Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 151 Mechanical Tianxin Alien Civilization

"The abnormal sound just now came from the testing of new weapons. Don't worry."

The announcer's voice sounded in the underground base.

"It turns out to be a new type of weapon. It scared me~"

"The movement is quite loud~"

Upon hearing this, the executives breathed a sigh of relief and returned to their respective rooms.

In the room, Amethyst Supreme looked at Su Mo and said:

"Su Mo, since you have become the Supreme, there is someone you must meet."

Su Mo opened his eyes slightly, as if he had guessed the identity of this person, and asked tentatively: "Leader of Wildfire?"

"That's right!"

Amethyst Supreme smiled and nodded: "It is the leader."

The leader is obsessed with scientific research and manages the daily affairs of Wildfire flawlessly, so a lot of power is handed over to him and other senior officials.

However, every senior executive at Wildfire knew very well that the person who brought Wildfire step by step to the dominant position on the continent was not the Supreme or the God of War, but the genius scientist who stayed in the underground laboratory for many years and created countless scientific miracles. .

Weapons, energy, communications, chemical industry...

Breakthroughs in science and technology are the core factor behind the rapid development of wildfires.

Any document involving major matters, even if the top management unanimously agrees, will be handed over to the leader for final decision.

Now, Su Mo has broken through to the Supreme. This is something that can affect the entire continent. Naturally, the leader must know about it immediately.


Su Mo's eyes lit up. He had long wanted to meet this legendary genius scientist.

I have to go see the leader~

The members of the Hell Team on the side were extremely envious. Even though they were all top second generation, so far, only Caroline had been lucky enough to meet the leader, and the others were not even qualified to enter the underground research institute.

"Let's go!"

Amethyst Supreme arranged a car to carry Su Mo and Wufeng War God, and the three of them went to the most mysterious and heavily guarded place in the main city of Wildfire.

Underground Experimental Base No. 1.


We took the elevator all the way down and it took five minutes before the elevator stopped.

The elevator door opened, and what came into view was a hall with a strong sci-fi flavor. The densely packed electronic screens were filled with all kinds of incomprehensible data. Hundreds of scientific researchers in white uniforms were walking around and communicating in the hall. , or focus on data analysis.

When they saw the arrival of Amethyst Supreme and Martial God of War, only a small number of people bowed slightly to them, and then went about their own business.

Su Mo looked around, just like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, full of curiosity, staring at the electronic screens.

However, at a level where he could barely pass high math by relying on his sympathy points, the data on the electronic screen was like a bible to him, and the hyphens represented nothing.

"I feel like my intelligence has been seriously insulted." Su Mo slapped his mouth.

A person cannot be handsome, strong, and smart, which is really against the harmony of nature.

After comforting himself, Su Mo followed closely behind Amethyst Supreme and walked into a room.

There was only one young and handsome man in the room, wearing the same white scientific research uniform. His pair of star-like eyes were particularly eye-catching. From these eyes, one could see endless wisdom and truth, which made one unable to help but be intoxicated. .

"Hello Su Mo, this is the first time we meet. I am Xiao Chongyuan, the dean of the Wildfire Research Institute."

Xiao Zhongyuan stretched out his hand and smiled slightly, his voice was magnetic and had a strange charm.

"Be a good leader!"

Su Mo quickly held Xiao Zhongyuan's hand. At the same time, the information that appeared in his eyes made waves in his heart.

【Character】Xiao Chongyuan

[Ability] Mechanical Tianxin

Mechanical Tianxin: Possessing innate strong understanding and creativity of knowledge in various fields of machinery (including energy, materials, virtual technology, etc.). When the knowledge is advanced, its own mechanical power will be enhanced simultaneously, and all mechanical weapons will damage *1.4.

"Dear me, no wonder you are a genius scientist."

Su Mo was surprised. This was the first time he saw ability in an ordinary person.

Mechanical Tianxin has innate understanding and creativity for knowledge in various fields of machinery. This sentence is easy to understand and can only be understood in two words - smart.

But what is mechanical power?

Could it be said that besides martial arts masters and superpowers, there are other cultivation systems?

"We are about the same age, just call me Zhongyuan."

Xiao Zhongyuan has a gentle smile, and he doesn't have the airs of a powerful leader at all. He is like a bookish scientific researcher, which makes people feel friendly.


Wildfires never stop, rebuild your home.

Maybe this is the origin of his name~

Su Mo thought for a while, nodded and said: "Okay, take... Zhongyuan."

Since the leader has said so, he will call him Zhongyuan in private. As for outside occasions, he will still call him leader like Amethyst Supreme and Wufeng God of War.

"Su Mo, congratulations on breaking through to the supreme level."

Xiao Chongyuan smiled and said, "Supreme, who is less than 20 years old, you are the most talented extraordinary person I have ever seen."

Su Mo said modestly, "I can't get here without the help and support of Wildfire. Without Wildfire, I might have died in the wild when I was 7 years old."

Hearing this, Xiao Chongyuan smiled, and then a hint of apology appeared on his face: "Su Mo, Grandpa Chalmers did something wrong some time ago, and it really hurt you. However, Grandpa Chalmers is a veteran of Wildfire. For many years, you have always protected my grandfather, my father, and me, so I want to apologize to you on his behalf. I'm sorry."

These words were spoken sincerely, and a sincere apology can be heard in them.

Forget it, for the sake of the leader, let this old guy go.

Su Mo shook his head secretly, then patted his chest and said with a smile: "I have a big heart, so I won't take things in the past seriously."


Hearing these words, Wu Feng War God and Amethyst Supreme showed a subtle smile at the same time.

The two of them knew very well who Hiro was killed by.

After months of careful preparation to assassinate the second son of the Life Consortium in the federal capital, if this can be called big-hearted, then there will be no stingy people in the world.

However, Xiao Chongyuan didn't know this. He only felt that Su Mo was indeed a very magnanimous person, with a smile on his face.

Didi didi~

At this moment, the doorbell rang quickly in the room.

Xiao Zhongyuan frowned slightly, took out a controller from the pocket of his white uniform, and pressed a certain button.


The thick steel door slowly opened, and a researcher wearing black-rimmed glasses and a strong academic aura walked in quickly, holding a tablet in his hand and looking panicked.

"Dean, Supreme, God of War, a major anomaly occurred near the Bailing Sea. This is a picture captured by our high-altitude satellite."

The researcher stood the tablet in front of several people and clicked the play button.

Huge waves arose on the vast and boundless sea. The waves were hundreds of meters high. The violent tornado headed north. The ocean vortex was like a bottomless mouth, swallowing countless creatures.

The most surprising thing is that in the video, you can actually see some mechanical debris. These debris have strange shapes and do not look like products designed by humans on Tianyuan Planet.

"This is……"

Xiao Zhongyuan enlarged the video screen and stared at the mechanical wreckage, his eyes flashing with various emotions such as doubt, surprise, and excitement.

"How many!"

Xiao Zhongyuan suddenly turned around and looked at Amethyst Supreme, Martial God of War and Su Mo, with a serious tone and unconcealable excitement:

"I hope to send someone to carefully investigate the situation here, and if possible, bring back some of the mechanical debris. I am sure that these machines are alien products."

What! ! !

Hearing this, the three of them were shocked.

Alien product?

Doesn't this mean that there are aliens in Tianyuan Star?

"I'll go!"

The God of War, Wu Feng, volunteered, "I am a martial artist. It will be safer to deal with complex and unfamiliar environments."

Now no one can guarantee whether these aliens are still alive, and if so, whether they are hostile to humans.

Compared to those with superpowers, martial arts practitioners are thicker-skinned, have stronger survivability, and are more suitable for exploring certain dangerous places.

The most important thing is that he is already old. Even if there is an accident, it will not have much impact on Wildfire. As for the other two people, one is the current leader of Wildfire and the other is the most outstanding genius of Wildfire. , no one can afford to lose.

As for other weaker executive officers, they may not even be able to deal with tsunamis and whirlpools, let alone possible aliens.

"Martial God of War, I'll do it!"

Su Mo held Wu Feng's shoulders and said seriously: "Compared to you, I have more life-saving means. I have a shield, a treatment, and I can fly. If there is an emergency, I will fly away as soon as possible." of."

Whether it is combat power or survivability, he far surpasses the God of War in Wufeng.

[Holy Light of Healing] increases blood, [Guardian of Holy Light] increases shield, [Hymn of Courage] + [Light of Resurgence] unlimited battery life

In addition, there is the acceleration of [Divine Light Feather], the damage reduction and anti-damage of [Thorns Anti-Armor], and the flying ability of [Angel Wings].

Even if he does encounter troublesome aliens, he is confident that he can escape safely.

Unless the other party is already so powerful that it cannot be solved.

However, if that's the case, it won't make any difference if you go early and go late.

"I'd better go!"

Wu Feng God of War shook his head. He was still worried about Su Mo. After all, what he had to face this time was a completely unfamiliar alien. At this time, of course, the old guy had to go first and leave hope to the young people.

"Teacher Wu Feng!"

At this time, Amethyst Supreme said, "Let Su Mo go. Su Mo is right. His ability to survive and save his life is stronger than any of us."

From a rational analysis, Su Mo is indeed the most suitable candidate. His physique is not inferior to that of a peak war god, and he also has life-saving means, making it easier to escape when encountering danger.

He understood what Teacher Wu Feng was thinking, but at this time, he was more willing to believe Su Mo.

This young man has created miracles again and again. I believe that this time, the danger before him will not be able to stop him.

"But..." Wu Feng War God is still worried.

But Su Mo said categorically: "Martial God of War, please believe me."

After speaking, he said directly: "Prepare a diving suit for me and set off now."


Xiao Zhongyuan put his hand on Su Mo's shoulder, his eyes bright, "If the situation is dangerous, you must ensure your own safety first."

Su Mo nodded heavily: "Yes!"


Over the Bailing Sea, a blue meteor streaked across the sky.

"Executive Officer Su Mo, the wind and waves ahead are too strong and the plane cannot move forward any further."

Inside the Phantom fighter, the pilot turned his head and said to the co-pilot Su Mo.

"Okay, open the hatch and find a safe place to land first."

Su Mo unbuckled his seat belt, stood up, and came to the cabin.

At this time, he was wearing a black tight-fitting diving suit, a pair of diving goggles, and a tube in his mouth connected to a block device on his waist.

This device can quickly electrolyze seawater and produce oxygen. The battery inside can ensure that the device runs for three days and three nights without having to worry about running out of oxygen.


As soon as the cabin door opened, a roaring wave of air hit us.

A light shield emerged, blocking the strong wind. Su Mo made a diving leap and rushed straight towards the sea below.


The body plunged into the water and white sea foam rolled up.

After stabilizing his body, Su Mo swam toward the center of the vision at an extremely fast speed like a swordfish.

Along the way, he saw countless swimming fish passing by in panic, as if there were some monsters chasing behind them.

He didn't stop and continued swimming forward.

Soon, we arrived at the center of the sea phenomenon.

The whirlpool and tsunami at this time seemed not as violent as before, but there were still undercurrents pulling him towards the center of the whirlpool.

Su Mo did not struggle, but followed the undercurrent and approached the vortex. As the distance got closer, he finally saw the mechanical wreckage in the video.

A giant robot seven or eight meters tall without a head, a strangely shaped incomplete fort, and only half of a silver-white gun barrel with a diameter of one meter.

"This is……"

Through the camera in front of Su Mo, Xiao Chongyuan, Amethyst Supreme and Wu Feng from the Underground Research Institute also clearly saw the close-up appearance of these wreckage.

At this moment, they were even more certain that these mechanical debris definitely came from an alien planet.

"Su Mo, be careful!"

Xiao Zhongyuan's voice came through the miniature earphones. Su Mo hummed softly and continued to swim deeper.

Gradually, he saw more and more mechanical wreckage, like a mechanical cemetery covering the entire sea area. The machinery had various shapes, but they all had one thing in common, that is, they were severely damaged and none of them was complete.

"What exactly happened here? Are the aliens still alive?"

Su Mo's eyes were solemn and his actions became more cautious.

Avoid the vortex and go all the way down.

At this time, in the deepest part of the seabed, the densely packed mechanical debris began to shake, and then, a square hatch ten meters high and ten meters wide was revealed.

This is a silver-white hatch, cold and simple, without a trace of rust.

Suddenly, a dazzling light burst out from the cabin door, penetrating several hundred meters and shining on Su Mo when he was caught off guard.

In the underground research institute, Xiao Chongyuan and the others were staring at the video. Suddenly, the screen was filled with bright light, and then suddenly interrupted.


In an instant, the expressions of several people changed drastically.

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