Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 150 First experience with new skills

"Teacher, are you...?"

Caroline looked at Amethyst Supreme in confusion. What could have happened that could make the usually calm and calm teacher show such an expression?

Wu Yao, Meng Shi, Xiao Jie, and Victor also looked at the two of them in confusion, their thoughts changing.

what's the situation?

Amethyst Supreme and Wufeng God of War looked at each other and saw the affirmation in each other's eyes. He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice:

"Someone has broken through to the Supreme!"

Someone breaks through to supreme?

How can this be...

Suddenly, Caroline and others woke up, opened their eyes suddenly, and said in a voiceless voice: "Su Mo!!!"

Recalling that Su Mo had just brought the top body strengthening potion to the next room, and the direction the Supreme and the God of War were looking at at the same time, there is no doubt that the person who can break through the Supreme can only be Su Mo.

Supreme level, the supreme level for people under 20 years old.

The members of Hellfire felt in a trance, like a dream.

You know, when Su Mo first joined the Hellfire Team, he was just a master-level superpower user. Now, just a few months later, he has broken through to the supreme level?

This is too exaggerated~

"Su Mo~"

At this moment, Amethyst Supreme's eyes were still full of surprise and shock.

With Su Mo's talent, promotion to Supreme was definitely a certainty, but he never thought that this time would come so quickly.

It only took less than three years from awakening to become supreme. I can't imagine how far Su Mo would have grown if he had been given another three years.

He once believed that only one person in the world could hope to overcome the shackles that plagued countless geniuses and break through to the supreme level.

This person is Han Jia.

Han Jia's special ability [Flame of Judgment] can increase her Force power by killing criminals.

With this kind of domineering and evil superpower mechanism, and adding the lives of a large number of criminals, there may be hope to break through that natural chasm.

As for Su Mo, although his talent is very high, it still falls within the normal range of superpowers, and the possibility is almost zero.

Now it seems that he underestimated Su Mo too much.

"It's so scary~"

Wu Feng War God shook his head and sighed deeply.

A physique comparable to the God of War, supreme level of force and mental power, plus a variety of superpower changes.

Today's Su Mo really has no weaknesses.

The most terrifying thing is that he is not even 20 years old~

Didi didi~

Outside the door, the sound of pressing the password sounded.

With a creaking sound, the iron door opened and Su Mo walked in.


Wu Yao and others rushed forward, staring at Su Mo, and asked: "Have you been promoted to Supreme?"

Su Mo raised his eyebrows and said in surprise: "Hey, how do you know?"

"Damn it! You are really at the supreme level!"

Wu Yao jumped up and couldn't believe it: "Damn, what kind of monster are you!"

"Beast~" Victor sighed.



Su Mo: "..."

Shaking his head, Su Mo looked at the Amethyst Supreme and the Martial Wind God of War, bowed slightly and said:

"Thank you to the Supreme and the God of War for your help. Su Mo has successfully broken through to the Supreme level."

Without the support and guidance of Amethyst Supreme, and without the top-level body-strengthening potions promised to him by the God of War, it would have been impossible for him to break through to the Supreme level at this point in time.

Therefore, even if his own strength is not inferior, Su Mo will still have great respect for these two.

Seeing Su Mo's respectful attitude and sincere eyes, Amethyst Supreme and Martial God of War couldn't help but smile.

"Su Mo, congratulations!" Amethyst Supreme smiled and said in a gentle tone. In any case, Su Mo has become a strong man on the same level as himself. He cannot deliberately act like a senior because of Su Mo's humility and respect. Or the attitude of the boss.

"Su Mo, congratulations!" Wu Feng War God laughed.

"Thank you both!" Su Mo bowed slightly again, and then said with some embarrassment: "Sovereign, God of War, I have a merciless request."

"Are you looking for someone to practice your skills with?" Wu Feng God of War immediately guessed Su Mo's thoughts and said with a smile.

Su Mo scratched his head and said with a smile: "Yes!"

"Come on, I'll fight with you!"

Wufeng God of War took the initiative to suggest that when he first broke through to the God of War level, he couldn't help but come to challenge Chalmers immediately. Although he was beaten up, the freshness and excitement when he had just broken through to the God of War level are still unforgettable. .

After Amethyst and Luo Tang broke through to the Supreme and God of War, he was also the target of their first battle. He had quite a lot of experience in helping the new God of War and the Supreme to familiarize themselves with their abilities.

In addition, he also wanted to see what it would be like to fight with a god-of-war physique and supreme force power.

"Thank you~"

Su Mo grinned. Wu Feng War God is a C+ level martial artist, which is the peak of the God of War. He has thick skin and thick flesh, and he is a melee fighter. He can perfectly trigger the effect of [Thorns Anti-Armor]. He is simply the most perfect target. Bah, training. object.

Hearing that Wu Feng God of War was going to compete with Su Mo, Wu Yao, Caroline and others showed excitement and anticipation. They immediately vacated the middle seats and stood in the corner of the room.

"Martial God of War, please don't hold back." Su Mo said seriously.

"Okay!" Wu Feng said with a heroic smile, "Then you have to be careful!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wu Feng activated instantly.


The red figure attacked and hit Su Mo's head with a fierce and unforgiving flaming fist.

Wu Feng didn't hold back at all with this punch and completely treated Su Mo as a real enemy.

"Well done!"

Su Mo shouted loudly, and the golden light from his right fist flashed. He did not use any skills, just a simple punch, condensing the powerful force, and blasted out.

boom! ! !

The fists collided, and sparks and light fragments exploded, like a brilliant fireworks display.

Wu Feng remained motionless, while Su Mo took six steps back.

It was obvious that Su Mo was at a disadvantage in the confrontation just now.

Su Mo was not disappointed with this result, and was even deeply confused.

The power of the Martial Wind God of War was much weaker than he imagined.

Currently, the level of strange power is LV4 - 193/500, which is less than half. He originally thought that his physical strength was roughly comparable to that of a martial artist in the middle stage of the God of War. Compared with the peak God of War, there must be a big gap.

But through the duel just now, he discovered that his strength was not much worse than that of Wu Feng War God.

It is even said that it is very likely that they will be evenly matched.

You must know that martial arts masters are good at using their energy and can use advanced martial arts to explode their own strength several times. In contrast, superpowers lack the means in this regard and mostly use their own abilities to change their attack methods. Difficult to guard against.

But just now, Wu Feng God of War fired a fierce fire punch, but he simply concentrated his force to block it, and in the end, he only took a few steps back.

Unless Wu Feng War God deliberately withholds his hand, otherwise...

Maybe he really underestimated his own strength, or in other words, underestimated his strange power!

"What a powerful force!"

Wufeng God of War was shocked in his heart. He could feel that Su Mo just lost in the technique of exerting force, but in terms of strength alone, it was not much worse than him, the peak God of War.

A newly promoted supreme-level superpower has a physique comparable to that of a peak war god. What kind of monster is this?

"Martial God of War, you have to be careful!"

Su Mo said solemnly, he asked Wu Feng War God to go all out, and of course he had to use all his methods, otherwise, it would be disrespect for War God.

Hua Hua Hua~

A series of BUFFs are added, and the golden light flashes, dazzling and dazzling.

[Hymn of Courage] [Divine Light Feather] [Thorns Anti-Armor] [Resistance Halo] [Holy Light Guard]

Increase strength, acceleration, intelligence, resistance, shield, and anti-armor

After this set of BUFFs, Su Mo felt like his whole body was boiling. Even if Amethyst Supreme and Martial Wind God of War came together, he would still dare to fight him.

Pressure, thick pressure came over, which made Wu Feng War God look shocked.

Even the God of War at his peak can feel tremendous pressure.

Su Mo's strength was far more terrifying than he imagined!

"Take the move!"

Su Mo shouted loudly, and rushed forward suddenly, like a golden lightning, extremely fast, the golden light of his right fist burst out, and the [Holy Blow] hit the opposite side with a mighty force.

The God of War, Wu Feng, took half a step back. The majestic flame energy flowed rapidly through his meridians and condensed into his fists. As he punched out, a violent fire dragon roared and flew out.


Fire dragons flying, golden light dazzling

When the two collided, the entire underground base trembled slightly, clusters of flames scattered like arrows, and golden light suddenly emitted at this moment, blinding people.

When all the light dissipated, the scene in front of them shocked everyone present.

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

I saw two figures, one red and one gold, flashing alternately, so fast that even Caroline, Wu Yao and other war kings and destruction-level superpowers could barely catch them.

However, anyone could see that Su Mo and Wu Feng God of War were not too far behind in the close battle, and were almost evenly matched.


Wu Yao's mouth opened wide, and his jaw almost dropped to the ground.

A newly promoted supreme level superpower can actually be on a par with the peak God of War in close combat. Damn it, don't be so exaggerated! ! !

Amethyst Supreme's eyes were surprised.

With his eyesight, he could see that Su Mo was still far behind Wu Feng God of War in terms of close combat, taking more hits and less counterattacks.

However, Wu Feng God of War only took advantage of his combat experience and fighting skills. Looking purely at basic qualities such as strength, speed, and explosive power, Su Mo was clearly superior to Wu Feng.

How on earth does a person with superpowers achieve physical fitness that is stronger than that of the peak God of War?

Bang bang bang! ! !

Wu Feng continuously punched, as fast as lightning, hitting Su Mo's side waist hard, causing his body to shake. However, at this moment, Wu Feng suddenly felt as if someone had punched him in the waist, and his blood was surging.

What is this ability?

Wu Feng's eyes showed deep shock and confusion.

He discovered that Su Mo had a magical power that could rebound the damage he caused to him in some weird way.

In other words, the harder he exerts himself, the more injured he will be.

Su Mo has the ability to heal and can completely replace injuries with injuries, but the more he fights, the more he becomes helpless and extremely frustrated.

"Haha, comfortable!"

Su Mo laughed inwardly and his eyes became brighter.

In terms of fighting skills and experience, he, a superpower who has just awakened for two or three years, cannot compare with the martial arts master. However, after adding a few BUFFs, he completely surpassed the Martial Arts God of War in terms of physical fitness. This is The place that makes him happiest.

"God of War, next I am going to use the new trick I just learned, please be careful!"

Su Mo let out a clear whistle, took half a step back with one foot, and then kicked off the ground.


In an instant, his speed suddenly increased. Wu Feng's pupils shrank. Before he could react, a huge force came from his chest, and then his body rose into the air.

[Flash Assault] Charge forward with divine power, launch a powerful attack, and knock away enemies in front.


When he was in the air, a ghostly figure appeared behind Wu Feng, and his fist was like a heavy hammer, hitting his back.

boom! ! !

Lieyan's Qi suddenly surged, like a volcano erupting. After blocking this heavy punch, Wu Feng landed on his feet, stretched one hand high above his head, and slashed out a sharp and violent flame sword Qi like a Qinglong Yanyue sword.


Su Mo blocked with both hands, and the sword energy first shattered the light shield with difficulty, and then slashed on his arm.

With the blessing of [Resistance Aura], his physical resistance and fire resistance have been strengthened a lot. Therefore, this flaming sword energy that can cut gold into pieces and melt steel into molten steel only remains on his arm. The next two skin wounds, neither deep nor shallow, were healed in an instant.

"One more move!"

Su Mo curled his lips, and the next second, a pair of white-gold angel wings spread out behind his back. The light feathers were all visible and arranged neatly. When the wings were fully opened, they were five meters long, exuding a holy , the noble atmosphere makes people unable to help but worship.


Wu Yao, Caroline and others stared at the angel wings behind Su Mo in disbelief.

Are you going to fly to heaven?


With a slight flap of his wings, he quickly took off and flew to the sky above the training ground. Su Mo almost hit his head. It was obvious that his control over the angel wings was not in place yet.

"Be careful!" Su Mo shouted, and then, his wings shook, and the light feathers flew together, like hundreds of golden arrows, covering all the areas where Wu Feng could avoid.

In desperation, Wufeng God of War could only activate more energy to protect his body and resist this move.

Boom boom boom!

The pieces of light feathers that looked beautiful and holy, like works of art, actually erupted with terrifying explosive power no less than that of missiles. For a moment, the entire underground base heard a series of violent explosions, and the executives rushed out one after another. room, eyes alert, looking around.

After the explosion, the room was filled with starry golden light fragments, dreamy and elegant, with a mysterious color.


An old cough sounded, and the Martial God of War walked out of a pile of floating golden sand. His clothes were torn, his hair was messy, and he looked quite embarrassed.

Swish swish swish~

A few rays of golden light fell on Wu Feng, causing him to quickly recover from most of his physical strength, energy and vigor.

Su Mo jumped down, landed firmly on the Martial Wind God of War, cupped his hands and said:

"Thank you God of War for the guidance."

The battle ends here. He has seen the effects of all new skills and made an assessment of his own strength.

If he really continues to fight, Wufeng God of War will definitely not be his opponent. However, War God is kind enough to help him practice. Of course, he cannot let the old man lose face in front of a group of juniors.

War God Wufeng could naturally tell that Su Mo was trying to save face for himself. He felt warm in his heart and patted his shoulder, sighing with emotion: "You are so old. From now on, you young people will rule the world."

He had just been promoted to Supreme and had such terrifying combat power. It is estimated that even Amethyst would not be his opponent now.

Terrible boy!

Su Mo scratched his head and smiled modestly.

The Hellfire members on the side were stunned, and Amethyst Supreme also had a complicated look on his face.

However, no one noticed that the camera in the corner of the room, which had been turned off, turned slightly at this moment.

A voice sounded faintly in the distant seabed.

"After 200 years, I finally waited for the right person."

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