Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 141 The coquettish Xiao Jie

Seeing Xiao Jie slowly walking up to the high platform, Brand felt nervous.

Among the Wildfire contestants, the one he most hopes to meet is Caroline, because his flames can perfectly restrain her plant abilities.

The person he least expected to encounter, besides Su Mo, was the killer-looking Xiao Jie in front of him.

Speed-type superpowers are the nemesis of almost all elemental superpowers.

Xiao Jie's appearance immediately aroused enthusiastic discussion at the scene and in front of the TV audience.

"Mom, his hairstyle is so weird~"

"Kid, you must not imitate him. This hairstyle shows that you are not a good person."

wildfire main city military base

Senior generals gathered in their offices to watch the game that will determine the military landscape for the next five years.

"Commander Xiao, your son really has a character~"

the chief of staff said jokingly.

Xiao Mingyuan, the deputy commander-in-chief of Wildfire, turned dark, "This kid always has these weird hairstyles. When I come back this time, I will shave him into a crew cut no matter what."


A burst of hearty laughter rang out in the conference room. Only his son in the world could make Commander Xiao, who had always been serious and rigid, show such an expression.

Even though he was dissatisfied with Xiao Jie's hairstyle, Xiao Mingyuan was filled with joy when he saw that his always rebellious son could stand on this stage and fight for the wildfire.

He believed that with his son's strength, he would be able to deal with a flame superpower like Brand.

"Both sides prepare!"

Goodell yelled: "Go!"


The moment the words were spoken, Xiao Jie disappeared in front of Brand's eyes!

So fast! ! ! !

Brand's pupils shrank suddenly, and he was horrified. Without experiencing it himself, he would never have imagined that Xiao Jie could be so fast.

The flames burst out, and a half-buttoned bowl-like flame shield protected him within it. Although it was difficult to catch Xiao Jie's figure with the naked eye, as a person with superpowers, he also has a sharp weapon, which is his strong mental power. .

Mental power can act as the "third eye" and form a large net. Once Xiao Jie enters the net, he will be noticed immediately.

However, just when the mental power had just spread, Brand's body stiffened suddenly, and then, an icy chill came close to his neck, and an indifferent voice sounded in his ears.

"If you move, you will die!"

Wow! ! !

When they saw Xiao Jie standing behind Brand, holding a dagger against Brand's neck, the audience, both at the scene and in front of the TV, exclaimed in disbelief.

Too fast, really too fast.

Without even blinking, Xiao Jie entered the flame shield and stood behind Brand, as if he had flashed.

Can such an enemy really be defeated?

When Kidd lost, the crowd was booed and cursed. But at this moment, when Brand's defeat was certain, the crowd was silent. Everyone was still immersed in the shock caused by the terrifying speed and could not get out.

"In the third battle, Wildfire Xiao Jie wins."

Until Goodell announced the result loudly, the scene gradually began to make sounds.

"Oh my god, is this guy a ghost?"

"Husband, this person is too exaggerated. I think he didn't even have two seconds just now, and he was faster than you!"

"How can we fight like this? Just admit defeat!"

Compared to the gorgeous and fierce fight just now, Xiao Jie's actions did not have the slightest hint of fireworks, but it was the understatement that made people feel even more deeply desperate.

The Federation was extremely silent, but Wildfire was the complete opposite.

Shocking cheers resounded over every shelter. Xiao Jie's strong performance proved to all Wildfire people that Wildfire will win this exchange meeting.

"Commander Xiao, your son is so awesome!"

"That's right, this kind of speed is scary just looking at it."

"Commander, why don't we arrange Xiao Jie to join our team in the future? Our Lanfeng team is short of an ace."

"Go on, even if you join the army, it won't be your turn, Lan Feng. Our Iron-Blooded Battalion hasn't spoken yet!"

Listening to the praise and compliments around him, as well as the almost scolding war caused by the fight for Xiao Jie, Xiao Mingyuan was in a really good mood. The killer hair style that was unacceptable before has now become more pleasing to the eye.


After being let go by Xiao Jie, Brand silently walked off the stage, looked at Mary who was about to appear, and said with a wry smile: "I really tried my best, be careful~"


Mary nodded vigorously.

She knew very well that facing a speed-type person like Xiao Jie, unless Brand arranged his defense in advance, if the two of them started at the same time, no matter how fast Brand reacted, he would not be able to catch up to Xiao Jie's sudden advance.

After all, the entire high platform is only 100*100m. For a destructive speed user like Xiao Jie, this distance is about the same as an ordinary person's legs.

But unlike the audience's generally despairing view, Mary doesn't think Xiao Jie is invincible.

As the saying goes, assassins are afraid of human shields.

Xiao Jie is fast, but his attack power is not very strong, and the martial arts master's body-protecting arrogance and strong body are no joke.

Therefore, she thought of a strategy and let Xiao Jie attack while she defended and counterattacked, exchanging injuries for injuries to defeat her opponent.

"give it to me!"

Mary grasped the broad-bladed sword in her hand and stepped onto the high platform step by step.

When Mary, with her charming face and hot body, stood on the stage, the men at the scene immediately applauded in unison and shouted crazily:

"Come on Miss Mary, I will always be your fan."

"Miss Mary, charge the duck!"

"Don't be afraid, it's not your responsibility if you lose!"

People are attracted by Mary's charming and enchanting image, but few people know that she is a terrifying witch with countless blood stains on her hands and has the title of "Bloody Mary".

Standing 50 meters away from Xiao Jie, Mary secretly raised her energy. As long as Lord Goodell gave an order, she would burst out with a body-protecting flame in an instant to resist Xiao Jie's attack.

"Both sides prepare!"

Goodell shouted in a deep voice: "Start!"


Blood-red flames suddenly erupted, protecting Mary like a pillar of light.

She gripped the sword tightly and assumed a defensive stance, focusing extremely hard on herself, alert to the incoming attack.

However, to everyone's surprise - Xiao Jie didn't move at all.

He threw the dagger upwards, caught it firmly, and looked at Mary with a smile, his pride and mockery almost overflowing the screen.


Su Mo gave a thumbs up in the audience.

It was obvious that Xiao Jie had anticipated the measures Mary would take, so he simply stood still and watched quietly as Mary activated her internal strength and put on a defensive posture.

His attack may not be able to cause substantial harm to Mary, but as long as he goes there, it will be a huge threat to Mary.

She must be vigilant at all times and dare not let up in the slightest.

One is leisurely and motionless, the other is focused on defense.

It won't take long for Mary's internal and mental strength to be quickly exhausted.

"Being fooled!"

Seeing the teasing and ridicule in Xiao Jie's eyes, Mary gritted her teeth and was filled with anger.

But just as Su Mo thought, she couldn't relax, but it was not a problem to defend useless like a clown. Therefore, she quickly gathered her inner strength and kept her protective aura at a certain level. She was tense and far away from Xiao Jie. Look at each other.

One minute, two minutes, five minutes, ten minutes passed...

The two of them were like a couple at odds. You looked at me and I looked at you, but neither one took the first step.

As time goes by, the pressure on Mary is getting bigger and bigger. On the one hand, it comes from the consumption of internal energy. Although she can maintain this state for a long time, Xiao Jie opposite is in a completely relaxed state and has no strength at all. Not out.

On the other hand, the pressure comes from the audience at the scene, or more precisely, from the federation and the consortium behind it.

This exchange meeting is the home field of the Federation and is highly anticipated.

If two people just stared at each other for half an hour, the saliva and boos would probably drown her.

Regardless of whether she wins or loses in this duel, such an ugly performance will definitely affect the reputation of the consortium behind her.

"No, changes must be made."

Mary gripped the sword tightly, a flash of determination flashed in her eyes.

"Oh, are you finally going to take action?"

The corners of Xiao Jie's mouth raised. Mary was anxious, but he was not anxious at all.

As an assassin, calmness and patience are qualities he gradually developed after awakening.

In addition, the biggest advantage of a speed type user is that as long as he wants to run, no one at the same level can touch the hem of his clothes.

Anyway, he had completed his mission and killed Brand, so there was no need for a head-on confrontation with Mary.

Use up her energy and leave this woman to Caroline to deal with.

Who doesn’t love watching beauty battles?


Mary stepped forward and suddenly charged forward. The broad-edged long sword swept out, and dozens of bloody sword energy burst out, like a goddess scattering flowers, shooting in all directions of the arena.

Mary tried to use this trick to leave Xiao Jie with nowhere to escape and had no choice but to fight with her head-on.

However, she still underestimated Xiao Jie too much.

In the eyes of masters like Su Mo, Wu Feng, and Goodell, Xiao Jie is like a nimble swimming fish, flickering between sword auras with ease.

Unknowingly, he was behind Mary.

However, Xiao Jie did not take this opportunity to attack from behind.

Because, such a move would create an opportunity for Mary to defend and counterattack.

His strategy is to hide and play hide-and-seek with the opponent.

If you touch me, I'll let you hey hey hey.

Mary turned around abruptly, her eyes becoming more solemn. She didn't expect that Xiao Jie would not be fooled at all when she took advantage of the situation and exposed her back to Xiao Jie.

It seemed that Xiao Jie simply wanted to consume his own energy and internal strength.

"You are a grown man, can you only hide?" Mary tried to use provocation and said disdainfully: "Coward, useless person."

Mary's voice, through some kind of device, echoed throughout the stadium.

Soon, the audience at the scene shouted in unison:

"Coward, trash!"

"Coward, trash!"

"Coward, trash!"

The sound was getting louder and louder, and it could almost overturn the stadium.

However, in the face of the abuse and insults from the audience, Xiao Jie did not show the slightest anger on his face. Instead, he waved to the audience triumphantly, as if what he heard was not insults, but praises.

Bitch! ! !

Xiao Jie's performance made Mary even more angry and her teeth almost broke.

Facing such a shameless person, not only was her provoking method useless, it actually made her very angry.


Mary snorted coldly and withdrew all her inner strength.

Even if you want to consume me, I won't do anything. What do you want to do?

However, the moment she removed her inner strength, Xiao Jie suddenly disappeared.

Shocked in her heart, Mary quickly activated her protective aura and raised her sword to block.

But the next second, flames of anger burst out of her eyes.

Xiao Jie was seen standing in the corner of the ring, raising his eyebrows at her proudly and grinning.

As if to say, hey, you were deceived by me again!


Mary couldn't bear it anymore and cursed in front of hundreds of millions of people.

That’s so mean, how could there be such a mean person!

Hey, why are you still swearing?

Xiao Jie shook off his coquettish bangs and smiled: "Stop praising me, I will be proud!"


Not to mention the federal people, even the people of Wildfire felt that Xiao Jie's expression really deserved a beating.

But the more this happens, the more comfortable the Wildfire Man feels.

Beating someone up is not the most satisfying thing. The most satisfying thing is to see your opponent's face turn green with anger but you can't do anything about it.

Hehe, I just like to see the way you want to fuck me but can’t kill me.

I'm so mad at you! (slightly)

"I...I'll kill you!"

Mary was so angry that she trembled all over, screamed, and rushed towards Xiao Jie like a madman, waving her sword continuously, stimulating streams of unstoppable bloody sword energy.

Swish Swish Swish~~~

Hundreds of sword energy flew around, making the high platform a forbidden area that was difficult to get off.

But even in this dangerous environment, Xiao Jie transformed into a soul dancer dancing on the tip of the sword. He flashed and moved, always allowing the sword energy to pass by his body, but it was difficult to leave any injuries.

"No, can you push a little harder? Work harder!"

A mean voice sounded from nowhere, Mary's eyes were filled with fire, and she released all her inner strength without hesitation.

Swish swish swish~

Phantom flicker

Mary's various offensives were all in vain, and she couldn't even touch Xiao Jie's clothes.

By the end of the fight, she was really desperate.

I even couldn't help but start to comfort myself, forget it, anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is not my problem.

After all, I also consumed Xiao Jie’s energy, so it’s not too embarrassing!

With only 20% of her internal strength left, Mary no longer wanted to be teased like this anymore. She stopped moving, took a few deep breaths, raised her hands, and was about to admit defeat.

At this moment, a voice beat her to it.

"I surrender!"

What! ! !

Mary's body trembled and she turned around to look at Xiao Jie.

Xiao Jie waved his hand at her with a smile and said, "Beauty, stop chasing me. I am the man you can never chase."

After saying that, he disappeared instantly and appeared next to Su Mo and others.

I am the man you can never chase!

Mary was so angry at these words that her chest almost exploded.

Bitch, just wait, don't let me catch you.

Otherwise, I will tear your mouth apart.


Su Mo and Wu Yao gave Xiao Jie a thumbs up.

This guy is usually coquettish, but he didn't expect that he could be so coquettish under the attention of hundreds of millions of people.

"A prize, a prize, a prize." Xiao Jie lifted his bangs, feeling proud.

"It's finally my turn."

Caroline stood up, her beautiful big eyes flashing with excitement, and slowly walked onto the high platform.

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