Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 140 The First Battle: Flame Showdown

"Dear audience friends, the Genius Martial Arts Exchange Meeting is about to begin."

The federal host stood on a high platform, holding a microphone, and his eloquent voice spread throughout the stadium.

"The first step is to announce the order of appearance. Let us invite Supreme Goodell and Lord Wu Feng, the God of War from Wildfire, to appear!!!"


Suddenly, there was thunderous applause.

The audience watched with excitement as Goodell, the number one man in the Federation, and Martial God of War, the master of wildfire, stepped onto the high platform side by side.

"Old friend, shall I come first?" Goodell said to Wu Feng with a smile.

Wu Feng stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "The guest does as he pleases."

Goodell took the microphone and announced the federal order of appearance under the spotlight.

"The order of appearance of the Federation is: Kidd, Brand, Mary, Oquil, and Reyev!"

Woo ah~~~

The audience waved flags excitedly and cheered loudly.

This order~

After hearing the order of appearance of the Federation, Su Mo and others looked at each other and then smiled.

"Old friend, it's your turn."

Goodell handed the microphone to Wu Feng.

Wu Feng took the phone and said in a deep voice:

"The order of appearance of Wildfire is Wu Yao, Xiao Jie, Caroline, Meng Shi, and Su Mo!"

This time, Victor became a substitute. The main reason is that his ability [Energy Explosion] is not suitable for one-on-one combat. When facing a martial artist, it is easy to be hurt and cut in close.

Victor himself had no objection to the arrangement of substitutes.

Bang bang bang~

The audience burst into warm applause again. Of course, the momentum could not be compared with that just now, and boos could even be clearly heard.

Su Mo is the last one!

Brand and others' eyes lit up, and the big stone in their hearts finally fell to the ground.

It seems that, as everyone thought, Wildfire also wants to give other members of the Hellfire Team a chance to perform, and they cannot come in vain.

In this way, even if they really lose in the end, at least everyone will still have a chance to show their strength before Su Mo comes on the stage.

However, in this order of appearance, Reyev would be miserable.

It is very likely that as soon as he takes the stage, he will face Su Mo and be killed instantly with one punch.

A dead Taoist friend will never die a poor Taoist ~

They had only met Reyev today, and they had no feelings for this man, and were even a little repelled.

The worse Reyev is beaten, the more excellent and powerful the other four are brought out.

This arrangement is great~

After the order of appearance is determined, the next step is to officially enter the competition.

There were no commercials or performances. After Goodell and Wu Feng stepped down, the first member of both parties appeared directly.

The first member sent by the federation was named Kidd. Unlike the phantom thief in Death's Elementary School, Mr. Kidd was plain in appearance and short in stature. He held a long sword, his eyes were calm and calm, and he said nothing.

In contrast, Wu Yao is more prominent in both image and temperament. He has a handsome face and a naughty smile. The tip of the knife stands on the ground and the handle is held in the palm of his hand, giving people a lazy and relaxed feeling. .

When the big screen zoomed in on the confrontation between the two, even the federal people had to admit that the temperament was really manipulated by Wildfire.

In the audience, through the [Eye of Insight], Su Mo saw Kidd's information.

D-level martial artist, the same level as Wu Yao.

The difference is that Master Wu Yao teaches the martial arts of the God of War, and has more resources than Kidd in terms of techniques, martial arts concepts, and martial arts skills.

In addition, Wu Yao had just completed a month of high-intensity special training not long ago, and his martial arts skills had reached perfection. It should not be a problem to defeat Kidd of the same level.


Following Goodell's order, Wu Yao and Kidd activated their martial arts arrogance at the same time.


The fiery red martial arts flames surged, Wu Yao dragged his long knife, like a flaming monster, and rushed towards Kidd.

Kid looked at the oncoming figure calmly. His internal strength was wind attribute, so speed and flexibility were what he was best at. When Wu Yao was about to approach within 10 meters, cyan flames exploded, and he tiptoed lightly. Pointing to the ground, his body was like a fallen leaf in the strong wind, floating and passing by Wu Yao.

At the moment of intersection, the rapier in Kidd's hand swept out quickly, and several sharp and small wind blades separated from the sword body, stabbing Wu Yao's eyes and throat insidiously.

Wu Yao's body paused, and the crossbar of the long sword collided with the rapier, sparking and making a crisp sound. At the same time, the martial arts flames protecting the body blocked all the small wind blades that were difficult to detect and dissipated them into nothing.

After resisting the sword, Wu Yao made a fist with one hand and struck Kidd in the face with fierce fire energy.

Feeling the raging heat wave coming towards his face, Kidd dwarfed his body, spun on the soles of his feet, and turned behind Wu Yao like a top, stabbing with the rapier aimed at the back of his heart.

However, Wu Yao seemed to have expected that he would do this. He turned his body and the blade blocked the tip of the sword just right. The terrifying force of the collision made the two of them take a few steps back.


When all the projections above the stadium played a slow-motion replay of the duel between the two, the audience screamed in surprise.

The duel only lasts for a few seconds, but the moves are fatal. If you react even slightly slower, you will go down to meet the King of Hell.

Is this the strength of the War King martial artist? Just like Superman.


The thin sword trembled rapidly, and the green light surged. Kidd rushed forward again. The sword was as fast as the wind and as dense as a rain shower, stabbing at Wu Yao's vitals. Every time he drew the sword, it would leave a trail in the air that was like a substance. afterimage.

"Well done!"

Wu Yao shouted loudly, swung his sword and blocked the water, continuously blocking Kidd's swift sword moves.

A month ago, he would have been a little confused, but after a month of special training, he has completely adapted to this speed of attack.

In training, Su Mo was under greater pressure than Kidd. From the desperate beating at the beginning, he gradually found the secret to dealing with fast breaks.

A month of special training allowed him to complete his final transformation. Even if Kidd's speed is 20% faster, he is still confident to deal with it.

"Old friend, you, a junior, are really not simple~"

Beside the high platform, Goodell stared at the battlefield and couldn't help but sigh.

Everyone who participated in the Federation was personally selected by him, so he was very aware of Kidd's abilities.

Kidd's characteristic is that he is fast, fast, and moves faster. Like a sudden storm, even if only a small flaw is exposed, he can infinitely magnify the flaw and finally deliver a fatal blow.

And Wu Yao, a martial artist who cultivates the inner power of fire, is not much slower than Kidd, and can easily block all Kidd's attacks.

It can be seen that its strength is obviously superior.

Wu Feng smiled faintly, his eyes slightly pleased: "Wu Yao is indeed the most outstanding junior in our family."

After being unable to attack for a long time, Kidd's heart began to panic, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. He gritted his teeth and decided to give up his current fighting method.


Kidd quickly withdrew, and the cyan energy gathered on the rapier. In the blink of an eye, several sword shadows appeared, like satellites, slowly rotating around the rapier. The sharp and sharp aura spread, making Wu Yao feel his skin. Stinging slightly.

Have you started amplifying your moves?

Wu Yao curled his lips, and the flames of the sword in his hand surged, exuding a fiery and domineering aura.

"Shadow Sword!"

Kidd thrust out a sword out of thin air, and the shadow of the sword shot out suddenly, like an arrow from a string, suddenly spread out in the air, drew an arc, and flew towards Wu Yao's vital points from different angles.

"Well done!"

Wu Yao let out a clear whistle, held the sword in both hands, and swung it suddenly from his waist. In an instant, a beautiful arc of flame bloomed, like an insurmountable barrier, shattering the sword's energy into pieces, turning into broken cyan energy, scattered all over the ground. .

After defending for a long time, it was time to attack.

With his feet kicking on the ground, Wu Yao suddenly rushed a dozen meters away and came to Kidd. The sword slashed down diagonally, bringing with it a fierce and violent flame energy, causing a wave of heat.

Kidd's face changed slightly. His toes touched the ground, and his body seemed to be gliding. He stepped back more than ten meters, narrowly avoiding the head-on sword attack.

Although the sword failed, the energy on the sword escaped from the body, forming a gorgeous flaming sword energy, and continued to rush forward.

A red light exploded, and Kidd's pupils shrank, and he quickly blocked it with his sword, using his arrogance to protect his body.

boom! ! !

Accompanied by an explosion, Kidd stepped back half a step, blocking Wu Yao's blow, but at the same time, this small step back also exposed a flaw in him.

Although there is only a trace, how could the experienced Wu Yao be unable to grasp it.


The red figure stepped forward. This time, it was Wu Yao who attacked.

Ding ding ding ding~

The sound of swords clashing continued.

Wu Yao's sword skills were as fierce as fire, crazy and fierce. In terms of speed, he was a little slower than Kidd, but his power was completely overwhelming, giving Kidd no chance to breathe.

At first, Kidd could barely hold on, but as the confrontation continued, he felt his wrists and arms gradually becoming numb, and he felt like he was about to lose control.

"No, if this continues, I will definitely lose."

A ruthless look flashed in Kid's eyes, and the thin sword was pointed on the blade. He did not retreat like before, but stepped forward directly. Five strands of cyan energy condensed into a spiral wind and wrapped around his fingers. Like a drill, it stabbed toward Wu Yao's face.

If he was solid this time, he would definitely be killed on the spot.

"Be careful~"

In the audience, Caroline and Victor's hearts immediately lifted, and Goodell and Wu Feng also tightened their bodies, always ready to save people.

However, as a special training instructor, Su Mo didn't panic at all.

He knew that Wu Yao would not be surprised by this move.

The reason is simple. Ji Qiqi has also used this trick before, causing Wu Yao to suffer several losses, but after getting familiar with it, it has never worked again.

Sure enough, Wu Yao turned around and tilted his head almost subconsciously, allowing Kidd to jump in the air. Taking advantage of the opponent's open door, Wu Yao dropped the sword mercilessly and hit Kidd's chest continuously with both fists.

Bang bang bang~~~

Both fists came out, like a pile driver, dancing like a phantom. In one second, he punched Kidd's chest more than a dozen times. The force of each punch could easily break the granite.

Kidd's body trembled violently and he retreated repeatedly, his bones groaning.

It is true that he is a thick-skinned martial artist, but he is not good at defense. Even with the flame protection, he cannot withstand Wu Yao's violent punch combo.


With a punch full of energy, Kidd spat out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards for dozens of meters. His shirt burst open, revealing his strong muscles. But at the same time, his chest felt like it had been hit by a fireball, and his flesh and blood were blurred. Burnt black.

"In this battle, Wildfire player Wu Yao wins." Goodell jumped on the stage and announced the result in a deep voice.


When they saw that their own player lost the match, the audience was in an uproar. They pulled their hair a little, some looked sad, and some even cursed Kidd on the stage, thinking that he had lost an important opening game, which was too embarrassing. Disgrace to the Federation.


Kidd reluctantly stood up and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. Hearing the noise and insults in his ears, the corner of his mouth was bitter.


He had worked hard for so long and spent countless days and nights perfecting his martial arts skills, but in the end he was crushed and defeated by Wu Yao.

In addition to being disappointed, he also felt endless confusion in his heart.

He didn't know how to face the relatives, friends, teachers and financial groups behind him who had high hopes for him.


At this moment, a big hand was placed on his shoulder. Brand walked onto the stage at some point, patted his shoulder and said:

"Kidd, you have done a good job, leave the rest to us."

Kidd turned his head and looked at Mary and O'Quill who were giving thumbs up to him in the audience. He sighed helplessly and said:

"Then I'll leave it to you."

After saying that, he jumped off the high platform, and the medical team that had been preparing for a long time quickly started treating him.

Wu Yao was not given a moment to rest. As soon as Brand came on stage, Goodell announced that the second game had officially begun.


Dozens of flame rain fell from the sky, like exploding fireworks, pouring towards Wu Yao.

Wu Yao let out a loud shout, protected his body with qi flames, and rushed out against the rain of flames. With a slash of his long sword, the full moon sword qi was as blazing as fire and shot at Brand.

When the sword energy hit, Brand didn't panic, grabbed it with one hand, and a thick wall of flames appeared in front of him.

The fiery red sword energy hit the flame curtain wall. For a moment, an explosion sounded, sparks flew everywhere, and both of them disappeared.

When a martial artist faces a person with superpowers, the most critical thing is to control the distance.

The world of martial arts masters is to stay close to the body.

Wu Yao naturally knew this, so he took a step forward and rushed towards Brand like a cheetah.

However, as a destructive-level superpower, Brand also has rich experience in dealing with martial arts masters. With a wave of his hand, several flame puppets blocked Wu Yao's path and trapped him inside.

Immediately afterwards, fireballs all over the sky fell one after another as if they were free of charge.

At this moment, Wu Yao not only had to deal with the attack of the flame puppet, but also had to distract himself from the attack of the fireball. He could handle it at first. After all, his internal attribute was fire, and his resistance to flames was very high, but as he As the battle continued, his internal strength and energy became somewhat unable to keep up.

Although he seemed to defeat Kidd easily in the first battle, after the battle, most of his internal energy was consumed.

In fact, he could also choose to withstand Brand's indiscriminate bombardment and try to fight for his life.

But at the beginning of the battle, the Hellfire Team set a principle: don't risk your life and don't get hurt. As long as you can win one game, you can exhaust the opponent as much as possible in the second game.

Therefore, after resisting hard for a few minutes, he felt that his inner strength was about to reach the bottom, and he shouted without hesitation:

"I surrender!"

When he heard his opponent admit defeat, Brand stopped attacking and panted slightly.

"In the second game, Federal Brand wins!"

When Goodell announced the result of the second game, the scene suddenly erupted into volcanic eruption of cheers, deafening, and the entire venue seemed to be shaking slightly.


Wu Yao jumped off the platform, high-fived Xiao Jie who was about to come on the stage, and said with a smile:

"This is your cup of tea. Try to take him down in half a minute."

Xiao Jie shook off the long slanted bangs that covered his left eye, raised his chin slightly, and said:

"Half a minute? If he lasts for 10 seconds, he wins!"

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