician, and Pooh, who can be treated as a mechanic.

Charlie asked again: "Sir, what style of martial artist do you want, a sensitive and explosive type, or a power and defense type? What are your requirements for strength?"

"Both styles are required, and the combat power is no less than elite level." Su Mo said.

Charlie thought for a while and said: "Sir, I recommend two races to you to see if you are interested. The Shadow Clan is proficient in the shadow martial arts style. They can integrate themselves with the shadows and become the deadliest killers in the night. , fast and explosive.”

This sounds good~

Su Mo raised his eyebrows slightly. Every force cannot lack such subordinates who deal with darkness. They can do some reconnaissance, intelligence, assassination and other work.

Seeing Su Mo's interested expression, Charlie said in a brisk tone: "The second race, the ice barbarians, grew up on the polar planet in a harsh environment, but it helped them develop a strong body and are good at ice martial arts."

"Actually, if you only look at the two items of strength and defense, the Giant Rock Clan is the most suitable. Their bodies are as hard as rocks, and coupled with the martial arts flame protection, almost no one at the same level can break their defense, and in terms of strength, It is better than them, but the shortcomings of the giant rock clan are also obvious, that is, they are too bulky and can easily become targets of the enemy."

"Although the Ice Barbarians are inferior to the Giant Rock Tribe in terms of strength and defense, they have no shortcomings and their physique is considered top-notch among thousands of races. That's why I recommend them to you."

"If you have a large demand for slaves, I suggest you buy more of the same race. This way you can enjoy the discount, and at the same time, these slaves can warm each other up and integrate better into your command."

"Well, your suggestion is good."

Su Mo nodded slightly. Just now he asked Pooh to check several races mentioned by Charlie. The information was consistent and there was no deliberate exaggeration.

"Let's go, where can I buy slaves of these two races?" Su Mo waved.

Charlie said enthusiastically: "Follow me!"

Ten minutes later~

"Boss Griman, I'm here to introduce you to business."

As soon as he entered the door, Charlie shouted loudly.

"Charlie, it's your boy~"

The big-nosed Griman came out of the back room with messy hair and the smell of alcohol in his mouth. It was obvious that he had drank a lot just now.

"Boss Grimman, this gentleman wants to see the martial arts masters of the Shadow Clan and the Ice Barbarian Clan. He wants elite level strength."


Upon hearing this, the drunkenness in Griman's eyes immediately disappeared, replaced by a shrewd look.

Elite slaves are indeed a big deal.

"Customer, please come with me."

Grimman took Su Mo to the backyard. Under his order, more than 20 Shadow Clan slaves were soon brought up.

These Shadow Clan are all dressed in black and half-masked, only revealing their cold and sharp eyes. They are not too tall and have a slightly thin body, but just by looking at their temperament, you can tell that they are a group of assassins walking in the dark.

"Customer, these Shadow Clan are all elite martial arts masters." Griman introduced with a smile.

Su Mo nodded, walked behind the Shadow Clan one by one, and patted their shoulders lightly.

Seeing this, Griman said nothing.

Many of the customers he encountered had quirks, such as skin requirements, which required stripping and inspection, no wounds, or the smell of slaves.

The most outrageous thing was that a certain male goblin had to have sex with each of them before buying them, saying that he wanted to test the quality of the slaves.

The key is, it doesn't matter if he is buying a beautiful woman, he is buying a bodyguard, and a bodyguard of the same sex.

It's so outrageous that his mother opened the door to outrageous people. It's outrageous.

Therefore, he didn't think there was anything wrong with Su Mo just patting him on the shoulder.


A light needle of thin hair gently penetrated the Shadow Clan's skin, and the [Eye of Insight] presented his information.

【Character】Ying Feng


[Talent] Shadow Affinity

Su Mo walked quietly behind the next person, and used this method to check the information of this group of Shadow Clan one by one.

There are more than 20 Shadow Clan slaves, all of whom are elite martial arts masters, with varying strengths and weaknesses. However, not all of them have the talent of [Shadow Affinity].

There are only 5 people with this talent.

One C+, three C grades, and one C-.

Su Mo wrote down the numbers on the chests of these people, then walked up to Griman and said:

"I want to meet the so-called shadow martial arts style and let him compete with my men."

Su Mo seemed to point at it casually, but in fact, he was pointing at Ying Feng, whom he liked most.

"no problem."

Greiman readily agreed: "On the 27th, you spar with this one, while the others stay back."

Hearing this, the Shadow Clan slaves obediently retreated to the rear, leaving only Shadow Feng standing silently in the middle of the backyard.

"Mundo, be careful when fighting him."

Su Mo patted Mondo's arm.


Meng Duo responded with a loud voice and took a few steps forward.

Griman threw a dagger to Ying Feng and stood beside Su Mo with a smile.

Since customers have made these requests, it means that their purchasing intentions are relatively clear.

There is a high probability that this business will be completed.

After receiving the dagger, Ying Feng's body immediately squatted down, his back slightly bent, and his posture looked a bit strange.

"Let's get started~" Su Mo said calmly.


As soon as he finished speaking, Ying Feng turned into a black smoke and disappeared suddenly.

When he reappeared, he actually emerged from the shadow behind Mondo. The dagger wrapped in black flames stabbed Mondo's spine like a bloodthirsty snake.

Hey, isn’t this really a superpower?

Su Mo's eyes opened slightly, and it was hard to imagine that such a mysterious and unpredictable method came from a martial artist.

There are indeed many wonders in the world.

Shadow clan, shadow martial arts style, interesting.


The dagger stabbed Mondo's back. However, Ying Feng discovered that what he stabbed was not the skin, but more like a steel plate. It could not penetrate at all, but instead shocked his hand.

Without hesitation, Ying Feng gave full play to the assassin's spirit of missing a single hit and escaping thousands of miles away, and immediately turned into black smoke and dodged into the shadows on the side.

Next, Shadow Edge flickered back and forth around Mundo to attack, like a ghost, but unfortunately it could not break through Mundo's defense.

And even though Mondo deliberately stopped his hand, he couldn't catch Shadow Feng.

Just like that, after several rounds of fighting, Su Mo called a timeout.

"Customer, can the Shadow Clan catch your eye?" Griman said with a smile.

Su Mo smiled lightly and said: "Don't worry, I'll take a look at another race first, the ice barbarians."

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